My expectations from LUNAR 3

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What do I expect from LUNAR 3?

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My expectations from LUNAR 3

Post by Sakkkim »

What do you expect from LUNAR 3

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Post by Aquaignis »

I think this topic question is retarded. What is that supposed to mean? What else would you expect from a Lunar game but 'more fun'?!
Some of the answers in this post are made of frozen lose with whipped failsauce topping and suck sprinkles......

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Post by Dragonlord911 »

He is right. That was very lazy. Dont post for the heck of it, post something interesting. That was a retarded question. No offence, but Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
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Post by Sonic# »

Dragonlord, don't be so mean. Really. Your introductory post was already over the top, and now you're flaming. Sakkkim's question is a valid one. If you don't like it, don't berate him for it.

And NextGenerationLunarFan, we don't call people retarded here. I'm sure you meant it in a more jocular manner, but ... just mind it a little so stuff isn't misconstrued, which happens so easily online.

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Post by Alunissage »

Not that I agree with those other posts, but Sakkkim did post this identical question the last time he was here, a few months ago. And there are a whole lot of similar threads.

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