Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

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Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by GhaleonOne »

Just got word of a major update to LUNAR: Silver Star Story Touch for the iOS! This update is being submitted to the app store for approval. Some of the main updates include a refined rendering pipeline and graphics for retina devices (iPhone 4S or higher) along with all-new artwork adjustments to provide a complete widescreen gameplay experience! (iPhone 5 or higher)

Some other updates include support for iOS7 GameControllers along with the option to play in the original 4:3.

The best news: This big update will be available for free to existing customers! You can view some screenshot comparisons below:

Old Battle Screen

New Battle Screen

Old Map Screen

New Map Screen

Please note, the screenshots above are from an unfinished product and may not completely represent the final version.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by jay_are »

Sweet!! I'm happy to see them hard at work on this.
Though widescreen support is something I care so little about. I don't understand why people request it so much.
Considering the crazy amount of work that it takes to draw new areas on backgrounds, I wouldn't even ask for such a feature.

It's nice to see the sprites from the PC version too!
But I wonder if that will come with the option of using the older, more pixeled sprites from the PS1 port.

Hey, they better fix Nash's black thunder spell, which is supposed to be yellow.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Sonic# »

Very interesting comparison of the two. I'm interested in how they compare to the final version. I like the font choice a little bit better, and it looks sharper in general, though there are some small discrepancies with the sprites. (Where is Jessica's hair ornamentation?)

I just realized that I now have a device capable of running it. I might have to buy this game yet again.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by jay_are »

Sonic# wrote:
> I like the font choice a little bit better
Huh? You mean in comparison with PS1? Cause those 2 screens seem to have the same font.

Sonic# wrote:
> Where is Jessica's hair ornamentation?
Lol really good observation! But honestly, that isn't there in her portrait when she talks, or in other game artwork for SSS, but it was there in TSS, and not even always.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by phyco126 »

How compatible is the game with the slew of iPhone controllers on the market? Playing via touch screen has been difficult with my poor finger eye coordination.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by jay_are »

phyco126 wrote:
> How compatible is the game with the slew of iPhone controllers on the market? Playing
> via touch screen has been difficult with my poor finger eye coordination.

It should work with most, if not all controllers.
I have an iMpulse controller, and it works great. However, that controller is tiny for most people's taste.
I got it cause it's portable, but I do want a bigger controller too.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Sonic# »

jay_are wrote: Sonic# wrote:
> I like the font choice a little bit better
Huh? You mean in comparison with PS1? Cause those 2 screens seem to have the same font.
The size is different.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by jay_are »

Oh you mean where the names and numbers are, it looks like there's a little bit more space in between each letter?
I can kinda see it yes, it looks kinda nicer, but playing the actual game on my system I can't even tell which of the 2 type of sizes it is currently.

OH also, here's hoping for a d-pad in landscape mode. This could mean people don't need a controller for this game!
I have a controller, but having a d-pad instead of the virtual analog stick, like it does in landscape, would be better yet.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by jay_are »

I've updated!! (I dont think I can edit my post, so here's a double post)

1. The cursor outline that selects menu icons is thicker, this is good for visibility.
2. It's compatible with both graphics: Low res and high res. So it's almost like having 2 versions of the game in 1!!

1. No d-pad in landscape mode, just the awkward analog movement.
2. Nash's thunder magic is still black instead of yellow.
3. Seriously? High res is not compatible with iPhone 4? Isnt the iPhone 4 a powerful machine capable of running complex 3D graphics?
Why would a 2D game not work? I mean, you can use it, but it will be super slow and unplayable. With this logic, we're only feeding Apple more money for newer devices.
4. Graphics are bad on the iPad. While on an iPhone, all pixels look perfectly shaped and matching in size, on an iPad, the pixels seem to get stretched, and gives the graphics weird looks like the character's eyes being different sizes.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Keith »

Ancient Lunar-Net member here, any chance of an Android version? If not, can we do a kickstarter for one? Note: I haven't looked up this project at all, juat popped to the page right now and saw this.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Kizyr »

Keith wrote:Ancient Lunar-Net member here, any chance of an Android version? If not, can we do a kickstarter for one? Note: I haven't looked up this project at all, juat popped to the page right now and saw this.
A Kickstarter wouldn't work since this isn't a project that needs to get funded -- someone else already has the rights to the property. On the other hand, contacting SoMoGa and/or Game Arts to express your interest is more likely to get traction (and, if I must say, more likely to get a game made than a fan-funded effort).

So, well, I'd say go for it. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Alunissage »

OMG necropost.


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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Kizyr »

Alunissage wrote:OMG necropost.

I know! It's my fault, really. I didn't see this post awaiting approval until just yesterday (so, presumably, most other people didn't). KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Leo »

Speaking of updates, why was the site and the forums messed up for a while? It said something about exceeding user capacity but that sure as hell doesn't sound realistic for here.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by Alunissage »

It was a webhosting issue, not related to LNet at all.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch Major Update!

Post by MeekileNMason »


How do we initiate a Kickstarter for... drumroll, please: Lunar 3 !?

I've fantasized about Lunar 3 for years, now with Kickstarter being so incredibly successful, it seems like a real possibility ! ! !

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