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Really old school fandom

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:55 pm
by Dragonmaster Lou
Hopefully this is the right forum for this...

Anyway, I was hanging out with a couple other "ancient ones" of online Lunar fandom, Nadia (yes, that Nadia if you know her) and Nicole (AKA Mia Ausa) and we talked a bit about Lunar: SSH and how the translator, John Sears, said he was a Lunar fan going back to WD's release of TSS for the Sega CD all those years ago. So we were wondering if he was on the old Lunar Fans Mailing List I ran back in the mid to late 90's.

With that, I'm curious as to who here on the boards was also on that old mailing list way back when? It just would be kind of neat to see how many of the ancient Lunar fans are still around and kicking and active.

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:50 am
by Kizyr
I was! I remember the old Lunar-L. It gave me a reason to check my email every day. KF

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:41 pm
by Dragonmaster Lou
Damn... I had forgotten that you were on the Lunar-L way back when, Kizyr... Guess I'm going senile or something in my old age. :P

In retrospect, I probably would've done things a lot differently if I were running it today -- but I was an immature 19 year old college kid back then. I also probably would've created a forum like this instead of a mailing list if the technology existed back then. :)

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:16 am
by Shiva Indis
I was on the Lunar-L back in the day, but damned if I can remember anything about it but people losing their minds over the the SSS opening. I do remember spending a lot of time on your site, Lou. Waiting 30 mins for packed-to-the-gills pages of screenshots to load. :mrgreen:

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:50 pm
by Dragonmaster Lou
Shiva Indis wrote:I was on the Lunar-L back in the day, but damned if I can remember anything about it but people losing their minds over the the SSS opening. I do remember spending a lot of time on your site, Lou. Waiting 30 mins for packed-to-the-gills pages of screenshots to load. :mrgreen:
Hehe, nice, and thanks for the complements on my old site -- which, believe it or not, is still up and still mostly unchanged (mostly as sort of a historical record of it, if you will).

The things I remember most from the list, other than the SSS opening stuff, were the Final Fantasy vs. Lunar flamewars that escalated once Andrew Vestal got on the list as well as people comparing Ghaleon to Raistlin for some reason.

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:37 am
by Silver Phoenix
Um hello, Lunar-L charter member here. I still have my Lunar shirts that Renn made me from the Lunar Threads on Dave's Sega Saturn Page. I was around long before the remakes were even thought of and the original Eternal Blue was still fresh in our minds.

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:21 am
by Nobiyuki77
Old School Sega CD Lunar fan checking in!

Sadly, I didn't have a computer with internet at the time, so I didn't know about this Lunar-L thing. :(

I was a huge WDMB member though. Even tried to revive it for a while before it got hacked.

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:53 pm
by Dragonmaster Lou
Silver Phoenix wrote:Um hello, Lunar-L charter member here. I still have my Lunar shirts that Renn made me from the Lunar Threads on Dave's Sega Saturn Page. I was around long before the remakes were even thought of and the original Eternal Blue was still fresh in our minds.
I remember you! I wasn't sure if you were the same Silver Phoenix that was on the Lunar-L. :) I also still have a shirt Renn made as well, though I think mine may have been leading up to the remake (it's got Alex and Nall laughing at a passed out FF7 cloud with the line "It takes more than having a big sword to be a hero").

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:53 pm
by Dragonmaster Lou
Nobiyuki77 wrote:Old School Sega CD Lunar fan checking in!

Sadly, I didn't have a computer with internet at the time, so I didn't know about this Lunar-L thing. :(

I was a huge WDMB member though. Even tried to revive it for a while before it got hacked.
Yeah, the WDMB was something that more or less took place during my lull in participating in online fandom, so I never hung out there much.

Re: Really old school fandom

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:57 am
by Ardent Fox
I didn't get a computer or access to one until around the time SSSC and LEB came out on the Playstation. It would again be a while from there until I'd discover the old LEB boards as well as L-Net. I became a member of LEB's forum though before it crashed and burned then came here a few years later.