Stage Fright

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Stage Fright

Post by LuNaRtIc »

I am in a theatre production, and we open next weekend!
Little waves of apprehension are starting to rise in the back of my mind. Rehearsals have been running well overall. We just got off our scripts about a week ago, but there are still spots that need work. I'm sure it will all come together next week, shows tend to fall into place at the last minute.

At any rate, I'm still anxious for next weekend. I haven't been in a show in years. And we're a very small cast, there are only seven of us. This is the biggest role I've ever had, which is exciting and challenging all at the same time. I hope I can get through all my monologues without missing a line or botching the words. Thankfully we're not doing Shakespeare! :lol: I'm not a stranger to the stage, I used to dance from when I was seven until my late teens. Dance performances always seemed simple and came naturally to me. (Probably because I started dancing so young.) But somehow, being on stage and TALKING seems to be far more difficult and frightening. :lol:

Any tips? Advice? Encouragement? :)
(Just don't tell me to imagine the audience in their underwear! lol)
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Re: Stage Fright

Post by brit »

Oh god, I’m terrible when it comes to doing things on a stage so I can’t really give you any pointers. However, I do hope you do a wonderful job!!!! ^__^ I’m sure if you just have fun and remember what you’ve been rehearsing you’ll be just fine.

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Re: Stage Fright

Post by Sonic# »

I'm really nervous about speaking in public too, especially so conspicuously.

I always view it like that step before plunging into a pool of cold water. It's easy to brace, to hesitate, to be afraid, but once I go under, I quickly acclimate. I even get a lot of power from the thrill and the adrenaline involved.

That last part is why, despite my fears, I love public speaking. Even if that's not precisely the reason you do it, you probably have a reason why you're involved. Trust your preparations, your rehearsals, and list what you love about performing on paper when you get very jittery.

Even if none of this advice works for you, you've got this. You've been stalking voice actors for how long? And now you're an actor!

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Re: Stage Fright

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

I'm always nervous... until I step on the stage. Then I just do my thing. Best advise I can give is just ignore the audience and pretend you're just doing another rehearsal. ^^

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Re: Stage Fright

Post by Werefrog »

I don't know if I ever completely got over my stage fright. A video of my final comedy performance was never posted online, so I can't compare. I will say that spending some time teaching in public education helped I think. Not quite as nervous about standing in front of people for five minutes after I spent a whole day in front of students that on one occasion tried to beam me with a baseball.

My best piece of advice is to take a few deep briefs before going up on stage if at all possible. Remember that breath and heart rates are tied together and for me a pounding heart also makes me that much more nervous.

Also, practice. Practice by yourself. Practice in front of friends. Practice in front of enemies. Things like this will diminish over time.

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Re: Stage Fright

Post by Kizyr »

If you can see the audience: imagine everyone naked.
If you can't see the audience: imagine yourself naked.

...ok maybe that's poor advice.

I never did acting, but I did do several years of speech/debate. I got over my public speaking jitters with a little practice and comfort, and reminding myself (when it came time to do so in front of judges or an audience) that I've done it tons of times before and this time will be no different except for being more awesome. I suppose that falls into the category of being a mantra?

Anyway, good luck! What are you doing, anyway? KF
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Re: Stage Fright

Post by LuNaRtIc »

Thank you for all the advice guys! :) I enjoy talking about stage fright since it's a universal fear and everyone has their own way of dealing with it. Yesterday we finally ran the show on stage with a completed set. I suppose it wasn't too bad for a first run through. Some lines were lost here and there, but at least we got through it! :lol:
Sonic# wrote:I always view it like that step before plunging into a pool of cold water. It's easy to brace, to hesitate, to be afraid, but once I go under, I quickly acclimate. I even get a lot of power from the thrill and the adrenaline involved.
The beginning of the show was really shaky for everyone. It's silly how nervous we were, considering that the tech crew was our audience. The president of our theatre guild was present though, and since this is my first production with them, I felt pressured to make a good impression! I hope I did okay! lol But it was just as you said, Sonic. After the first few scenes, I managed to settle into character, forget who was in the audience and calm down. :)
Nobiyuki77 wrote:Best advise I can give is just ignore the audience and pretend you're just doing another rehearsal. ^^
I really tried to visualize that invisible 4th wall last night. I imagined everything beyond the edge of the stage didn't exist and we were in our own little bubble. Pretty soon I was really able to focus on the other actors and just react to what they were doing. Lines and body language started coming very naturally.
Werefrog wrote:I don't know if I ever completely got over my stage fright.
I suppose it's better if one doesn't completely overcome their feelings of stage fright, but learn how to control it instead. Being a little nervous helps keep me on my toes. After calming down a little last night, I found it actually added to my performance, as Sonic mentioned.
Werefrog wrote:My best piece of advice is to take a few deep briefs before going up on stage if at all possible. Remember that breath and heart rates are tied together and for me a pounding heart also makes me that much more nervous.
Thanks! A pounding chest is one of my main problems. I will try to breathe a little more when we go again this evening. I hope I can learn some breathing techniques to help calm myself down a little. I don't want my heart threatening to burst out of my ribcage every night! :lol:
Kizyr wrote:Anyway, good luck! What are you doing, anyway? KF
Thanks, Kiz! We're doing Brighton Beach Memoirs. It's a dramatic comedy about a family living in Brooklyn during the 1930s. :)
I'm playing Kate, the mother of the household. She's a very strict and nagging kind of mother lol. Seeing as I'm actually 20 years younger than the character I'm playing, it's been a challenge bringing her to life, but it's been a blast so far. I'm learning a lot from this whole experience! :D
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Re: Stage Fright

Post by Ardent Fox »

Just remember what you're up there for and why you're doing it and the rest of the problems go away. That's how I've always dealt with being on stage. I've always thought about my mission, always thought about my reason for being up there and it's helped. Every. Single. Time.

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Re: Stage Fright

Post by Jenner »

I'm imagining you naked right now, Shannon, and it's helping me out.
Maybe there's something to this?
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Re: Stage Fright

Post by phyco126 »

Just let yourself go. That helped me with public speaking classes. Once I stopped caring and started being myself, the easier it got.

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Re: Stage Fright

Post by Monde Luna »

It might be a little late to post but here goes. I usually have problems with stage fright when I am not prepared or if I feel like I am being judged. However when performing in front of an audience it's a different story. This is what usually works for me.

Eat a banana or two shortly before you perform, it supposedly helps with nerves it works for me and some of my friends but not everyone. Also as long as your prepared you should be okay, just remember that the audience is there to have a good time and enjoy your performance. When I remember that my job is to help people enjoy their lives my nerves usually just melt away. You get to help people forget the stress of their lives for a while how awesome is that?

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