Would you buy a remake of EB?

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Would you buy a remake of Lunar Eternal Blue?

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Kizyr wrote:...Enterprise was actually really good. They broke away from the mold of having every member of an alien race act identical (the only other time this was really done was in DS9)--so, you got to see a lot more aspects of the Andorians and Vulcans than you'd get to see any other series. They managed to make it look modern while still having noticeably older technology (polarized hull plating instead of shields, grapplers instead of tractor beams, shuttles instead of transporters). Language barriers were actually an issue, instead of just skirting it with universal translators all the time (Hoshi in particular was my favorite character). They even kept it within established canon--the episodes with the Borg were some of the best in that regard.

Above all, my favorite thing was that there was no Federation, humans weren't some all-powerful faction in the universe. So, Archer and his crew were usually the underdog and couldn't simply blast their way through every situation--same with most humans in space at the time. I also have fond memories of Scott Bakula since I grew up watching Quantum Leap. The only down-sides were a few of the lame story-arcs (the Space Nazi one of course, and, personally, the Klingon Augments arc); but those were outdone by some of the really good episodes.
Okay I will admit that I probably didn't give it much of a chance, but after the first episode and then the later previews it at least didn't appear to be interesting. Maybe one day I'll revisit since like you I also have really fond memories of Quantum Leap, and Scott deserves another chance - he was great in Necessary Roughness afterall too xD

Sisko was bald since the beginning of the series... KF
I am sorry, but I beg to differ ;)

Pre-Baldy Not so Badass: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3122/266 ... c119e3.jpg
Post-Hair Baldy Badass: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... nSisko.jpg

lol ;p

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Kizyr »

PrettyGirlJean wrote:
Sisko was bald since the beginning of the series... KF
I am sorry, but I beg to differ ;)
Pre-Baldy Not so Badass: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3122/266 ... c119e3.jpg
Post-Hair Baldy Badass: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... nSisko.jpg
lol ;p
Zounds, you got me! I thought his hair-phase occurred somewhere in the middle. My mistake. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by neovane911 »

I have to agree that DS9 has to have been the Star Trek series with the greatest writing and plot formation, but however I also really liked Voyager... Maybe that was just because of Seven of Nine.. hmmm.. either way it was good.

And referring back to the post topic, if an EB remake were to come out, I would grab that up in a heartbeat.. However I would have liked both the SSSC and an EBC remake to have come out on an actual console like the PS3.. I dk, Lunar, to me, has always been synonymous with a late night of console playing. Playing for long periods of time on such a small screen like that of the PSP and DS just ends up bugging me.. lol

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Monde Luna »

Neovane911 I have actually been wondering wether or not I am going to enjoy playing Lunar on a tiny PSP screen. I really prefer console gaming to handhelds. But on the brightside we will be able to play Lunar practically anywhere and that might be nice for a change. I know we had that opprotunity for LL and LDS but they don't really count in my book.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Aquaignis »

except that Neovane911 doesn't have a psp...Hehe, i'd take turns with ya, if'n i had one
Some of the answers in this post are made of frozen lose with whipped failsauce topping and suck sprinkles......

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by neovane911 »

Mmm.. nothing like busting out some Lunar is boring public places: Library, Wal-Mart, Funeral Home, ect. I dk.. Either way would have their own pro's and con's, so I'd be happy whatever game system supports it.. lol

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Silver Phoenix »

It could be worse. We could be stuck playing on the smaller DS screen. There are also TV-Link cables for the PSP so you can play it on a tv. It won't be full screen but it will be bigger than a PSP screen.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

wow will all this Star Trek talk, my dad would love you guys, he could out geek you guys any day. i never got in to Star trek i find it boring

Any ways of course i would buy a remake of EB in a heartbeat, i find it a little silly just have one remake for the psp and not both, its incomplete. It would be like only remaking on of the Star Oceans.
and my opinion on the whole what game is better thing, not having played the originals -shot- for me i find that EB is a slightly better game then SSS, but I love SSS more, I don't know why just something about it.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Every time someone comes here who hasn't played the originals it makes me die a little inside. It's a good thing I'm a phoenix. I've been watching a "Let's Play" of Eternal Blue (Sega CD) and whenever the player refers to the remake as the original or how it's better I want to squeeze his balls until he sounds like Ruby.

I can understand how the perceptions are skewed in favor of the remakes if you only played them, or played them before the originals. However, there are pivotal things that occur in the original games that cannot be ignored in story, visual detail, and music.

Perhaps we Lunar Gods (the true few) should do a Lunar Retrospective. Yeah, it wouldn't go as far as it should (Lunar 3!) but it could open the eyes of the unknowing gamer.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

Silver Phoenix wrote:Every time someone comes here who hasn't played the originals it makes me die a little inside. It's a good thing I'm a phoenix. I've been watching a "Let's Play" of Eternal Blue (Sega CD) and whenever the player refers to the remake as the original or how it's better I want to squeeze his balls until he sounds like Ruby.

I can understand how the perceptions are skewed in favor of the remakes if you only played them, or played them before the originals. However, there are pivotal things that occur in the original games that cannot be ignored in story, visual detail, and music.

Perhaps we Lunar Gods (the true few) should do a Lunar Retrospective. Yeah, it wouldn't go as far as it should (Lunar 3!) but it could open the eyes of the unknowing gamer.
I would have played the original but i was only 2 when TSS came out here, and i would have watched the "lets play" videos but i have dial up so it takes at least 5 hours for one to load, and then theres always the chance of disconnecting and all the other problems my computer throws at me, but i still have tried to watch them.
One day, some how i will play the originals, I promise you

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Silver Phoenix »

I'm still amazed at how much detail was put into EB on Sega CD, there is so much more animation in the backgrounds and detail that is just not there in EBC. The dungeons were also so much better, and creative.

I hope you get a chance to experience the originals, and while they are dated (moreso TSS) in some respects they have a quality all their own. Hopefully you can upgrade your connection speed, because dial-up is painful.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Vyse of Arcadia »

I would most definitely buy a remake of Eternal Blue. (And I should get around to playing the original now that I finally have a Sega CD.)

On a related note, I'd also buy a remake of EarthBound, which is what I first read as the topic title. "Durr, why is there an EarthBound thread on a Lunar forum? Durr."

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by ShindoW »

I would love a portable Lunar 2. Thats why Ive bought release after release hoping to get it or Lunar 3. I think Lunar 3 should be an inbetween story.

I am the only person I know who just didn't care for Mother/Earthbound. It's very creative, cute, ect. but it didn't hold my attention.

If you own an official copy of the game you should try emulation. I've gone through 3 Sega CDs and I can't afford a JVC XEye or that other one so I gave up. I like being able to keep my saves, too. I had gotten to the epilogue on Lunar 2 EB for CD, but when I tried a RAM Cart to move my saves, it deleted it. I was very very disappointed.... -cries- I wanted to finish that game.. I loved it even more than the PSX version, which I'm replaying now.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Ardent Fox »

I'm already buying a remake of the first Lunar, might as well buy the second one.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Alan_Geitz »

Sure, I could go for another round of Eternal Blue!
It would be nice to see that sequel make some rounds every once in a while and who knows?
Maybe they'll make that Lunar 3 game everyone's been dying to play! :D

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Angelalex242 »

To see the lovely Lucia again.

How could I refuse?
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by brit »

I would buy it in a heartbeat! EB was my favorite out of the Lunar games! ^___^

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Klover »

EDIT: I have sent a message to Game Arts, requesting that Lunar 2 be remade for the PSvita and/or PS3, and also be added to PSN so that PSP owners without a PS3 or PSvita could also play. I also linked them to this thread, and told them how 95% of people would buy it, and that many fans are demanding it. Unfortunately, I have a bit of doubt that they will listen. Still, though. They may consider it.

Sorry for thread necromancy, but I just have to reply to this one!

Yes! I'd LOVE a remake of Lunar 2! Of course, it more than likely wouldn't be on the PSP, because, if I recall correctly, most (if not all) PSP games are being pulled off of the shelves because of the EVER-SO-HOLY PSVITA ZOMGZ.

So, it'd probably be on either the Vita or the PS3, and, unfortunately, I don't have either of them... Image

Of course, though, Game Arts might be nice and put it on the Playstation Network so that PSP owners could play, too. The whole reason I asked for a PSP as a christmas/birthday gift is so that I could get SSH. :lol: And I've already got my heart set on a new laptop and a happauge or however it's spelled for my birthday and christmas gifts.

If I told my parents that I wanted a Vita or PS3 just so I could get a Lunar game, they'd look at me like I'm crazy, especially since I've made it pretty clear that the only up-side to Playstations is that they get all of the good RPGs.

...well, WiiWare has FFIV: The After Years, Super Mario RPG, and Zelda, so...

I'll contact Game Arts and link them to this poll, and the "Yes" has 95%, so that might make 'em think about it.

Also, I'll search up some threads related to a remake of EB, and see what ideas everyone has, and I'll mention a majority of them in my E-Mail as game suggestions. :)

I wish for the best!
^What I think of Lunar.^

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Arlia »

A "new" Lunar 2 would be nice to look into if it came out, but I've had disappointments with the SS remakes, so at this point, I guess I want it unadulterated.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by AlexofBurg »

I'll buy any game Lunar-related, but I probably won't finish it it. I didn't even finish/remotely like SSH. Maybe if it was an exact port of EBC. Or just release SSSC and EBC for the PSN already!

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