Identity theft and fraud

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Identity theft and fraud

Post by JediLeroy »

Working at a bank, I see my fair share of identity theft. On a couple of recent occasions, we've had people arrested for stealing checks from other people and trying to cash them. There have also been a lot of stolen debit cards. While everybody who has yet filed a claim has been reimbursed, that doesn't save them from the hassle of having to close the account, order new checks, and wait for the matter to be resolved before receiving money back. I generally feel bad for those that stoop to the level of committing a crime for a little money, but even worse for those to whom it happens.

Yesterday, I got a call from my bank, which happens to be my place of employment. A branch downtown had a guy presenting a check for $300 off of my account, and only had one form of ID to check. Since two forms are needed to cash a check for any non-customer, they called me to verify that I had issued the check. I checked to see if my wife had done so, and upon her telling me no, I told them to arrest the bastard. Apparently, he had stolen the checkbook out of my car while I was working, and thought he could get away with some of my money. The teller who called me made a call to 911 and within a minute or two the cops were there to arrest him. The funny thing about all of this was that the crook's name was exactly the same as one of my best friends, but it wasn't him. I called and told him, and we had a hearty laugh.

I wouldn't be laughing, however, if the teller hadn't done his job. If he had just let it go through without calling me to verify it, I wouldn't have known what was going on, and as a result, would have to go through the hassle of filing a fraud claim and waiting for my money to be reimbursed. Anytime a teller asks for two forms of ID, just be glad that he or she cares enough about their customer to do so. It prevents a lot of fraud.

I feel bad that "Danny Haring" stooped to such a low level. But I don't feel bad that he's rotting away in jail right now.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Wow, that's nuts man. Glad it all worked out okay. I'm actually a bit worried myself. My drivers liscense has come up missing for the past week and a half or so. I was thinking it was somewhere in the apartment and I just misplaced it, because I'm in my last weeks of college and my mind is scatter-brained. Last night I turned the place upside and didn't find it, so I'm thinking I should find out how to get ahold of the credit agencies to make sure that someone doesn't use my drivers liscense for identity theft. Unfortunately, I didn't know any better when I got the liscense years ago and used my social security number. Not cool. On top of that, I never got around to changing my address on it, so if someone did find it and mail it, it was sent to my old house that I haven't lived in in like 4 years. Does anyone know exactly who to contact about it? I mean, I can go get a new drivers liscense for 10 bucks, that's no biggie, but loosing the card that had my social security number on it isn't good.

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Post by Moonshadow »

Ive become a victim of identity theft...getting it straightened out is going so slow though. When my mom was filing for Medicade for us she found out there were reports of me having a job in the city we moved to...but around the time we found this out I wasn't even old enough to work. So someone had used my name and SS number to get jobs, and recently we checked my credit report and there may have been a mortgage taken out by the same person.
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Post by Kizyr »

Yeah thankfully I don't keep sensitive information on my computer, or I'd be somewhat worried about whoever stole my laptop getting into it.

This reminds me of a story from my friend's father; I'll refer to him as WS to make it simple... WS had been paid a total lump-sum of $10,000 or so for a great deal of photography work for American Airlines. I can't remember exactly how, but someone else got ahold of the check and tried to cash it in his name.

WS calls up American Airlines asking about the check, since he never received it. They're puzzled, saying "that's odd... we show that the money was withdrawn." Again, I can't remember how exactly, but they knew who had cashed the check and from which bank (I believe he'd actually endorsed the original name on the back and tried to undersign it). They sue the guy, courtesy of American Airlines, and the court date arrives.

Case went something like this--
Defendant: (on stand) Yes, you see, on the night of March 21st this year, WS saw this Rolex watch I had. And, he just liked it so much that he told me 'I just got this check from American Airlines. I'd like to endorse it over to you in exchange for that watch.'
Judge: WS, your response?
WS: (on stand) Right, I was in Las Vegas at a Photographer's Conference giving a speech on the night of the 21st. I have about 3000 people in attendance who can verify that for me and the program for the night in my briefcase.
Judge: Open and shut.

The funniest thing, though, is what the bank teller was doing when the thief tried to withdraw the $10k. According to her, she thought that the guy was WS's friend, and she was doing WS a favour by cashing the check. ...right... a favour... by cashing a fraudulent check without even checking ID. KF
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Post by Chris »

Man, that's crazy. I'm glad they got the guy. That's just plain wrong.

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