Human Nall???

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Human Nall???

Post by Ms. Tea »

When digging through the files in the iOS version of Silver Star Story, I came across something weird...


Human Nall?! He has a full set of portraits, in both the original and high-res sizes, and there's also a partial set of sprites for him taken from Eternal Blue. These are obviously new, since they don't 100% match the original art style. Since there aren't high-res sprites for him, I'm pretty sure this isn't used anywhere in-game, but if anyone's found what they're for I'd love to know! I put the whole set of portraits and sprites up on TCRF: ... Human_Nall

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Re: Human Nall???

Post by Shinto-Cetra »

Wow! I remember reading that originally there was going to be a "SEGA CD mode" but this is something else. Maybe there were plans for a L2 rerelease? Maybe the devs were just trolling us? In retrospect, I suspect that was what was up with that Lunar Steam tease in 2015 that nothing came of.

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Re: Human Nall???

Post by Ms. Tea »

Huh, yeah, maybe it was meant to tie into a Lunar 2 release that never happened.

There's lots of files left over from the Sega CD version - looks like they got pretty far in developing a Sega CD mode before it was dropped. There's a full soundtrack, full set of script and data files in both languages, iOS-specific menu graphics, and a partial set of sprites.

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Re: Human Nall???

Post by Alunissage »

Hm. I was unfamiliar with the site. Lots of interesting stuff there in the few Lunar pages I read, though it's a shame that the writers have sometimes valued cheap shots and snarky humor over accuracy. I really don't think editorializing to that extent is necessary.

Ahem, didn't mean to overly focus on that. I will have to look into my various game files, especially SSST. And sigh, getting a second copy of Japanese EB to make sure I have both released versions is going to be a pain. On the other hand, it's the first time in years I've had reason to seek out another Lunar game copy, so that will be fun.

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Re: Human Nall???

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

That is pretty neat! Great find ^_^
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Re: Human Nall???

Post by Roogle »

Alunissage wrote:Lots of interesting stuff there in the few Lunar pages I read, though it's a shame that the writers have sometimes valued cheap shots and snarky humor over accuracy. I really don't think editorializing to that extent is necessary.

Ahem, didn't mean to overly focus on that.
I reviewed all of the pages for LUNAR and Working Designs and agree with you completely. Whoever did the entries for the LUNAR games seems to be overly critical of Working Designs and added commentary that isn't present with other articles on that site. I wonder if someone could go in and clean it up; I'm not sure what the rules of editing that particular site are.

Finding these Nall sprites is interesting; I would speculate that they may have thought about adding some sort of epilogue scene, but multiple portrait types doesn't seem consistent. Interesting that the entire Sega CD script is present, no copyright concerns using Working Designs old material?
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Re: Human Nall???

Post by Ms. Tea »

Roogle wrote:Interesting that the entire Sega CD script is present, no copyright concerns using Working Designs old material?
Yeah, I wondered about that. There aren't any voice tracks present, even though the soundtrack is there, which makes me wonder how they planned on dealing with that. wrt script, maybe they were able to get the Sega CD script under the same terms as the PS1 script that they also used as a base.

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