luanr 3 premise

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Burg Farmer
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luanr 3 premise

Post by Winchester469 »

1 Lunar 3 premise.
This is a fans imagining of lunar 3 that I have come up with, do with this as you will. Now that I am done school I figured I would work on a project that I have always wanted to do but lacked the time to do so. If this winds up in the hands of Game Arts and they want to make this into the official 3rd release great, if not it’s just for me.
The Beginning Motive description:
When you have the ability to see how lonely your friend will be for his or her immortal life, would you not give them the power to lessen it? Well Luna does just that. After the events at the Goddess Tower she ended up giving up her powers as the Goddess Althena in death, however, she still contained the wisdom, foresight and power that were unlocked by Ghaleon until her death. Though her life with Alex was fulfilling and happy, her heart weighed at the future for their best friend Nall, who would inevitably be left alone as his friend’s perished through the natural tolls of time. Luna’s fear of this drove her to grant Nall the ability to transform into human form however this lead him to retain his immortality however lost his ability to transform back into a dragon until the events uncovered through his story.
Sadly for him this locked away his power as a dragon, but there was no need for his power for quite some time. Nall lived in his human form nearly 500 years, watching the world as its protector and adviser. He Soon became Master of Meribia after Kyle passed away to ensure the efficiency of the capital. This all came to an end when he was helping out a raid party to find out the issue with a town being protected by a beast of massive proportion from thieves. This turned out to be the reincarnated black dragon. After Nall knocks out the black dragon with Keifer, Nall commands the unit back to Meribia. Shade turns into the cat form that Nall and ruby are usually in during the other two games. Nall finds out that the thief’s leader is looking to kill Althena’s dragons to rid the world of all hope to the return of Althena. Nall sets off with Shade and Keifer to fix these issues.
Lore of the world after Althena:
The world after Althena is struck into two factions, those that instantly took to her disappearance and those that still waited for her to return. This has struck a division amungst the people and after 500 years they have become quite irate at each other’s opinion on the matter. One side Believes that the leader of humanity should be a fellow human in the form of a holy monarch, and the other believes that the leader of Humanity is still Althena and that she will return. It is now up to Nall to fight both sides and bring an end to all thoughts of war amungst Althena’s children and to shape the world to be as Luna had foreseen it to be as her only living friend.
Basic story line Plot cycle:
Life after Ghaleon
We begin the story at laike’s funeral 10 years after the fight with Ghaleon. A month after Nall transformed into a human, Laike died of old age and was burned at sea as the great hero Dragon Master Dyne. After his death there was no need to keep his secret to the world any longer, and the world of Lunar was finally able to see off Dyne the second greatest hero of Lunar’s history. 10 years later As Alex now wears the red beret in remembrance of his former hero and mentor, Nall sees it time to begin training with the sword. In his years after the magic emperor Alex continued to practice his sword skills with Kyle as a co-teacher at Kyle’s school in Meribia. As a result Nall was able to learn much from Alex very quickly. Soon Nall is set out for his first mission to kill a beast in the weird woods that has been attacking the villagers on their way to and from Saith. Even though Alex accompanies him he holds back his strength to equal Nall. They set off to kill the beast. (At this point Nall currently does not have any skills due to his beginner status as a swordsman and Alex has learned support magic from Luna using his ocarina.) The beast turns out to be an old bear that has become over territorial and is killed by Alex and Nall. After they return, Alex turns to face Nall and say you are now ready to learn the Sword dance technique. After teaching Nall the skill, Alex collapses and admits to Nall that He is about to die from an incurable Heart disease in a year’s time. Nall questions if there is any hope, but he knew it was Luna that told Alex of this and was now written in stone. After a fade to black all we see is a tomb stone that reads here lie’s Alex: Husband, Hero and dear friend.
Life after Alex

500 years later sitting at his desk, now known as the dragon king, Nall sits at his desk. A soldier communicates that a black beast is causing trouble in the village settlement of Claire. Nall leaves Meribia in the care of Ramus the 8th as he goes personally to Claire, to see the beast with his own eyes. He leaves with the soldier named Keifer, who is a descendant of Kyle and a skilled spear user. Once they reach Claire through the Traveler’s Cave Nall and Keifer are attacked by the black beast. Before Keifer lands the final blow, Nall stops him and calls out to the beast and begins to scold it for not being able to tell who is standing before him. The beast, now in its true form as a baby dragon, banters back that he knows they are thieves. Nall corrects this and exclaims that in fact he is Athena’s white dragon. After some more banter back and forth between Nall and the newly announced Shade they head back to Meribia. Meribia is being attacked by Bandits and Nall and Keifer have to fight their way back to the castle. The leader of the bandits turns to face them. All they learn from him is that no being with connections or belief in “her” shall be ruler of men any longer. After a discussion between Ramus, Nall, Shade and Keifer, Nall decides to leave Meribia and search for the Bandits strong hold and find out what that man truly wanted and to stop this problem as soon as possible. Nall leaves Meribia in the hands of ramus and then sets off with Keifer and Shade.
On the Road Again:
Knowing not where to go next, the group heads east thru the windy valley on their rout to Vane. The group finds out that vane is in the state of reconstruction. They are currently in the middle of figuring out what building should be fixed next when Nall’s group arrives. As they arrive a girl is on her way out of town and bumps into them. She proceeds to apologize, but it was a rouse since she stole all of their food. Nall even though he is pissed, brushes it off and claims at least she didn’t steal our money, where Keifer responds back with “I’d like to have my dignity back, but that left with the food.” After talking to the people of vane the group becomes informed as to a high theft rate has been occurring in vane of recent months and all the bandits seem to be coming from the mountains north east of vane. They also mention that it has gotten so tight in Vane, money wise that fellow magicians are following the bandits in hope to become them so they can begin eating again. Nall goes to talk to the leader of the magic guild before they set off since Nall and Frey are old friends. Frey Joins Nalls group since as a strong magic user she will be very helpful.
The group heads out to the mountain to secure the bandits base and to drive them away from Vane. When they get to the base they bump into the thief and scold her for stealing their food. She apologizes and gives the food back and explains that her father is being held captive and she is stealing food in order to pay off his debt. They agree to let her join as they disband the bandits and try to defeat their leader. When they get to the leaders bunker he introduces himself as Dalbec, they fight his body guard, Dalbec kills the father of the girl after the battle, and laughs as he walks through a locked and barged door. Nall speaks in his head “Dam it! if only I had my dragon powers, I could have ended this before it got this bad.” After Dalbec leaves the thief girl introduces herself as Sonya and asks if she can come with Nall’s group to help avenge her father’s death. They agree and move on slowly to give Sonya some time so she can collect her father’s personal belongings the most important being the family knife on his belt that she uses in place of a dagger for her dagger dash attacks. They head back to vane to see if the bandits are gone and the towns people state that the bandits headed north east so the group heads in that direction.
It’s on now!
On another mountain path the group heads north east. The path is full of bandits, traps and tough monsters. (Since there will be no boss In this area this mountain will test your level and skill through the monsters only.) The group heads through the path, killing bandits and their monster pets until they reach the summit. The group stops for the night and they discuss the path travelled similar to that in a Grandia game. Nall, shadow and Keifer discuss how Sonya’s fighting skills are very good for a woman, and some guy bantering between them. During their conversation, Frey is trying to comfort Sonya about her father’s murder and after Sonya’s done talking about how her father was a gentle man she asks Frey about her father. Frey’s father happened to be a powerful mage yet was distant towards his family, but with Vane in the shape it’s in now she understands now in her adult age that he had no real choice during his leadership. It happens to be her driving factor to become a great leader of the guild so he can retire and finally enjoy his life for a change. Sonya then asks how long Frey and Nall have known each other and Nall kicks in with “since she was a baby.” After a questioning look from Sonya, Nall then decides to tell Sonya that he is actually the white dragon of Althena and how he came to be a human form and of his time with Alex and Luna. Sonya soon comes to terms with this and they move on. The other side of the mountain is just as difficult as the climb up, but has a few new monsters that replaced the old ones.
When the group leaves the mountain path, they hit port Garris (Gare- is). Port Garris is infested by pirates and if you talk to the wrong person the group will trigger a fight. Eventually after talking to everyone in Garris the group stumbles upon the leader of the pirates Garris Himself. Garris is a well-mannered individual and apologises for the actions of his men. He explains that He took over the port in order to protect the people from Dalbec’s men and instructed his men to drive off anyone who looks suspicious. He exclaims the reports state that you are traveling with a rag tag team of misfits and the rumours tell no lies it seems. He questions the group as to why they are there and they explain that they are on the road to bring an end To Dalbec’s tyranny. Garris Laughs and discusses that Dalbec is on the verge of creating a war on lunar that could destroy the very way of life they have all enjoyed for all these years. In order to test their will Garris challenges the party to a fight when they don’t give in. After the fight Garris joins you since he believes that if there’s going to be a war between him and Dalbec, he may as well get his hands dirty and leave his men to protect the town’s people.

Across the sea:

After the group crosses the sea heading north they come to a peninsula and anchor the boat. It’s a cold land far east of Burg. The group starts heading west until they come across a cave leading into a mountain. When they enter they can hear a roar of a massive beast. Everyone, but Nall is weary of the sound. Nall explains that it was the roar of a dragon as to which one he does not know, but from the environment he guesses that it is the blue Dragon. The Group goes through the cave and they find that it is not the blue Dragon, but the Red Dragon near death and the cold environment is due to the energy required to transform into an egg. She explains that there are two ways to birth a new dragon. One is self-rebirth much like how Althena kept reviving herself to lunar as a child to continue watching over her children in each new era. Dragons, however have a much longer life span, that of about 4000 years. After that they have to either self-rebirth or create a child with one of the other dragons. After telling the group this, she looks over to Frey and states that the soul of a mage burns deep and that her fire magic could be useful in the future and the red dragon bestows Frey with her power.
(This enhancement Allows Frey to call upon the red dragon’s power and enhance everyone’s Magic attack and defence a lot while laying waste to the enemy with fire balls from the sky. Increase lasts 3 turns in a way that the special moves in the gba and psp versions of the silver star story work.)
As the red dragon dies her final words are “I’m proud of you my Son, you protected her well.” As Nall wipes away some tears with a simple thank you. The party go through the exit of the cave that is now visible due to the magic extinguishing in totality. They head west after the exit until they hit a black tower.
Dalbec’ Tower:

The party has reached Dalbec’ tower and is faced with the full front of Dalbec’es minions. The party reaches the top of the tower and is confronted by Dalbec himself. He claims to be the new ruler of lunar and laugh’s at the party’s feeble attempt to stop him. After the battle Dalbec may be visibly beaten and broken, but he just laughs. He states that through Ghaleon’s work, He himself found a way to channel Althena’s power into himself and become ruler of lunar as the rightful king of man. He begins to step into his magic Converter to absorb the massive power, when he turns to face the party, Nall screams out, “you will lose your humanity and I will cut you down just as Alex did Ghaleon!” Dalbec responds with a powerful lightning strike at the party that knocks them down. “I’d like to see you try dragon boy” the party scrambles to their feet just in time for another lightning strike. The party is obviously out classed, but has no escape. “Nall thinks of a plan, since the converter is to convert Althena’s power into a human body he picks up his sword and fakes a charge at Dalbec heading for the machine. As he collides with the converter there is a shockwave that throws Nall Back to the party. Dalbec raises his hand to strike at them once more for the killing blow. Nall cries out in a roar, turns into a Dragon and warps the party to burg. This used up all the energy that was given to him by the converter, however, he states that he can now once again feel Althena’s power flowing through him. He explains that it will take time for it to come back completely, but he can replenish his lost power over time by taking in small amounts of Athena’s power through her prayer monuments, however they take time to replenish the power required to be enough for me to bother taking it, but even when its depleted of energy for my use, it should still be enough to heal our wounds.
(Though you can use, Athena’s Statues like the other 2 games, Nall’s absorption of power is only allowed once every 5 battles and will heal him by half, however, every time they visit a new statue it will be fully recovered. This absorbed power will allow him to turn into a dragon form and fight in it till the meter drops to zero. The amount of Althena’s power used will be dependant of the skill being used, attacking will take some as well and the amount of Althena’s power total will be dependent upon character level. It will not drop to 0 at the end and some minor enemies will require it to be defeated.)
While in burg the festival of Althena is happening and the party take part in a fun night of drinking and resting up for the battle to come.
What next?
After the long night the party awakes with Nall nowhere in sight. Keifer leads the party to find him. They find him at Alex, Lunas and Lakie’s grave. [only scene I know of that should be a definite anime cutaway scene.] As they approach Nall begins to talk, “It’s been 50 years since I came here last to give them flowers. … Time flows so different for me ... A year for you seems like a day to me now. I used to visit their graves every day when I was in burg, then every month in Meribia, then a year … and now what seems like a year has become 50. I am glad the grave stones are still here after all this time ... It’s Funny isn’t it, how it becomes both easier and harder to live without them as the time goes by?” Sonya asks, “Who is buried here Nall?” After wiping tears away from his cheek Nall turns to face them, “Frey and Kiefer already know, but for your knowledge Sonya and yours Garris, Buried here are my two best friends Alex and Luna, alongside Alex’s mentor and hero Dyne. … Coincidentally you also stand at the grave site of the last two Dragon masters that will ever live and the goddess Athena herself.” After the Shock fades the party decides the next plan of action. From burg, the best option is to get back to Merbia and prepare for war. combining the military might of Meribia with the Pirates from Port Garris. Garris sends out a Pidgeon message to ready his manager for the upcoming war.
(If Nall is past a certain level you can warp to Meribia, if not the party has to travel by boat. Neither option changes any of the storyline except one comes with a couple weak battles. From this point forward the party can recruit members from the many towns in lunar for the army against Dalbec. This does not affect the story line in any way, except for letters from the battle field. Each letter is personal, some are tragic some are happy and some are funny. This would be a good thing for people who look to collect in games and adds some replay value in case they miss a couple people.)
As the party reaches Meribia they pop in to talk to ramus to bring him up to speed with everything that’s going on in the world as they hear an explosion. They rush outside to discover Meribia has been overrun by monsters and that black rose street has been blasted to bits. A roar is heard and the party lifts their heads to see in disbelief a dragon flying above them. It turns out to be the blue dragon under Dalbec’s Control. It crashes down and attacks the party head on. After the Battle, the blue dragon returns to normal. The blue dragon explains that he felt, “hmm that's weird I felt like I was being controlled by the goddess herself again, everyone under a rock knows she kicked the bucket with that Alex kid a decade or two ago ... jeeze you guys are looking like I should have said centuries or something, how long have I been asleep this time? Anyways this mind control power stealing trick is getting kind of old if you ask me. Althena should have installed better malware protection or a VPN for my power (single shot of Nall getting irritated.) ... oh hey Nall when did you get here kiddo? Wait was that you I was talking to this whole time, sorry kid I know you were close to Althena and Alex. They always said I needed to learn mouth control.” After apologizing to Nall for the insensitive remark he bestows Garris with the power to control the water.
(This bestows Garris with tsunami; this move will cause one of three outcomes: An escape from battle, Massive Damage to enemies, or sweeps the enemies away entirely. If the party escapes no exp, if enemies are washed away half exp, during a boss battle it will always be massive damage. It will work like the red dragon spell.)
After burrowing the people who died in the fight, the group finds themselves back in the castle talking to Ramus. They come up with a plan to figure out how to awaken Shadows dragon powers since the more of Althena’s power they have at this point the better off they are.
Journey to unleash the dragon
Nall figures that they should go to the place where the black dragon cave used to be. Since Nall still has a memory of where it is, he warps them to where Might’s tower used to be and they end up at the top. After 500 years the place is fairly run down and has been infested with pests. There are some good items in the tower for the party at least one for each and Nall picks up the master sword from the top. “It’s a little rusty, but it’s still sharper than anything made in Meribia.” The party hits the bottom of the tower to find that they are surrounded by forest and have to find their way south through a maze. Eventually the party hits a clearing in the bush and decide to camp. They are awoken in the morning by a giant boar monster screeching. The boar hits quick and knocks the women and Garris away from Nall, shade and Keifer. Nall turns into a dragon and Keifer jumps onto Nalls back. The battle starts off with Nall flying into the sky and Keifer jumping off and hitting the boar for massive soon to be moderate damage.
(Keifer and Nall can now learn combo attacks while Nall is in a dragon form for moderate to massive damage depending on their levels. Kiefers dragon power is now accessible and is the ability to jump high and crash down creating the ground to crack, lifting rocks up that fall on top of all enemies.)
After the battle the party reunites and then heads out of the forest to the south. They come across a small settlement of travelling black smiths. You talk to the people and they hear your story and would all love to see a dragon fly over them and to see the end of this looming war on lunar. The leader agrees that if they can see a black dragon above their heads they will back the Meribian army and provide them the best weapons and armour they can make. The leader then points out that there seems to be a blocked cave at the end of town and that he will instruct his men to remove the blockade for your party.
The black dragon tower is the same as the original but with minor variances due to age. The monsters are powerful and take quite the physical ability to defeat. They make their way to the top of the tower and Nall reminisces a bit about when Alex became a dragon master for the first time trying to rescue luna who was turned into the black sorceress by Ghaleon. The party splits up and looks for clues on how to access shades inner dragon abilities, but there is nothing but a feather monument left by the plains tribe long ago. Keifer reminds Nall that shade was in his dragon form when they first met and to ask him what he remembers. Nall talks to shade and it turns out that Shade turned into that form when the lady who was taking care of him died from a bandit attack. He became enraged turned into a dragon until Nall and Keifer beat him up and since then has not been able to return into that form. Shade starts to cry because he knows how important it is to be a fully grown dragon in this time of great peril, but has no way to become one yet. All of a sudden the feather starts to glimmer as a dragon soul appears on the pedestal and it begins to speak its magic recording to shade. “You have come. You ... my reincarnation. I could not in this life reproduce due to Ghaleon’s treachery, so I had to form a rebirth. However, since my body was destroyed in the battle the world had to reincarnate me on its own. There must always be the 4 dragons as we are both the protectors and producers of life energy for lunar. We were created by Althena to allow for her magic to continue for her children in the event she perished. As a result of this if we die our power is reabsorbed into the planet then the planet will reform us anew. This feather statue is the source of the black dragon’s full power. In order to obtain its power you must show courage and a true heart in the dragons trial. I hope you fair well young one since if you fail you must wait another 10 years to prove your worth again as the statue regains its magic.”
(Shades trial is a series of questions and puzzles. These questions can be straight forward, but may be hard for younger players. It should feel like a job interview that’s gone wrong. Not every obvious answer is the right answer.)
Shade finishes the trial and comes out as a fully grown dragon. He flies into the sky and lets out a mighty roar for the world around him to hear. He says that he will meet the party at the bottom of the tower. When they get to the bottom shade rejoins the party in his flying cat form. Nall congratulates him on his ability to become a dragon and the rest of the party give their words of encouragement.
When they get back to the blacksmith camp they are welcomed with a feast and a good night’s sleep. When they wake they talk to the leader once again and he gives them their support and told to go suit up in their new battle gear that was made for them while they were in the tower. With a shocked voice they agree to do so. The leader then smiles and says I know who you are Nall. We are the once proclaimed plains tribe of old, and know well the names of the heroes of the past as well as drawings of their faces. You get handed a bromide of Nall and tempest feeding on a fish feast in burg.
With the dragon’s power available, the party decides to turn their sights back on Dalbec’s tower to try and stop him from destroying the world as they know it. Knowing that they lack any insight on the matter at hand they decide to head back to Meribia and come up with a battle plan.
The war

Once back at Meribia the party meets up with Ramus in the castles war area to come up with a plan. After a good conversation between everyone using all of the resources available they decide the best course of action is to attack the army at sea with Garris’s fleet at the fore front using the blue dragon’s magic that he obtained to disrupt the enemy’s enough to allow the Meribian’s fleet to ransack and take over their boats. After the meeting the team heads out to the town where there is a worn out populace who seem slightly down and believe that the war is lost before its begun due to Dalbec having althenas power now. After talking to the people of Meribia, the group heads to the dock when Garris’s boat resides and set out to sea.
Sonya seems down in the dumps during the initial boat ride and Shade goes to comfort her. Sonya is thinking of her dad and how he loved the sea and boats. He lived in construction and helped build some of the main hallmarks of the Meribian fleet. She also shared with Shade that she felt under powered now that the others have Dragon powers, just look how Garris is ready to take on the entire fleet with one spell. Shade asks Sonya what would you do with the power of a Dragon. Sonya looked at Shade and answered. “Honestly Id like to disappear, however, I need to finish this fight. I have long since forgone the idea of revenge, but I am still angry and want Dalbec’s head ... is that worng? I don't think so. I’ve seen the moral of the army at this point, they need people who work for them, but im better off in the shadows fighting from the sidelines for those I believe in. I believe in Nall, Garris, freya and Keifer. They are so strong and can show a face of no fear even when terrified and here I am in a state of near tears and uncontrolled breathing. I feel so powerless.” Shade responds. “ I believe in you Sonya, it was the courage of all of my friends that got me past my trials to become a full dragon. Courage is not the absence of fear as I once believed, its the ability to act despite the fear. You have this Sonya and yes those in the Shadows are just as courageous if not more as they don't get the glory for their actions yet they have to be able to battle the most terrifying opponent of all. Darkness itself. Don't give up Sonya we need you.” Sonya and Shadow talked all night long about her father, family and new found family that she was able to find from this journey and Shadow talks about the nice lady that took care of him before the events of the bandit attack. After Sonya when to pet shadow after the tears have dried and he glowed a sombre light that enveloped them both. Sonya exclaims that she feels different and disappears. Shade acts like he can still see her, but the rest of the group asks where she went. Shade sais right here and points. Sonya then pops back for the group to see. (Sonya learns Shadows cloak. Sonya can cloak herself making her able to doge any attack for 3 turns while having a 100% chance of a critical strike with a 50% chance of instant death to any normal enemy.) With Sonya unlocking her dragon power with the help of Shade the new dawns battle can now commence.
The enemy ships line up out on the horizon, and to avoid getting the meribian ships caught in the wave Garris calls forth the blue dragon to help with the battle. Once the tsunami ravages the ships the party can clear to the other side, however the sea becomes enraged by Dalbec’s magic and monsters start jumping onto the boat and fighting the team. After 5 battles. Sonya and shade come up with a plan to share their strength and cloak the ship as it travels forth. They reach the shore exhausted. Luckily they reach the shore this time south of Dalbec’s tower where the remnants of the Vile tribe mine is. (the egg shaped thing where they were held in cocoons.) Luckily the goddess statue is there and the group camps over night before the final battle ensues. With some encouraging words the party lay asleep and await the final battle.
As the party marches towards the final march they find themselves hitting the haredst enimeys they have faced thus far. Nall is reflecting on the journey into the goddesses tower with Alex and them. There is one last place to camp when they reach close to Dalbecs tower. Nall opens up about his past an remembers Alex and the team. Though this team is somewhat different it ahs reminded him of his past in a way hey hasn't thought about in the last 500 years. Once they wake they head into Dalbec’s tower.
Dalbec’s tower is where the party meets their greatest match, the enemy's are powerful and hard hitting. These enemy’s up the tower test the player in their ability to micro manage resources. At the top exausted the party stumbles onto a goddess tower built in a state of mockery so it resets the player to half hp and mp no matter what they try. This means up till now they had to be foreced ina way through the game to actually require star lights and healing nuts and utilize them. It cannot be a forced difficulty spike at the end of that game. Final fantasy is known for this tactic and it does not work in the lunar franchise, however a higher difficulty would be warranted as Lunar 2 was deffinitly more difficult that lunar 1 however, as it has been played multiple times it is no longer difficult. I imagine this game to be a medium difficulty no matter how many times it is played and that comes down to the need to resource your inventory. If you believe at any point the inventory may be used fully on you than the difficulty can be remained however, it cant randomly come at the end. The tales of series does this well. As usually the items are capped at 20 each, however modern titles get to a point where magic healing is the only thing that matters.
I am not going to pretend like I wrote a compelling villain in this outline and can come to a proper compelling ending, however, I know the team at game arts can write in the blanks on this and excel in it. I hope to have written the main characters with some justice I truly believe in the scene where Nall reflects in how a year turned into months and then a century. I simply wish for Lunar 3 to exist, and I believe that it can one day. It may not sell super great numbers, but, lets be real the first two didn't either, but created a story that resinates better than anything that's come since other than the first two Grandia games. But these games got me into both the medieval genera and gaming as a whole and will in 0 hesitation would buy the game at full price. Lunar 1 and 2 showed me that the story is more important that the graphics and more important taught me that love is worth fighting and sacrificing for. In the modern world we need another love story that shows this. Most fo these characters sacrificed a love. Senia her father, faris her home land, garris he family, Keifer his homeland and Nall is past. I hope this general out-draft from a person who doesn't write and clearly has bad grammar can inspire someone at game arts two write draft that can end of into the hand of an executive in such a way to make this possible. There are also so many stories that can be made, for example to full journo of the 4 hero’s, life after lunar 2, and any other story that can be thought of that fills the gap between lunar 1 and 2.

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Re: luanr 3 premise

Post by Sonic# »

Just FYI, I deleted the repeat posts and kept this one.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

Burg Farmer
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Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:51 pm

Re: luanr 3 premise

Post by Winchester469 »

Sounds good.

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