YoshiMars - your gift is ready!

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Ian Nathaniel Cohen
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YoshiMars - your gift is ready!

Post by Ian Nathaniel Cohen »

The first of them, anyway. I'll try and do all five if I can.


By Ian Nathaniel Cohen

“Are you ready for this?” Alex asked with a smile.

Nash smiled weakly. “Do I look ready?”

“You look like you’re gonna have a heart attack,” Kyle replied with a chuckle. “Seriously, man, what are you afraid of? Al and I both went through it, and we survived in one piece.”

“Just typical wedding-day jitters,” Nash said lamely. “I hear everyone gets them.”

“I didn’t,” Kyle said, somewhat smugly. “The hard part’s over already! You’ve been through the courtship, the proposal, and all that stuff. It's smooth sailing from this point on!”

“He’s right, Nash,” Alex added. “Besides, you and Mia were meant to be together. We all knew that, even before the two of you did. At this point, nothing could possibly get in the way of that.”

Kyle smiled lewdly. “Well, maybe boinking one of the bridesmaids in front of everybody, or something like that. But you wouldn’t do that to Mia, wouldja?”

Nash bristled at the suggestion. “Of course not!”

The door opened, and an attendant poked his head through the door. “Gentlemen? It’s time.”

Nash took a deep breath, straightened his hair, and adjusted his dark, royal blue dress robes. Alex and Kyle stood at his left and right respectively, wearing burgundy tabards bearing the golden crest of Vane over white garments.

The doors before them opened, and the three of them marched down the Guild hallway to the sound of a solemn fanfare. The Hall had been filled with ornately decorated mahogany pews, which were full to the brink of dignitaries from Vane and Meribia – anyone who was anyone was here on this day. Nash could feel their eyes on him, judging him, and prayed he would not do anything today to confirm their doubts or skepticism.

As Nash walked down the isle, sweating slightly, he felt his pulse quicken as he laid eyes on Mia Ausa, standing underneath the marriage canopy, beautifully embroidered out of pearl-white silk. She had never looked so beautiful in her life. Her lustrous black hair was decorated with pearls and diamonds, and the sapphire earrings Nash had bought her hung from her delicate ears. She wore an elegant silver-thread dress embroidered with figures of all sorts of birds and flowers. Her dark eyes shone radiantly as she stared at Nash, a slight wisp of a smile forming on her face.

Luna and Jessica stood at her side, wearing simple but elegant saffron gowns, bearing the Ausa family crest. Lemia Ausa, still as regal-looking as ever, stood behind them, her expression somewhat severe. Nash wondered if he would ever lose the sense that he would still have to prove himself worthy to Mia, and to her mother – especially to her mother.

Oddly enough, seeing Lemia made him think of his own family, or the absence of one. The only father figure he’d ever known had dead and buried for two years now, a victim of his own mad ambition and his fear that a world without a god was a world condemned to death. He wondered how Ghaleon would have felt about this day. Would he have been happy for his young apprentice or for Mia? He knew Ghaleon had adored Mia in his own way, and he wondered if Ghaleon would have found him to be a fitting match for her.

Shaking such gloomy thoughts out of his head, Nash finally stood besides Mia, and as the priestess approached, they held each other’s hands. Nash’s pulse quickened even more, and he thought he would faint.

The priestess inclined her head as she stretched out her hands. A small orb of azure light resembling a star began to form between them as she began to pray. “Goddess Althena, Mother Songstress and protector of our people, look upon this union and grant your blessing to Mia Ausa and Nash Rumick of Vane, as they unite in body and soul in blessed and sacred marriage.”

Nash turned to Mia and knelt, thanking Althena he was able to do so without stepping on his robes, knocking Mia over, or any of the other nightmare scenarios he had envisioned, although his voice quivered as he spoke. “I take thee, Mia Ausa, as my wife, under the eyes of The Goddess Althena, to love, honor and cherish all the days of my life.” It felt somewhat awkward saying the words with the human incarnation of Althena herself only a few feet away, but some traditions were too meaningful to be tossed aside.

He froze for a second, feeling oddly rooted to the spot, before he was able to get to his feet. Blushing slightly, Mia then knelt before Nash, her smile wideneing. “I take thee, Nash Rumick, as my husband, under the eyes of The Goddess Althena, to love, honor, and cherish all the days of my life.”

Mia rose, and still holding hands, the two of them smiled as they said the next blessing together. “Goddess Althena, Mother Songstress on high, we bless you for your gift of life, for sustaining us, and allowing us to reach this special day.”

The priestess raised her hands, and the orb began to levitate into the air above her, slowly morphing into the figure of a dragon. The dragon’s wings spread out above them, almost as if they were forming a second canopy. The priestess looked upon the dragon once before inkling her head once again. “May The Goddess Althena bless and safeguard you. May her countenance shine and smile upon you. May she lift your countenances and fill your days with peace, love, and contentment, now and forever more.”

The image of the dragon above them dissipated, and a second priestess brought out two small silver goblets of wine. “This is the fun part,” Nash heard Kyle whisper behind him, and Nash managed to resist the urge to shut him up with a small dose of lightning magic.

The priestess gave one goblet apiece to Nash and Mia. First they sipped from their own cups, before drinking from each other’s. The wine was quite strong and slightly spiced, and Nash wondered if it was the wine making him lightheaded, or just his sudden realization that this was happening for real.

The priestess took the goblets back, and Nash and Mia stared longingly into each others’ eyes before they finally kissed. Nash felt exhilarated as he felt Mia’s arms wrap around him longingly, and he somehow managed to get his arms to do the same instead of having them hang limply by his side.

They stepped out from under the canopy, and the congregation finally erupted into a robust applause as they marched down the isle of the Guild’s main hall, their entourage trailing behind them. People crowded around the newly married couple, shaking their hands and congratulating them. Several of the young men of Vane eyed Nash enviously, but were cordial enough to wish him well nevertheless.

The wedding party slowly made its way outside, where the wedding feast was to be held. There was plenty of food and drink to go around, and a lively band playing

In the middle of the feast, Jessica rose from her seat, holding a goblet, and there were calls for silence. “I know everybody’s looking to get back to the party, so I’m gonna make this quick. And insert the standard 'I'm not one for making speeches,' yaddah yaddah yaddah.”

There were a few polite chuckles as Jessica continued. “Mia, you and I have known each other since we were little kids and your mother first came to Meribia. You’ve been an awesome best friend over the years, and I just wanna say how happy I am that this day’s finally come. And if you ever need help keeping Nash in line, just let me know, and I’ll give you some tips.”

Mia blushed slightly as the crowd erupted with laughter, and Nash’s smile became a tad more strained. He didn’t doubt Jessica would follow through, and he dreaded what kind of advice Jessica would give Mia.

She looked at Nash and Mia, and smiled. “So here’s to the bride and groom, and here’s to happily ever after!”

The guests echoed the toast, and Nash and Mia looked at each other and smiled. “To happily ever after,” Nash and Mia said softly together.
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Post by Maiku »

Ahh, such an adorable story. I'm sure YoshiMars will love it. Sorry if I'm the first to be commenting on this ^^ I must say it's a great fic.

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Post by YoshiMars »

Kyyyaaaa!!! I about blushed to death with cute! Thank you so much!! That was most adoreable, just the sort of fluff I wanted! Just in time too, my birthday is to-morrow! So this is like both a birthday and christmas present. Yay!!

You did a wonderful job! Thanks very, very, very much!! Sorry for being so vauge on my requests but I wasn't sure if I was going to get a writer or an artist so I tried to leave it open for either.

You have just made my day! :D
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Post by Karthur »

Well done, Ian. Well done. :D
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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Very nice! Much too short! ;) Seriously though, very awesome job!

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Post by Kazie Solo »

Aww, that's so sweet! I've always been a fan of yours, Ian, and I'm very happy to read another one of your works! :D
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