Re-played SSSC, again

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Re-played SSSC, again

Post by VidKid369 »

Hey guys I just finished SSSC again and I noticed a few things. I wanted to make sure I get all 13 bromides this time cause the last time I played I missed Jess' Bromide 2 from the boatman in Lann and I was really mad. The WD strategy guide failed to mention that you have to go back to Lann after you go to Lann Island at first to talk to him again. I wanted to write down exactly how to get every Bromide this time.

-Did you guys notice all the animals go missing after Luna is kidnapped from Burg? The cow is still in the barn, though.
-I wanted to collect every weapon and piece of armor to read the desc. again at the end of the game but it's pointless cause Nall can't even hold everything anyway I had to drop some stuff. The next time I play I'm just gonna sell everything once I get or upgrade better stuff and just have Healing Nuts + Star Lights in my inventory it saves me a lot of trouble.
-Have you guys gone back to re-visit every town to talk to everyone again after every important plot change? Because I was very determined to do that this time and I wound up clocking in at 103 hours and 20 minutes. It was very fun to do but kind of a chore unless you are just a very determined individual. I noticed there's a safe spot during everything in the Marius Zone and no one changes their lines while you're on the quest to visit the Red Dragon, Blue Dragon and Black Dragon. After the Black Dragon Fortress everyone changes their lines again.
-Do you guys have any fun ideas for a fun challenge to do in this game? (Using only your starting equipment, low-level run, speed run, no magic, etc.)

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by Alunissage »

0) Yes, WD didn't find out exactly what the trigger was to get that bromide until after the guide was printed. They had the directions in the Tips and Tricks section of their website back in the day. I'm not sure if the guide mentions that you need to pay off Ramus's 30s debt at the beginning of the game to get Jess's and Mia's bromides 3 at the end of the game from him either.

1) Yes, I noticed that the animals become unavailable after Luna's capture. I don't know why this is the case, but it's not a loading glitch; there's no dialogue in the game files for them, so it was a known thing at the time of development.

2) At least there's more inventory space in this game than in TSS! If you want to do something similar in TSS, try selling all the event items (dragon equipment, harp, Althena's Mirror, etc) at all the different shops you can.

3) Yes, I have a running file of how to maximize seeing dialogue in SSSC (it's only up to just after getting the Red Dragon Shield right now). After you get Kyle, most people's dialogue doesn't update again until after getting the Black Dragon Armor, except for major characters like Alex's parents. However, if you really want to see all of the dialogue in Meryod you'll have to go through that forest at least eight times. There are also a few NPCs with alternate text depending on whether you talked to someone else -- the Burg woman whose father is in Meribia (and her husband) and the Hag on Caldor Isle both have different lines if you did or didn't talk to their relatives in Meribia, and Brett and his marks in the Seagull Tavern have different lines depending on whether you kept Brett's secret, exposed him as a cheater, or didn't talk to him at all.

4) I don't really like making things artificially harder for myself -- trying to get through the forest to the women's Spring is about as challenging as I'm interested in -- so I don't have any bright ideas here. Some monsters are only vulnerable to certain magic or skills, so I don't think a no-magic run would be possible. For a speed run, you'll want to know exactly who to talk to to trigger each new event, which is fairly obvious in this game (less so in TSS).

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by VidKid369 »

0. Ok, I was pretty mad last time I played cause I followed the WD strategy guide and I wound up missing that Bromide from the boatman. I think it's one of the most-annoying of bromides to find because I had neglected to go back to Lann from the island.

1. Lol, I was just wondering what happened to them! I had noticed before but this time I realized it happens right after Luna gets kidnapped. Just weird!

2. I see. From when I was younger, I always kept absolutely everything so that I can read the item descriptions over again at the very end but this time I was sad to find out that there isn't enough space. I wound up dropping items like the Dagger and such in Althena's Fortress! Such a shame.

3. Yes, I found out the only people that really change their lines during the events in the Marius Zone are both Alex's mom and dad, and Lemia in Vane. Everyone else seems to say the exact same thing.

Could you elaborate on the text changes in Meryod? Do you mean the Meryod Forest?

Oh, I see about the woman in Burg and the Old Hag -- I'll have to try not talking to their relatives the next time I play!!

I'll have to try that out with Brett too as well I usually end up exposing him as a cheat.

4. I haven't ever really tried a challenge like this myself either but I finally wanted to try my hand at something like a speed run for the first time and I might as well use SSSC as a guinea pig. lol

Thanks, Alunissage! You sure do know pretty much everything about the LUNAR games. :)

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by Alunissage »

Sure, here's some more info about the Meryod folks. Unfortunately, since you don't have the Wings most of the time that there's text updated, if you want to see it all you have to keep hoofing it through that Forest, which is pretty ouchy in SSSC. I finally remembered to keep Nash's bow and Jessica's starting mace for that part, because the elemental weapons (all the canes and Jessica's Ice Mace that you get from the Hag) do so little damage. In SSH, the forest (and the rest of the game, for that matter) is much easier, and I had the Silver Darts from playing the demo so I could give those to Mia and give her something to do besides defending herself.

So, first you'll want to go to Meryod before going to Reza. Duck into Reza (or Iluk, or anywhere else in the Marius Zone, such as Damon's Spire for one line of dialogue) just long enough to load up the screen, so you can take the Dragon Wings back and save one (1) trip through that annoying forest. Talk to everyone there. There are only about five people whose dialogue changes after the Wings get stolen, but may as well talk to everyone the first time. Take the Wings back to Reza or wherever and go there to get them stolen. After you've been told to go to Meryod, buy new equipment as needed (especially the Flail for Jessica) and drop by the Spire again so Nall can tell you you're in the wrong place. You can also walk all the way back to the Vane Transmission Spring and talk to the guy in the lower-right of the Library, who has different text until you get the Wings back.

Second visit to Meryod: before crossing the bridge, talk to the Thieves' Guild examiner, the guy on the bridge, the old woman and the hatted man south of the item shop, and the boy in the house next to the armor shop (the one who has a crush on Lily). Then try to cross the bridge, which drops everyone into the river. When you have control of Alex again, save, because to see all of the next text you'll need to reload a couple of times. Just about everyone in town except for the shopkeepers, the man in goggles, and the woman in the item shop has new dialogue after the bridge breaks; talk with all of them except Nash, Mia and Jessica (and save after that, if you want), and then talk to those three and the man next to Mia in this order:

Man next to Mia (twice)

Man next to Mia
Man next to Mia (twice)

man next to Mia (twice)

Then talk to the man outside the bar, the green-haired guy in the southwest, and the man in the armor shop, before entering the bar. Talk to the Thieves' Guild Examiner before talking to Kyle. After Kyle rejoins the party, talk with everyone in town again, but don't ask the singer to sing yet. Go back through the Forest, fight Plaster Mel, and talk to the Thieves' Guild leader before going to Damon's Spire.

After going to Damon's Spire and getting into the building, exit and talk to the Thieves' Guild leader, and then go back to Meryod and talk to the man outside the bar, the bartender, and the Guild examiner. Save after this and listen to the singer, then talk to the bartender again, then reload and go back through the forest to Damon's Spire. Continue going through the Spire; you probably already know to save before doing each of the challenges on floors 1-4 so you can reload and see the alternate text. You'll need to go through the challenge on 4F (who to leave behind) a total of six times to see all of the text, but fortunately, the sculpture part doesn't require any reloading, just cycling through to pick everyone but Alex to lead, trying to pick them all a second time, and deciding against each one. There isn't a really strong reason to get every bit of text here, to be honest, as the declining doesn't change much from person to person.

After talking to Damon and reading all the books and talking again to the thieves on the first floor (which may require exiting and reentering to get both lines for the thief in the left room), exit and go to Meryod AGAIN to talk to the man outside the bar, the man wearing a hat, and the Thieves' Guild examiner. Save before talking to him, because you'll have the choice of whether or not to give him the notebook back, and of course the dialogue is slightly different either way. Giving him the notebook back will net you a Silver Light, though. You have to do this before talking to the Guild Leader, or you're stuck with the notebook for the rest of the game, I think?

Go through the forest again and talk to everyone you can in Reza and the tavern there before talking to the Guild Leader and gaining access to the Bazaar. But don't go past the bar yet! Go back to Meryod and talk to the Examiner, then back through that cursed forest one last time. Then go up through the Spire to talk to Damon (use Jessica's Escape Litany after this so you don't have to go back down through the Spire). Also, if you haven't been to Iluk yet, now is a good time because Shira's and the Iluk shopkeeper's dialogue will change after Lily is captured. Back in Reza, talk with the man walking to the left of the statue and look at the suit of armor in the armor shop so you don't forget later.

NOW you can go into the Bazaar, look at the signs in the Guild, talk to the Guild managers, and so on. However, if you want to get every drop of dialogue, save before talking to Lily before going to the Bazaar because her dialogue when being captured is sliiiightly different if you didn't talk to her first. Of course, you'll want to first skip talking to her, get the Wings and Soap, and then see her get captured, then reload, since talking to her twice before her capture is what triggers getting the Gale Ring. Oh, you can also try using the Wings in the Bazaar before Lily gets captured, so Nall can scold you.

After Lily's capture, go back into the Bazaar and talk to the Guild Leader, then the guy who knows about the Red Dragon (who gives you the blueprints), the Leader again, the blueprint guy again, and the Leader one last time. Now you can finally move around easily again. People you may not have known have updated text include the helmeted man in the South Nanza Pass, the man at the top of the west Nanza tower, Dross, the left card player in the Seagull Tavern, and the man at the table of the upstairs-right of the Seagull Tavern, as well as Ramus's father and nanny and the man near their house in Burg. Oh, and Damon again and the thieves in his Spire. And the Guild Examiner in Meryod, and the boy with a crush on Lily. Talk to him twice, then listen to the Singer, then talk to the boy again.

Okay, I think that's about all I have to say about the Meryod text. None of it changes again until after the balloon crash-lands in Reza. Did you count how many times you need to walk through that forest to see it all? I haven't yet.

Edit: Forgot that you do still need to go partway into that forest to open the Red Chest in it. Sigh.


One thing to note with regards to the Hag is that if you don't talk to her sister on Black Rose Street, you won't get the Ice Mace for Jessica. On the other hand, the Hag's text that's different if you don't talk to her sister are her lines when Ghaleon is in the party and immediately after Quark is captured, so you can save just before leaving Meribia, play through to get that dialogue, and reload. Likewise with the Burg family; only their lines just after Quark is captured are different.

With Brett, you probably already know this, but if you talk to him but DON'T expose him, he pays you 1000S when you find him later in Saith...after some persuasion. I personally think that's the funniest dialogue, but it doesn't make any other difference in the game.

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by VidKid369 »

Oh, thanks Alun! I didn't know about all that I will try to read all of the text-dialogue changes the next time I play SSSC.

:O There are Silver Darts in the SSSC demo? Or is that SSH you are talking about?

I am pretty sure if you don't give the Old Notebook back you are stuck with it the rest of the game and it takes up one inventory slot.

When I was playing and trying to get to read all the lines, I thought the most annoying thing ever was having to go through the Cave of Trials over and over to talk to everyone there. I am pretty sure no one changes their lines ever except for the first priest at the beginning next to the Spring of Transmission. Fortunately if you have Jessica with you you can just use Escape Litany to warp automatically there. If not you have to walk through and fight all over again. I think that first priest always changes his lines anyway so it's pretty rewarding.

Ok, I will make a note of Brett and to not expose him. I always figure if you get an item it's the 'right' choice.

Edit: I admit I got kinda lazy when you get the White Dragon Wings stolen from you in Reza. I wanted to go back through the Katarina Zone and back to Meribia on foot but I just didn't have it in me to check around this time. The next time I play, I'll make sure to go back and check when the Wings aren't available!

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by Alunissage »

Sorry, the Silver Darts are in the SSH demo, not SSSC. I have my notes for the two games combined since so much of them is the same.

The Trial Cave people only change their lines a couple of times (after finishing the trial and when Mia is in the party, and the spelunking wizard has a new line after Nash's betrayal), except for the wizard at the beginning, whose line changes after most major events up through Kyle joining the party, then again after the Black Dragon Fortress and when Vane is being evacuated. It took me a while to realize I could use the Escape Litany to get to that guy quickly too.

Another place where there are a lot of dialogue changes in a short period of time is Lann. Not just the boatman, though he has a lot of changes. Don't have time right now but let me know if you want the list of things to do to get all of the Lann dialogue before defeating Zoc and I'll dig it up.

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by VidKid369 »

Sure! Could you please let me know what the dialogue changes in Lann are? :)

Mostly what I did was just re-visit every town after something major changes in the plot or if someone leaves/joins the party. I noticed that even though sometimes when talking to the NPCs their line might be the same but the response from the party changes depending on who's there or not there at the time so I thought that was kinda funny.

Also, another thing I noticed is sometimes the dialogue changes when you check items. Like for example the woman's diary in Vane changes when you're evacuating Vane and you have to get Nash to go to the Silver Spire. I got pretty lazy when checking the Vane Magic Library I only read each book once in my last playthrough I figured they wouldn't change the text anyway.

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by Alunissage »

Okay, here's the Lann summary. This only covers the first time you go there, but there isn't much that changes later in the game, as you probably know.

To maximize text (including setting the flag to get Jess’s Bromide 2), when you first enter Lann:

Talk to everyone (and examine the boat) before entering the chief’s house. Remember which order you talk to the mother and child in the leftmost house, or exit and reenter Lann immediately and talk to them in the other order.
Enter Chief’s house, see Jessica’s intro, decline her offer of joining.
Talk to Jessica again; she joins party
Talk to chief’s wife
Talk to chief 2x
Talk to chief’s wife and the three other people in the house (and look at teeth, if want)
Talk to chief again
Talk to chief’s wife, purple-haired man, and orange-haired man
Talk to man outside chief’s house, kid wandering near chief’s house, man near statue, old man in 2nd house (2x), and drunk
Look at boat (with Jess) but do NOT talk to boatman
Attempt to exit Lann
Exit Lann again -> Jess leaves party
Return to Lann and talk to the mother and son in the leftmost house in the opposite order of how you first did.
Look at boat (without Jess)
Talk to chief (without Jess)
Talk to Jessica (she rejoins)
Talk to boatman and go to Lann Island
Reboard boat and return to Lann
Talk to man outside chief’s house and girl near statue
Attempt to exit Lann
Exit Lann again -> Jess leaves party again
Talk to boatman (2x) and old man with staff
Talk to Jessica (she rejoins)
Talk to chief, chief’s wife, man with staff, orange-haired man, purple-haired man (2x)
Talk to boatman and return to island
Return to Lann a second time, then exit so Jessica leaves party again
Talk to boatman yet again, without Jessica
Talk to Jessica again, then to the boatman for one last bit of dialogue & return to island

Regarding the Vane library, yeah, the books themselves don't change, but in addition to the reactions that Nall and Luna have the first time you can look at the books, there's one book that makes Nall comment after first losing to Ghaleon atop the Grindery -- left side, back shelf, 1st from left. One book in Damon's Spire also has an extra comment after Vane falls.

In addition to the Vane woman's diary changing, the commentary when looking at the china cabinet in the lower-right house also changes late in the game. Look at it after Nash betrays the party, while Nash is out of the party helping people evacuate from Vane, and when Nash has rejoined the party before going to the Silver Spire.

The poster in Meribia also changes a little after meeting Kyle and again after he's in the party. Likewise, the sign that's behind the flowers between two houses.

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by VidKid369 »

Omg, thanks again Alun!

Yeah, I tried to talk to everyone in Lann in all sorts of different scenarios and I left the village twice without Jessica and all of that. I believe you can talk to the fish in the Chief's house too and Nall makes a comment but it's the same one as with all the rest of the fish in Lann.

I was nervous about not getting Jess' Bromide 2 from the boatman this last time so I talked to him in as many different ways as possible. I think if you leave the village and talk to him without Jessica he finally makes a comment like where is she? I'm not sure what exactly triggers the flag to get him to cough up her bromide later on though?

Ok, I'll try to read all the books again in Vane's Magic Library next time!! :)

Yup, I checked the china cabinet and Nash makes a comment about it, haha.

Yes, I noticed both the posters about the Official Proclamation change multiple times if you check it throughout the game as well as the sign behind the flowers!

In Meribia, I think the three items backstage in the Seagull Tavern change throughout the game also depending on who's in the party.

And the bookcase upstairs in Ramus' Store change throughout the game also!

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by Alunissage »

Yeah, that list of Lann actions doesn't include things like looking at the fish outside and the teeth in the village chief's house because they're not related to Jessica's presence or absence. The specific action that triggers being able to get the bromide is returning to the village from the island before meeting the fake Dragonmaster. Well, okay, the specific action is talking to the boatman after returning, but you have to do that if you returned from the island in order to go back to it.

Only the book I specified in the Vane Library has new text later in the game, so you don't need to reread all of them.

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by VidKid369 »

Ok, thanks. I think I managed to do everything in Lann, then.

Ok, I got pretty lazy when rereading all the books I only did it once over when I first got to Vane. I was gonna read all the books again, cause Vane eventually falls to the ground and you can't enter anymore but by then it was too late lol.

Well thanks a lot Alunissage it was great to compare notes with you on all the lines in the game.

Just as a mental note I have to just trek all the way back through the Katarina Zone when the White Dragon Wings get stolen again... and, try to get all of the lines in Meryod. Again, thanks again! :)

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by Zethus Thorne »

If only Lunar Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar Eternal Blue Complete got an HD Remaster

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

VidKid369 wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:56 pm Hey guys I just finished SSSC again and I noticed a few things. I wanted to make sure I get all 13 bromides this time cause the last time I played I missed Jess' Bromide 2 from the boatman in Lann and I was really mad. The WD strategy guide failed to mention that you have to go back to Lann after you go to Lann Island at first to talk to him again. I wanted to write down exactly how to get every Bromide this time.

-Did you guys notice all the animals go missing after Luna is kidnapped from Burg? The cow is still in the barn, though.
-I wanted to collect every weapon and piece of armor to read the desc. again at the end of the game but it's pointless cause Nall can't even hold everything anyway I had to drop some stuff. The next time I play I'm just gonna sell everything once I get or upgrade better stuff and just have Healing Nuts + Star Lights in my inventory it saves me a lot of trouble.
-Have you guys gone back to re-visit every town to talk to everyone again after every important plot change? Because I was very determined to do that this time and I wound up clocking in at 103 hours and 20 minutes. It was very fun to do but kind of a chore unless you are just a very determined individual. I noticed there's a safe spot during everything in the Marius Zone and no one changes their lines while you're on the quest to visit the Red Dragon, Blue Dragon and Black Dragon. After the Black Dragon Fortress everyone changes their lines again.
-Do you guys have any fun ideas for a fun challenge to do in this game? (Using only your starting equipment, low-level run, speed run, no magic, etc.)
103 hours o.o That's a lot of hours for such a short game. I can get all 13 bromides and the athena shrine bath scenes in under 15. Even talking to all the NPC's would add on maybe 5 hours or a little more or less.

My challenge every time i play the game is beating all the enemies in my first turn. Once you get a full party or even 3-4 members, it's quite easy in most cases. not all. less of a challenge nowadays. I think my fastest with all bromides is 12-13 hours.

The game itself is incredibly short.

As for the animals leaving...It could be a little background plot...The world is in dark turmoil so one could argue most the animals runaway into hiding...Animals would do that in real life. If that is the reason then that's another level of dedication to the story.

As for the bromides, i've been beating this game roughly every year for the past 15-20 years that i know how to get all the bromides off by heart
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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by VidKid369 »

I know. 103 hours does seem like a lot but I mostly just wanted to see what happens to the game clock if it'll roll into 100 or start over. I was also aiming to reach level 99 in this playthrough so I grinded a lot in the White Dragon Cave, the Meryod Woods and the Black Dragon Fortress. I think I realized that was pretty hard to do and while I could've grinded more in Althena's Fortress I ended up, wound up beating Ghaleon with Alex at lv. 54.

I try to beat the game once every year too but it's been awhile since I last played so I was nervous about possibly not getting all the bromides this time so I would meticulously talk to every NPC over and over again especially the boatman in Lann. Now that I know where all the bromides are (again), it'll probably take me a shorter amount of time my next playthrough.

I was also trying to write a FAQ/Walkthrough so I was jotting down notes, so maybe that added to my time cause I would leave the game on and write down some stuff, lol.

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by phyco126 »

I think my record time was around 53 hours of play time, mainly due to goofing off, getting to a higher 50s level, plus going back and reading all the dialogue. I don't think I can drag that out past that though.

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Re: Re-played SSSC, again

Post by Alunissage »

I'll have to fire up my PS3 and see what my latest save says. I've been mainly playing on iOS but it doesn't show play time that I'm aware of, and my PSP has run down its battery so I can''t check that save right now.

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