If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

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How many copies of a new Lunar 2 would you buy?

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If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by jay_are »

We have starved too much. :lol:
If Lunar 2 came out for Vita, similar to SSH but with tons of improvements... how many copies of it would you buy/ wish you could buy within a realistic income?

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by Kizyr »

Well, I'd probably purchase 2 copies: the English and Japanese versions. (Isn't the Vita download-only, though? Are there region locks for it then that'd force me to get two Vitas or something ridiculous like that?)

I don't have a Vita now so I'd end up buying that. Which isn't unprecedented... I got a PSP solely because a Lunar game was coming out for it, and I got a DS for the same reason (although I got way more mileage out of both -- especially the DS). The only thing that broke that trend was Lunar SSS Touch, since even that can't get me to buy any iOS system and use iTunes. KF
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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by jay_are »

The Vita is download only, for PSP games only!
Vita games are cartridges :D like memory sticks, more like, in the way that they are thinner than DS games.
Aaaaaand it's region free for physical games! So, in that case, you only need 1 Vita.
If I knew Japanese, I would also get both versions...

:lol: We have in common that we both got a DS and a PSP to start with Lunar, but played a lot more games for the system afterwards, also especially the DS.
But, I already do own a Vita! I admit, part of the reason for that is STILL Lunar.
I hate the PSP's d-pad (Had to modify it to make it better)
I hate the PSP's analog stick.
I hate the PSP's screen size.
The Vita's screen is big, d-pad and analog are perfect, so I need a second run of the game in that. And other games too, there are many PSP games to play.

I'm one of the many people that prefer physical copies of games, but that didn't stop me from getting SSST the night it came out!
SSST is compatible with bluetooth controllers too :)

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by Alunissage »

Undoubtedly, as many as there are distinct versions. Heck, I have three copies of Genesis/Dragon Song, because it was released in Europe too.

I think I got the PSP for Lunar also, but am not entirely sure. Don't remember the exact sequence of events, since there was a second PSP purchased for some hacking purpose which may have been the playing of the Japanese HSS demo. I forget. Spouse just got a Vita, somewhat impulsively, to play Ys IV (I think?) on.

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by brit »

Well if I had a vita (which I would totally buy if a Lunar 2 re-make or even a port came out on it) I would buy at least two, one for playing and another one to simply look at just because I love Lunar 2 a heck of a lot more than SSS (I have two of the psx copies of EBC one that I play and the another one that is still factory sealed)

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by Shiva Indis »

Kizyr wrote:Well, I'd probably purchase 2 copies: the English and Japanese versions.

My thought is that a re-remake of Lunar 2 would be a bigger project than SSH unless Vanguard gets on board to develop it. But as far as I can recall, Vanguard hasn't worked on a Lunar game since L2EB.

I'd be very interested to see how JAM would approach the material, though.


Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by TempestOne »

jay_are, you make the best threads.

Well... it depends. If it's made by the original company, I'd buy it for sure because I like their translation style the best - I think I'm just used to it and they'd know more deeper into the lore than most because of quality handling from years ago. Heck, if that other new company put it out there, buying it wouldn't be out of the question. To me, it depends on which style - if it's SEGA CD era style, I'll get it for sure, no question. My money's locked. If it's PSX era, I'll still get it as long as there are improvements in overall appeal, then if there're bonus dungeons or just those extras - tangible extras don't count (though they do), but they don't hurt, hehe. If it's like LUNAR: Silver Star Harmony, I'll probably pick it up since they added totally new storyline and characters, plus artwork. I still haven't really started... I barely left the island. Cool thread. 8-)

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by Alunissage »

TempestOne wrote:If it's made by the original company, I'd buy it for sure because I like their translation style the best - I think I'm just used to it and they'd know more deeper into the lore than most because of quality handling from years ago.
You're conflating two unrelated things, possibly just from picking the wrong word. Do you mean localized? Because the original Japanese scripts for SSSC, Lunar Legend, and SSH are mostly identical (each has scenes exclusive to that game, but the rest of it is the same), but were translated/localized by three different companies (WD, Ubisoft, XSeed). And of course WD also localized the Sega CD games and EBC, and Ubi also localized Genesis/Dragon Song. But aside from the script and some of the art, I think there have been a number of developers that had their hands in the various Japanese games -- Shiva Indis or Temzin would be better people to go through that, as I'm kind of iffy on it all, but I think each of the four versions of Lunar 1 was done by a different group in association with Game Arts. And of course there ARE minor (or major) storyline differences. So I'm just not clear on what it is you're actually trying to say you prefer. I'm guessing you mean WD's localization, but am not sure.

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by Temzin »

You're conflating two unrelated things, possibly just from picking the wrong word. Do you mean localized? Because the original Japanese scripts for SSSC, Lunar Legend, and SSH are mostly identical (each has scenes exclusive to that game, but the rest of it is the same), but were translated/localized by three different companies (WD, Ubisoft, XSeed). And of course WD also localized the Sega CD games and EBC, and Ubi also localized Genesis/Dragon Song. But aside from the script and some of the art, I think there have been a number of developers that had their hands in the various Japanese games -- Shiva Indis or Temzin would be better people to go through that, as I'm kind of iffy on it all, but I think each of the four versions of Lunar 1 was done by a different group in association with Game Arts. And of course there ARE minor (or major) storyline differences. So I'm just not clear on what it is you're actually trying to say you prefer. I'm guessing you mean WD's localization, but am not sure.
Alun's correct as usual---Game Arts published each Lunar and provided creative direction, but outside of Shigema on scripts, Kubooka on character designs and storyboards/animation direction (starting from Mega CD Eternal Blue, I believe, but certainly by SSS), and Iwadare/Mizoguchi on music, it's always been a different set of people. Studio Alex was central to Mega CD TSS and EB, and worked in coordination with Vanguard, JAM, etc. on the SSS and EB remakes. In the intervening decade, Studio Alex was sued into oblivion based on a highly unfortunate legal issue on the Magic School Lunar anime, Game Arts itself continued its decline, had its Grandia III published by Square-Enix of all people, and was then bought by Gungho (hum). Harmony was made under Gungho by scraping together SSS animation assets, hiring Shigema to add a (terrible) new prologue, and redesigning the guts of the game. Sales were truly abyssmal in Japan, where it counts---the highest count I've ever heard is 30,000 copies, and I can only find records of 17,000 these days. An EB remake would be similarly reliant upon old animation assets (which unfortunately were massively worse in quality than the SSS remake) given the lack of resources and interest, with Shigema and Iwadare available for whatever small Harmony-level arrangements were planned. None of which has the slightest bit to do with the English translated versions. I am amazed that in 2013 people still think that Working Designs (or XSeed, god forbid, or any other translation agency) are involved in any way with the creation of Lunar.
aka Maou


Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by TempestOne »

If LUNAR 2 came out for PS Vita would I buy it?

Maybe. Is that better?

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by jay_are »

TempestOne wrote:jay_are, you make the best threads.
LOL... I am glad to hear that man!! Thanks!
TempestOne wrote:To me, it depends on which style
Weeell you already answered to Alunissage and Temzin, but I meant really something newish, like SSH, with those ultra beautiful backgrounds everywhere, and awesome characters, except improved further to a PS Vita level. As in, maybe the maps themselves won't be as small as in SSH. I noticed they shrunk significantly from the PS1 to PSP. Maybe they would have a 3D-ish movement! Ever played a PS1 game where backgrounds were pre-rendered, and the characters were 2D, yet the characters could come close to the screen and look bigger, or get farther? That kinda dynamic would be amazing while still looking 2D! Just giving you an idea on what "improvements" could mean. Hell, they could just make it 3D already..... as long as it doesnt have low frame-rate like a lot of 3D games. I love a smooth scrolling screen. Other improvements could mean a lot of polishing to the battles, like making them faster and more ways to attack, or spells. And for the love of god, more challenging and strategic!
A last, far-fetched improvement could be redone movies with a lot of cool HD effects from today and intense action in those movies, as well as improved dialogue. Though this almost entirely depends on the company that translates it, but imagine better written script by better voices! :lol:

Hey guys i'm well aware that this isn't happening any time soon :lol: but some other game companies do it. It's unfair. I can dream too.
Temzin wrote: hiring Shigema to add a (terrible) new prologue
Though I really appreciate their effort, I agree a lot of it is done wrong at least to my personal preferences... but mainly, it's just a futuristic version of the same thing that happens at the end of the game... but takes place in the past. My brain! Oh, and Dyne's voice ............
At least they did cool music there!
Temzin wrote:Sales were truly abyssmal in Japan
I should make a new thread about what to blame for those low sales SSH had!


Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by TempestOne »

You're welcome.

Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about like, "improved sprites" that have more movement and detail to them. I don't even think it has anything to do with the 3D background just the standalone graphic by itself is all some people are looking for sometimes, at times. I actually haven't even played Silver Star Harmony LUNAR to its completion, I don't know why! I think it has more to do with the, my PSP Go that I bought and how it doesn't play the physical copies of games and I'd wonder to myself why I even bought it besides thinking it was the coolest and coolest-looking rendition of the PlayStation Portable... now I know why.

I hear what you're saying about the game but a lot of the time I don't think companies even cater to us as much as... ever, really. Like our voices don't carry far enough to make it to the other side of the globe even online. I don't think any fan-person has ever gotten an exclusive game specific to their favorite character... ...ever. And, I've noticed this growing up for the longest time. I don't even have to bring up Final Fantasy VII, do I? The one time-ish where American gamers ever stood up and cared something like about a videogame and we get, like, three entries about... *yawns*

Hehe, I like your ideas, though. I went online to their website and they had new voices and my mouth was left ajar the entire time. I compared notes or touched base with the new Working Designs website forum and turns out, they wanted or the president was wanting to hook up the original voice actors and they were up to it, too, but for some reason got slammed at the last minute. I'm glad Luna's singing voice snuck through no matter what people say because her voice actress alone carries that game's story.

I think it's funny we care about LUNAR so much here. 8-)
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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by Leo »

Kizyr wrote:Well, I'd probably purchase 2 copies: the English and Japanese versions.
I'd double up on that so I had two of those that could remain sealed.

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by jay_are »

I'm the one who made the thread, so I guess it's time for me to admit that i'd buy at least 5 copies :lol:
Leo wrote:I'd double up on that so I had two of those that could remain sealed.
Pretty much what I would do.
Also, I would buy for friends too. I know some people with Vitas.
So let me count.
2 USA versions, 1 sealed 1 opened
2 JAP versions, same thing.
1 extra USA version just because.
3 USA versions to give to friends as gifts or something.

Oh darnit... :oops:


Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by TempestOne »

Um, you all are crazy because I've never bought two copies of the same videogame before in my life. I've always kept the one copy pristine because I keep good care of it and in mint condition. I've tried to emulate some of the habits of other gamers online by keeping my one copy of Final Fantasy XIII-2 sealed but it's just sitting there for me, hehe.

I'd be willing to try this out for the LUNAR series but I've been a collected mess when it comes to my stuff and purchases - starting off when I left off with LUNAR: Silver Star Harmony and how I only purchased the downloadable copy as opposed to or in addition to the physical one, too. I guess that's another aspect of videogames now, though. I didn't even know there was an edition with trading cards because I was so excited to see and hear there was a new version of LUNAR that I downloaded it just immediately. 8-)

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by jay_are »

TempestOne wrote:Um, you all are crazy because...
:lol: Y-you might offend some people here. But if you're referring to me, "crazy" might be an understatement.
Sometimes you will just find a copy of a game you already own, for an affordable price, or maybe you will just be too motivated again by looking at the cover, that you will feel that need of owning 2 cause you just like it a lot.
Some people buy 2 versions of the same game just because they can trade between each game, but with themselves! So why not?
TempestOne wrote:I didn't even know there was an edition with trading cards because I was so excited to see and hear there was a new version of LUNAR that I downloaded it just immediately.
Wow. How dare you call other people crazy? :lol: Just WHEN did you find out about the limited edition??


Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by TempestOne »

Erm, when I say "crazy," I really mean to say "funny." Those are really weird/odd reasons... hehe. I can understand getting the different versions but one copy is enough for me, really. I've never broken a game in my life like that - dropping it or whatever. I have a busted Breath of Fire II (I think) but I never fathomed being able to play a game so much that it stops working on you.

Well, I'm offended now. No, I'm just kidding. Um, really recently - probably in the last couple months when I went to the Marvelous website or some junk and saw. I thought all PSP Go games were download-only. *shrugs*

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by jay_are »

TempestOne wrote:when I say "crazy," I really mean to say "funny."
Fair enough :lol:
TempestOne wrote:I thought all PSP Go games were download-only. *shrugs*
Maaan... *no comment and a minute of silence*.
TempestOne wrote:one copy is enough for me, really. I've never broken a game in my life like that
Wait, it's not about games getting damaged and having to get a second copy.
It's just about liking a game so much that you want more than 1 copy for the luxury and pleasure of it! (im not greedy, but with exceptions)
Or like I said, to give as gifts to other friends :P or have a copy that is the one you let friends borrow. Cause you will likely meet those who wont treat games as well as you. Or if they are all careful, can also be to let others play while still having your own to play too so you wont miss your game.
There are many advantages to owning more than 1 copy.


Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by TempestOne »

That concept is so unheard of where I'm from. We just trade back and forth or let each other borrow games like normal. I've only brought up the notion or idea of "collateral" like wherein if you let me borrow something, I'll let you borrow a game from my library - it works really well.

I get what you're saying like keeping that fresh plastic wrap on manga on your shelf. Personally, I like the natural wear and tear that my games receive. It's almost unavoidable because the discs just keep spinning or your own spittle is bound to destroy a cartridge, maybe... hehe. 8-)

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Re: If Lunar 2 came out for Vita...

Post by Alunissage »

I collect Lunar games, so I have one of every variant ever released. That means seven copies of TSS for the different disc art, five of SSSC, etc. I think the only time I've gotten an exact duplicate of a US releases is when my husband won an eBay auction with several games, SSSC among them (my sister got the extra). I may have ended up with an extra EBC as well that also went to her.

I bought two copies of the import Lunar Legend new so my sister could play that as well, though she didn't get far. The boxes were constructed slightly differently so I wouldn't be surprise if one was a bootleg. Otherwise, I've occasionally picked up duplicate Japanese Lunar games when I see them for a good price and later sold them to other collectors here at cost. Or I've gotten a more complete version (with trading cards, say) than my first copy was so I sell the original one. The only thing I've kept sealed, though, is my MegaCD EB demo. That's because I unexpectedly found two copies within a week, one sealed and one not. I made a copy of the not-sealed one and then gave it to G1. Oh, and I think I have the regular-edition Korean SSS PC jewel case still shrinkwrapped, because I already owned and had opened the LE one and the game discs were the same.

It's possible that I've bought doubles of other games, like one of the Zelda Oracles games, to give to my sister as well. Since we live 400 miles apart it's kind of hard to share a single copy. One advantage of being a grown-up is that anyone else likely to borrow my games are also grown up and unlikely to destroy anything. (Can't say the same for my mom's dog, who chewed the life out of my sister's Minish Cap cartridge -- so I'd generally rather get her her own games. Though come to think of it she has my Link Between Worlds game right now.)

I will say that in general I don't mind the everyday wear and tear on things I actually play either. This is largely because so much of my collection was used (although every Japanese used game I've bought has been in incredible shape), but also because I don't collect them just to have them; I collect them to actually play them, too. Most of my collection has been played at least a little by me at some point, even Walking School (although I had to borrow a Game Gear for that). I do try to keep them safe, especially from my cats, but I'm not going to forgo enjoying them to keep them sealed. Just not my thing.

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