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My Favorite Anime

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:55 pm
by Ryoko
My favorite anime.... is.... Fruits Basket, Ranma 1/2, Chobits, and Full Metal Alchemist. Though I like Inuyasha.... What are yall's favorite Anime!?

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:44 pm
by Greensky
I havn't seen Fruits Basket, but I hear it's good. The 12 year old voice actor boy that does Alphonse Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist also does the voice of a main character in Fruits Basket.

But anyways, I'm a huge Fullmetal Alchemist fan. I buy all of the english-subbed DVD volumes right when they come out. I have all five released volumes right now in the collectors starter tin box. :D

And I've also seen the Fullmetal Alchemist movie (Conquorer of Shambala). It was good.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:32 pm
by Shiva Indis
Some people have an anime that kind of defined the experience for them when they were just getting into it. For me that was Escaflowne. It's the standard by which I judge every other anime I've seen.

Also I'm a fan of Fruits Basket, Utena, and Sailormoon. Recently I've liked Scrapped Princess quite a bit.

Oh, and Ririka SOS. Can't forget Ririka. :D

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:45 pm
by Roas Atrades
My anime introduction was way back in the day when I watched Voltron as a five year old (1985), so that holds a special place in my heart. I've seen a lot of things in the past twenty years, so I'll just comment on what's currently on my plate, in addtion to a couple of things I watch over and over again.

I tend to like anime with fantasy themes like Lodoss. Aside from that I hold Tenchi as one of my standards, I'm an old school Moonie, some Gundam (currently Seed/Seed Destiny), giving Naruto a chance, Inuyasha, and FMA were and are what I am currently watching. Generally, I give whatever Adult Swim throws to me a chance these days, since it's free :)

I also just got into One Piece, but stopped watching that abominal 4Kids hatchet job once I learned they were not only skipping episodes, but they were merging episodes.

:x Bastards

To add a twist to this, what would be a show you once saw, but have never been able to get a hold since?

For me, it would be the elusive Dragon Warrior/Quest anime I saw when I was a kid real earlier on Saturday mornings. They showed the first season, but then never brought it back :cry:

This is my White Whale Anime. One day I want to see the rest of this series.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:40 pm
by Jyd3n
I'm very big into mech anime (Gundam, Evangelion, Full Metal Panic, Rahxephon) stuff like that and Tenchi like stuff and CAse Closed

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:35 am
by Rune Lai
I have all but one of the episodes of the English-dubbed Dragon Warrior anime still. :D I used to have all of them but I accidentally erased one of the episodes. :(

Favorite childhood anime:
Saban's Adventures of the Little Mermaid (they actually brought shoujo over!)

Favorite anime seen as an adult:
Fushigi Yuugi
Weiss Kreuz
Infinite Ryvius
Rose of Versailles

Other than that, I'll watch whatever's on TV, even if it's a 4Kids hack job. I don't have cable so 4Kids is just about the only anime I get.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:49 am
by Roas Atrades
I have all but one of the episodes of the English-dubbed Dragon Warrior anime still. I used to have all of them but I accidentally erased one of the episodes.

>grabs a harpoon<

The White Whale!'ve been bugging people for years on leads to get this series with next to no results. The last thing I remember is, I believe, episode 16 where the party has discovered the bridge that looks like the Golden Gate Bridge :P

I even remember the taste of the pizza slice I was eating that morning while watching it :D

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:10 am
by Scorpioeyez
Princess Nine, Petite Princess Yucie and Azumanga Daioh top my list.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:22 pm
by Ryoko
Have any of you guys read the new Fullmoon books? Or the Alichino? If you did, did you like tham. I love the Alichino Manga. ^.^

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:04 pm
by Shiva Indis
Alichino is very pretty, but there's a thread just for manga here:

And I know you know there's a thread for Full Moon wo Sagashite, Ryoko. You've posted in it.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:10 pm
by Ryoko
........ Well yeah. Is there an Anime for Full Moon. I figure asking is better waisting time looking. I dont like being active.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:03 pm
by SilverOcean
Favorite Anime(s):
Full Moon Wo Sagashite
Gundam: Turn A Gundam

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:53 pm
by PrettyGirlJean
To name a few in no particular order:
Fruits Basket
Hana Yori Dango
Marmalade Boy
Sailor Moon
Inu Yasha
Dragon Half
Excel Saga
Tenshi ni Narumon

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:43 pm
by Ryoko
Well. I have taken a recent liking to Escaflowne (sp?). I watched the movie last night. I ended up dreaming about Von. Turns out, in the dream I was Ryoko (male) From Alichino. The anime on my list now is. Chobits. I like the little robot girl. Chi.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:04 am
by NallOne
Fushigi Yugi, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Blue Seed. I like many, many others but those are the few that I can rewatch the minute I finish watching it and not become bored. :3

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:32 pm
by Ryoko
Well, I have only watched the first Fushigi Yugi disk. I hate her voice it is soo annoying. There is always a annoying girl voice in anime, am I right?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:03 am
by Agawa
Ryoko wrote: There is always a annoying girl voice in anime, am I right?

Eh, not really. Sometimes there's just bad voice gets the guys, too.

Ryoko wrote:........ Well yeah. Is there an Anime for Full Moon. I figure asking is better waisting time looking. I dont like being active.

Yes, there is. You can find more information on it here, but I don't believe it's yet been licensed for North America.

Anyway, I suppose I shall list:
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Record of Lodoss Wars
Studio Ghibli Movies
Now and Then, Here and There
Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu
Project A-Ko
Sailor Moon
Beyond the Clouds, The Promised Place
Cutie Honey

EDIT: Adding "The Slayers" and "Kodomo No Omocha"

Those are just some ones I like off the top of my head.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:28 pm
by DaWrestla
In order:

Saint Seiya
Ronin Warriors (Samurai Troopers)
Fist of the North Star

n00bs :)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:05 pm
by Dragonmaster Lou
You wanna talk n00bs? :P

In order:

Starblazers / Space Battleship Yamato
Macross (the original Japanese, not Robotech)
Any classic Go Nagai "Super Giant Robot" work. :P

Those are my absolute favs, although there's a bunch of newer stuff that I also do like.

Yes, I'm old school.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:17 pm
by DaWrestla
I don't think you can find another anime that has been such a worldwide hit like Saint Seiya was. Maybe Dragonball/Z/GT (yes, I'm a fan of that, too). Granted, it's a little slow from episodes 20-39, but from 39 till the end of the first season (70-73 episodes, can't remember) the show is just awesome.

The Asgard saga is terrible, IMO.

The Poseidon saga is great and so is the Hades saga (what we've seen of it so far).

What a great show, action, mythology, umm...zodiac inspired stuff, all blended together perfectly.