SSST *not* going away soon (title updated!)

For discussion of the iOS platform version of Lunar.
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SSST *not* going away soon (title updated!)

Post by Ms. Tea »

Apple's discontinuing 32-bit app support with iOS 11, and there still hasn't been a 64-bit update to Lunar Touch. :/ Apple's been warning developers since 2014, and any app updates since June 2015 have required the app to include 64-bit support. Maybe that's why there hasn't been a patch since May 2015...

I emailed SoMoGa asking if they were planning a patch, but didn't hear back. Given it's ported from a 32-bit classic console game, there's probably a lot that's not 64-bit safe and I'm guessing it wouldn't be a simple porting job. I hope we might see a 64-bit patch at some point, but if not there's a good chance it'll be pulled down from the store soon.

EDIT: Updated the thread title now that we know what's up. :)
Last edited by Ms. Tea on Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by Maus »

Well, they did have time to change it.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by jay_are »

I would honestly rather this app disappears but be redone from the ground up with newer knowledge and tech.
This game is why I even got into the iPhone world, but let's face it. This app is crappy by today's standards. The point is to get newer fans, right?
It was decent when it came out, but doesn't hold up today.

Things I would expect from a 64 bit Lunar SSST app:

1. 60 smooth fps.
2. Properly done music loops.
3. The "Pathfinder" thing sucks completely.
4. Better / Smooth all-directions character control with speed control
I hate moving 8 directions with the virtual stick >.> and that whole thing about Dpad / Stick switching is terrible. And the character moves way too fast for something controlled with a touch screen rather than a controller
5. Menu usage is weird due to how the graphics don't highlight the selected options as much as the PS1 game did (which made every other option darker)
6. The save/load menu is a bit confusing and you could easily overwrite your precious progress.
7. The videos need to be encoded properly, this time without ghosting / double outline.
8. That Widescreen update doesn't look that good in battles. I'd use the black borders for a better touch interface more suitable for a phone that has options on the sides, near your fingers >____________>
9. Less crashing.

Oh and best of all: Once its that perfect, they can focus on Lunar 2 :mrgreen:

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by Kizyr »

>.> Both the reasons why I dislike Apple/iOS and why I dislike mobile as a gaming platform are coming together here...

It's kind of unsurprising, though, that there was no interest in updating SSST so that it could work with the 64-bit update. It's just... the series since Lunar: Legend has kind of been treated like a throwaway: put out a product and not really care a bit about ongoing support, or sometimes even things like marketing.

...maybe I'm just too cynical and jaded here. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by jay_are »

Kizyr wrote:...maybe I'm just too cynical and jaded here. KF
You aren't!!! I mean, at least it's not your fault that you think this way lol.
Lunar has indeed been treated as such. BUT! On the neutral side, it is the same for other series too.
Just look at Final Fantasy. Supposedly the "best JRPG" series out there. I haven't seen a bigger joke of a franchise.
Look at FF6 and FF7, with 6 being my favorite and 7 being everyone else's, both of these have been treated like crap. FF7 never even got a remake and now that it's getting it, it's gonna be a mess and a sellout.
FF6 got inferior sprites and a not so impressive battle menu system.

FF15 is a thing that continues to get support, and we have FF15 "A New Empire" which if you see it, you will have seen the world's biggest joke ever.
Also we're getting FF15 Assassins Creed.

What I'm trying to say is: This is where the RPG industry is :P it's not just Lunar.

And then there's Dragon Quest which in my opinion is getting the nicer end of the stick, and still leaves a bunch to be desired.
It got phone releases for DQ1 - 6 a few years ago and, 1 and 2 look a bit crappy. (Good art but messed up uneven pixels and low framerate)
They ported this to PS4 and to my surprise, it is exactly the same framerate and kind of crappier art.
Then it's getting ported to 3DS too, which will be the worst!

From left to right: SNES, PS4, 3DS
The PS4 is good but its still kinda lame because the HD sprites look strange on a low def map.

That 3DS map though. WHAT

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by DevNall »

Kizyr wrote:>.> Both the reasons why I dislike Apple/iOS and why I dislike mobile as a gaming platform are coming together here...

It's kind of unsurprising, though, that there was no interest in updating SSST so that it could work with the 64-bit update. It's just... the series since Lunar: Legend has kind of been treated like a throwaway: put out a product and not really care a bit about ongoing support, or sometimes even things like marketing.

...maybe I'm just too cynical and jaded here. KF
They actually have a 64-bit beta that's being sent around to test.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by Shinto-Cetra »

jay_are wrote:
Kizyr wrote:...maybe I'm just too cynical and jaded here. KF
You aren't!!! I mean, at least it's not your fault that you think this way lol.
Lunar has indeed been treated as such. BUT! On the neutral side, it is the same for other series too.
Just look at Final Fantasy. Supposedly the "best JRPG" series out there. I haven't seen a bigger joke of a franchise.
Look at FF6 and FF7, with 6 being my favorite and 7 being everyone else's, both of these have been treated like crap. FF7 never even got a remake and now that it's getting it, it's gonna be a mess and a sellout.
FF6 got inferior sprites and a not so impressive battle menu system.

FF15 is a thing that continues to get support, and we have FF15 "A New Empire" which if you see it, you will have seen the world's biggest joke ever.
Also we're getting FF15 Assassins Creed.

What I'm trying to say is: This is where the RPG industry is :P it's not just Lunar.
Final Fantasy is for me like Buddhist Nirvana: most of series it is utter trash and muck, but from that muck some will rise into lotuses and achieve Nirvana or come close and become a Boddhistava (VI, VII, and IV.) The whole "RPG industry" has been becoming an "Action Game impersonating an RPG industry" since the 6th generation console (Phantasy Star Universe, Final Fantasy XII, etc.)

Back to SSST, I looked into it for awhile, but never bought it. I feel it took the graphics of the SSSC (good but I overall prefer the PSP version graphics if TSS's plot is not an option) with the bad voice acting of the PSP remake.

Also if we are to blame any company, it should be Gungho, not Apple. Apple has given advance notice.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by DevNall »

jay_are wrote:5. Menu usage is weird due to how the graphics don't highlight the selected options as much as the PS1 game did (which made every other option darker)
Weird, I genuinely didn't remember this from the PS1 game, and had to look it up.


Did it only do this in some menus?

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by jay_are »

DevNall wrote:
jay_are wrote:5. Menu usage is weird due to how the graphics don't highlight the selected options as much as the PS1 game did (which made every other option darker)
Weird, I genuinely didn't remember this from the PS1 game, and had to look it up.
Did it only do this in some menus?
Oh yes! It apparently doesn't do it in the magic menu, BUT there it does not need it, because the icons are on top of a darker window, which makes the square outline totally visible.
It is necessary in cases like the main menu, where the icons are squares without transparency like the magic icons, so the outline is harder to see there, which is why they dimmed the other options!

I've been shown a screenshot of how the beta looks for dimmed options :O (but im not part of the beta testers)
I must say I'm shocked I've been heard!!!!!!!! THANKS SO MUCH
Last edited by jay_are on Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by Ms. Tea »

Yeah, I'm impressed with the beta so far! Shaping up to be a nice update, even leaving aside the 64-bit angle.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by Alunissage »

DevNall wrote:They actually have a 64-bit beta that's being sent around to test.
I actually missed seeing this in between jay_are's and Shinto-Cetra's complaining, which I scroll past rather quickly. Thanks for the news!

jay_are, could you try not to quote giant pics in your replies? We only need to see them once. (I may be a little testy on this because I've been having trouble with my laptop touchpad and it's easy to lose my place on long pages.)

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by jay_are »

Alunissage wrote:
DevNall wrote:They actually have a 64-bit beta that's being sent around to test.
I actually missed seeing this in between jay_are's and Shinto-Cetra's complaining, which I scroll past rather quickly. Thanks for the news!

jay_are, could you try not to quote giant pics in your replies? We only need to see them once. (I may be a little testy on this because I've been having trouble with my laptop touchpad and it's easy to lose my place on long pages.)
Looooooooool. Hey, those lengthy complaints have useful info that could potentially hint devs to make the product a little better, but sure! Will unquote the pics :)

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by Shinto-Cetra »

Alunissage wrote:
DevNall wrote:They actually have a 64-bit beta that's being sent around to test.
I actually missed seeing this in between jay_are's and Shinto-Cetra's complaining, which I scroll past rather quickly. Thanks for the news!

jay_are, could you try not to quote giant pics in your replies? We only need to see them once. (I may be a little testy on this because I've been having trouble with my laptop touchpad and it's easy to lose my place on long pages.)
That was extremely rude. I have never made a personal attack at you, or anyone on these boards, I expect to be treated the same.
And it was a metaphor, not a complaint.

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Re: SSST *not* going away soon (title updated!)

Post by Alunissage »

Sorry. I don't consider that a personal attack (saying someone's complaining vs calling someone a complainer is the distinction I'd make), but my wording was ill-chosen and I probably was attributing other peoples' sentiments to you. Or simply to "most of it is utter trash and muck" which definitely reads like overstrong anti-fanboyism to me. Why people can't just say "[thing] isn't to my taste" and must talk about it as if it's objectively garbage, when clearly many other people have liked [thing], is beyond me. I realize you did say that that was what it was like to you, but I skimmed over that because, as I said, I tend to skip over complaining. Like all that stuff of jay_are's that you quoted in that post.

Anyway, I apologize for offending you. Looking at it again, I can see that you might have thought I was saying that all of your (and jay_are's) posts are complaining, which is neither what I meant nor something I think.

A lot of the time rants like that (and I'm speaking generally here now, not to you, Shinto-Cetra) seem to have as an implied goal convincing other people that things they may like are bad. I think this is a very rude thing to do. So I don't have the same high technical standards/expectations of other players -- why should I be told to enjoy it less? It's a different matter if the topic is explicitly what one does/doesn't like and what improvements would one want to see, but when it's just a mention of some game, why launch into a list of Everything I Hate About It? And yes, a list of desired improvements that are mostly phrased as ways the current version sucks reads like that to me. Especially when followed by "and here are lists of things that suck about other games which people might enjoy because they're deluded enough to not notice that they're crap." (Obviously my paraphrase, not an actual quote.)

I'm sure I'm employing a bit of a double standard here in that there are certainly things I complain about that don't bother other people. This has been bugging me for years, though, and I want to get it off my chest.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by DevNall »

jay_are wrote: (but im not part of the beta testers)
If you have a requisite iPhone and are willing to spend several hours in the next few days testing, you could probably write in and ask nicely.

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Re: SSST probably going away soon

Post by jay_are »

DevNall wrote:
jay_are wrote: (but im not part of the beta testers)
If you have a requisite iPhone and are willing to spend several hours in the next few days testing, you could probably write in and ask nicely.
Thanks! Hmmm I have an iPhone 6 plus, iOS 9.3.4.
Does this qualify?

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Re: SSST *not* going away soon (title updated!)

Post by DevNall »

jay_are wrote:Thanks! Hmmm I have an iPhone 6 plus, iOS 9.3.4.
Does this qualify?
I think so.

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Re: SSST *not* going away soon (title updated!)

Post by Ms. Tea »

The compatibility section in TestFlight says it requires iOS 8.0 or later, so you should be fine.

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Re: SSST *not* going away soon (title updated!)

Post by Ms. Tea »

64-bit release is out now! There’s a 64-bit release of Vay to go with it, too.

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Re: SSST *not* going away soon (title updated!)

Post by jay_are »

:mrgreen: This release is looking great!
I'm happy that my most important complaints we heard.
Sadly I'm experiencing some crashes I had not gotten in the previous version, but I have reported them... and this is still better to play :)

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