Hiro or Alex?

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Wich one do you like most?

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Hiro or Alex?

Post by Isirio »

well that's it... wich one do you like more?... and why also...

My choice is Hiro... cause he is more active in the dialogs than Alex with his "........" and well... Hiro is more like the Hero type... i don't know :lol:

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Post by red9_merchant »

I'll have to agree with you on Hiro. He just has more of a personality and more dialogue.

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Hmm, tough choice. :? I have to go with Alex. Just because he's the latest Dragonmaster, and I'm not sure what it is, but I just like him more. XD He can play an ocarina!!! lol

Umm...his lack of dialogue doesn't really bother me. I really like his persistence, but I guess the same thing could be said about Hiro. *Shrugs* I don't know, maybe because he's the series' first hero that he gets extra affection points from me. X3
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Post by Silentcrisis »

who do u thinks better at ocarina alex or link

im thinkin link pluse he can do magic with his

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Post by Alunissage »

If you want to start a new poll, then...start a new poll, in a different thread. Don't just interject it into an existing one.

Though Hiro plays an ocarina in Childhood's End...

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Post by Angelalex242 »

...going with Hiro, here.

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Post by Ramza Izlude »

Well...lets see. I gotta go with Hiro. I love personality in a main character. And Hiro had plenty of that. While Alex, though a great hero was lacking alittle in that area.

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Post by Alunissage »

Huh, I'd forgotten to vote before. Alex, certainly. Hiro's personality may have been more conspicuous, but I didn't really like what I saw. Thumbs down on hormonal teenage males.

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Post by Eternal Blue Hiro »

The Official EB Hiro's Alex VS Hiro mock battle!

Level: 51
HP: 294
MP: 168
Attack: 112
Defense: 84
Agility: 88
Wisdom: 95
Magic Endurance: 85
Number of Attacks: 3
Range: 18
Luck: 18
Spells: Sword Dance, Explosion Staff, Flash Cut, Vigor, Dragon Protect, Dragon Anger, Dragon Healing, Dragon Grief.

Level: 51
HP: 406
MP: 171
Attack: 92
Defense: 102
Agility: 89
Speed: 99
Wisdom: 94
Magic Defense "Endurance": 94
Number of Attacks: 3
Range: 23
Luck: 17

Spells: Cross Boomerang, Tempest, Super Cyclone, Speed Storm, Poe Sword, Sybillium Sword, Batallion Sword, Concussion Sword, Triple Sword.

Alex has a higher attack, while Hiro's defense is a good deal higher. For the most parts, Hiro has slightly higher stats, with the exception of a couple. Hiro also has more powerful attack spells, though Alex does have the Dragon advantage of Protect and Healing. Now, for the purpose of equality, both men were stripped out all weapons when I checked their stats, so it's as equal as equal gets.

Hiro has a speed stat too, which Alex doesn't have. But from his attack speed in the game, I would like to think that it is a bit lower than Hiro's. So I will write it out as so. If anyone disagree's, let me know. Both of these sets of stats are from the PS games, and if anyone has different stats in the old versions, feel free to contradict.

I'll try to put this into a simulated two person VS stand point. First of all, since in the reality of the game, which ever one did a special hit would most likely be the victor, since HP levels are no where near the damage levels of attack. So for damage we will use their Attack stat, and each character gets 999 HP. For Alex's Dragon Healing, which would be desisive in this battle, I will say it heals as much as his Wisdom plus the amount of MP it uses. So it will heal 135 HP. Dragon Grief won't work, because this is a "boss battle". For stat boosting spells we will have it boost as per their level. Makes it even. No weapons or armor in the fight, and no items used. (This actually hurts Hiro more. No Dragon powers for him.)

Here we go.

Both parties would cast their power up magic.

Since Hiro is already faster than Alex, he wouldn't need to cast Speed Storm. So Hiro goes right to Triple Sword. 30 MP gone. That takes him down to 141. It would do 92 damage per hit to Alex. So that's 92 x 3. 276 damage to Alex. That leaves Alex with 723 HP now.

Alex already had to put his attack command in before Hiro went, so he wouldn't have used Dragon Healing. Though he might not have anyway. So he uses Vigor. Takes away 10 MP, giving him 158. It boosts his Attack and Defense by 51. Defense is moot in this, since it makes it needlessly complicated. Now Alex's attack is at 163. That packs a punch.


Hiro puts out another Triple Sword. MP from 141 to 111. Does another 276 damage to Alex. That puts the Dragonmaster at 447.

Alex would have three options really. Healing, Protect, or Sword Dance. I would like to think he would Sword Dance for some damage. The attack takes 6 MP, leaving Alex at 152. He has plenty of magic. It does 163 damage to Hiro, chopping his 999 down to 836.


Hiro with another Triple Sword. MP drops to 81. It does another 276 damage total to Alex, taking his HP down from 447 to 171. Alex is hurting.

Alex casts Dragon Protect. He's sick of getting Triple Sworded. I'll say this will take away all three of Hiro's Triple Sword, should he use it. I'd think it would only keep one hit from striking, but I'll give leniancy because I don't really know. Alex is protected next round, costing him 60 MP. 92 MP left.


Hiro, being a fairly not stupid guy, decides wasting MP on Triple Sword against a protected opponet is pretty useless, so he just runs up and attacks. I'll say once more that Protect blocks all three, though I think it wouldn't. No damage to Alex.

Alex takes advantage of the lack of damage by casting Blue Dragon Healing. 92 - 40 = 52 MP left. It heals him 135 HP, bringing it up to 306.


Another Triple Sword, since Alex is now unprotected. 30 MP gone, leaving Hiro at 51. Enough for one more Triple Sword. Alex loses HP, 306 - 276 = 30.

Alex can't cast protect, because he doesn't have enough MP. Dragon Healing won't help, since Triple sword does too much damage to save him. So all Alex can really do is attack, since next round he's a goner. Sword Dance, 6 MP used. Puts him at 46 MP, and does 163 damage to Hiro with Alex's stat boost in place. 673 HP left on Hiro.


Triple Sword. 21 MP left, and does 276 damage to Alex. Alex is now at -246 HP. It's a dead man's party.

There you have it. Hiro came out triumphant with 673 HP left. I even stacked a few things toward Alex. Hiro is easily the victor, with enough HP and MP to hold his own a bit longer. That Triple Sword deals out the damage. If anyone disagrees, I can take away the Triple Sword and try the battle again. I think it would be really close that way. I might actually do that, simply because that attack is so powerful. But no weapons, no armor, no items, and Hiro is more powerful.

If anyone finds flaws in my logic or math skills, please point it out to me. If I screwed up, I want to know.

Victory - Hiro.

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Post by Alunissage »

The major flaw in your logic, which invalidates the entire comparison, is that you can't relate stats between different games. As you know perfectly well. We had a discussion about this recently on another thread, which of course you missed.

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Post by Eternal Blue Hiro »

Regardless of statistical variations, Hiro's Triple Sword still attacks three times with what would be equal strength to Alex's Sword Dance every strike. Thus, in a fight, Hiro would still come out victorious.

I also believe Hiro had a much tougher array of bosses at the end of the game. He had to beat down the reborn Ghaleon and then kill three forms of the Dark God.

Dark God Zophar > Ghaleon

As far as characters go, I like both immensely. Hiro has more personality, but I think he's a little unstable. Alex was down to Lunar, intelligent, and determined.

So for the combat aspect, Hiro wins. Character wise, it's a tie.

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Post by Alunissage »

Well, you started in by cut/pasting sometihng you already said a year or two ago, so you should hardly be surprised at the response. :o

You still can't compare Triple Sword to Sword Dance. They're different games -- one of which arbitrarily limited each character's spells to 8 so there was only a maximum of four sword spells. For all you know, each hit of Triple Sword might only be as strong as one of Nash's physical attacks...bear in mind that the bosses Alex fought levelled up with him, while those Hiro fought did not. Nor can you compare the enemies they fought, because Alex did not fight Zophar, nor did Hiro fight a Ghaleon who was actually trying to win.

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Post by Eternal Blue Hiro »

If we're going as far as to say comparing the two in combat is a moot point, as the engines are different, we can hardly compare them at all. The characters from SSSC and EBC are completely different, not just Alex and Hiro. The attitude itself is different in both games. So we might as well be comparing SSSC and EBC as opposed to their antagonists.

But as that would just be pointless, we're going to have to make SOME assumptions based on the characters strengths and weaknesses. You're right; Hiro never fought a Ghaleon who tried and Alex never experienced the fight with Zophar, but it's obvious to me at least that regardless of either character's experiences, Hiro seemed the stronger of the two. That was one long run on sentence. Wow.

So if you don't take into account some of the factors that separate the two games, you really can't have an accurate comparison at all. We can't combine the two games to see who is the more powerful, so we have to work with what is given.

Furthermore, I think we're taking this WAY to seriously. I need a cold, refreshing Coke.

That mock battle is ancient, huh? I was surprised I still found it!

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Post by Alunissage »

Well, that's kind of the point...you can't compare them and shouldn't. You put together the mock battle for a thread asking who would win, but this thread is simply who do you like best, which isn't a numbers thing.

It's interesting to observe the levelling curves for each and the role magic plays in combat and the like, but direct comparisons are pointless. At best, you could study who gains magic most quickly and whose attack goes up most quickly and stuff, but that's about it.

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Post by Eternal Blue Hiro »


They both have their strengths and weaknesses.

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Post by Jyd3n »

Hiro, why? Because he is actually involved in the game and with other characters. Alex just never said anything, he did stuff but never conversed with any of the other characters. That annoyed me so Hiro was a welcome change since he was very talkative and active in the other characters.

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Post by Aquaignis »

I voted for Alex because we got to play as a dragonmaster. 8)
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Post by CoePSX »


I must agree that Alex was always too quiet, and never actually talked too much to the other characters in a deeper way. Hiro does that better, but...

Hiro was alwsays too childish, and couldn't deal with Lucia very well. He dealed just fine with the others, but the important one for him he almost lost.

Besides... Alex is a Dragonmaster plus he gets hot Dark Althena.
So... he IS more seccessful than Hiro. I vote for Alex :)

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Post by Dragonlord911 »

I chose Alex. I know he didn't talk much, but he had a better role in the game.
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Post by Isirio »

well i don't know that part of better role.... i mean... Hiro was'nt a Dragonmaster or anything... but still he beat Ghaleon... and Zophar... without the Dragonmaster part...

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