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Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 2:19 pm
by phyco126
Depends on the PC (multiple hard-drives) and the size and age of the hard-drive (if the tower was made to handle the size of HD.) Some computers can have 3 - 4 hard drives, some 1. *shrug* Thus, with the fact that HDs are cheap, I recommend getting a wonderful USB or equavillant external harddrive. 320 GB for only $99.99 baby!

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:07 pm
by Ozone
While external hard-drives are less likely to fail due to less strain being placed up on them, they can still fail. It is actually better to back your files up on DVD or CD and have multiple copies if you really want security.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:17 pm
by Werefrog
Ozone wrote:While external hard-drives are less likely to fail due to less strain being placed up on them, they can still fail. It is actually better to back your files up on DVD or CD and have multiple copies if you really want security.
Yeah, but DVDs and CDs can be scratched beyond recognition...

It's best to keep your important stuff in multiple media. I have all my important stuff on a flash drive and an external hard drive.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:24 pm
by phyco126
Meh, I've always believed in multiple backups of the same thing using different methods. I've had HD failure twice several years ago, very horrid experience.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:56 am
by Bravo 29
YES!! Eternal Sapphire is up and running again! :D Can't wait to see the "filler" episodes, it'll definitely tide me over until the main story continues. Kudos, Zophar. Keep up the great work. :wink:

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:32 pm
by Deathblood
how do i get on your DA account?

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:13 pm
by henmarko
wow! My Lunar Life is saved!!!! I only wish I could see the links that you said you posted... I wanna join T_T...

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:48 am
by Zophar
Wait, what? You guys can't access it? Huh, that's weird. I'll try to look into what's going on.

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:58 pm
by GhaleonOne
I kinda haven't kept up with this project since last summer due to trying to get the new site up, but I just read your computer problems from last year, Zophar. Did you ever recover things? If you lost original FLAs, there are ways to decompile a SWF back into an FLA. I really wish I had seen this sooner.

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:46 am
by Zophar
GhaleonOne wrote:I kinda haven't kept up with this project since last summer due to trying to get the new site up, but I just read your computer problems from last year, Zophar. Did you ever recover things? If you lost original FLAs, there are ways to decompile a SWF back into an FLA. I really wish I had seen this sooner.
Yea I did manage to recover everything. Now I just have to get everything reorganized and then the project should get back on track. Thanks! :)

Speaking of the project, I have an announcement to make:

As of now, the current plan is to convert Lunar: The Eternal Sapphire into a game. The first step will be a demo, and if the demo does well the project will be completely converted into a game. If not, then it will go back to a movie project.

I will give more details when they are available! :)

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:04 am
by Bravo 29
Sweet! :D If TES does become a game, will you still need voice clips? And what will it run on, RPGMaker or something like that? Just wondering, that would be so cool.

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:37 pm
by Zophar
Bravo 29 wrote:Sweet! :D If TES does become a game, will you still need voice clips? And what will it run on, RPGMaker or something like that? Just wondering, that would be so cool.
I don't know what the situation with voice acting will be. I'd like to keep it if I could, but only time will tell. I plan on using RPGMaker VX to make the game.

In regards to the demo, it is currently in the planning stage. You know, where I sit down and figure out WHAT the player will be doing during the demo. I'm also working with the various sprites and portraits and what not.

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:15 pm
by phyco126
If I knew/had the talent to make my own sprites, I would be kicking out games left and right. As it is, I can't. =/ However, if you make demo, I will be more than happy to play it. XD

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:36 pm
by Alex_Pwns_Hiro
Awesome, Can't wait!!

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:36 pm
by LuNaRtIc
Zophar wrote:Yea I did manage to recover everything. Now I just have to get everything reorganized and then the project should get back on track. Thanks! :)

Speaking of the project, I have an announcement to make:

As of now, the current plan is to convert Lunar: The Eternal Sapphire into a game. The first step will be a demo, and if the demo does well the project will be completely converted into a game. If not, then it will go back to a movie project.

I will give more details when they are available! :)
Excellent! If you still need voice talent, let me know. :P

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:28 pm
by Zophar
Thank you everyone for your feedback! :)

Voice acting... I'm going to look into the possibility of having it. It's not confirmed if it will or will not be in the project yet.

Speaking of the project, I have released some screenshots to show everyone a small sample of what I've been working on for the past three days or so.


I made sure to acquire as many Lunar sprites as I could. Here are some examples of items you wil see in the demo.

There will also be these Althena statues in towns, and in some other areas too. Naturally, you know what they are used for. :P

That's all for now. Hopefully my next update, whenever that is, will be the release of the demo... but that won't be for awhile. I will let you guys know when I have an estimate as to when this demo will come out.

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire UPDATE: SCREEN SHOTS OF DEMO

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:59 pm
by Sadrin
How is this comming along? I really want to see what you do with RMVX.

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire UPDATE: SCREEN SHOTS OF DEMO

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:01 pm
by Zophar
Sadrin wrote:How is this comming along? I really want to see what you do with RMVX.
Pretty well. Since I'm a total rpg maker newbie, the majority of the development so far has been me learning how to use various things in the program, like the events and what not. There are some limitations that have been popping up here and there, like not being able to import more tiles to use in the editor; but I think I've found a few ways around that.

You're using Rpg Maker XP, right? How is that version of the program?

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire UPDATE: SCREEN SHOTS OF DEMO

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:42 pm
by Sadrin
It can take awhile to learn rpg makers but once you get the hang of it you'll be able to use any other version. I myself don't really care for RMVX because of the titleset limits and a few other things but overall its said to be better than RMXP. I feel that RMXP is a better program as your able to really make it your own game. There isn't alot of limits to what you can do. Rmxp is used more for detailed games and rmvx seems to aim more at simple looking games. I use rmxp because I can make tiles as large as I want along with characters. The 4 layers of map really make a big differnce. I did find that using smaller charactersets with xp tend to not look as good so rmvx is perfect for lunar 1-2 sprites. If you have any questions about rpgmaker just let me know! I used to run the offical...well as offical as you could get rpg maker 2000 help chatroom a few years ago.

Re: Lunar: Eternal Sapphire UPDATE: SCREEN SHOTS OF DEMO

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:24 pm
by Zophar
Sadrin wrote:It can take awhile to learn rpg makers but once you get the hang of it you'll be able to use any other version. I myself don't really care for RMVX because of the titleset limits and a few other things but overall its said to be better than RMXP. I feel that RMXP is a better program as your able to really make it your own game. There isn't alot of limits to what you can do. Rmxp is used more for detailed games and rmvx seems to aim more at simple looking games. I use rmxp because I can make tiles as large as I want along with characters. The 4 layers of map really make a big differnce. I did find that using smaller charactersets with xp tend to not look as good so rmvx is perfect for lunar 1-2 sprites. If you have any questions about rpgmaker just let me know! I used to run the offical...well as offical as you could get rpg maker 2000 help chatroom a few years ago.
Yeah it is rather annoying with the limitations and what not that come in RPG Maker VX, that's it's biggest down side in my oppinion. Thanks, I'll be sure to let you know if I have any questions. :)