Lemina's Theme lyrics

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Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by DragonmasterDan »

Just curious if I missed this and anyone ever translated the lyrics to Lemina's theme. I've found the in game music translations. But never the one for Lemina's theme.

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Re: Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by Alunissage »

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Re: Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by DragonmasterDan »

Alunissage wrote:Rebecca Capowski did. http://www.sceneryrecalled.com/trans/okane.txt

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Re: Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by Sonic# »

Oh wow. I liked Rebecca Capowski's translations back in the day, but it'd been a while since I'd heard her name. Is she still active in some community online? I noticed the URL isn't the website she used to have.

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Re: Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by Alunissage »

Yes, evidently -- she revised many of her Lunar translations and added new material just this year. After I found that link I spent hours reading and capturing some of it; she translated the notes from most of Akari Funato's Lunar-related production art (mainly the Vheen manga, but there are some notes on the bromides and such too). Well worth a look even if you don't have the actual sketchbooks to look at -- and for that matter, a fair bit of the stuff is available in electronic form.

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Re: Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by MaroonChan »

There's also one here. Good old animelyrics.com XD I've relied on that place for years.

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Re: Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by Alunissage »

Er, that's just an earlier version of the one I linked, by the same person. With less information, too.

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Re: Lemina's Theme lyrics

Post by MaroonChan »

Oh, I had no idea. ^^;; Just thought I'd point it out there.

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