This place is starting to gather dust.

This board is set up for topics about the fan-based Lunar MMORPG.
Development has been suspended... sorry

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This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by WD RPG WD »

A little test with Ghaleon's Tornado spell.


Maybe some news soon.

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by WD RPG WD »

Ok, the game is being made again. Yippie. Here are some actual shots of the game. It's called Lunar Legacy. It will be an MMORPG. The setting is 40 years before Lunar 1 in a group of islands off the southern coast of the Marius zone. I'll leave the story out for now since it's still being worked on but the game starts on Bacuda Island which is in the deep southern ocean next to Corenos. These islands do actually exist in Lunar lore, as Kizyr can attest to. All tiles in the game are from Lunar. The only tiles not from Lunar are ones I created which is mainly the water. I'll have more details soon.

I have been working on this for a while and with new inventions this game will be a lot easyier to make then the last one I tried. :x


The logo of sorts.

Saido Wharf


Bacuda Jungle

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by OO. »

Wow. Decent little project you've got here.

The screenshot with the Goddess statue in Saido is a very attractive design. That gate, the palm trees, the ivy surrounding her. Did you put her in the middle of a water fountain or was that an existing statue?
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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by WD RPG WD »

That would have been too much work to pull off. I try to avoid as much extra effort as I can since I already have too much to do elsewhere. The statue is from Tamur. The trees and plants are from Iluk. The gate/fence and walls are from Althena's shrine. Thanks for the compliment. :)

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Glad to see this is being worked on again! The screenshots are looking nice as well. ^_^

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by phyco126 »

Can't wait to play!

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by WD RPG WD »

Glad you all like it. If I could ask a favor. Please, don't spread this outside Lunar-net. Not interested in having a lot of kids/hackers/strangers here. :)

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by phyco126 »


Wait, what?

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by Sonic# »

That reminds me of my least favorite abbreviation ever.


"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by AlexofBurg »

This is fantastic! I remember reading the old threads a few years ago and being so disappointed when it got canceled. But I'm definitely pumped to play this bad boy.

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by Haru »

Please, tell me are you really making this MMORPG? Or these screenshots was made in photoshop just for lulz? :'{

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by AlexofBurg »

*Waiting patiently for development to resume*

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by Leo »

Wow this had massive potential. Between there not being a four heroes game, even though the players have clamored for it, no Lunar 3, no US release of Magic School, only one remake of EB and every single remake of the first Lunar getting smaller each time... I'd say the companies have thrown disappointments at this series enough. Now a fan gives us another? :(

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Re: This place is starting to gather dust.

Post by kazuya »

Would a freaking kickstarter for Four Heroes be uncalled for already ??? We need to get in touch with the creators!
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Crimson beyond blood that flows
Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows
I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed
by the power you and I possess...

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