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It's almost that time of year again...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:32 am
by CatsWithMatches
I know I ask this every year, but anyone else going to Acen this year? It's my sixth straight year, and it's been the highlight of most of those years. (For '05, I kinda have to defer to that whole getting married thing. :P )

And this year, I promise not be shy and hang out with any other lunar-neters that may be present.

Re: It's almost that time of year again...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:08 am
by GhaleonOne
What are the dates, offhand?

Re: It's almost that time of year again...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:48 am
by CatsWithMatches
May 8th-10th.

Re: It's almost that time of year again...

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:45 am
by CatsWithMatches
It was a good year this time around, although not perfect.

The ups:

a GREAT Spoony Bards show.
three different marriage proposals at three different events.
Iron Editor was a blast (think Iron Chef, only for making AMVs).
I found a copy of Lunar 2 : EBC. This was the one main lunar game that I hadn't ever gotten around to getting. Though, $140 was a bit steep, but, ah well...
I ran into several Lunar cosplayers. Hiro (not Clear Note, someone else), Nall, and Alex and Luna.

The downs:
couldn't get into the soap bubble this year.
got sick the first night. (damn chefs had to cook their meatballs in the same sauce used for non-meat dishes. bad things happen when you haven't digested beef in years)
My favorite panelist missed his own panel due to a family emergency (Robert DeJesus)

Also saw both The Slants and M.O.V.E. Both were good, but plagued by a horrible sound setup.