What Would You Like To Learn More Of?

For discussion of Lunar: Eternal Blue, the remake of Lunar 2 for Saturn/Playstation and all its translations
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What Would You Like To Learn More Of?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

In this topic we discuss the things from Lunar 2 that we would like to learn more about that the series showed us.

Some of the things I would have loved to learn about is the actual origin of Lucia. Who are her actual parents (Is it Luna and Alex?) Is she Althena's sister? Was she created or born?

The Blue Spire. I'd love to know more about that and the connection it has with the Blue Star. We learned about it, but I feel with all the research Gwyn has there's bound to be more :P

Some history on some of the forgotten villages from LUNAR 1. Burg? Thieves Bazaar? Daemon's Tower?

What things come to mind for you?
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Re: What Would You Like To Learn More Of?

Post by Alunissage »

Remember, Gwyn, couldn't even get into the Blue Spire until he went with Hiro, because he didn't have the other Dragon Eye needed to open it. So he probably doesn't know much about its function besides what he observed there. And, of course, in the original SegaCD game, it's revealed that it's also a power accumulator in preparation for the Blue Star's revival, something apparently only Lucia knows, but Ghaleon knows too. I suppose that suggests that he learned it from somewhere, but he was kinda unique. In the Vheen manga, there's an image of him as a young man (decades before the events of Lunar 1) with the Blue Spire in the background, and he also became a priest of Althena at some point in that time period (though possibly not by the time he was at the Spire, because he's wearing a sword in that pic, I think), so between those two and perhaps also his reading every book in the Vane Library, he may have deduced that function of the Spire. And since the other structures involving dragon eyes as locking mechanisms don't show up anywhere prior to EB, we don't know when those were done and whether it was so difficult to get in. Although I can't see the Star Sentry (who guards the other source of dragon eyes in EB) letting him borrow them to get into the Spire that early. I have to think about this.

Lucia was left on the Blue Star when Althena evacuated everyone to Lunar, so she predates Alex and Luna by a millennium or so. The scenario writer described her and Althena as "like sisters" (emphasis mine), and an early EB development idea was to have an empty crystal in the tower next to Lucia's. I don't think that's binding, though. The Japanese novelization of EB has Lucia saying that she's never met Althena, although this is odd because Lucia does apparently remember Althena's confrontation with Zophar. Then again, the novels may have been written before the EBC remake, I forget. Anyway, I've wondered about created vs born myself, and likewise for Althena and Zophar.

I'm also curious to know what happened in the 500-600 years between Lunar 1 and 2 (the 1000 year difference was introduced in localization), such as with Vane and Althena's temples, etc. We know Neo-Vane has to have been only in the last couple of decades or so, since it'd be some time after Borgan was in the Magic Guild, and I don't remember if a specific time period was ever given as to when "Althena" reappeared and Pentagulia was built. I feel like there was a mention of fifty years somewhere for when Ghaleon was collecting dragon auras, but I might well be making that up.

There clearly was a lot of geographical change. Maybe a moon turned into a habitable world isn't as stable as the Blue Star presumably would be. (Althenagenic climate change?) Caldor Isle appears to be basically under ice, presumably rendering Burg and Saith uninhabitable.

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Re: What Would You Like To Learn More Of?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

Wow thanks for all that! ^_^
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Re: What Would You Like To Learn More Of?

Post by AkagisWhiteComet »

Back when I first played Eternal Blue - the original Sega CD release before the PS1 remakes - having proceeded some distance into the game and coming to the iced Caldor Isle I just assumed that the area that Hiro, Gwyn, and Ruby live in is likely remnants of The Frontier. That reasoning is not entirely far fetched. In The Silver Star, The Frontier is portrayed as this vast relatively unexplored land that people do not go to (the scale of The Frontier is reduced considerably in the PS1 Silver Star remake). One could assume that there would be various locations unexplored or "buried" through time. As there appears to be a major unexplained geographical shift from TSS to EB you could further assume these workings revealed a lot of these locations; the Blue Spire, Dragon Eye's lair, other ruins, etc, and removed others possibly forgotten through time.

Another personal theory I always pushed on myself is that Gwyn's collection may have connection to Daemon. Compared to TSS, EB is a "dark ages" of sorts; people have no definitive status on Althena, no Dragonmaster in some time, and uncertainty under a religious cult that feeds to the populace that they are the answer. It's conceivable that some of the literature collected by Gwyn could have be at once retained by or produced by Daemon. I make the assumption that in the world of LUNAR print is likely at the level of pre- printing press -type history, making most tomes relatively scarce or low volume. Although there are recording devices that record Vane being shot down and a video message by Luna. I'm glad there was a camera crew running various cuts on hand to film the Grindery shooting down Vane.

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Re: What Would You Like To Learn More Of?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

Whatever happen to Daemon anyway? Wasn't he like a super wizard? Or was he human and died naturally? That's an interesting thought, though!
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