Faster Battles

For discussion of Lunar: Dragon Song (Lunar: Genesis), the only Lunar game on the DS
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Faster Battles

Post by localflick »

Ok, so I just found out that you can hold "R" and speed up the battle animation to make battles go by much faster. The "L" button speeds up battles too, just not as much.

After playing this game for years without knowing this I felt pretty stupid when I stumbled upon it. It was nice to find a feature that makes things less frustrating, even if it is just a little bit. Eventually I do want to experience the full story of this game, I'm just not patient by nature which makes it difficult for me to endure the battles necessary to complete it.

So for the benefit of anyone who may have purchased this game without an instruction manual, or just missed this speedy-battle feature like I did, now you know.

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Re: Faster Battles

Post by Alunissage »

Yeah, we talked about that here when it was released, of course (because the Japanese version doesn't have that), but there hasn't been much reason to mention it since then. Sorry you've had to go through it slowly; having played the import through, I know exactly what that's like.

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