Nintendo Switch console revealed!

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Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by jay_are »

Yup, the NX has been revealed. And while I do like the sound of "NX" more, the reveal looks amazing!
If you haven't seen it:

Also, here's a list of partners:

I see GungHo in there. You know what that means guyse, right? Right?? :mrgreen:
Nah, it doesn't mean anything and I didn't say anything. NVM

Oh, Nintendo Switch sounds better than Wii and WiiU as well, but it's still a silly name.
"Hey dude do you have a switch?"
"Yeah" *points to wall*

Ah well, can't complain :D

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Alunissage »

Eh, we all got used to Wii, despite much noise when that name was announced.

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Sonic# »

What's a Playstation, or a Saturn, or an X-bone?

Branding finds a way.

I'm looking forward to this console. I've liked everything Nintendo has produced, but this time it definitely seems like they're also getting more third party support on board. I'm fine with ports like Skyrim; I also hope they produce some new games for the system.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Erroneous »

I would have liked to hear "Nintendo Duo" as I come to understand the point of Switch was being able to switch from home to mobile. Switch is just wanting for someone to meme it the Nintendo Switchblade.

[edit] Oh wait...
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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by jay_are »

Nintendo Duo is something I would have never had a problem with. :/
It just sounds more special.
GameBoy, Super Nintendo, PlayStation, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, PSP, PS Vita, Xbox...
All of these sounded great to me the first time I heard each of them, with Xbox being my least favorite name cause it wants to sound too cool but to me sounds like something that would have a lot of wrestling games on it and no JRPGs :P it doesnt sound epic or beautiful, just try-hard cool, but that's ok.

GameCube, Wii, and WiiU, I had problems with. I feel embarrassed saying I like the WiiU as much as I do :P I just can't take any of these names seriously. GameBoy would have been silly for a home console too, but since it was a portable, it made so much sense and it fits great for the system it is. When you see an NES game and it's GB counterpart side by side, it does look like the "young boy" version of a more grown up fully fledged game.
Now it's gonna be like "This is the PS4 version of this game and this is the Switch version. Wait, where's the switch?"

With switch though, I feel like they can call anything a basic word now.
Nintendo Stick. Nintendo Bottle. Nintendo Light Bulb. Nintendo Flip. Nintendo Snap. Nintendo Turn.
I just dont imagine the box art of an epic and beautiful game called Lunar with a tag on the side that says "Nintendo Switch", and all Wii and WiiU games look super silly with these even if I ended up loving the games in the end.

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Alunissage »

Pretty sure Duo wouldn't be viable because of the TurboDuo, back in the day.

My main concern is that I wouldn't want the 3DS line subsumed into this. I like the dual screens and the ability to fit the thing in my pocket for sufficiently large values of pocket, and I don't necessarily want to be playing my full-size console games on the airplane. I'm also a little tired of the constant emphasis of multiplayer over the shared experience of being in the same room watching (or playing) the same screen. It annoys me enough already that I can't share the experience of playing on a handheld with someone else a la GB Player.

I'm not doing a good job of conveying my feelings on that but am too tired to try to make it make more sense so I'll just leave it.

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by jay_are »

Alunissage wrote:Pretty sure Duo wouldn't be viable because of the TurboDuo, back in the day.

True... I forget that system :mrgreen:
I just remember it as the PC Engine CD.
Alunissage wrote:My main concern is that I wouldn't want the 3DS line subsumed into this. I like the dual screens and the ability to fit the thing in my pocket for sufficiently large values of pocket, and I don't necessarily want to be playing my full-size console games on the airplane.
I agree with this.
At least in my situation, I really don't care about games when I'm not in my room and am fully ready for games. I can't just play games on the airplane or in a car (I get very motion sick if I do that unless I've been on a long highway for hours with not much movement, then its fine).

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by brit »

I was excited to watch the reveal trailer for it, but that’s it. Ever since the Wii Nintendo just hasn’t been interesting me with their home console systems. I’m not sure if it has to do with the strange controller/remotes or what but I’m just not a fan. T^T

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Kizyr »

Like usual I'll just wait until enough games come out to really make any judgment. The Wii U has, like, only one game that I'd ever be interested in (Mario Maker), and otherwise there's nothing to it. Plus when you take out things like backwards compatibility, that makes it even less attractive. This is the same issue I have with Microsoft's and Sony's systems, though.

As for the name or style of the system... well... Nintendo often finds a way to make people eat their words. I thought the Wii was a ridiculous concept, but it ended up working great and there were a lot of really fun-to-play games on it. I thought the 3DS was a silly concept, but it turned out to be my favorite portable system I've ever used (the backward compatibility with all my DS games also helped). So... even though I think the concept/design is silly, I'll reserve judgment on that. KF
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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by jay_are »

Haha, I don't mind judging earlier.
The Wii as a name is still dumb. And look to what it led: Wii U!!!
The Wii U is one of my favorite consoles btw. It's like... NES, SNES, and then WiiU. There's not much in between for me, it feels like the real next Nintendo system after the SNES.
That doesnt mean I don't run out of air when pronouncing its name xD nor does it mean I feel slightly miserable when I see those baby blue game covers.
A badass Wii2 would have been fine if they had to use the Wii name. Oh well.
I kinda agree on the 3DS as well, but specifically the New 3DS models, which are refined and improved enough to fix all my issues with the original models!

Also, Nintendo's naming issues have been clear to me since Super Mario 64. It's a great game, but it's clearly a spinoff. If it had been named as such, maybe Super Mario Bros / Land / World games wouldn't have died for as long as they did. Ah well :P
Wonder if they will call their new games similarly, like Super Mario Switch.............

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Kizyr »

jay_are wrote:The Wii U is one of my favorite consoles btw. It's like... NES, SNES, and then WiiU. There's not much in between for me, it feels like the real next Nintendo system after the SNES.
I kinda agree on the 3DS as well, but specifically the New 3DS models, which are refined and improved enough to fix all my issues with the original models!
Huh, it's interesting that you really like the Wii U. I mean I know several people who have one and enjoy it, but it's usually the same complaint: not enough specific games to make it a really fantastic system (so, not even on par with something like the N64 or Gamecube). What's the big thing that makes it so great for you? I'm genuinely curious -- maybe I'm missing something.

Re: the 3DS models, yeah Nintendo has a way of really working out bugs in earlier versions of their handhelds (ever since the Gameboy really). Though I also like the fact that they don't do any planned obsolescence BS like with phones -- my first-generation 3DS is still working just as fine as the day I took it out of the box. KF
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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by jay_are »

Kizyr wrote:What's the big thing that makes it so great for you? I'm genuinely curious -- maybe I'm missing something.

Re: the 3DS models, yeah Nintendo has a way of really working out bugs in earlier versions of their handhelds (ever since the Gameboy really). Though I also like the fact that they don't do any planned obsolescence BS like with phones -- my first-generation 3DS is still working just as fine as the day I took it out of the box. KF
Maybe I know the WiiU almost as much as you actually! But here's a few examples on how the WiiU won my heart over the same things the N64 tried to do and couldn't:

1. Mario Kart 8
This was my first WiiU game. And man, is it an awesome game!
Mario Kart 64 didn't impress me back in the day. I'll blame early 3D / Cartridge limitations here.
Even the SNES game got the physics right, and Mario Kart 64 was a lot messier.
I thought I just didn't know how to play. But after playing every other Mario Kart, the N64 Mario Kart is still the worst to play.
My racing game back in the day was Gran Turismo. It came out only a year after Mario 64, and it's a world ahead.
It just can't compare. It's like comparing PacMan on NES versus Lunar on PS1.
However, Mario Kart 8 is such a great game, that even with all these modern racing games (and that still includes any Gran Turismo) Mario Kart 8 stands out really well. So at this point, this is the first Mario Kart game that WOW'd me since the SNES.
The game is about the same thing as the N64: Same amount of courses, same ideas, most of the same powerups...
But graphically, musically, and gameplay wise, it's just strengthened enough to a point where it can stand out in a crowd of great games.

2. Super Mario 3D World / New SMB U
See, in Super Mario 64, I never felt at home. It's an ok to good game, but annoying platforming and annoying music hurt it. My favorite parts about it were just exploring the castle and being shocked by scary paintings / weird places. Actually playing the levels was, to put it in 1 word: Stressful.
A step down from Super Mario World and even bigger step down from Super Mario Bros 3.
However, these 2 WiiU Mario games stand up really well in comparison. Especially 3D World. There's no stress, the levels are really fun even as multiplayer or 1 player! The music isn't annoying. Oh and let's not forget Super Mario Maker.

3. Super Smash Bros
Actually, N64's Super Smash Bros was an awesome game. For its time its the best it could be.
But in WiiU/3DS, Super Smash Bros got REALLY STRONG. It's one of the biggest games I've played ever. Online helped it a lot too, since I could play with friends from anywhere even outside my town. Also, it has MegaMan in it. THAT character being in this game alone would be a system seller for me :mrgreen: so that's a bias that only someone like me would have, but maybe not anyone else reading this.

4. Backwards compatibility
When the SNES got the Super GameBoy, the world changed for me. I'm a huuuuuuge fan of that cartridge that lets you play GameBoy (and black cartridges, but without much Color) on a TV!
If the N64 had something like that with improvements (and maybe GBA later in its life) I probably would have gotten an N64.
The WiiU can play Wii games, and VC. Of course you have to pay for old games rather than use an adaptor, but for those games you don't own, a lot of them have the best low cost alternative on WiiU. (And its Wii VC)

5. Internet navigation
In this case Im not comparing with N64, but rather, with PS4 (which I also own). So this is a relevant thing for modern systems.
Simply put the WiiU wins here because of its touch based gamepad.
This has nothing to do with games of course, but in those rare times when I need to show my family and friends something from the internet and we're only in the living room with the console hooked, it's the WiiU that provides pleasant internet surfing :D
(Smooth zoom options + touch keyboard on WiiU vs the awkward clunky navigation + slow arrow + slow as hell typing to search things)

The things N64 had, that I cared about, but that the WiiU will sadly never deliver at, is mainly Zelda.
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask proved to be awesome games to me, but the WiiU has nothing like that, just ports of other Zeldas and Hyrule Warriors, which isn't really a Zelda. Even Breath of the Wild doesn't catch me, so the N64 totally wins here.

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by GhaleonOne »

Did anyone watch the presentation last night? I randomly remembered it was going on about 20 minutes in, right before Super Mario Odyssey was shown. Zelda obviously looks gorgeous and I dropped a bunch of Best Buy gift cards on a pre-order last night for the system. Mainly to play Zelda. But the new Mario gameplay has me almost as intrigued as the new Zelda. It was pretty awesome watching Mario swing off of street lights, jumping on cars, climbing buildings, running through forests, etc. Whatever complaints Nintendo gets for their lack of third party support on many past systems, they make up for in quality first party games. I've never had a Mario Kart, Zelda or Mario game I didn't like. Heck, Super Mario Run on my iPhone has gotten some good play time.

Also - on the Wii U. It's probably gotten more playtime than my Playstation 4. Sadly, my Playstation 4 is used primarily for Blu-Ray and quick games of FIFA. I rarely have time for RPGs anymore, and don't even really like the look and feel of a lot of the newer ones, which is probably why my PS4 hasn't been played much. On the other hand, the Wii U has made for some quality times. My wife, who has never played video games before we got married, can get into the multi-player Mario games, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., etc. And honestly, the multi-player Mario games are a blast! Get 4 people together in the same room playing it, and it's almost as fun watching as it is playing!

On a side note, I've never played any of the Xeno games, but the Xenoblade 2 trailer during the Switch presentation looked gorgeous!

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Sonic# »

^ I followed the news coverage after the presentations after work yesterday.

I'm cautiously excited, and its price point and games mean I'll likely buy it this summer. A few thoughts:

1. Playing with your spouse/partner. Yeah, I recently got a PS4, and I don't see myself getting many games for it due to time. I'm still playing FFXV. The Wii U is the one system my wife will play with me, mainly to do team play in New Super Mario Bros. Wii U or to race in Mario Kart 8. I find that every bit as valuable as ...

2. Xenoblade games. They aren't everyone's cup of tea, but as someone who likes big sprawling worlds full of exploration and ambitious stories, these games are great. I beat Chronicles after 3 years of off-and-on gaming, and I set Chronicles X aside last year (but I'll probably come back). They're definitely pretty.

3. Third party support. They've got a lot of it. The Wii U did too with the port of Mass Effect 3, ZombiU, and other games, but it soon dried up. I don't know if these developers will stick around, but I'm cool with a new Shin Megami Tensei, the new Dragon Quests, Steep, handheld Skyrim, the new Sonic game, and some of the other offerings.

4. The new Mario game looks great, but I can't help thinking that it looks like an updated Sonic Adventure set in "New Donk City."

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by jay_are »

Hahaha, yeah, I totally watched it.


I love the console itself. I'd almost buy it just for the console itself and no games lololol.
What I'm trying to say is, they sold it to me really well. I haven't seen such a spectacular reveal of a console like, ever.
I'm really bored with Zelda though. As well as Arms, 1 2 Switch and a few other ports from other consoles.
I'm all for Super Mario Odyssey!
Another notable thing I really liked about the Switch is the game box design.
Seems they're like PSP game cases, but without any childish or strange colors anywhere like WiiU games. They look like games for mature people and cool kids.

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Uncle Ramus »

Up until the end of the presentation I was pretty disappointed. I watched the live stream that ReviewTechUSA did and the room seemed to be full of anti-Nintendo people, maybe that had something to do with it. But then they hit us with that Zelda trailer. Man that was awesome! I don't think there's any way the game can live up to THAT hype.

There was even a scene in the trailer that reminded me of a scene from Eternal Blue...I've also enjoyed the dub wars that have erupted after the release of the trailer:


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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Maus »

Am I the only one not expecting a thing from this console, then?

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Uncle Ramus »

Maus wrote:Am I the only one not expecting a thing from this console, then?
What do you mean? I guess I should say that, yeah, until a significant amount of 3rd party support materializes it is looking like Wii U all over again

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by Maus »

Uncle Ramus wrote:
Maus wrote:Am I the only one not expecting a thing from this console, then?
What do you mean? I guess I should say that, yeah, until a significant amount of 3rd party support materializes it is looking like Wii U all over again
I mean exactly that, I have no expectations for this console, no matter how much third party support shows up. Why? Because it feels a bit rushed and no particularly inspired (like the Wii U).

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Re: Nintendo Switch console revealed!

Post by jay_are »

Well, I saw news this morning that Nintendo's stock took a dip after the Switch reveal XD so this might be telling a different story.
Yet, at least among my friends, almost no one has or wants a WiiU, yet those people do want a Switch.
I didn't see anyone being crazy for the WiiU either. When it was new, I was the one trying to get people into it but no one cared!
With the Switch, they're all hyped without me saying a thing, sooo... I'm assuming that the majority of the world feels this way. But that's only my assumption.

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