having a "great" day

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having a "great" day

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

So my boyfriends hard drives went out on him, and he lost everything on his computer, and all the stuff i had on my computer too since i was keeping it there while he built me a new computer. Now hes in a really bad mood, and he just left, i asked him where he was going and he said he didnt know and left, i thought he was going to walk but then i herd his truck start up so i ran out to it just as it was driving away. I have no way of contacting him since i dont have a damn phone. I asked my only friend online if he could txt him for me and i just got a guilt trip about how i broke his heart and how i met and moved in with my boyfriend so soon and so on.
So im just sitting alone in the house upset, not knowing where my boyfriend is or when he'll be back, hoping he dosnt do something stupid. :cry:

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Drathial »

I know data and files are an important thing these days, but what exactly was on that drive that would cause this type of reaction? I think this seems a bit extreme unless he lost a clients entire document set for a project, or an entire companies data set. That deserves extreme alone venting.
A drive full of anime/imulators seems a bit petty.
Sorry to be blunt, I'm genuinely curious and think this seems odd. :s

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

He had 3 drives the only one that works is his game one which is useless. Im not completely sure what he had on his computer, but i know all his media is gone, pictures, music and just everything else, he had a lot of stuff on there too, I cant remember how much he said but more then a few backup disks could have handled, and he had a backup of everything on another drive, but that was in the computer and no longer works. His computer doesn't really work either at the moment, we have mine but its not that great until he can fix it up, it doesn't even have sound at the moment. He's a computer geek so his computer meant a lot to him. I can tell im going to have a grump boyfriend for a few days, hopefully no longer then a week, its really effecting my mood too.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by jay_are »

omg... that sucks so much!!!!
This summer I lost a hard drive that didnt even have much on it, only the last 4 months of personal stuff (media, family photos, stuff i made, etc) and because i am a computer geek just like your bf, this meant MORE than a lot to me. I really felt bad for a few weeks cause i also realized how easy i can lose anything in the blink of an eye. I have other drives that contain the rest of my life and i'm worried about it, dont even know where to start to back up so much stuff.

I felt better over time cause well, friends were really more important to me and they helped me cheer up.
I even tried methods like freezing the hard drive (putting it inside a liploc bag and then in the freezer) Didnt work!
My only option is to send it for recovery, costing $1000. Not worth it cause they also have to see everything you have in there, and cant back up copyrighted media.
I still have my broken drive there hoping that one day i can recover it somehow ^____^;;;;;

Im really sorry about the loss!!!

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Sonic# »

I've lived with a girlfriend before. I didn't realize it at the time, but if one person feels bad, the other one gets some of it too. Feelings are as infectious as colds, if not moreso. He's angry and sullen, which makes you angry and sullen - partly on his behalf, and partly because he's made a few errors in judgment (like not telling you where he was going).

It's not easy to lose a hard drive. I've lost them a couple of times. One time, I lost a lot of files, including some music Eric gave me that I have never been able to recover. Another time, I lost important game saves, including a nearly complete save file for Phantasy Star 2. (I was so close!) It hurts.

I'm sorry that you've got to go through his moodiness though. It's not your fault. And I'm sorry that your friend is blaming you for having moved away. That's not right either.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by phyco126 »

I can understand his anger. If my drive went, well... there goes nearly 3,000 songs I've gotten over the last 7 or so years. But to heck with the music, I can always get that all back anyway. Word documents would suck hardcore, I've had memories, dreams, ideas, all written on Word. Years of collective ideas and stories would be forever lost, as well as countless memories and dreams that I like to hold onto. Then there are pictures... well, over 11,000 pictures (roughly 64 GB) since 2004. Not just my pictures either, these are family pictures, pictures from my camera, my mom's camera, and my sister's camera. They have their own computers, but for some reason I'm the only one that gets stuck transferring them onto my computer. So think about that, every single family picture ever taken since 2004... gone.

I've had two hard-drive crashes in the past, back when I was still in high school. I have taken from that experience and backed up all my most important documents. Considering the monetary limitations, as well as back-up limitations, I would back up once every 6 months. I would burn everything I had onto 3 CD-Rs. Now days, it would take many MANY Blu-Ray disks to back up this information.

Thankfully, I have a job and the cost of back-up solutions are super, SUPER cheap. Therefore, I back up all my documents at least once a month onto an external HDD. If the main disk goes, I still have my stuff (though I may lose a few things, all things considered, it wouldn't be that bad). But then... what if the house burns down? Well, I don't have an answer for that. I do back up my pictures once every several months to a different external HDD, then I take it to my mom's house and dump those onto her computer. I may lost several months of pictures, but the rest will be safe at her place at least.

Now back to your boyfriend, tell him to get an external drive and back-up everything at least once a month! They are awfully cheap now, and if you can't afford a larger drive then back up what is most important to you (in my case pictures and word documents were the first things to get backed up back in the days of CD-Rs).

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Jenner »

Kaiya, its been awhile, is everything ok now?
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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

Sorry Jenner didn't see your post everything was good, but then 1 year and 12 days later it happened again, what luck.
Once again everything of his is lost, nothing too important, just saved games, including an almost completed Fallout 3 save with about 200 hours put into it. This time i think its more then just his hard drive, he was to angry so i didn't ask what happened, all i know is the front part of his tower case was smashed around the living room and is now in pieces. And he just bought two 500gb drives to back stuff up on too, was just two busy to get around to doing it the past week. At least he didn't take off this time.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by phyco126 »

I fail to see how anyone could be too busy to back up their drives. It takes all of, maybe, two minutes to log on, select the folder, copy then paste into the other HDDs...

At least nothing too important was lost this time. I can understand his anger too... boy, the things I've broken in the past...

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

He gets up at 6:30 works for 10 hours comes home eats dinner and passes out on the couch, that is his day Monday to Friday, and last week we where pretty much out of the house all day. Well hes been wanting to build a new computer, now he has a reason to do so, now if only we had the spare $2000 + to spend on it like he wanted too.
And today is his last day of work then he gets 2 weeks off, and his main form of entertainment is gone, or he takes over my computer and mine is gone.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Monde Luna »

What luck! That really sucks for the both of you. Glad he reacted to the situation better this time.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by phyco126 »

$2,000+ for a computer? What exactly does he want? Unless he is rendering/video editing, you can easily get away with a fairly powerful computer for only $1,500 (or maybe even less).

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

He wants at least 3 video cards, and the best motherboard and parts he can get. One of the main things he uses his computer for is Gaming, and he likes to have everything maxed. It might not be $2000 but i'm pretty sure it will be over $1500

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by phyco126 »

Triple SLI/Crossfire? O_o. There is no need for that, unless he is running multiple monitors. I'm running a monitor at a resolution of 1920 x 1200, and a single nVidia 560 Ti 448 Core edition runs every game I have at max, including Crysis. I should also add that I'm on a machine that cost me $2,000 and its almost four years old (with the exception of the GPU) and even the old GPU was capable of running most games on high graphic settings at this high resolution. Modern computers don't need to have thousands of dollars thrown at it. Only point is bragging rights, or unless he plans to use this computer as is for the next 5 years (or more). If he did video editing or rendering, then yeah okay I get that. But just for gaming... it just seems pointless to me to throw more than $2,000 at one.

I mean, if he wants to get it, then by all means go for it. It is nice to have an wicked epic computer that you can brag about to all your friends. But there is a point where you are literally wasting money. Unless he plans to keep it for many years to come, then that changes things a bit.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

He does want to use it for many years. He just wants to throw a bunch of money at it and then that's it for awhile. His computer he slowly bough parts for and went a cheap on a few things instead of throwing in the extra $100 here and there, and there was constantly things wrong with it, and hes sick of that. He does running multiple monitors, his main monitor is actually a Samsung TV, resolution 1920x1080, and his second monitor is at 1280x1024. He's a geek and tech guy and just wants a mean machine.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by phyco126 »

Alright, then that is understandable then. Not that it was really any of my business anyway, I guess... But I do try to talk people out of spending more than they need to.

Any idea what parts he wants to do? Next year I'm shooting for a six core Intel Ivy Bridge 'extreme' (but hopefully the one that will be around $500, not $1000), a single 680 GTX from nVidia when its released in early 2013, and 32 GB of RAM.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

I think he's wanting one of the new EVGA motherboards, but other then that I'm not really sure. I would ask him but after a $500 towing bill we can't adored a new computer for a little while, so i don't really want to bring it up.

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Re: having a "great" day

Post by phyco126 »

EVGA is champ. They are the only ones I've gotten a motherboard from (for three different computers that I've built/upgraded for myself or other people). Same with their graphics cards. Not a foaming at the mouth fan, but their customer service has been very good, and I like to stick with what I know.

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