Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Leo »

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Alunissage »

I can think of one text edit I'd definitely make, independent of font concerns: add the MP cost to the spell names. Like, rename "Flame" to "Flame / 2" or whatever. It was always aggravating not knowing how much a spell cost to cast.

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Arlia »

If you successfully completed the hack, would you be putting it on a disc, or...? I'd love to play it, and, while I do enjoy vintage charm, the all-caps always bothered me.
Someone recently did this with Earthbound. I think it makes a game feel more complete. They made an SNES cart out of it, I believe.

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Shinto-Cetra »

Hex Workshop is good for turning off the caps lock. I tied to post a picture, but kept getting errors, even after I resized it to be less than 256 KB. I still need to figure out how to figure out how to uncensor the sprites though, with Hex Workshop or another program. I make no guarantees that the project will ever finish, but I will do my utmost to see it to completion.

@ Alunissage: That is a good idea, not sure how I'd go about doing this, but I'll look into that. Also (I ask you this in particular since I know you are an admin) I understand that this site frowns on emulation, however, if completed, this hack would be a version not available on a real SEGA CD disc, so would it be ok to post a link here if finished?

@Arlia: I would probably release it as a hack on a romhacking site. I know about Reprocarts (ie fan made cartridges) but I don't feel right selling my own hack when I don't work for GameArts. SEGA CD systems lack copy protection, so you could burn it and use it on a real SEGA CD, if that is what you desire.

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Alunissage »

I'll defer to Kiz on this one. We're OK with people playing the game on emulators -- have to get screenshots somehow -- but not with posting ROMs. A fanhack would land pretty close to the latter but that's not a decision I'd care to make.

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Kizyr »

So, here's the main litmus test: If it's a fully-playable version of the game on its own (even one with a significant change), then no, it can't be posted. If, however, it's something like a patch that won't work on its own (and needs the full game, or someone needs to rip their own ISO/ROM for it to work), then it can be posted.

I've seen hacks being both -- e.g., the fan translation of Tales of Phantasia came out as both a patch (which would be fine to post) and a hacked ROM (which would not be fine to post). KF
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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Arlia »

Yes, a patch is perfect. I... forgot completely that people did that, actually, it's been a long time since I've dabbled in such things.

I wish you the best of luck! It would probably take a lot of hard work and dedication.

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Shinto-Cetra »

Update: I was kinda in over my head in the hex editing and etc. I have a friend who works in the tech industry, and I got them and some of their co-workers tried to figure it out too. But even they were stumped. I don't wanna say I've given up (I still have a few ideas) but I doubt will be able to complete this anytime soon (if at all), so don't get your hopes up :cry: . If anyone wants to try the graphics hacking too, let me know on this thread, and I would be willing to pm you my email, so we could talk at length, discuss how far I got, etc.

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Re: Potential Uncensored Graphics hack?

Post by Shinto-Cetra »

Alunissage wrote: Thanks for the sprite sheet, Shinto-Cetra. To be honest, I had pretty much forgotten what Xenobia's monster form looks like. That battle doesn't tend to stick in my mind. I'm sorry I don't have any concrete advice regarding your question. My comment about the removal being SEGA of America rather than WD was more a general comment, since when the EB graphical edits were first noted (well, first that I saw, sometime in the late 90s) it was in a list of changes that WD had made and the implication was that it was their choice, not something imposed from outside. My opinion about the mathematical properties of the pentacle being more important than its nonmathematical connotations is just how I feel about it, of course.
Not related to the original focus of this thread, but I happened to be looking through the Gaijinworks (Victor Ireland's new company for those not in the know) forum and he has more information on what really happened in regards to the Plantella censorship (coming from Mr. Ireland himself). Since it's a different forum altogether, I'm just using standard quotation marks:

"Originally Posted by ragnar14
Virtually all of those changes are for the better, except for those nudity edits. WTF, there was no benefit from the boob edits."

"Originally Posted by vicireland
It was required by SEGA at the time. I clearly remember a long, detailed conversation about boobs and nipples on Plantella with our female account rep. "

Source:http://www.gaijinworks.com/interact/sho ... WD-d/page5

He goes into a bit more detail on page 6, but it was SEGA of America, not Working Designs that censored the Plantella.

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