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Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:15 am
by Ardent Fox
I don't usually do this. Recently though, I've taken pen to paper again and made this. A bit somber, some may in fact call it angsty, but I feel like I've earned that right.


You pass by them without taking pause.
You know them, but you don't know of them.
The ones that bleed.
Those that breathe in hell.

They are the thankless ones.
They are the ones that become broken.
Those that march by pure of heart.
The ones that return with anger of soul.

Some of them become your neighbor.
Some of them become your friend.
Some of them have lived through death.
All of them have lost a brother.

They cry though you see no tears.
They hurt when you see no scars.
They hate when you see no rage.
They live when you see no life.

You pass by them every day.
You do not take note of them.
You continue on with your life.
You never know of their's.

Cheer on as they go.
Support them as they are.
For they are the ones who go boots first.
Where they shed their innocence forever.

Re: Broken

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:50 am
by Nobiyuki77
:( Very beautiful, and I agree with the sentiment. Our troops hard work goes largely unnoticed by too many. :(

Re: Broken

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:54 pm
by Monde Luna
So sad, and true. Beautifully written