Narnia series

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Narnia series

Post by GhaleonOne »

I think we had a topic on this before, but after glancing down the page, I'm not seeing it.

Just curious if anyone saw they announced Prince Caspian, the sequel, to be filmed and released in late 2007? I'm finally getting around to reading the series right now. I read the prequel, The Magician's Nephew, and I'm in the middle of reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I have to say, I'm really enjoying the books, and will look forward to them continuing the movies. I know the first movie got mixed reviews, but I was one in the camp of liking it, so bringing on another is a good thing in my eyes.

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Post by Aquaignis »

I sure hope they are better than the previous movie, but I am not worried about it. I am concentrating on the Inheritance trilogy movies. I probably need to read Prince Caspian , but not right now.
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Post by Dragonlord911 »

In the next one I don't want to see Santa.

That was just weird.

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Post by Alunissage »

It's not Santa, it's Father Christmas. I don't celebrate the holiday myself, but you're missing the point -- his arrival was a sign of weakening of the Witch's power, and he was thereby able to weaken her further by strengthening the children.

Though maybe it was done badly in the movie, I dunno. It's quite serious in the book, as I recall.

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Post by Sonic# »

I was down with Father Christmas, yo.

Ah, that's great that they're doing them in the order they were originally in, rather than the chronological order I've seen them put in sometimes? I think it's more interesting, how the stories unveil themselves that way. It would be tougher to connect to The Magician's Nephew if I wasn't already familiar with what Narnia would become.

But I'm looking forward to it, though I haven't read Prince Caspian in a very long time.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

What was the order that they were originally written in BTW?

I'm actually reading through them chronologically, but that's after watching the movie for The Lion, the Witch and the Warddrobe.

And I was cool with Father Christmas as well, even having not read the books. It fit for a children's adventure. Too many people are expecting Lord of the Rings from it, and it's not meant to be like that.

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Post by Alunissage »

Well, the order they're numbered in, which is presumably the order they were published in, is:

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Horse and his Boy
The Magician's Nephew
The Last Battle

I'm not sure I have the title of the fifth one quite right.

The first three are closely sequential, and the fourth follows. It's really only the fifth and sixth that are out of order, since Magician's Nephew comes first chronologically and Horse occurs during Lion.

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Post by Imperial Knight »

I never did see the movie, but I did read (and enjoy) the books.

IIRC, the subject of which order is the "proper" order in which to read the books is a source of a decent amount of controversy. Many people hold surprisingly strong opinions on the subject one way or another. I originally read them pretty much in the order in which they were published, and that seemed to work pretty well, but I'm not fanatical about it being the "proper" order.

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Post by phyco126 »

Never read the books, and never saw the movie. The books, I would probably end up liking if I ever get around to reading them, but when I don't start reading something, for whatever reason I end up not liking them. Strange eh? Though I do hope to someday see the movie, but probably only when someone else buys it or rents it.

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Post by Jyd3n »

I read the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe back in like 5th grade but never read the others. I've also yet to see the movie, due to a lack of funds and a car, but look forward to it and any sequal.

To compare this to LOTR is like comparing Lunar SSSC to Lunar DS, totally different with only similar concepts.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

To compare this to LOTR is like comparing Lunar SSSC to Lunar DS, totally different with only similar concepts.

Yeah, but that would suggest one being really good and one being really bad. :P And I don't think either is bad.

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Post by Rune Lai »

Alunissage has the publishing order right, though that is not the order they were written in, nor it is the order they are currently being sold in. I don't remember where I found it, but I once saw a nice chart that should Lewis's writing periods for the seven books and the later onces actually overlapped each other and the order was a little different from the eventual publishing order.

The current publishing order is in chronological order according to Narnia, which I believe is the way C. S. Lewis eventually wanted them to be sold.

Personally I like the original publishing order best for TLWW, Prince Caspian, Dawn Treader, and Silver Chair, because they run one after the other. The later three books matter less since they feel more like side stories. I can't imagine reading Magician's Nephew first and having it mean as much to me.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Magician's Nephew works well after having seen the movie. I bought a think novel sized collection of all the books. I'm reading it in the order that's been presented to me, which is:

The Magician's Nephew
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Horse and His Boy
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle

Should I skip Hose and His Boy and save it til I've finished the main four?

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Post by Imperial Knight »

GhaleonOne wrote:Should I skip Hose and His Boy and save it til I've finished the main four?

Well, on the one hand Horse doesn't really gain much (if anything) from having read the others. On the other hand, it does kind of interrupt the "flow" to read it right after Lion since, as Rune Lai pointed out, Lion, Caspian, Voyage and Chair form a farily continuous story. I'd probably put it off until after reading Chair, but it's not that important one way or the other.

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Post by Alunissage »

It's been a really long time since I read the full series, but one thing that might make a difference is how familiar with the countries around Narnia at the time you read it. Horse is set mainly in a different country, sometihng which might be more appreciated after having read some of the others. Likewise, you would want to read it before reading The Last Battle, though you'd be reading that one last in any case, I'm sure.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Actually, I ended up reading A Horse and His Boy first. I was going to skip, but this collection book said this was the order Lewis wanted them read. Whether that's true or not, I love this book. It's my favorite of the first three (even over LWW). I'm still about 20 pages from the end of it, but it's really good.

Hopefully spoiler tags still work...

Edit, okay, spoiler tags don't work anymore, so just highlight the text.

I'm kinda thinking the lion that attacked them before the Hermit's place was Aslan trying to get them to hurry, but I'll have to wait and see if it's mentioned or if it's something Lewis meant for people to ponder.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

So I'm clear up to Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and a third of the way through it. I'm definately thinking my favorite book so far is A Horse and His Boy. But it's tough, because I really like LWW a lot as well.

Side note:

I was browsing some stuff about the series, and found that the actor who played Edmund, Skandar Keynes, is actually a great great great grandson of Charles Darwin.

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Post by AlasdairPalemoon »

I saw the movie back when it came out in theaters (yeah, I know it was only three months ago) and both my friend and I really enjoyed it. I was another case where we read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe back in fifth grade but I didn't even know it was part of a whole series until last year or so.

I plan to read it after reading through David Eddings' Belgariad, myself. I understand that some of the books may translate better as a movie than others, and I know this past movie did very well in the theaters (I think it grossed something like 600 dollars worldwide), so we thought they'd at least do some of the books...but all of them, it looks. I guess that'd depend on how well the future movies do, though.

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Post by Ozone »

They slated Prince Caspian for 2007, I'm not a huge fan of the Narnia series, but it is pretty decent

Did anyone besides myself catch Michael Madsen (Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill pt.2, etc.) as Maugrim, the witch's head of the secret police?
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Didn't notice it, but then, I haven't seen those two movies.

I'm happy about Prince Caspian, having now read all of the books, but I really hope A Horse and His Boy gets put to film. That was probably my favorate of the books just ahead of LWW and The Last Battle. (or was it The Final Battle? I can't remember). I loved the books regardless of how the movies turn out. Possibly even more than Lord of the Rings at this point.

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