Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

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Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Poll ended at Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:44 pm

Lucia (EB) & Gad (DS)
Zophar & Fresca
Total votes: 23

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Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by GhaleonOne »

Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by WD RPG WD »

Alright my first combo is going to lose but not this one!

Lucia and Zophar in another epic battle but this time Zophar has Fresca which easily puts him over the top... Well maybe not but Gad is useless!

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by GhaleonOne »

I voted for Zophy out of pity, to be honest. I expected Lucia to steamroll him, but so far, that's not happening. AngelAlex, you better get with it if your girlie's gonna survive.

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Angelalex242 »

My power to influence elections is a bit limited in this format. I can't just poke people on AIM and put 20 votes on her side, nor can I run to the gameFAQs boards and get votes that way. Both of which were crucial in my last campaigns. I mean, my get out the vote effort was as formidable as Barack Obama's when I could get anyone to vote. This is trying to convince a small group of elite.

Also, I'm disappointed in you, G1. But I know that altering votes is impossible in this format. You have cast yourself with the damned in the Cult of Zophar, where the power of humanity shall send it to its inevitable fate.

Vote for the Forward thinking Goddess with a vision for the future!
Vote for the ONLY person in the history of Lunar to have a worldwide corporation. (Gad's express is in EVERY city! He's LITERALLY the only worldwide corporation)! Vote for the man who is Jian's ONLY source of income besides treasure chests!

Vote for Hope!
Vote for Change!
Yes we can!
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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by phyco126 »

Hah, good. I hope the little.... um, yeah, I hope she looses. :D

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Werefrog »

Lucia shouldn't have aligned herself with Gad the Courier. Gad the Courier isn't even a courier at all, and he would benefit from Fresca's tax plan. Sure, she might associate with former terrorist Zophar, but so did a lot of people.

I wonder how long these election jokes will last. Hopefully not much longer... my joke was pretty weak.

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Angelalex242 »

Zophar's on top of your ticket. You can't deny he once captured our candidate and stole her power, saying upon doing so, "Worlds will rise to a glory or wither to dust at my whim, and the best part is, no one can stop me." Does THAT sound like democracy to you?

Your candidate was later beat down by 5 humans, who rescued our candidate from his clutches.

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised Zophar is currently winning. It was the power of humanity that resurrected him in the first place, and if people were deeply stupid enough to elect George W. Bush twice, they could certainly elect Zophar.

Don't let Zophar win. Don't let the Hope of the people of Lunar die.

Vote for Change. Yes we can!

She inspired Hiro to go after her to the Blue Star, and so will she inspire all the World to follow. For the Blue Star is the true home of humanity, and she will be the one to lead the people of Lunar home.
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Kizyr »

Werefrog wrote:Lucia shouldn't have aligned herself with Gad the Courier. Gad the Courier isn't even a courier at all, and he would benefit from Fresca's tax plan. Sure, she might associate with former terrorist Zophar, but so did a lot of people.

I wonder how long these election jokes will last. Hopefully not much longer... my joke was pretty weak.
I thought it was pretty funny.

I'm voting for Zophar. Darkness and destruction for all! Besides, Lucia could only defeat Zophar with Hiro. Gad is dead weight. Zophar, meanwhile, doesn't need anyone. KF
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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Alunissage »

It's not like Lunar's a democracy...

I voted for Fresca, and against Lucia. The other two participants were irrelevant. :P

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by GhaleonOne »

I see two scenarios here:

A) Everyone just wants to give Alex crap when Lucia loses, so they picked Zophy.


B) General fans on LunarNET don't vote the same way as the core Lunar Threads audience does.

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Sonic# »

I thought more people would vote for Lucia. But like Alunissage, mine was really a vote for Fresca, though the attached Zophar was cool too. She's one of my favorite characters.

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Angelalex242 »

I highly suspect scenario A, myself. I think more people are voting against /me/ then against my candidate.

It's like what happened in Oregon. Every measure a guy named Bill Sizemore put up was defeated...and Bill Sizemore's name on the bill was at least half the reason they defeated them.

As for the audience on the polls of the past...A lot of that was my campaigning. Mia would've defeated Lucia had I not pulled out every stop I could find to push her over the top. I take a good deal of the credit for her success in the 2nd tournament. I couldn't beat Ghaleon one on one, but I could and did win the freeforall for her, and I took 3rd in the main tournament.
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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Monde Luna »

Personally, I was voting for Fresca as well. But if you want to put Zophar vs. Lucia of course I would pick Lucia becuase I'm not a fan of evil. However, Lucia lacked hope and didn't trust humanity (til the end), she even doubted Luna's choices now why would I vote for that?

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Angelalex242 »

You forget Lucia had to grow up long does the entire game of Lunar 2 last, anyway, in terms of realtime?

Althena had thousands upon thousands of years to get used to things and make her choice. Lucia game's worth of time, which could've been anywhere from a week to a month long.

For having a major personality shift of that magnitude, effectively overnight, it shows greater adaptability and desire for change then Althena ever had.

Yes we can! Vote for Change!

(And I would've annihilated Fresca if I just had my loyal voters. Lucia'd be up over 25-30 votes, at least)
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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Monde Luna »

That's very true, and I do have a lot of sympathy for Lucia. I have actually always pitied her, hanging out in a crystal forever. She missed so much life, it's a shame. And as for fresca she's just a cool chick, although I too thought Lucia would be faring a little better in this battle. Good luck AA your gonna need it. :wink:

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Angelalex242 »

All I can say people made your beds, you'll have to sleep in them when Zophar takes over your pitiful world and makes it a realm of darkness and decay...

Anyways, my lawyers will be demanding a recount on the main boards where I can bring my allies and grass roots campaign to bear.
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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by phyco126 »

Haha, a joe the plumber joke. I loved it!

So uh... whoop whoop that girl is gonna get pwned by the dark lord... again!

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by LuNaRtIc »

I'm just glad there's less of a chance to cheat with this style of polling. X__x
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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by GhaleonOne »

I actually wish I had allowed revoting, cause if I would have known this was gonna happen, I would have voted Lucia. She was my favorite character of the four involved in this. I just figured Zophar always gets beat in the first round in these things, and it's a pity since he's supposed to be one the most powerful single being in the series, save possibly Althena. Perhaps a lot of upsets will occur now.

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Re: Round 1: Lucia (EB) / Gad (DS) vs Zophar/Fresca

Post by Werefrog »

Gad's just such a weak character for Lucia to be paired with.

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