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Symphonic Darkness

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:56 am
by ShadowKnight47
Are we allowed to put Fanfictions here?

If so, here is a prologue!


20,000 years ago…

There was an ancient war…called “The Great Kharlan War”….There were very many battles, which leads up to the final fight, “The Mana War” which was the most vicious of them all…

There was once an ancient hero, named “The Grand Hero, Tressle” who said to of stopped the war, this is what happened in the last fight…

“I’ll kill you!” a man in dark clothes, but long black hair said…As he shot a powerful orb of mana at another man, dressed in white, with long blonde hair, that wielded two swords.

“No, I will not let you fire the mana cannon!!” the man in white said, “You’ll destroy both worlds, even Tethe_alla…The world that you love…”

“I don’t care anymore,” said the man in black, “I won’t let you stop me, Tressle!”

“Very well," Tressle said, floating into deep space!!

Once within space, Tressle raised one hand, "Dragon Cannon, Fire!" a huge void opened, and a big ball of mana appeared

The star dragon appeared, "We alone do not have enough mana to destroy Derris Kharlan..."

"Fine, I will feed my entire soul to the cannon, that should be enough...right?" Tressle asked.

"Yes, it should be alright..." the star dragon replied...

"Mana cannon, fire!" the man in black shouted.

Suddenly, Tressle's body soon disappeared, giving up his mana...

The mana cannon's fire weakened, but the worlds were hit, and they went into decline...

One of the war's survivors soon awoke, and went to a world called Sylverant...

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:00 am
by AnimeJei
Not bad ^^ I'd like to learn more about the Star Dragon, hope to read more!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:56 pm
by ShadowKnight47
I Know, I know, It's not as good as the prologue, and I kinda rushed a bit...but chap2 and 3 won't be up until someone replies...

Chapter 1: The chosen few...

The unknown man was teaching his wife, Maria how to cast a magic spell, "Fire ball"...But a man in black robes appeared, and he snatched Maria away.

"Haha, Firion...If you ever want Maria to be seen alive by your own eyes again, do me a favor," The man in black robes said, with a snickering voice,

"No, Maria!! What is it you want?" the unknown man said,

"Make sure that the chosen does not stray from her mission," the man in black robes said, "Or there will be hell to pay!"

"Fine, where is the chosen, now?" the unknown man asked.

"Near the "Temple Of Althena, she goes to school there," The black man said.

"Fine, I'm off! You'd better keep your promise...!" The unknown man said, spreading his wings, and taking flight.

"Now, to attach a mana crystal," The man in black robes said, attaching something odd to Maria's body.

Our story actually begins with our friend Skilt, who is sword training. His school teacher runs up to his back yard.

"I knew you'd be here, GET TO CLASS!" His teacher yelled, at the top of her lungs.

So, they were traveling to the school, on the other side of their village, when suddenly, a light came from a large temple to the south.

"What the hell was that?" Skilt asked.

"That might have been the light from the oracle, I'm going to go check it out...Tell everyone that class is dismissed for the day, I'll get Sym, if it is the light of the oracle..." the teacher said

Skilt goes back to the school, and tells everyone the great news, then asks a question.

"Sym, Pho, why not go check what that light was?" Skilt asked.

"Okay!" Sym and Pho both said at the same time, they left the school, and headed towards the Temple Of Althena. Once there, they spot 2 people with helmets, and dressed in red clothes.

"Get the chosen!" One of them said! A huge man with a chain ball for a weapon appeared, and slams his weapon down onto the chosen...But, Skilt blocks the attack with his 2 swords, and the big man pulled out an axe...

"Man, he's tough," Skilt said, kneeling down.

"Watch out!" The unknown man said, just as he blocked the attack from the big huge guy! He then stabs the big man in the heart, killing him. The other 2 fled the scene."Watch out for Cruxis, they will kill the chosen any chance they get...My name is Firion"

"Firion...I'm skilt, these guy are my friends, Sym, and Pho" Skilt said, introducing himself.

"You were about to undergo the trial?" Firion asked.

"Yes, we were about to go together, you saved us...Want to come?" Skilt asked, just trying to be nice.

"Fine, I was sent to protect the chosen anyways..." Firion agreed with a normal faced look. They walk into Althena's temple...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:32 pm
by Dark_Fairy
*Just now decides to check out The Arts section of this forum after not looking at it forever*

I'm guessing this is something along the lines of mixing Tales of Symphonia and Lunar together? I've never seen that done before, so, nice idea. Either way, not a bad story.