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Post by TempestOne »

Last edited by TempestOne on Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tactics For Nearing Endgame

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Why aren't you just progressing the story so you can get new weapons and armor from dungeons. If you don't move the plot along then obviously you're going to be stuck with nothing new.



Post by TempestOne »

Last edited by TempestOne on Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tactics For Nearing Endgame

Post by Alunissage »

IIRC the Cascade Ring is an item you use in battle to have the effect of Luna's Cascade Ring. It doesn't boost stats unless it's used; equipping it changes nothing. The only accessory in the game that does affect stats is the Charm, which boosts Anti-Magic by 10.

You have Jessica using the Mace? She should at least have the Flail by now (sold in the same shop as the Samurai Blade).

There are better things coming up in the dungeons and towns in the Frontier, of course, as SP noted. It sounds like you haven't been to any of the towns yet.

The Pixie Bow is for Nash. Tempest can use it, but his own best weapon is the Pixie Whip. The Pixie Bow is Nash's best weapon if you're going to have him attack; like all ranged weapons its attack is fixed regardless of the wielder's ATK stat, but even if Nash were equipped with his best melee weapon he'd have to be at level 90 to catch up to his Pixie Bow attack.



Post by TempestOne »

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Re: Tactics For Nearing Endgame

Post by AkagisWhiteComet »

It's been quite some years since I've played TSS on my SEGA CD, but I can tell you by the end of the game it is not difficult. It also sounds like you're right near the end of the game.

You shouldn't be worried about equipping your characters with the "best" or particular equipment. The "right" equipment falls into the hands of the characters with the natural story progression. Additionally by this time Alex and Kyle should be causing devastating damage to enemies. Both should be able to attack around three times a round at least, so you can unleash magic at the initial turn, then subsequently use the remaining attack times for their standard attacks. Doing this causes crazy damage to most everything. Mia has De-Protect at this point, which if you want to cause even more drastic damage have her cast that on whatever you're fighting and victory is pretty much guaranteed every round. Her De-Protect spell outweighs wasting individual character's rounds to cast magics on themselves to raise stats, since you will usually have the upper hand on attacking enemies initially anyway, thus causing damage quicker.

I can't remember the particulars of what each of my characters' had in their personal inventory slots. I do know that I kept a Althena herb in each one. No silver lights in personals, although the main communal inventory I kept loaded with Althena herbs and silver lights. If the official guide (I actually do not have that guide in my LUNAR collection) is telling you to load up on Seeds of Vigor I can tell you you won't be using them much. I loaded up on Althena herbs and Silver lights for free from Ramus towards the end. By this time there probably should be no need to actually use accessories like the Cascade ring in battle to raise stats. As long as you're mostly attacking with magic in the opening attack of each character's round and using the remainder of attack times with physical attacks you'll make short order of anything you battle. I think by this time the only character that should have just one attack remaining will be Mia (maybe Nash too...) with natural level progression.

If you want to level up drastically before the final dungeon, attacking the high-level enemies around the Grindery is a good resource. Since you can get free silver lights and Althena herbs from Ramus you can just play and level up, use those items to heal, then go back and get freebies to replenish. The final dungeon is fairly long, but you won't use up most of the personal character's inventories of items to be worried about getting stuck or unable to complete. I believe by this time the communal inventory only has two un-removable items (the thieves guild crest and something else.... again, it's been a while since I've played it....) so you can load up en masse on healing items and you'll be good to go.

I could probably pull up my final save to see all my stats and item arrangement, but I can tell you the final dungeon was not a problem whatsoever. I didn't even lose one character in any battle.



Post by TempestOne »

Last edited by TempestOne on Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tactics For Nearing Endgame

Post by AkagisWhiteComet »

Like I said it's been quite some time since I've played TSS - last full play through was back around 1996 and I've only played through it twice - so I've probably forgotten specifics of the items I used or had by the end.

However I got to say it sounds like if you struggled like that you must not have sufficiently leveled up the party. I believe the general consensus is that every character be above LVL 50, and beyond that preferably to get around 52 - 54. At those levels both Alex and Kyle have at least three chances of attack in a turn, pretty much making short order of every enemy you encounter. Getting above those levels you're starting to do some serious overkill that probably is only worth doing if you're willing to waste a lot of time.

I think a lot of people try to use Mia on offense, but I rarely did that. I simply moved her into the furthest-most away slot in battle (which oddly enough put her like behind Nall in the "queue-walk" if I remember right). Even at high levels she often is not able to act before enemies you fight, so with this if you're facing a strong enemy(ies) that won't cause enough damage to require healing the first round you can have her prep de-protect or similar stat reducers on enemies to prep for the second and subsequent rounds. Nash in this kind of becomes a "healer" of sorts, since he's usually below attack power of Jessica but above Mia. He can move "fast" enough to use an item in a subsequent round that would take up potential attack rounds of a higher ranked character, but shouldn't be relegated to wasting the round on Mia to prevent her from casting a spell.

Oddly enough a similar strategy to this seemingly works to the same effect with TSSC on the PS1 later in the game.

I was quite disappointed with the final sets of battles in the Grindery. I was expecting a tremendously epic battle that pretty much ended in farce, and I think there were other points in TSS that were much more challenging. I think even the Inca God boss - which is extremely odd that such a character exists in LUNAR to begin with - was more difficult. I however did look fairly stupid not realizing to use the harp the first few times through before getting to Luna, but that was before one could easily go to Google and search for a walkthrough or tips.

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Re: Tactics For Nearing Endgame

Post by Alunissage »

I'm pretty sure that by the end of the game you can sell the Prison Key to Ramus's shopkeeper, at the same time as she offers you free stuff. You can't do it earlier than when you can get free stuff from the store, though.

Seed of Vigor restores 255 MP max.

Someone here did a bunch of experimenting to see where Mia would have to be to beat Xenobia and the Magic Emperor on her own. An item drop in the Palace is the nut that ups Agility by +2 (Alcana Nut?) so he gave her a bunch of those. Thread's around here somewhere.



Post by TempestOne »


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