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Lunar: Dragon Dynasty

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:56 am
by TheRadicalAusa
Mmmkay, I'm thinking about making a fangame game about the 4 dragons. It doesn't particularly fit in with the timeline. (The Blue dragon seems older than Nall..) Let's just pretend those dragons got killed inbetween the distance between EB and DD. I'll be using RPGMAKER2003


Nall- Nall continued to run his orphanage after Hiro and the gang defeated Zophar. Years among years later, Nall found a crying Ruby at the foot of Tabens Peak. He took Ruby under his wing. It was 2 years before their dragon pendants glowed, telling them that one of their own was in trouble.

Age: Looks around 18
Height: 5”10
Weight: 167lbs
Weapon(s): Sword, Dagger
Magic: Sword Swirl
Heal Litany
Power Sweep
Sonic Rise
White Dragon Protect
Pendant: Diamond Pendant
Dragon: White

Ruby- After Hiro and Lucia went to the Blue Star, Ruby lived with Grandpa Gywn. After a few years, Gywn died of old age. Ruby then went to live with Jean and her husband. Hiro and Lucia visited them once and awhile. As time went by the party grew older and older till they all perished. Lucia, who died of old age at 63, caused Hiro to die of heartbreak. Lemina died next, a spell backfired and killed her. Ronfar, Leo, and Mauri later died of a viral disease, at different times. And Jean died of old age. Ruby, being overcome with depression sought out Nall who took care of her.

Age: Looks around 14
Height: 5”0
Weight: 98lbs
Weapon(s): Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Magic: Fire Blast
Flame Bomb
Flame Strike
Red Dragon Anger
Pendant: Ruby Pendant
Dragon: Red

Lola- Lola is one of the most powerful magicians in Vane. She has become the Premier of Vane and excels in Ice Magic. She meets the party when Meribia gets attacked. Afterward, Lola becomes a vital part of your team.
Age: Looks around 15
Height: 5”6
Weight: 112lbs
Weapon(s): Cane
Magic: Ice Lance
Freeze Arrow
Ice Glacier
Cold Storm
Grand Armor
Grand Weapon
Black Dragon Grief
Pendant: Opal Pendant
Dragon: Black

Axel- Axel is a perverted womanizer! He is constantly trailing women, peeping through windows, and even going as far as kidnapping them! We meet Axel at Takkar when he scoops Lola off her feet, (not to mention the ground!), when he kidnaps her and takes her to his hideout atop Takkar mountains.

Age: Looks around 20
Height: 6”1
Weight: 197lbs
Weapon(s): Mace
Magic: Heal Litany
Calm Litany
Athena Litany
Miracle Litany
Cleanse Litany
Rust Armor
Rust Weapon
Blue Dragon Healing
Pendant: Aquamarine Pendant
Dragon: Blue

I will probably be using sprites from LL (thanks to phyco126, I will be making custom made ones for the heros.) They probably won't turn into big dragons, only babys. And it probably won't be excellent, but, it will be playable. I'll most likely have the Main enemy list up in few days, same for the supporting characters. I'll also need to get Lunar tilesets/chipsets, any help is greatly appreciated!!

Tell me what you think!

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:29 pm
by Mag
Well as someone who is going through college with the dream of getting into game design, I've fiddled with RPG Maker more than once. I always get frustrated at my lack of drawing ability though, and soon scrap the project.

Best of luck to you in making the game, it sounds promising.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:37 pm
by TheRadicalAusa
Thank you very much! I've just begun this project today, and have nearly finished the items. I'm encouraged to do this for myself and everyone on here. :3

Guys, I'm in dire need of Lunar chipsets. If some could make and/or find some i would really appreciate it. The PSX ones are prefferred, but I'll take any.

Thank You in advance for anyone who would like to help me on this project.


Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:00 pm
by MagicEmperor
That game would be nice to play but the ways you said those other characters died was a bit harsh, but it might turn out good so Good Luck

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:02 pm
by TheRadicalAusa
Well, maybe a bit. But, the world isn't always gumdrops and rainbows! o_o. And, I thought it might add a bit of drama.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:28 pm
by Mag
Given the series' emphasis on storyline this isn't necessarily a bad thing to me. 'Killing off' the main heroes of EB with those kinds of deaths adds some good opportunities to show powerful character development in Ruby, and even Nall.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:02 am
by TheRadicalAusa
That's what I was going for. Like in the other Lunar games, every character has a hurdle to get over.

Nall- He wants to protect Ruby with all his heart, but he doesn't have faith in himself.

Ruby- Has to get over the deaths of her friends and move on. She also wants to get stronger.

Lola- Lola has to try and open up to people, and stop being so cold.

Axel- Axel just want friends. He wants someone he can really settle down with.

Okay, right now I'm being led to believe that not many people are very intrested. >>

And, again, if anyone can make or find chipsets from Lunar please give em to me! Thanks


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:37 am
by MagicEmperor
Well im intrested if you decide to go through with this it sounds like it could make a pretty good game.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:49 am
by TheRadicalAusa
MagicEmperor wrote:Well im intrested if you decide to go through with this it sounds like it could make a pretty good game.

Aww thanks! But, this game isn't going anywhere without chipsets o_o...

In other news, I've got the items finished, and have began working on Animations.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:32 am
by MagicEmperor
O you are going to have animations that will make it even better.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:34 am
by TheRadicalAusa
Battle Animations for the spells and such.


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:12 am
by LuNaRtIc
Wow! Sounds very interesting! :o I'm excited now. If there's anything I can help with let me know. I know close to nothing when it comes to making these types of things though... ^^; but I'll be willing to help. Good luck! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:13 am
by PrettyGirlJean
If you need some simple art I might be able to help depending on what you need/want. Like if you wanted some art for a "start/loading" screen. Or ending drawings like in EB or something.

However, I am working with Zophar on Lunar: TES so that would take priority - but again, just send me an email ( some time and we can talk about it if you're interested in having me do some art. :)

It sounds like a pretty cool project and I'm always down to help out/volunteer with Lunar stuffs :)

Take care now!

EDIT: I think you've seen some of my art for TES already, but if you'd like to see more of my art to help you decide please feel free to visit my deviantart page:

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:15 am
by TheRadicalAusa
LuNaRtIc wrote:Wow! Sounds very interesting! :o I'm excited now. If there's anything I can help with let me know. I know close to nothing when it comes to making these types of things though... ^^; but I'll be willing to help. Good luck! :wink:

Hehe! Thanks. There's only 3 things I really need help with. That's Chipsets ( The thing i need to make the houses and such) Midi's from Lunars and sprites, but, I'm pretty sure that phyco has that under control.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:24 am
by LuNaRtIc
Okay, well I'm here if you need me. I wouldn't mind helping with art either if PrettyGirlJean is too busy with her project. :D

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:31 am
by TheRadicalAusa
Aww Chu guys are soo nice! :cry: I will need a start menu picture! I totally forgot about that!

So anyone that wants do my start picture and/or my ending picture, it would be really helpfull!
Just PM me or email me at (

And if the artists have time on their hands, Event Pictures ( Pictures of certain events that will happen) would be great as well!

THANKS SOO MUCH GUYS <3333333<3333


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:01 am
by DevNall
TheRadicalAusa wrote:Chipsets ( The thing i need to make the houses and such)

I've never heard the term 'chipset' for that before, is that an RPGMaker-specific term?

TheRadicalAusa wrote:Midi's from Lunars

This site and has a ton of those!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:04 am
by TheRadicalAusa
Yes, chipset is RPMAKER specific. It has the tiles of the stuff you need to make the backround.

That's what a chipset looks like.

And thank you for the site! This will help me soo much!


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:20 am
by phyco126
Huh, intresting. I would certainly play it when you get done (I can also test play before you make a final release, I tend to catch minor gameplay issuses, such as minor bugs/spelling errors/grammatical errors, etc etc.)

Anyway, yeah, sprites should be easy enough for me to do. Unfortunatly, no way I know how to make chipsets/tiles, else I would have a rather large library full of Lunar tiles.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:30 am
by TheRadicalAusa
Hehe thanks abundle! I'll release a demo when I'm a bit into the game. Then I'll finish it and have you test play it.

Like I said to Phyco in a PM, anyone who helps with this project will be credited in the beginning and ending credits.

And also, people who I have got to meet and have become (in my opinion) friends with, will have a special lil NPC in the game.

EX.. Lunartic is a little girl at the Tabens Peak orphanage who has a rather large crush on Nall.