Relating MS to the rest of the games' backstory

For discussion of Magical School Lunar, for the Saturn, and its predecessor Lunar: Walking School, for the Game Gear
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Relating MS to the rest of the games' backstory

Post by Alunissage »

This board hardly gets any attention, so may as well put this here even though at most one or two people will be able to respond.

I was looking through the character list for Magic School on Elie's site, and spotted this description of Emma: "As the school counselor, Emma is especially kind and helpful (not to mention one of the only means to get healed of HP and MP completely). She even teaches the girls some magic spells during their journey."

The healing bit jumped out at me. Any chance Emma could be one of the normal, unremarkable incarnations of Althena? There has to have been some that were uneventful. She even has blue hair. I don't know the story well at all (I've only played the first chapter or so with a walkthrough, and read a translation of the manga), but I have the impression that Althena isn't really mentioned at all in this game, whose general scope is much smaller than that of the other games.

As a side note, I think there's some hostility between the beastmen and humans in this game, and a lot of separatism. Think this suggests it's closer in time to Dragon Song than to Lunar 1? I think it has to be between them, since after all it's a magic school, and seems to me it refers to Vane being aloft. I think a serious attempt to interpolate MS's information into Lunar history and backstory is long overdue, as there seems to be some stuff about the Mazoku in it.

(While I'm thinking of MS, G1, remind me to send you a piece of art that should go into your Vile Tribe collage...heheh.)

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Post by Shiva Indis »

It's been a long time since I played it (I have little interest in replaying it) and I don't remember all that well, but I do remember that most of the things that happened had little bearing on the rest of the series. I seem to recall that the manga put more emphasis on human/beastman friction than the game did.

An interesting theory on Emma. I think it becomes even more interesting after Lunar DS.

DS Spoilers:
 It seems that DS has somewhat redefined the nature of Althena's rebirths (though this wouldn't be the first time that's happened), and it seems to expand upon the changes made in the remakes. While still essentially the 'Goddess Althena', she can choose to give up the knowledge and use of her powers and effectively become a mortal, possibly quite a mundane one. I think that after Lunar DS she's going to be doing a lot of that.

Hmm... Perhaps I should go back though my saves and see if I can't find anything interesting...

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Re: Relating MS to the rest of the games' backstory

Post by Kizyr »

Alunissage wrote:As a side note, I think there's some hostility between the beastmen and humans in this game, and a lot of separatism. Think this suggests it's closer in time to Dragon Song than to Lunar 1? I think it has to be between them, since after all it's a magic school, and seems to me it refers to Vane being aloft. I think a serious attempt to interpolate MS's information into Lunar history and backstory is long overdue, as there seems to be some stuff about the Mazoku in it.
I would still say it's closer to TSS than Dragon Song. There's some hostility between beastmen and humans, but there's also the rumours about the beastmen living in forests and tiny villages. So it's back to the reverse of what the DS world was like.

It's been a while since I picked the game back up, though... A long while. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Elie »

You know, I never really gave it much thought. I had just figured Emma was an exceptional healer. But it could very well be a possibility, though the game hardly makes any references to the other games. That's the downside of it being merely a gaiden, I guess.

It's been way too long since I last played the game, myself, but I do think the beastmen/human hostility was much more emphasized in the manga. I'll have to read the manga again, since it does add more references to other Lunars than the games ever did (like it was the only one that mentioned Elie and Rena living in Burg; both games don't mention the town they're from).

Any chance for the novel at least being partly translated anytime soon? It might add a bit more information pertaining the game, but not so much to be too different, like some of the manga aspects were. At least I hope so.

I'm still convinced that the game takes place a couple hundred years or so before TSS. Well I guess there's no way to determine the exact amount of years before, but it does seem like it's not too long before. I hope to get Lunar DS for Christmas so I can see the full beastmen/human theory for myself, but it so far seems like the time period between it and MS is greater.

That being said, I should really try to update my site one of these days. Some of the information is a bit out-dated from when I first wrote it (I know more details about the storyline and merchandise now than I did previously).

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Post by dhowerter »

Elie -

I was wondering, do you know of any attempts to finish the FAQ/walkthrough for Lunar: Magical School (Saturn) (the part that is done is at rpggamer (version .7 - it goes up through chapter 6 or so. of course that is only halfway done)

or maybe an attempt at doing a new one?

I REALLY would like to understand the story better at least, tho ideally I hope someday someone does a FULL text translation of all the dialogue in the game. I can't read Japanese, so I know I'm missing a lot of humor / character develeopment in there.. :wink:

If you've found any nice new links about Lunar MS, please post em here.

Oh and yes, please do update your website with the story details you now know ^_^ (if possible of course)


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