Returning user from circa 2002

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Returning user from circa 2002

Post by frozenyoge »

Holy sh*t!

This may well have been the first internet forum I was ever a part of. I can even recognize some of the usernames, and it's bowling me over.

I'm currently replaying my lovely copy of Silver Star Story Complete.

I don't think I can name a single game that feels more like a homecoming. Certain artworks seem to come at such an opportune time that it's like they paper the walls of one's heart. This game is that. The simple fact that a musical sequence is devoted to a character's interior life and existential anxiety feels so radical to me, in this day and age. The manner in which it was placed there, unexpectedly, is what gets me about it.

I've also recently gotten into Grandia thanks to the HD collection. Almost immediately I sensed a certain something, a warmth I hadn't felt since my last foray into a Game Arts venture.

Their output was truly one of a kind.

I've always felt that the time you actually get to spend with Luna in the game is far too short. She's gone so soon, and the majority of the game is spent without her. Similarly, there's something incredibly elusive about the spirit of this game. It's strange to say that, knowing that it's right there in front of me. It's running well on a system that still works the same as the day I got it. But it compels the player to search, to have faith that there's something worth finding over the next hill.

I count myself incredibly lucky to have encountered this game when I did.

As for what my username here was, I absolutely could not tell you. Let it suffice to say: holy sh*t, how the heck are you guys still kickin'? It made my day when I found my way back here.

Cheers to whoever reads this!

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Re: Returning user from circa 2002

Post by Alunissage »

Hello! I definitely don't remember that username, but if it's not the same one you were using then, I won't worry about it. I don't remember exactly when I joined here; the forums were updated and everyone had to re-register in Dec 2002 so all of us who were around before then have similar join dates. I think I first looked at LN itself in mid-2000, and clearly I joined in the following year and a half, but just no clue when. So probably we overlapped but can't be sure.

Anyway, it's pretty neat to see another forumer from long ago. :)

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Re: Returning user from circa 2002

Post by frozenyoge »

So I looked on the users list and found my username, right there along with all the other ones in December 2002. I don’t want to click it though, or say who I was — it suffices to know that everything there is embarrassing. I don’t need to find out how. :)

(I was quite young in 2002.)

Anyway thank you for being so gracious in response to my long-winded post!! We are fans of a very good thing.

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Re: Returning user from circa 2002

Post by Alunissage »

Aww...this is going to bug me now. Though I might well not remember anyway. Once in a while I'll reread old threads and see a post and think "This person makes a point I've never thought about before" and then find out that I wrote it. :D (That's not to say there are no cringey posts in my history, but I had the advantage of being in my mid-20s when I joined so at least there are fewer that sound really young.)

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Re: Returning user from circa 2002

Post by Kizyr »

I'll own my own old, cringy posts as a learning experience (mostly just, I was unnecessarily harsh when I didn't need to be, and lenient when I shouldn't have been, in a number of places). But regardless I like to think most folks can absolutely grow, maybe as a result of looking back at myself from 15-20 years ago.

Anyway, no sweat on naming what your old username was or not. Welcome! Or welcome back! Whichever you prefer.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Returning user from circa 2002

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

Welcome back!! (^.^)

One of the best compliments i've ever heard of about LUNAR SSSC "that feels more like a homecoming" Love it!

I own and play both SSSC & EBC on a semi yearly basis and every time it's fantastic. It has that feeling. It isn't just about nostalgia. The story is beautiful. Both are!

I think my only complaint is I wish SSSC was as long as EBC lol!
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