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Lunar TSS defeated in a mere 3 hours and 35 minutes...

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:42 am
by GhaleonOne
In amongst all this news of the latest Lunar game, here's a quick look at the very first one...and we do mean quick. The <a href="" target="new">Speed Demos Archive</a> has posted a <a href="" target="new">speedrun of <i>Lunar: The Silver Star</i></a> -- a video of the game played from start to finish in only 3 hours 35 minutes. If you've only played the PlayStation and/or GBA versions, you might want to check this out and get a taste of what the SegaCD one was like. Don't expect to get much of the story or text, though, since as much as possilble is skipped and text gone through rapidly, but you'll still see all the cutscenes, though, and hear the music that old-school Lunar fans keep going on about. Those fans of this game might want to watch it too to see how it's possible to run through so quickly or simply to jog memories. And think you can play it faster? Record yourself doing so (console only) and send it in!
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<br />If you find you've developed a taste for speedruns, be sure to check out the <a href="" target="new">rest of SDA</a> and see what they've got. The Metroid and Zelda ones are what I find particularly jaw-dropping but there are runs for quite a variety of games up, including other RPGs.