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Post by Spirit Icana »

Yeah, how Insydius!

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Post by Erroneous »

I don't care if it gets me fired here or kicked out, I will ban you personally if you don't stop with the negative attitudes towards her.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

SI, is there any reason why you would put down another member? Don't do it again.

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Post by Spirit Icana »

Negative? I don't really care if you 'ban' me for pushing your collage of mishandled thoughts out the corridors of your head. Really.

Oh, and you won't get kicked out the forums, Insydius; trust me.

G1, who did I put down?
Last edited by Spirit Icana on Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rego »

Spirit you are way to negative. I being negative to myself is one thing, but that gives you no right to make me feel worse. Thats a horrible thing to do to anyone and I am appauld.

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Post by phyco126 »

Actually, S.I. I am quite confused. You put Rego down for one, calling her ugly and stupid, but then you fail to explain why you came to that conclusion. And you last comment confused me. You don't want to be banned, trust me. It's not worth it.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Oh, and you won't get kicked out the forums, Insydius; trust me.

Edit - misread the quote, nevermind.


G1, who did I put down?

You called Rego stupid and ugly. I realize it was likely some kind of reverse pyschology, but it's not helping, for sure.

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Post by Spirit Icana »

Rego, they're horrible people in this world. What are you going to do about it? I have a natural right to say anything I want, even if it takes my butt to jail or sends a whip lash across my face. You can ignore it, prove bad comments wrong, or acknowledge it and resort to........playing video games (escapism).

Phyco, unless getting banned means the removal of my place in school, I don't care.

G1, you're right. But then again, I'm talking to a smart student, and I don't think Rego is taking my comments too harshly, are you (Rego). Am I putting you down, Rego?

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Post by Angelalex242 »

...I probably shouldn't say anything here, but there are more tactful ways to say what is essentially 'if you believe in yourself, who can fail to believe in you, and what does it matter if they do?'
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Post by NallOne »

I can see where Spirit Icana is coming from...sort of, but there are nicer ways to say such things.

And Rego, fishing for comments isn't going to help your self esteem any. Having people tell you that you are attractive does nothing. You have to be able to tell yourself that you're attractive even if the entire world tells you that you are not. Confidence is sexy anyway. :P
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Post by localflick »

Rego, they're horrible people in this world. What are you going to do about it?

So are you trying to lead by example? I think when G1 said he percieved your post as a type of reverse-psychology he was right, but it wasn't effective. Rego's said that she's already dealing with "horrible" people. Acting like one just adds to the problem.

I have a natural right to say anything I want, even if it takes my butt to jail or sends a whip lash across my face.

I'm all for free speech, but that also includes my right to say that I think you're out of line. Anyone in this country has the right to say any dumb ass thing they want, but it doesn't mean it's a good idea, or that you should hide behind the fact that you can. I think you know what you wrote was just to irritate others, and you're laughing at the fact that you did so.

and I don't think Rego is taking my comments too harshly, are you (Rego). Am I putting you down, Rego?

In my opinion, it seems like you're taunting her to give the reaction you want. If you want to go to an MB just to start static, I say head on over to Eyes on FF, or Fool's Gold. This MB has civilized people devoted to good posting. NOT saying harsh things just because you can.

If you seriously want to post here please just cut it out already! Unless you're trying to ban yourself, be more considerate of others will you?

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Post by phyco126 »

Look, I respect your posts and what not before, I even feel that you make a great contributer to topics. Getting yourself banned is just stupid. I think I'm beginning to see that you are indeed using it as a form of reverse psycology, but in the face of the fact that it failed, you keep going on trying to defend it. I really think that Rego probably did take your comments pretty harshly, just from the way she reponded.

- "Sometimes life smiles when it kicks you down. The trick is to smile back."

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Post by Spirit Icana »

I doubt Rego wants lecturing; probably heard all there is already. She needs modesty (which she claims to have). Stupid/smart and ugly/cute aren't the only two qualities that merits a person "attractive" or "unattractive" for that matter. People like me call her ugly and stupid, and she takes those comments and stamps herself as "unattractive" which she can do if she pleases; it's her life. That doesn't mean 'I' nor anyone else thinks in the same tone. I tried to set-up a Mario Kart match afterwards; because ability, understanding, personality, flexibility and imagination attracts 'me'.

People in general can be strong and they can find that strength within themselves. Do some people realize that? NO! They need a good old head banging and some logic to be inspired by. Rego needs to understand that 'herself' and on her 'own'. I'm just passing by and tossing in a "hello." She doesn't know me and I don't know her. She's stupid! How so? Because 'I' said so. But you know what? Who cares! She gets straight A's, has friends that know when to clown around and when to be serious.

'Rego doesn't center her life on Spirit Icana's comments.' That's not something me or anybody else should simply be saying about her. That is something she should be saying about herself.

My actions now, may be in violation of board rules (I'm not sure, because I don't read them). I don't really care if I get banned or not. I spout nonsense when I deem the topic nonsense.

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Post by Kizyr »

Spirit Icana wrote:I have a natural right to say anything I want, even if it takes my butt to jail or sends a whip lash across my face. You can ignore it, prove bad comments wrong, or acknowledge it and resort to........playing video games (escapism).

Don't start that crap on these boards. Half the people who've gotten banned from the forums tried to come back with a 'free speech' defense.

I'll set this straight: these are private forums, so we can moderate it how we like. We do lay things out in the rules, however, and we'll stick by those. Go on and say what you want, but violate the rules, and insult other members, and I'll do what I want: remove you from the forums, temporarily or permanently. I honestly don't care if it's of any importance to you, as my goal is to keep the forums enjoyable for everyone.

This is all the warning that's necessary, so I do ask everyone else to: not bring this up further, not continue this line of discussion, and not talk about who's banning whom. Myself, G1, Sonic#, and Eric can handle all that if the need arises. I'd rather not have to lock the Member's Pics thread.

Rego wrote:*whatever Rego was saying*

Ok... I'd look over what other folks might perceive as fishing for compliments, but even then I think modesty is a good trait that's too lacking in people now.

It doesn't hurt to have confidence in yourself, though. I grew up with folks telling me I looked bad, my hair was messy (well... it was), my breath smelled bad, etc. etc. These days, I try to keep up my appearances, dress well, and before heading out each day in the morning glance in the mirror and think to myself "Damn, I look good."

Sure, maybe I don't look great, but the confidence really helps. You got the looks part down, so you don't have to worry so much about that. KF

EDIT: I will be deleting any other posts that do continue the same line of discussion about SI's comments or being banned. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Spirit Icana »

Good to see you're doing your job, Kizyr. Yeah, let's get back to member pics.

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Post by NallOne »

Back on topic: phyco is sexy. </compliment>

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Post by Alunissage »

Wow, all this controversy and I wasn't even involved. :P

Kiz, let me know if you truly think that my comments below are digging up a topic that should be closed. I just wanted to address a couple of things in the last 2-3 pages that have nothing to do with board rules or banning or the like.

Re knowing what women want: Flick said it with “every fem is different, so we need to figure it out ourselves”. Only replace “fem” with “person”, because each person IS individual and will have different motives and desires. Not to say that types don’t exist, but they shouldn’t blind you to individual quirks/features in people...and this includes the type known as women. Yes, half the time at least I-Gene doesn’t know what I’m feeling or saying or doing, but I think that has less to do with my being female than it does with my being me. Heck, I don’t know why I do or want the things I do most of the time, though eventually I figure some of it out. And yeah, being female does factor in, because some of my reactions are to general thought-patterns and societal expectations and all that just don’t occur to him. I don’t rule out the idea of true biological gender differences (as in brain and emotions, not reproductive organs) either, though I don’t like seeing people hide behind that explanation and not bothering to try to understand where another individual is coming from. I truly don’t like seeing myself write off some statement or action as “well, he’s male, no wonder he’s doing such-and-such” even though I can’t deny it occurs. Being with I-Gene, who really is so atypical as to defy description, has really made me realize what a crutch these things are...I mean, I’d always realized how limiting (and enraging) the generalizations applied to women are, but I hadn’t realized how much it cuts in the other direction too.

I’m not saying that you can necessarily learn to understand/predict what someone else wants even if you’re paying such close attention. My parents know each other pretty well by now and I know that some things will still surprise them about each other. (Most things, though, will have a secondary reaction of not really being surprised at all, the way I wasn’t surprised to see a four-foot-tall cardboard cutout of Frank Zappa’s head in their living room on one visit home. After the initial startlement, anyway. No, they’re not fans.)

Regarding clothing and attractiveness... I have several thoughts. 1) Being relaxed and comfortable, as Phyco says, can be very attractive. 2) Taking a few pains with appearance can make a big difference. 3) Trying to dress sexily when it doesn’t suit (or when it does) can look slutty. I should add, though, that not everyone who wears sexy-looking clothing necessarily sends off that vibe; I had that experience myself when I was about 20 or so. Someone I knew was drunk and told me something like if she wore what I wore, she’d look like a slut, because she was a slut, but I wasn’t, so I could get away with it. I kind of wish I had a picture of what I was wearing then. However, going overboard and grafting a style that isn’t yours on kind of looks like desperation and can be very disturbing. As Rich said, body language is important, probably more so than what you’re actually wearing.

Unlike Rego, I never had anyone call me unintelligent (although I’ve thought it to myself sometimes, when I’m in a group in which I don’t have that comfortable lead or indeed don’t have one at all), but I definitely got the feeling of being ugly and unattractive. And this was with a figure not so different from that of my avatar (10-15 years ago, so don’t bother asking what I look like now). But something had the result of only getting attention I didn’t want or attention from people I didn’t want. I’m still not sure what, but it was probably being all too aware of my intelligence + not being very comfortable in groups of more than 2-3. I’m not sure where I’m going with this and have deleted the end of this paragraph about three times now so I think I’ll give up.


I’m not sure what the solution is. Recognizing the problem is probably a step toward it. Gah, now I sound like some addiction-solving slogan.

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Post by drumlord »

What's with all the sexy clothes hate a couple pages back? It seems to be a combination of insecurity and possibly religious beliefs, but seriously. People have a right to dress however they want. There's a difference between dressing like a hoochie and dressing sexy. And also, I've noticed the real slut hoochie types nowadays ARE wearing baggy sweatpants and t-shirts designed to barely fit them. I'm not arguing that everybody should dress sexy if they don't want to, but I don't think people who do should be lambasted for doing so. That's just callow.

And Phyco, way to generalize on Victoria's Secret. They DO have a large line of casual clothes. Plus, they have a large selection of what I would call normal underwear too. Victoria's Secret is mosting about finding things that make you look good and feel good. I know all this because my wife drags me in there like every time we pass by one. :P

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Post by Rego »

This conversation is over please. I've heard enough of the good and the bad and wish for it to end. My comments on my being "ugly" were not meant to be taken this literally anyway. I say that all the time and for some reason the only place I have a problem with it is on forums where people truly do not know me as an indivisual. So please once again leave the conversation based on my comments alone now.

Those were images that I took for my friends scrap-book because she is going to a private school next semester and she wanted pictures of me for it. I only posted them here because, well, I had them at the time. This conversation got way out of control and is causing controversy that started between Phyco and I.

As I do always appriciate everyone's valued opinion and have stated numerous times that I am working on my little problem, there is no reasonf or the conversation to continue. Thankyou and have a nice day.



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