Who remembers 1996?

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Who remembers 1996?

Post by nadiaff »

My name is Nadia. Once upon a time, I was a huge part of the Lunar fandom. Then again, back then, the Lunar fandom was like 20 people total so it wasn't hard to be a huge part of it. I have a lot of great memories of the games (although to this day, I have only ever beaten TSS on the Sega CD!) and the people I became friends with. Some of them are running these boards, which is kind of a trip.

I guess I must have some kind of knack for poking my head into the fandom every 10 years or so. The last time I posted to these boards was in 2006 (I checked). I started interacting with other Lunar fans online in 1996 (that was when I made my first webpage, back when I was but a wee babe. I still have all the files saved to my computer. Shockingly, I still have pretty much all my files from the past 19 years.)

Lately, I've started thinking about Lunar again. I'm working on a semi-autobiographical fan comic based on a webcomic series called Homestuck and I really wanted to include some of the experience of what it was like being on the internet in the 90s. For me, that experience revolved around Lunar. The Lunar fandom was where I learned about friendship and love and a heartache and a whole bunch of other sappy sentimental stuff.

Anyway, I may lurk for a bit, possibly post things. Or I may just lurk. Either way, hello friends, I am here.

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Re: Who remembers 1996?

Post by Arlia »

Hello! Good luck with your comic- it sounds interesting! I miss the 90s. No cell phones, kids played outside, The Simpsons was funny...

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Re: Who remembers 1996?

Post by LuNaRtIc »

Your post reminded me of this video. :)


Welcome back! Lunar always has a way of calling me back too, no matter how long it's been! :D
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Re: Who remembers 1996?

Post by Sonic# »

Welcome back! I recall Ruby being really into roleplaying, and perhaps there were a few others. I RPed elsewhere once upon a time, but not here much. :)

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Re: Who remembers 1996?

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Welcome back! Lunar has always had that magic about calling us all back, it seems. :P

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Re: Who remembers 1996?

Post by JonOU812 »

let's see in 1996 I was four, and I had no idea what a video game was
Dark_Fairy wrote:Lunar has always had that magic about calling us all back, it seems. :P
this is so true it scares me.

Welcome Back BTW!
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Re: Who remembers 1996?

Post by Kizyr »

Nadia!!! Welcome back!

...y'know I just checked and could've sworn you had more than one post way back on this forum...

Anyway yeah, of course I remember 1996-1997 (I didn't get internet 'til '97, and then joined the Lunar-L sometime later that year -- 17 years later I still sign all my posts with my initials). It's good to see you back {^^}. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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