Maybe its just me, but...

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Maybe its just me, but...

Post by phyco126 »

Is anyone else getting logged out randomly? I'll be logged in, surf the boards, but then suddenly I end up logged out and forced to log back in.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by GhaleonOne »

Yeah, though I never thought much of it. I'll see if there's an upgrade available. I haven't done that in a while. Might fix it.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by phyco126 »

Well, it's not a real big deal, but it is annoying now and then. Doesn't seem to mess with topics I haven't read yet.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by Sonic# »

I've never had that happen. Could it be an issue with the web browser you're using or something like that?

(Of course, it's still an issue with the boards too. ;) )

EDIT: For the purposes of collecting data, I use Firefox.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by Werefrog »

It used to happen frequently too when I used Fire Fox, think. Now that I use Google Chrome it doesn't happen so much. I think I'll be switching back to Fire Fox shortly, so I'll let you guys know if that changes things.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by phyco126 »

I use IE, so it could be browser related. I prefere google chrome myself, maybe this next weekend I'll install it.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by Werefrog »

Yeah, Chrome's definitely much better than IE. I still prefer Fire Fox. But... for some reason it quit working on my computer for a while. Then, about a week ago, I tried to show the problem to a friend of mine to find that apparently the problem fixed itself.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by Dark_Fairy »

I've had that happen once in IE, but other than that, I haven't really had a major problem with it. I've mainly been using Firefox lately though, and I have no problems with it.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by Sonix »

I use Firefox and I haven't got logged out yet.

Talking about fire fox, its sure better than fire bird.
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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by Dragonmaster Dyne »

I use IE and have encountered zero problems
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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by GhaleonOne »

BTW, my login problems were unrelated, so if you keep having the problem Phyco, let me know, and I'll look more into it. I do plan on upgrading the board soon, if it's even needed, though.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by phyco126 »

It could still be a browser issue with me. I know IE likes to freeze on me lately.

Anyway, sound's good and I'll keep you updated via this topic or PM.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by swordandshield »

I'm another IE user and I never had a problem with it on here...yet. But it does randomly give me error messages on some things, like an error message will pop up out of nowhere and it says the page cannot be displayed. I also have encountered pages reloading themselves for no apparent reason...its super annoying.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by phyco126 »

Yeah, see? It happened again, only this time it happened 3 times in a row (meaning that I had to sign in 3 times in a row to make a post). Also a nifty little glitch that irks me in the picture below.


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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by GhaleonOne »

Not sure on the login issues to be honest, but I know why your name is there. Last I remember, the board has a list of active usernames (ie signed in). Basically, after x amount of time (5 minutes? not sure) it removes you from that list, either from inactivity, or automatically when you sign out.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by swordandshield »

Oh dear Lord...I think I just shot soda out of my nose from laughing so hard when I saw that sig of Kyle and Jessica...tsk Kyle is such a dirty boy. I feel so bad for Jessica...

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by phyco126 »

G1: Oh, hah! Well, that at least explains that one.

Egghead: Thanks!

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by swordandshield »

No problem...its so funny. So is it an actual scene in the game? It looks like Lunar Legends so I don't know if it is or not.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by phyco126 »

egghead wrote:No problem...its so funny. So is it an actual scene in the game? It looks like Lunar Legends so I don't know if it is or not.
Nope, hand done frame by frame. Took around 6 hours, as I wasn't sure what I was doing at the time.

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Re: Maybe its just me, but...

Post by swordandshield »

I kind of figured that wasn't an actual scene...but Kyle is really that perverted. :roll:

That is very impressive matter if you didn't have a clue what you were doing. It sounds pretty hard to do, how did you do it exactly? I know you used some sort of a program.

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