Which Mario bro is better?

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Mario or Luigi?

Total votes: 12

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Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Klover »

Would this belong in General Gaming? I think it belongs in polls, but I'm not too sure.

Anyway, I say... Luigi! He... well, he just rules. Mario may be a dragon-turtle slayer, but Luigi is a ghost buster!!
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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Aaron »

It'sa Mario for sure!

Beats the bad guy and gets the girl? No contest. Sorry Luigi!

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Klover »

Hey, Luigi gets the girl (and I think he beats the bad guy, but I'd have to watch the movie again to make sure) in the Mario Bros. movie! Well, it's Daisy, not Peach, but still. >:[= Ha ha, but that's okay. I like Mario, too. :lol: I just like Luigi better.
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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Sonic# »

I like Luigi more. He's tall, like me. He'd be the one to hit his head on the threshold on his honeymoon. "Mama mia!"

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Werefrog »

Luigi is more fun to play in Super Mario Bros. 2.

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by S.ninja »

My fav color is green so I'm bias. :D

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Klover »

Sonic# wrote:He'd be the one to hit his head on the threshold on his honeymoon. "Mama mia!"
It's the same with Waluigi, you know. :lol:

Strange. It says that it's 50-50 and that both of them have 2 votes each, but we've got 4 comments saying Luigi... weird. :shock:
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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Werefrog »

S.ninja wrote:My fav color is green so I'm bias. :D
See... my favorite color is green too, but I still like Mario better. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with that Mario Bros. cartoon.

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Klover »

The Mario Bros. cartoon... :lol:


Speaking of which, has anyone watched "Final Spaghetti" on YouTube?
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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by brit »

I prefer Mario, though growing up my older sister always made me play as Luigi. -___-

Surprisingly, her five year old son actually prefers Luigi over Mario.

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Alunissage »

I'm just finishing up Dream Team and Luigi does at least get a special and unique role in this one. He's definitely the hero of the 'big' fights. He even gets confident before the last one. ^_^

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by jay_are »

I have so little to answer.
They're both the same to me.
They can also both have equally annoying voices.
I always use Mario when I have to choose, but seeing Luigi is a breath of fresh air after seeing Mario too long.
The only time I chose Luigi over Mario was in Super Mario Bros 2 (Japan) or The Lost Levels.

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Re: Which Mario bro is better?

Post by Maus »

I have always played as Luigi, so I have to pick him!

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