Request - LUNAR FMV

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Request - LUNAR FMV

Post by nathalia »


I know it's probably a big request but could you put all the FMV (Full Motion Video) of Lunar 1 and Lunar 2? I have download them before from lunareb but I lost it because my HD is corrupted and the website don't exist anymore. I know i put this on the other forum but no one reply from it so if you can, please, could you do it? It will meant a lot to me. I'll be forever grateful... Thank you so much in advance.

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Post by Sonic# »

Anticipated short answer: no. >_<

Why? Because it would take up a lot of space and bandwidth, and there are possible other issues (should G1 be doing this? What if Gamearts complains?)

Do you have the game CDs? If so, I'd just suggest finding something to rip the movies from there. Otherwise, maybe someone with them will let you download them directly. *looks around, points*

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Post by nathalia »

Do you know the software to rip the movies? I couldn't find any. Can you help?

Thank you :)

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Post by phyco126 »

There is software out there, some you have to pay for, but some I am sure will be free. While having all the FMVs would be uber nice (seriously, from Walking/mega? school to EBC, it would just be sexay,) the amount of bandwidth needed would be tremendous, and the cost would be huge.

As for Sonic's possibility of Gamearts getting angry, I don't see why they would, but then again, I'm the naive boy. Permission should be easy to get though, but again, bandwidth isn't cheap. All in all, I would cream my pants if Lnet could put up all the videos, and that would certainly make Lnet THE absolute place to be period. We can all wish right?

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Nah, permission wouldn't be as easy as you think. Japanese companies are a bit more strict than American companies about some things. Notice how most Japanese gaming sites don't use artwork and media from the game, but rather, lots of fanart type work.

Regardless, that's not the issue. I could probably put them up and not get in trouble (asking, being denied, and then doing it is one thing. Just doing it they'd probably let it slide) but the more important issue is bandwidth. Perhaps someday I'd have the bandwidth for it. I do mean to put up many of the TSS and EB ones though. Those are the hardest to get.

As for utilities and software to do this, try I remember ripping SSSC movies from something there years ago. Not sure if the software is still there or not. Haven't checked in years.

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Post by phyco126 »

The TSS and EB ones would be great, as the saying goes that in EB there where great FMV scenes that where cut during the remake. Bandwidth, as the years go by it'll get cheaper at least, sort of like cell phone minutes.

As for permission, I honestly didn't know. See, I'm fairly niave on stuff like that. I always figured that things like game movies where alright to rip and put online, as long as you didn't do it for money and say it was yours to begin with (which violates national and international copyright laws.) *shrugs*

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Post by Dark_Fairy »

I have the software that allows you to rip the Playstation Lunar's FMVs on my computer, its called PsxMC. The problem is...I really don't have a place to host the stuff if I ripped it. The other problem...I currently can't find what happened to my copy of Lunar SSSC. I know where Lunar 2 is...but Lunar SSSC went missing on me.

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Post by nathalia »


Would you be able to tell me how to do it with PsxMC? Because I have the software too and I've already tried it with that software and it doesn't work. I probably don't know how to use it. And I've tried to use PSXvideo but it said "This File isn't PSX movie file format". I've also tried STRPLAY, PSXPLAY. XAPLAY, pplay145, psxmulticonverter, psxtulz...probably everything.....and it doesn't work. Is it possible because the cd itself is a copy not a real thing?

Thankx in advanced

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Post by Dark_Fairy »

Okies...*Pops lunar 2 disk 3 into computer*

I'm using PSXMC 2.53, the freeware version. I have no idea which version you might have but it should be about the same process. I've tried all those other programs too and only PSXMC works for me and I have the actual game cd. :P Let's see if your copy will work because I honestly don't know if that would affect it or not.

Open the program and click the CD-Rom button next to open. If you haven't already got the data from the disk, let it check the disk. If you have then a menu will pop up saying 'The CDAZ file was found from the local disk' when this pops up click 'This CDAZ is adopted'. Now you should have a bunch of files in the left box.Click the little button that says movies only unless you want all of those unless WAVES. Now, click the little tab that says convertion there you can set the audio to how you want it. (Mine was on mono, so I switched it to stereo.) Then make sure the Convert type box says AVI. You can keep the output file the same unless you want it to go to a different folder. Then just click Start convert... down at the bottom and it should rip them.

Let me know if you need anymore help and I can try to help you. :)

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Post by nathalia »

Hey, it works.....Oh, thank you soooo very much for your help! I really appreciate it so much. I don't know how to thank you :) Thank you....Thank you....:)

He...He....I know I'm asking the impossible but does anyone has a Japanese version for Lunar? :) I know I can get some in this website but it's not all the FMV.....

Thank you once again Dark_Fairy for your help :)

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Post by Dark_Fairy »

No problem. I'm always willing to help a fellow lunar fan. :)

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Re: Request - LUNAR FMV

Post by Kemana »

nathalia wrote:Hi

I know it's probably a big request but could you put all the FMV (Full Motion Video) of Lunar 1 and Lunar 2? I have download them before from lunareb but I lost it because my HD is corrupted and the website don't exist anymore. I know i put this on the other forum but no one reply from it so if you can, please, could you do it? It will meant a lot to me. I'll be forever grateful... Thank you so much in advance. has all of the Lunar : Silver Star Story videos,translated and non-translated but not many Lunar 2 : Eternal Blue

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Re: Request - LUNAR FMV

Post by The Lemon Merchant »

I know this thread is quite old but I'm wondering about the same thing myself. I downloaded the program and it doesn't seem to recognize the drive. Is it possible that the program is outdated? Is there something newer out there? I've never ripped fmv's off a PS disc before so I'm pretty lost.


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Re: Request - LUNAR FMV

Post by Dark_Fairy »

As far as I know, the newest version of PSXMC that was free was 2.53, and that it was last updated in 2004. Let me download the program here on my laptop and poke around and see if I can help you.

I think I had to download an ASPI CD driver for my desktop computer in order to get it to recognize my CD Drive back when I first used it. You might have to do the same thing. How old is your computer?

When I first opened the program here on my laptop, it told me I had to choose a CD drive, and it found my CD drive fine. This laptop I'm using is 2 years old running Windows 7. So I don't think it's a problem with the program being too old.

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Re: Request - LUNAR FMV

Post by The Lemon Merchant »

My laptop is also 2 yrs old with Windows 7. I'm not sure why it won't work. The drive shows up but PSXMC does not recognize it. I suppose I can try the desktop computer to see how that goes but it's so weird that it won't work on the laptop.

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Re: Request - LUNAR FMV

Post by Dark_Fairy »

That is odd. If all else fails, try your desktop computer.

However, I did some more poking around on the program because it's been a while since I've used it. Since the program is so old, the fmvs are ripped to a very small size. To be exact, 320 x 224. If you're looking to rip the fmvs in a higher quality and doing it for free, I suggest finding a free screen capture program and using your discs in an emulator. 320 x 224 is really small, lol. As far as I know, there isn't a way to adjust the size in PSXMC. There might be, but I'll need to check it out more.

Or, if your computer can't handle a screen capture program, one of the other PSX ripping programs might be able to rip them in a higher quality. PSXMC is great for the Lunar games in that you can rip battle voices, voiced dialogue, and even the outtakes in decent quality. However, when PSXMC comes to ripping the FMVs, it gives you really small video sizes.

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