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Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:15 am
by Uncle Ramus
Of course everyone else is welcome to ask any burning questions they have too.

1) What is the source of this image?
sssc_splash.jpg (84.95 KiB) Viewed 19837 times
I'd like to have it in higher resolution and hopefully without the quote. I want to use it as album art for the soundtrack CD.

2) Is there any meaning behind "Eternal Blue"? You know, the subtitle for the second Lunar game. We know "The Silver Star" is, well, the Silver Star. But what exactly does "Eternal Blue" mean?

Re: Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:11 pm
by ShugoHanasaki
Eternal Blue stands for the Blue Star. The second game had to do with the Blue Star and it was about restoring it. "Eternal Blue" fits nicely into that.

Re: Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:55 pm
by AkagisWhiteComet
This version you've attached here is a cropped version of the source material, which if I'm recalling correctly was also a poster in Japan. The source is a large vertical image with Luna's reflection and the Blue Star fully visible on the bottom. I believe it's both used as a side bar image on LUNARNet's side bar and can also be found in the promotional materials section.

Re: Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:26 am
by Sonic#
1. It's a still from the intro video for Lunar: SSSC. . With a reverse image search I found this still from a YouTube video of the Making Of Lunar film:


We have this version on the Lunar-Net page, which features a fuller shot of the reflection in more muted color:


2. Blue Star, yes. I also thought that Lucia was caught up in the "Eternal" part of it, since she is immortal and watches over the Blue Star. (And she is associated with the color blue in several ways.)

Re: Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:42 am
by Alunissage
For what it's worth, Eternal Blue is the name of the Japanese game as well. I mean, the Japanese devs gave the game an English name; it's not translated. This was also the case with all other Lunar games except the two Magic School ones.

Re: Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:36 pm
by Kizyr
Alunissage wrote:For what it's worth, Eternal Blue is the name of the Japanese game as well. I mean, the Japanese devs gave the game an English name; it's not translated. This was also the case with all other Lunar games except the two Magic School ones.
Also the only name changes (Japanese to English) were changing Lunar: Genesis to Lunar: Dragon Song, and Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star to Lunar: Silver Star Harmony. (And of course LWS/MSL were never ported so those don't count.)

...Lunar's actually been rather obvious about the names, tbh. "Silver" for the Silver Star / Lunar, "Blue" for the Blue Star / not-Earth-but-looks-a-lot-like-Earth. KF

Re: Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:13 am
by Uncle Ramus
Thanks everyone! Guess I should have mentioned that I had already found that 1024x768 image though. Sorry...

But I couldn't remember exactly how I came across it and you guys refreshed my memory. Google images yields the 1024x768 image if you search for the tall/long, dark poster with the 2 Blue Stars.

And look at what Bing brings up for that same poster (this is also on a LunarNET page)

Re: Making this thread so that I can ask questions that probably have short answers

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:55 pm
by ShugoHanasaki
That image is also used in the opening of SSSC as a video