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Note to XSEED

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:53 am
by Monde Luna
Please start advertising for L: SSH. Does it bother anyone else that we haven't seen any US advertisements for this game yet? I’m dying to buy a magazine that has an article, review or a nice full page advertisement for this game. I think I am starting to get inpatient. =o)

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:40 am
by Aaron
Xseed doesn't really advertise its games. The only reason I knew about Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman was because there were two different demos out. Also helped.

But, I don't see Xseed really promoting any of its games.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:12 pm
by Lunar Eclipse
Not to mention that since there's not even a website or solid release date yet, there's not much point in advertising. Why try to build hype several months before the release when it'll inevitably die pretty quickly unless it's sustained, which would entail costs that I doubt XSEED would want to squander?

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:04 pm
by Shiva Indis
Oh, yeah, Xseed registers domain names for their product sites, don't they? Speaking of which, .

Those unofficial release dates of 2 months from now don't seem very plausible at this point. In fact, I hope they aren't. There are some appreciable improvements Xseed could make that I'd like to think wouldn't be too complex if they give themselves a little extra time.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:14 pm
by Lunar Eclipse
Eh, yeah, I imagine those rumored release dates are incorrect, particularly since XSEED has been taking on way too much lately. Like, Arc Rise Fantasia was supposed to come out in November, and then they decided they couldn't even get around to it at all and passed the project off to a different company, which now means it's slated for this coming summer.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:51 pm
by Silver Phoenix
XSEED reminds me about the bad aspects of Working Designs, because they're a small company and they want to take on more than they can handle. At this point I really don't know if they plan on changing anything with the game because of how swamped they are. Very unfortunate, but even the end result will most likely be better than a shi++y localization by Ubisoft.

A company like Atlus would be better to handle the game because they seem to cater to fans more, but XSEED has released a good amount of games.

And remember, we're Lunar-Net not XSEED so your questions are best assessed by them.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:58 am
by Aaron
Scott Fry / Kyla Keefe
ONE PR Studio /

Jimmy Soga, XSEED Games

There are their PR reps and people in charge. Maybe we should write them letters and cram in like 20 e-mails to them then maybe they'll listen to us about fixing some of the errors in the Jap version. Or we could send a formal e-mail representing the community. But I don't think that would matter. So FLOOD THEIR E-MAILS. Someone should put a list together of what needs to be addressed.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:14 am
by Monde Luna
Thanks for the info guys you all really filled me in on a lot that I did not know about XSEED. And I already send them an e-mail asking for some kind of information about Lunar. I have yet to get a response. If I get a response I will let you know.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:53 am
by Silver Phoenix
Well it took about a week until I got a reply, so just be patient. Also, it's best to be professional in how you approach them and not an overzealous fan. :mrgreen:

In any case, it's good for fans to email them as it shows there is interest in purchasing their games. We need our Lunar like an addict needs a hit.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:20 pm
by Monde Luna
True story! I have been having Lunar withdraws for about ten years.
As for my email to XSEED it was short and simple. I just asked if and when the LSSH site was going to be launched if at all. And I asked if they had any idea what the approximate release date would be. My email was sent Nov 30th. I will wait patiently, I really didn't expect a reply anyway. I was surprised when I saw that you actually got one. :mrgreen:

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:37 pm
by Silver Phoenix
People love them some Silver Phoenix, don't hate! :P

Seriously though, they're probably a little backed up with replying to emails and getting work done before the holidays. I sent my email on December 1, so it's possible they may not have gotten your email. What did you title the subject header?

I just checked the date on the email and I received my response on December 8.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:39 am
by Monde Luna
Naw, I'm not hatin' just jealous. :P My subject header was: Lunar Silver Star Harmony. I try to be a woman of few words... (the key word in that sentence is try)

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:27 am
by Silver Phoenix
Seriously, I titled my email almost exactly the same (Lunar: Silver Star Harmony).

All I can say is try emailing them again, and put Attn: Ken, question regarding Lunar: Silver Star Harmony.

As you can see in my response email, he said that there will "hopefully" be an announcement from them within the next week or so.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:36 pm
by Monde Luna
I think I'll wait a couple of weeks, if we don't get any good news by Christmas I will try again. I sent my e-mail to Sarah though not Ken.

Re: Note to XSEED

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:12 am
by Silver Phoenix
Well maybe you won't need to send another email and we'll have an announcement very soon.