Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

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Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Ruby »

So, I've been thinking a little bit about the clothing and art style of the Lunar games lately. Now, unsurprisingly, I like it. But when I think about it I have a really hard time describing it. It seems to take elements from other clothing styles but I can't really put my finger on the influences, and I was wondering if maybe someone had some ideas to help me out here, maybe provide some real-world examples of clothing that has some similar stylistic design. As an aside, does anyone else get a similar vibe, not the same mind you, when they look at the clothing from Utawarerumono's clothing style?

Why does this come to mind right now? We'll it's been bouncing around in my head for a while. I've used it in a few text descriptions, and it's damn hard to describe the style and I feel like the words are just escaping me. But also I'd like to use a similar style of clothing to describe the artistic sensibility of a D&D campaign world I'm writing on Obsidian portal but I really don't want to limit myself to providing Lunar character art for examples. :oops: Especially since I really don't want to limit myself to just those examples.

Edit: I posted a new topic. Mark your calendars and beware the oncoming freak solar eclipse. Some of you may or may not be getting the super power to find socks lost in the dryer.

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Re: Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Sonic# »

I've always wanted to go to left sock world.

I can think of a couple of different styles the clothes in Lunar seem to draw from, or at least, where I think they come from. I know in the Making Of CD for SSSC, a character designer (terrible with names) talks about the concept for Luna, and how different pieces of the clothing came from different places.

Generally, I would put Luna and Alex as somewhere between medieval Eastern European/Russian peasants' garb and mid-Asian dress. Here are links that might draw some comparison:

Alex:, ... 970.27.jpg.

There's the basic over-the-shoulder cloth that seems cut similarly, though Alex never (?) wears it over his head, and it tends to be finer, which makes sense because there don't really seem to be peasants in Burg, persay. Also, the shirt and pants function similarly, with a simple tie as a belt, except that Alex tucks his in, giving him a more modern silhouette. Alex's boots would be well-made for a northern climate, as would the fur in general.

Luna:, ... 974.61.jpg.

The looks have some points of comparison, like the similarly cut and ornamented skirt, the similar length top, and the bound-back hair. Luna wears boots, which are probably, like Alex's, designed for a more northern climate and might be found in several cultures from Scandinavia to Mongolia. It is a bit gypsy as well, but both Luna and the example are more conservative than that. The more solid colors that Luna has, and the slight shortening of her dress, are probably for more modern tastes again.

Next, I would put Mia, Jessica, and Nash in approximately the same category, not because I think they come from the same place, but because they all wear robes. Jessica's are fairly easy, being a blend of druidic robes (especially the hood), a wedding dress, and other modern ornamentations that come from somewhere. (Maybe less easy than I thought.) Mia seems a little like Madeline in dress, a grown up version of the Parisian schoolgirl. There's also an edge of juridical. Nash could be any number of clergy from an Eastern religion, and I'm running out of time to speculate.

Kyle is a bit of an outlier. He keeps a few features of other characters, like the bandolier which young Dyne has, and the boots, but otherwise he seems more styled as a fairly typical barbarian, Conan-style. The little bits of uniformity (the blue midriff, the belt) seem to indicate some degree of formality, which is why it makes sense that he's a brigand, as opposed to an outright loner or wild man.

Other clothing styles seem to fall into these broad ranges. Roughly, I would say that if you wanted to describe it simply, it would be Eastern European/Middle Asian for most, a skewing towards ecclesiastical/juridical clothing for magic users, and a love for color in general. Add a healthy helping of fantasy influence and modernization, and a few random design choices, and there you ... have it?

I can do the art style another time, or someone else could.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Alunissage »

I feel like I should be good at this, but I don't think I am. I'll see if I can come up with something, or look through Kubooka interviews. One thing that stands out, and I think he mentioned it a few times, is the use of geometrics in his designs. Lots of zigzags and diagonals and such.

By art style do you mean of the clothes, or the drawings, or the architecture...? The obvious, of course, is the Greek vibe in the Goddess Tower (and Althena's outfit) in TSS, and the statues in the later games. Lucia's Blue Tower and the reliefs look more Assyrian to me.

Sonic: persay -> per se. I don't usually bother correcting people on this but since you're a word person I thought you'd want to know. ^_^

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Re: Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Temzin »

Sonic#'s anaylsis is right on the mark for clothing, and as Alunissage mentions, the Lunar I&II Official Design Materials have a few good bits about the design as well, starting with Kubooka's speaking of characters dressed for northern climates and continuing onward. Killy/Kyle is indeed the outlier, inspired by a character in Lucas' "Willow" film. Outside of the furs and Mongol styles of Burg residents, the aforementioned diagonals and jagged lines really do dominate. I think the Magic Emperor's armor, the crest and the violent lightning-bolt-like zags in particular, contribute to the unique look you're speaking of with Kubooka's work, as well. In any event, to my mind, the cloth and fabrics tend toward the Mongolian and the Eastern European, and the armors and patterns towards older civilizations, Assyrian, perhaps even some Inca/Aztec (I'm thinking again to the Magic Emperor's armor).

And I think Alun's mention of the very Greek Orthodox feel of Althena's followers in TSS is a smashing point, one I'd completely overlooked and which has subsequently been played down in favor of the "traditionally church-like" designs of Eternal Blue's corrupt faith. While I love the Assyrian (and perhaps Greek) look of the statues on the Blue Star, there's definitely something to that otherwordly effect that TSS's cathedrals had.
aka Maou

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Re: Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Alunissage »

Temzin, remind me: are the translations on the site by "maou" yours?

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Re: Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Sonic# »

Alunissage wrote:I feel like I should be good at this, but I don't think I am. I'll see if I can come up with something, or look through Kubooka interviews. One thing that stands out, and I think he mentioned it a few times, is the use of geometrics in his designs. Lots of zigzags and diagonals and such.

By art style do you mean of the clothes, or the drawings, or the architecture...? The obvious, of course, is the Greek vibe in the Goddess Tower (and Althena's outfit) in TSS, and the statues in the later games. Lucia's Blue Tower and the reliefs look more Assyrian to me.

Sonic: persay -> per se. I don't usually bother correcting people on this but since you're a word person I thought you'd want to know. ^_^
I like the Greek Orthodox notice too. I was trying to find images to fit that for clothes, but those lacking, the architecture really fits that.

And... per se. Thanks. :) That actually makes a lot of sense, alongside the Latin class I'm taking now. I guess that's what happens when I use a phrase I've only heard and never connected with what I read. XD

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Ruby »

Alunissage wrote:By art style do you mean of the clothes, or the drawings, or the architecture...? The obvious, of course, is the Greek vibe in the Goddess Tower (and Althena's outfit) in TSS, and the statues in the later games. Lucia's Blue Tower and the reliefs look more Assyrian to me.
I just wanted to note when I said art style I was specifically talking about clothing, fashion, tattoos, etc. Considering what I'm wanting to use this information for, expanding out from the artist's drawings and into the influences where they came from. Otherwise my focus is going to be a tad limited. It occurs to me now that "art style" wasn't the best choice of words, but yes, architecture is probably something I should look at as well.

Just to let all of you know even though I only quoted one post I've read through all of them. I wouldn't have thought of Eastern European as a source. I'd always been trying to look for something asian in origin. When you say all other characters fall in between are you considering just the TSS characters or EB characters too?

I do notice the "geometrics" prevalently in all the clothing, especially as a border for fabrics. Actually that's what I tend to think of as the most defining feature of the clothing but have had a hard time pining down the source of that style, but I feel like it has to be from somewhere. I feel like I've seen it before and I should know the source of that style.

Here's a link to the Obsidian Portal page I'm currently putting together right now for this campaign. Right now most of what I have are a lot of disjointed ideas floating around in a OneNote file, but I'm looking to fill up the Wiki at this place with a lot of general culture notes that will hopefully be inspiring to players, but I don't want to ram Lunar down their throats either. You know, because it /is/ a D&D game, and not a Lunar game, so lots of things are not the same and I don't want to pidgeon hole it by saying, "Oh yeah it's like this", especially when, well, it's not.

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Re: Clothing and Art Style of the Lunar Games

Post by Temzin »

Alunissage wrote:Temzin, remind me: are the translations on the site by "maou" yours?
Good memory! Yep, "Temzin" and Maou are one and the same.

I'm still frustrated that I can't pin down exactly what the Magic Emperor's jagged lines ( ... meghal.jpg) remind me of, especially since such a distinctively designed set of armor would be good imagery for a roleplaying campaign, I imagine. I really want to say it's something native to ancient Central America with the lightning imagery (and maybe that connects to Quetzalcoatl, too), but I think it's just fantastic. The narrow eye slit for the mask is one of the great Kubooka designs (I remember thinking back in 1998 or so that Graf in Xenogears seemed to be shamelessly cribbed from Ghaleon, both thematically and design-wise). There have been other villains channeling the Darth Vader/Sauron/Black Knight thing before, but none ever seemed so elegant and exotic as the Magic Emperor.
aka Maou

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