Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

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Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by AlexHiro4 »


I basically get on here to talk to you guys on slow days at work. I very rarely get on my laptop at home, so most of my internet time is spent using my phone. I think it would be awesome if we had a Lunarthreads app. I realize that I can absolutely use my browser on my device to access this page, but it would be far less cumbersome and a lot more effective if we had an app. Push notifications and all.

Also, I personally spend a lot of time on Instagram because I like stalking people's pics, lol. How cool would it be if we had an official Instagram set up for Lunar-Net thiough? We could have a forum here on Lunarthreads where people could submit picture upload ideas for the Instagram account, and whoever is in charge of that account could approve and upload them.

Just a couple of thoughts, and I don't know who could/would want to undertake either of these tasks. I just think it would be neat. Lol.
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Re: Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by GhaleonOne »

The issue is time. Between working a normal 40+ hour a week job, running a business and having a family, I know I don't have any extra time left in the day to work on LunarNET these days. I would love to do projects like this, as the 20th anniversary hits at the end of the year, but sadly, time keeps me from it. I know it's the same for Kizyr and others who try to put a little time into the site as they can as well. Truthfully, I'd love to do a full redesign of the website, but I don't know when I'd find the time for it. :(

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Re: Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by AlexHiro4 »

I completely understand G1. I also work a 40+ hour a week job, have a fiance, and have a wedding to finish planning in the next two months. Something like this would definitely require a ton of time and dedication. Not to mention a Lunarthreads app would require tech skill that not everyone has. I basically wanted to pose the question and see if anyone was both available and interested.

As far as the Instagram page is concerned, that requires next to no tech skill, so I might be willing to take on that project if you guys are interested. As I said before, we could have a thread where people post Lunar- related pictures to be approved for Instagram upload. If I was in charge of the IG page, I could periodically check that thread myself.

Just a thought.
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Re: Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by Sonic# »

Alex, if you want to start the Instagram and get other people here involved, I'd be happy to get the post stickied and stuff like that. I'd say you could make it independent and your own, even, with the support of whoever wants to participate.

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Re: Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by Kizyr »

Honestly there just isn't a lot of new content these days; I'm not sure an Instagram would be worth the time investment. The Facebook page barely has much to promote these days (maybe a little if I get around to the planned updates this year -- and it's taken a backseat to activism this year, so it depends on when other things, like my work, let up a bit).

The question of an app came up a couple years ago also, and same thing. There isn't a lot that an app would *do* -- the only thing worthwhile would be to try to optimize the site for mobile devices. KF
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Re: Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by AlexHiro4 »

I actually didn't know there was a Facebook page. Lol. It seems that an IG would be a bit pointless. If I do decide to create it, I'll let you guys know.
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Re: Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by Kizyr »

Yeah sure! I'm not opposed to an 'unofficial LunarNET' Instagram.

Or just, like, a Lunar Instragram that you or we link a bunch on the forums. KF
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Re: Lunarthreads app and/or Official Lunar-Net Instagram page

Post by Alunissage »

This is reminding me that I still need to send you those magazine scans I showed you at MAGfest. It's definitely more olds than news, but there are a few images in there that would be fun to post.

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