Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

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Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Silver Phoenix »

These are censored images, but you can click on the images for the nude character footage. I guess they really wanted to go full reality, but had to remove the content for the ESRB.

http://www.gamesradar.com/ps3/heavy-rai ... 6470918010

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Vyse of Arcadia »

Didn't this also happen with Indigo Prophecy?

I find it weird that a brief nude scene is acceptable for an R-rated movie, but not tolerated whatsoever in an M-rated game.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by whitedragon_nall »

Yeah, It's pretty ridiculous how games are forced to censor content...regardless of the rating. Indigo Prophecy had sex and nudity cut from the NA release of the game, but is on the EU version. I wish gaming would stop being looked at as a child's hobby. At least it wasn't anything that affected the plot.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Vyse of Arcadia »

whitedragon_nall wrote:Yeah, It's pretty ridiculous how games are forced to censor content...regardless of the rating. Indigo Prophecy had sex and nudity cut from the NA release of the game, but is on the EU version. I wish gaming would stop being looked at as a child's hobby.
But on the other hand, would Earthbound have the same feel to it without the coffee everywhere? I'm not defending censorship, and I hate that it's still going on, but it has resulted in something positive at least once.

The censorship that rankles me the most was the removal of all references to smoking and drinking from Skies of Arcadia. Do you really expect me to believe that pirates sail the world's skies drinking nothing but fruit juice? Or maybe it was the editing of a scene in FFVI Advance due to domestic violence concerns. (Well, if he's got a woman tied up and being interrogated for treason, heaven forbid he slap her!)

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Sonic# »

I LOVE LOQUA! It's like jungle juice but better!

I agree that those sort of name-changing censorships are silly. I don't know many kids that aren't going to see through the name change and think that it's anything other than alcohol. All the kids learn from the treatment is that alcohol is taboo.

Graphic censorship is more understandable. It's too tough to try to control that stuff getting into the hands of children. I wish mainstream stores would sell Adult Only games, that they would require ID to purchase, and that they wouldn't sell the games if a kid was obviously going to be the recipient. But those controls are highly impractical, so I don't think I lose out too much by missing a little nudity. (Since, really, they aren't as likely to edit extreme violence from a game as they are to edit even a sliver of nudity. One of many things I think is silly.)

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by phyco126 »

Reminds me of a picture that someone did of Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare - "You can be 16 and join the army, but you have to be 18 to play a game of the same?"

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by ShindoW »

Thats pretty cool. For the more "interested" players, Im sure they're be a patch. =p

Props go to QD for the effort they put in, though.

I think the reason games get more scrutiny is because mothers buy M rated games for their 5 year olds then complain that there's sex in the game. IE: "How do I turn off the hookers?" someone asked a Gamestop employee when buying GTA for their kid. -.-;

Funny to bring this up, too. I just got my copy of Farenheight in the mail today (having already played most of Indigo Prophecy and confirmed for myself the edits don't make a difference). Sucks that my modded PS2 chip stopped working... :( Hopefully that will be remedied soon.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by whitedragon_nall »

That reminds me of when GTA: SA came out. Our local Gamestop was doing an early release for it and the majority of people standing in line to pick up the game were young kids with their parents. Even if the parents had no knowledge of the game prior to buying it... the title of the game is Grand Theft Auto. That alone should raise a red flag.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Vyse of Arcadia »

whitedragon_nall wrote:Even if the parents had no knowledge of the game prior to buying it... the title of the game is Grand Theft Auto. That alone should raise a red flag.
Seriously. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to figure that one out.

It's like most people's brains just shut off when they start thinking about games, and to a lesser extent, comics and animation.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Country of release has a lot to do with what you will or won't see in a movie or game. Europe is more expressive and not so restricted when it comes to showing the human body. The US is far more conservative in that regard, but seems to be fine with showing naked females far more than anything to do with nude males.

It's good when you have a movie like "The Watchmen" and the big blue penis onscreen is just innocent form with no intent on a sexual context. However, people see a big blue penis and equate it with being a precursor to sex instead of the raw human form which was intended.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by localflick »

Some of it also comes from people just being uninformed. I have a friend that isn't a gamer and he was buying a game as a gift for another friend's son as birthday gift for a 14 year old. He was going to get God of War because he knew the birthday boy likes mythology and when he asked for a gift receipt the person behind the counter asked who it's for, then talked him out of buying it because there's a threesome towards the beginning of the game, and while they don't show the act itself there is nudity which he wasn't aware of. It's probably in the esrb box, but he wasn't looking at the ratings because he was more focused on buying a game that would be enjoyed.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Well Heavy Rain has complete full frontals in these images, and the most you'll usually see in games are some boobs.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by whitedragon_nall »

Boobs and butt are still present in the final version. Everything else is covered by conveniently placed objects.

I think there has to be a way to inform non-gamers of the ESRB ratings. I see signs posted in Gamestop, Wal Mart, and other retailers, but I guess some people just don't see them. Has there ever been ESRB commercials? That may help.

A co-worker of mine has purchased GoW1, Gow2, GoW: CoO, GoW Collection, and is planning on purchasing GoW3.....all for his kids. His oldest son is 12. This is someone who also knows what the ESRB is and what their ratings mean. I guess he feels his kids are mature enough for them, but I still think it's wrong.

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by phyco126 »

I'm going to buy all my kids those kinds of games. Heres to hoping they kill someone, claim the game made them do it, so I can sue everyone and their mother for $300 million. :D Hell, I should do that now, claim the games made me do it! 10 years in prison then bam, instant retirement! XD

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Re: Heavy Rain has leaked nudity that doesn't appear in-game

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Well there are already people making those claims, and the only thing they get is jail time or a guarded room in a mental hospital. People could and have made the same claims about music and movies. The fact is, people kill people and video games, music, movies, etc. don't force your hands and make you do it. Life is an influence, and all things that occur within it.

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