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Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:24 am
by Mag
Hi all, my name is Adam and I'm 21. I'm currently in college shooting for my Bachelor's in Computer Science. I want to be a professional 'nerd' and work for a video game company. Don't even know what position would suit me best yet, I just want in.

Anyway, I signed up here today hoping to find sanctuary among other people who are hopeful for future good Lunar titles, and no more cow patties(Dragon Song I'm looking at you, jerk).

So hi all, and hope to get to know some more of you!


PS: GhaleonOne you have done a great job with this community. It seems very dedicated and hopeful for future Lunar works. I respect you and your moderators for keeping the airwaves clean. ;)

Long and Probably Boring Background(Not Roleplaying):
I've been playing Lunar games since Lunar TSS for the Sega CD. It was my first RPG I owned. I played the game. A lot. I must have played the game all the way through at least 50 times; that's being conservative. Such a strong story with amazing music that I would listen to for hours upon hours. Good times. 8)

Of course I bought Lunar EB when it came out as well. I used to Instant Message Hatless years back with my 28.8 net connection desperately looking for just one more ounce of new content in any Lunar game.

Then came the Lunar remakes, which I devoured wholly into my collective video game being. The additions/refinement to the games were great, and it was as glorious as I had expected it to be. Unfortunately, I still want more.

For the last two years most of my spare time has gone into Beta testing/playing World of Warcraft. I did the whole raiding scene for as long as I could. Made some great friends, and pretty much dominated anything new Blizzard pushed towards us. Unfortunately, the game doesn't satisfy me. I need story, and lots of it.

While the Warcraft story is incredibly fascinating to me, the MMO-ness of WoW just makes it stagnant. Nothing Develops in WoW, so you get no global progression; you have no influence on the world outside of whatever "phat lewt"(ugh, don't even get me started on e-speak) you are getting.

Nowadays, it's a much different story. I'm a broken shell of a man when it comes to games; most RPG's I try fail to present a story that keeps me interested, let alone care what happens to the characters.

Being in college means that money is pretty tight, so I have to choose my games carefully. That means I can't just snatch up every RPG like I used to(there were far, far fewer to choose from 10 years ago). I bought a Nintendo DS just for Lunar: DS, a decision I regret everytime I glare across the room at the box.

I think that's everything about me that's relevent. Oh, I'm also an experienced PC builder, and an ameteur programmer.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:51 am
by GhaleonOne
Welcome, mate! It's nice to see someone make an introduction that already shows they'll be a great contribution to the forum. Welcome aboard!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:00 am
by Mag
Haha, I appreciate the compliment. To be honest I'm traditionally more of a forum lurker, but ever since WD faded away(much like *gasp* Ghaleon) I've been snooping around here much, much more.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:08 am
by Alunissage
Why do you have quotes from TSS and then the SSS logo in your sig?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 9:30 am
by phyco126
Welcome 8)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:35 pm
by Sonic#
Welcome to the forum!

Being in college means that money is pretty tight, so I have to choose my games carefully. That means I can't just snatch up every RPG like I used to(there were far, far fewer to choose from 10 years ago). I bought a Nintendo DS just for Lunar: DS, a decision I regret everytime I glare across the room at the box.

That's pretty much me, except I'd add time to the list of detractors. I end up usually just replaying Growlanser or doing non-plot games (like Civ IV) during the school year. Otherwise, I lose focus (on the game) fast. Luckily, right now I can focus on games like Grandia III with a couple of hours a day (I'm on disc 2!).

And as for the ten years ago... it was a pretty little field of RPGs. ^_^

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:08 pm
by lucia24
Hi and welcome! :D

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:35 pm
by Mag
Alunissage wrote:Why do you have quotes from TSS and then the SSS logo in your sig?

Aside from the obviously wrong title in it(I was making it at 2AM), was there something that was a big no-no in my sig? I read through the stickies and such fairly well before making it, and the last thing I'd want to do is ruin the rep this site has built up! :?

Sonic# wrote:Luckily, right now I can focus on games like Grandia III with a couple of hours a day(I'm on disc 2!).

Ah, and that brings me to another current problem I have. I was one of those follish enough to buy a PS2 at launch(close enough to it, I think I had mine in December). As such, I spent all those years trying to play with a faulty laser, one curseword at a time.

Last year it finally died on me, and a replacement kit is laughably expensive. So until I get enough money to buy a newer PS2, not only am I starved from all my currently-owned games, I can't even experience the games I've been waiting for like DQVIII and GrandiaIII(I loved GrandiaII).

So anyway, thanks for the warm welcome from everyone! Hopefully I can find a place here to help me in these dark gaming times. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:05 pm
by Kizyr
Mag wrote:
Alunissage wrote:Why do you have quotes from TSS and then the SSS logo in your sig?

Aside from the obviously wrong title in it(I was making it at 2AM), was there something that was a big no-no in my sig? I read through the stickies and such fairly well before making it, and the last thing I'd want to do is ruin the rep this site has built up! :?

Relax, it was just a question. She didn't mean it meanly. KF

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:19 pm
by Mag
Kizyr wrote:Relax, it was just a question. She didn't mean it meanly. KF

Ah, I was just making sure I wasn't breaking a forum rule or anything like that. Thanks!

Edit: Fixed the sig. Sorry about the confusion. 8)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:10 pm
by YoshiMars
Hello, hello and welcome! Very informative intro, not a bad thing I assure you. I hope you do post more often than lurk... sounds like you would have some interesting things to say! =)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:48 pm
by Ozone
We now have a Mog, a Meg, and a Mag.... we need a Mug and a Mig now xD

*ahem* Anyway, welcome to the boards :)

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:54 pm
by Atticus