Are we alone in the Universe? You-decide!

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Are we alone in the Universe?

Yes, highly advanced civilizations are out there bartering, warring, and look for human meat.
No little green men don't exist. But I do believe that there are probably fauna and bacteria that are alien
You've got it all wrong! Aliens don't exist but we are not alone! Angel's and Demon's are out there and half-breeds. (By clicking this one your acknowledging that God also exists...)
No, nothing is out there.
Silly person, of course aliens exist! So do angels/demons and God.
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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Kizyr wrote:
I think that if there is intelligent life out there, it exists in some form that we would be nearly incapable of comprehending as "alive." It probably wouldn't even be carbon based.
Any kind of life we can conceive of currently would have to be carbon-based. Silicon-based is theoretically possible, but then we're talking about near rock-like appearances, incredibly slow growth, and hence incredibly slow evolution and adaptation to surroundings.

That and, by definition, anything organic is carbon-based. KF
That's kind of my point, actually. If some sort of conscious life exists somewhere out there, what are the odds that it exists within what we, a species that has developed on a completely different world, can conceive of and define as "organic?"

There are a million theories as to how life began on planet Earth. However, if you ignore all religious and/or theoretical explanations, we don't know exactly what it was that caused us to come into existence. Now, what if something different caused life to come into existence somewhere else? It would have a completely different starting point, and develop under very different conditions, and would probably never exist in a form that our current understanding would ever recognize as "alive."

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Post by Dark »

Universe is very big place. Many parts are unknown for us. I believe there is something. We cant be in all of universe alone. It cannot be.
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Post by Ozone »

Frankly, if there is some greater intelligence out there it doesn't really matter because they would be idiots to visit the human race.

If I remember correctly, statistics have let us make the generalization that there are at least several other planets in the universe capable of sustaining life.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Frankly, if there is some greater intelligence out there it doesn't really matter because they would be idiots to visit the human race.
I'm just curious but why do you think that? Everyone has such a negative view on the human race, but noone ever wants to do anything about it. Sure, there's crap out there (Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, etc.), but there's also a lot of very good people (Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.) out there that get overlooked because everyone focuses on the bad ones. The human race has lots of blemishes, but there's also a lot of redeeming qualities.

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Post by Werefrog »

Ozone wrote:Frankly, if there is some greater intelligence out there it doesn't really matter because they would be idiots to visit the human race.
Oh, I don't know. I still like to visit monkeys even though I'm beyone their intelligence. Maybe that's how aliens would be.

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Post by Dark »

Maybe they look at us but they dont want be with humans for example.
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

GhaleonOne wrote:
Frankly, if there is some greater intelligence out there it doesn't really matter because they would be idiots to visit the human race.
I'm just curious but why do you think that? Everyone has such a negative view on the human race, but noone ever wants to do anything about it. Sure, there's crap out there (Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, etc.), but there's also a lot of very good people (Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.) out there that get overlooked because everyone focuses on the bad ones. The human race has lots of blemishes, but there's also a lot of redeeming qualities.
THANK YOU! Seriously, perhaps the aliens (assuming they exist) shouldn't visit us because it may lead to a detriment in their self-esteem. We need to stop allowing the news, which generally shows violence because it is contrversial, to contort our view on human nature. I don't believe we're as animalistic as Fox News may lead us to believe.

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Post by Kizyr »

GhaleonOne wrote:
Frankly, if there is some greater intelligence out there it doesn't really matter because they would be idiots to visit the human race.
I'm just curious but why do you think that? Everyone has such a negative view on the human race, but noone ever wants to do anything about it. Sure, there's crap out there (Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, etc.), but there's also a lot of very good people (Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.) out there that get overlooked because everyone focuses on the bad ones. The human race has lots of blemishes, but there's also a lot of redeeming qualities.
Y'all should watch the new Doctor Who series sometimes.

Besides being an incredible show, the Doctor has this huge fascination with humanity's best characteristics: the drive to improve ourselves, the ability to adapt, curiosity, willing to risk ourselves to explore the unknown. While there are negatives, if you consider humans as an entire race, there's entire worlds of good, and sometimes miraculous, things.

Last week's episode ended on a cliffhanger, so I'm really looking forward to this Friday's conclusion. KF
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Post by DragonmasterAndy »

Well..the ancient sumerian writings show that aliens existed...pretty much. I mean, it's not fact...but study that stuff and you'll realize. I think aliens were here long ago, but not right now. They may be though. I have proof enough for myself that aliens exist, as well as other things that have made me lose a lot of sleep over. But again, I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, so it's okay if you think I'm a nut job or something. :lol:

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Post by Dragonmaster Dyne »

I don't know. Civilizations existing out there seems possible but not at this point in time. Maybe tiny bits of bacteria but nothing huge.

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Post by exigence »

it seems imposible for there not to be any other life in the universe there are many planets much older than ours and i would even bet money that some of the life on other planets is carbon based with dna similar to ours because of Miller-Ureys experiment where they combined elements known to have existed on planet earth after it was formed, and ran an electrical current through it and it formed organic compounds like amino acids and protiens. i think that life wants to exist and would rather form than some inorganic compound.

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Post by Ignignokt »

There is intelligent life. On the moon.

But there is no intelligent life on earth.

Our moon civilization is centuries ahead of your primitive earth civilization.

Because our gravity is one sixth of yours.
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Post by Err »

No, foolish apes, you are not alone for you are one of the lucky few to be graced with the coming of we mooninites, from the moon, which is where we are from.

That is right, monkeys! The moon is the center of the galaxy, not you, us. It is our moon that keeps the order of the cosmos.
Last edited by Err on Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Moon Rules!

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Post by Ignignokt »

Err wrote:No, foolish apes, you are not alone for you are one of the lucky few to be graced with the coming of we mooninites, from the moon, which is where we are from.
That's right Err. We grace these primitive earth-apes with our presence.

You should feel graced.
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Post by Iga »

Ignignokt wrote:
Err wrote:No, foolish apes, you are not alone for you are one of the lucky few to be graced with the coming of we mooninites, from the moon, which is where we are from.
That's right Err. We grace these primitive earth-apes with our presence.

You should feel graced.
Oh, we do! We do feel graced! O, Mooninite travellers to our planet!

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Post by Err »

Iga wrote: Oh, we do! We do feel graced! O, Mooninite travellers to our planet!
I don't see you kneeling! We expect tribute in the form of liquor and cigarettes.
The Moon Rules!

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Post by Iga »

Err wrote:
Iga wrote: Oh, we do! We do feel graced! O, Mooninite travellers to our planet!
I don't see you kneeling! We expect tribute in the form of liquor and cigarettes.
Okay, I'll kneel, *kneels* but I'm underage!

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Post by Nall.TWK »

I believe in God and believe angels and demons are around too. Aliens I can't decide. They could be demons trying to terrorize us for all I know. But they could be some other type of creature.

My dad truly believes aliens came after him. He says he woke up guarding the door to his house, and saw them open the door, and peek in. When he was awake, and noticed them, they took off. He said they would only go after him if he was asleep. But so long as he stayed awake, they didn't come after him, and they never did get him.(He had to have been asleep in that house, some time, so I don't know how they never got him then. I think he told me, but I forgot). My dad comes up with some crazy stories and conspiracies though.
if they're out there, I'd like to see what they're home planet is like. I bet a lot of them that haven't been to earth don't even believe that WE exist :P

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Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Starting up another dead topic here, but thats alright. I wanna throw my two cents in too darnit! I do indeed believe the existence of some form of divine deity and the nefarious counterpart, whatever form you fine people may believe that to be. I also believe in the existence of aliens and other life forms and here is why. Can anyone say through out the extensive galaxy, throughout billions of solar systems, there isnt an occurance where a planet is just close enough to a star to sustain life like our little planet? Just my thoughts though. ;)
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Post by RPGMan »

I agree, I believe in god and demons, not half breeds though, that is just going anime =/ I know there are other intelligent life, maybe not our manistreamed conception of the word "alien" but there are places in the ocean we cannot go because of the pressure etc that fish can live, we barely have explored the ocean, so there is MUCH more to see there, and I bet there is water on other planets =p They found a moon that was totally ice covered and pretty much pure water on the inside, and we supposedly found bacteria on mars, proving their existence right there.

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