Time for another list of differences!

For discussion of Lunar: Silver Star Story, the remake of Lunar 1 for Saturn/Playstation/PC and all its translations
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Time for another list of differences!

Post by Kizyr »

Ok, so thanks to Lunartic, I'm done checking through all the differences between the Japanese and English versions of SSS. There weren't any differences in the Cadin cocoons, but the help still made all my notes complete.

Anyway, a few things to note. First, I don't have screenshots (sorry), so the final version of this is still going to be all text.

Second, this compares the Saturn and PSX versions as well, since I played the Saturn SSS in Japanese, and the PSX SSS in English. A few differences are attributable to that, like some bromide locations, but not many. I hope to amend this list a bit by marking a few of the things that are console-based, and not localization-based, differences.

Third, WD's translations are generally really good. But the remake translations are even more close to the original dialogue than usual. I don't account for almost purely stylistic differences, but some things that are largely stylistic, but still have some changes made, are put in the "3) Translation ambiguities" section. So you'll notice that section has more items than the same lists for the originals.

Without any further delays, here's the format of this list:
[Type]) [Location]
E: [English version]
J: [Japanese version]

"Type" is one of six numbers, describing what kind of difference it is between the games:
1) Major changes: Very noticeable, and intentional
2) Minor changes: Not story-impacting, but usually intentional
3) Translation ambiguities: Ambiguities in English or Japanese version
4) Name clarifications: Changes or clarifications in names and titles
5) Miscellaneous changes
6) Equal

And here's the kind of feedback that I'd like:
- Are any of these just pointless clarifications that can be taken out?
- Are any of these more interesting in particular than others?
- Are any of them maybe classified one way that should be classified as another?
- Are there any differences that aren't here, that you think should be?
- Or, any other comments you might have...

Now for the SSS list (warning, this is long!):
1) Saith
E: Villager says that Mel founded Meribia. | "The biggest city on the mainland is Meribia, founded by Master Mel, one of the Four Heroes."
J: Villager says that Mel governs Meribia. The mistranslated word is 'osameru', which means 'govern'. | "The biggest city on the mainland is Meribia, governed [osameru] by Master Mel, one of the Four Heroes."

1) Lann
E: Jessica left on her adventure a few weeks ago. | Jessica: "What I was ABOUT to say ... Is that I've never heard about this Phacia woman. ... I mean, there isn't anyone named Phacia at the Shrine! At least, not before I left on this little adventure a few weeks ago..."
J: Jessica left on her adventure a few months ago. | Jessica: "There's no head of the Shrine named Phacia at the the Shrine to Althena. At least, not before I left on this adventure some months ago."

1) Meryod
E: Villagers have drawl accent.
J: Villagets speak normally.

1) Meryod
E: Meryod was founded when a Dragonmaster stopped the river to build the bridges. | "Arr familee legend sez that uh Dragginmastuh stopped thuh river. When he stopped thuh river, it let us build yonder bridge."
J: Meryod was founded when two villages on either side of the river built the bridges. | "The two villages on either side of the riverbank combined their strength and built this village of bridges, and so Meryod was founded. Thanks to that, this has prospered as a village of trade."

1) Tamur
E: Myght is described as not being a people-person, and being unhygienic/smelly. | Laike: "There's an old inventor named Myght who lives in this neck of the woods. He's a bit strange... But if you asked him, I know he could easily build a flying machine for you. The only problem is that Myght isn't really a good people person... so you can't all go to see him." Jessica: "And remember to plug your nose. I hear Myght is not the most hygienic."
J: Myght is described only as being a hermit. | Laike: "Hm... I don't know about the Black Dragon, but as far as flying goes... There's an eccentric inventor named Myght who lives near here. If we ask him, then he should easily be able to build a flying machine, at the very least. But, he's quite a hermit, so too many people shouldn't go. ...So, Alex, should the two of us go to Myght's Tower?" Jessica: "See you later, Alex. We'll try to find out some information for you."

1) Myght's Tower
E: A sign with the password on it is blank, forcing you to guess the pattern. | "Intruders: GO AWAY! Beware of the cranky, stinky, rude genius within. If you are an invited visitor, today's password is:" Nall: "It's blank..."
J: A sign has the password on it. | "Today's password: '-planet- -star- -sun- -moon-'"

1) Reza
E: The balloon engine is free when you need to buy it back.
J: The balloon engine costs 30,000S when you need to buy it back.

1) Nanza
E: There are some refugees from Vane in Nanza.
J: There are no refugees from Vane in Nanza.

1) Reza
E: There are some refugees from Vane in Reza.
J: There are no refugees from Vane in Reza.

1) Grindery
E: Ghaleon captured the pixies because he likes them. | "Emperor Ghaleon likes pixies, so he had the Vile Tribe capture us for his garden. It's beautiful and peaceful here, but it's still a prison."
J: The pixies lived in the Frontier. Ghaleon helped them because they were about to die out. | "We pixies who were living in the Frontier were about to die out. But, Ghaleon helped us."

1) Althena's Fortress
E: A recording says that the Magic Emperor is providing leadership. | "Distant Memories 4. Althena's wish has always been for her children to work together and someday return to the Blue Star. The Magic Emperor's desire is to rule Althena's children and provide the leadership he believes they need."
J: A recording says that the Fortress can be used for good or evil, depending on intent. No mention of the Magic Emperor. | "Distant Memories 4. Humanity's correct thoughts shall guide the Fortress to the Blue Star... Even so, humanities evil thoughts shall transform the Fortress into a castle of madness. Righteous people have a strong desire, a strong wish to protect what you should protect. Those desires shall determine the truth."

1) Althena's Fortress
E: Mia makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena. | Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made the decision to change their lives forever. It's not that Ghaleon didn't understand their decision... he didn't want to understand it. He loved Althena, I'm convinced of it... and he was jealous of the Dragonmaster. His heart was wounded, and his beliefs were shaken, when they chose to become human. He must have felt like his world was falling apart. And that must have been when he decided to take on the power of a god himself..."
J: No one makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena, only that he felt he needed to take her place. | Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made a decision. It's not that Ghaleon couldn't understand that, but that he didn't want to understand, I'm sure... The weakest part of his heart was violently shaken... But, he couldn't ever admit to that weakness. At that time, Ghaleon lost all that he believed in... That must be how he felt... That's why he tried to take the power of a god for himself..."

1) Althena's Fortress
E: You must use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna.
J: You do not have to use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna; in Saturn version, you can't use it at all.

2) Burg
E: Kid refers to the monument sword as Althena's sword. | "If you remove Althena's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay? Promise?"
J: Kid refers to the monument sword as Dyne's sword. | "If you remove Dyne's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay?"

2) White Dragon Cave
E: Quark refers to himself as "tetrarch of the Dragon Tribe".
J: There is no word corresponding to 'tetrarch'.

2) White Dragon Cave
E: Quark singles out Luna as being familiar. | Quark: "And perhaps we were destined to meet. You appear somehow very familiar to me... [to Luna] Yes, child. I sense that our souls are intertwined in some ancient manner..."
J: Quark doesn't say anything specifically to Luna about sensing 'that our souls are intertwined'.

2) Weird Woods
E: Laike has heard of Luna's name before. | Laike: "Hm, Luna... ... Oh... nothing. That's just a name I've not heard in a long time."
J: Laike has heard of Burg before, but doesn't mention anything about Luna's name being familiar. | Laike: "Oh, nothing. That village is where one of the Four Heroes, Dragonmaster Dyne... that was his home village, as I recall."

2) Transmission Spring
E: Person there (not the guardian) asks about how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.
J: Person there (not the guardian) muses about what might happen if Vane were to fall to the ground

2) Althena's Shrine
E: Phacia ranks Alex's magic talent over Dyne's. | Phacia: "Not even Dragonmaster Dyne had the innate talent for magic that you do, Alex..."
J: Phacia never compares Alex's magic talent to Dyne's.

2) Cave of Trial
E: Guy on last floor has been there for five years. | "I've been living in this cave since I started my trial five years ago."
J: Guy on last floor doesn't mention having been there for any length of time.

2) Vane
E: Book in northwest house sounds like it's about a woman's sordid love life.
J: Book in northwest house is about Dyne's adventures.

2) Vane
E: It would take 100 years to read all the books in the library. | "Our head librarian estimated that it would take a hundred years to read every book in the Library... but I'm told that Ghaleon has read almost all of them!"
J: It would take 1000 years to read all the books in the library. | "If you read one book a day in this library, it would take 1000 years to read them all... but I heard that Ghaleon has read them all! I don't believe it!"

2) Vane
E: Alex says the song he plays came to him in a dream, when asked about it by Luna. | Alex: "Dyne?! I didn't know that! That song just came to me one night... in a dream..."
J: Alex is unsure where the song he plays came from, but doesn't mention anything about it having come to him in a dream.

2) Vane
E: Lemia was awakened by Althena's Mirror. | (Real) Lemia: "The gentle light shining forth from Althena's Mirror has awakened me..."
J: Lemia was awakened by Althena's Mirror and Luna's song. | (Real) Lemia: "...the gentle song and mysterious light... they have reawakened me." (the English version only mentions the mirror, not Luna's song)

2) Transmission Spring
E: Everyone must pass the trial now, even residents. | "Now that the Vile Tribe has invaded Vane, everyone must pass the Trial to enter Vane. Even those who live there."
J: Everyone must just be checked more carefully prior to entering Vane. | "Now that the Vile Tribe has invaded Vane, then we'll have to strenuously check everyone who uses the Spring!"

2) Althena's Shrine
E: Phacia arrived before Jessica did. | "Phacia was our head priestess before Jessica arrived here. Who could have known Phacia's true intentions back then?"
J: Phacia arrived just when Jessica was not there--i.e., she had already left. | "When Phacia came here as head priestess, Jessica was no longer here."

2) Hag's House
E: Old hag is upset with her sister's invitation to Meribia. | "I haven't heard from my sister in 120 years, and now she wants to be friends? Bah! Witch!"
J: Old hag considers her sister's invitation to Meribia. | "Yes, Black Rose Street wouldn't be too bad, he he he."

2) Meribia
E: Guard was distracted by Xenobia and let her pass. | "Xenobia said she was a messenger from Ghaleon, that's why I let her pass. I might have seen the evil in her eyes if I had been able to tear my gaze away from her b..."
J: Guard doesn't mention anything about being distracted by Xenobia or letting her pass.

2) Meryod
E: Villager warns that the bridge is rotten and can give way.
J: Villager says the bridge is the 'Bridge of Truth' and can give way if you don't have a pure heart. | "Did you all know? This bridge is the bridge of truth. Only people with pure heart can cross it. If you think it's a lie, then try to cross it, but I don't know what will happen. Hm hm hm..."

2) Damon's Spire
E: Password to enter is about wisdom. | Mia: "Intelligence is the ultimate strength, and wisdom is the ultimate power..."
J: Password to enter is about light. | Mia: "If you offer a present, then I like things of light!"

2) Damon's Spire
E: Man on top is complaining of food poisoning. Kyle mentions Jessica's 'ex-lax cookies'. | Kyle: "I haven't had that [food poisoning] since the last time Jess whipped up a batch of Ex-Lax cookies..."
J: Man on top is still complaining of food poisoning (from bad manju), but no mention of 'ex-lax' cookies.

2) Damon's Spire
E: Kyle's sculpture idea is a crowbar. | Kyle's: "It's a crowbar, or what we in the trade commonly call a jimmy!"
J: Kyle's sculpture idea is an earpic. | Kyle's: "This is what Dragonmaster Dyne's... cousin's friend's brother's acquaintaince's son used, a legendary earpick!"

2) Damon's Spire
E: Rules for Thieves' Guild are simple. | "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!" "Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope! [nawa isshou]"
J: Rules for Thieves' Guild are slightly more specific. | "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!" "Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope!"

2) Damon's Spire
E: Damon isolated himself because he was frustrated with human behaviour. | Damon: "I finally isolated myself here because I found myself so very frustrated with human behavior."
J: Damon doesn't give a specific reason for isolating himself, but says that he finds it hard to understand human behaviour. | Damon: "Yes, there are various things. In particular, the thing called humanity is very difficult. But this is something that no one can understand, is it not? The thing called humanity."

2) Red Dragon Cave
E: Red Dragon makes no mention of being immortal or seeing them again.
J: Red Dragon tells Nall that the soul is immortal, and they will meet again. | Red Dragon: "There is no need to be sad, Nall. The soul is... immortal... Eventually... in a faraway future... I will... meet you again..."

2) Blue Dragon Cave
E: Blue Dragon mentions past Dragonmasters Alicia (JP: Alicia) and Laticia (JP: Lina). | Blue Dragon: "Guh... sorry! I'm just rambling about things you wouldn't care anything about. I've always talked too much. Secrets were not my forte... Alicia and Laticia always joked that I should be called the Blabbing Blue Dragon..."
J: Blue Dragon mentions past Dragonmasters Loka (EN: Loka in original, Gaull in remake) and Lina (EN: Laticia). | Blue Dragon: "Ah, sorry, sorry. That doesn't concern you. I talk too much [lit. kuchi ga karui] so I sometimes speak before thinking. Loka and Lina used to say that all the time."

2) Tamur
E: One of the villagers is travelling after graduating from the Magic Guild. | "Well, hi! What brings you to Tamur? I traveled here after graduating from the Magic Guild... I just needed to get away from the big floating city for a while and have fun exploring the world!"
J: The same villager is only sightseeing. | "The countryside is really great. The air is fresh, and it's quieter than anything else. On top of that, the infamous Frontier is north of here. It's a bit thrilling, tee hee."

2) Tamur
E: Mia says the Black Dragon Cave is said to be in the Frontier. | Mia: "My mother once said that the lair of the Black Dragon was located on the Frontier... and that it was guarded jealously by the Vile Tribe. ... She also said that the only way to get there was by flying..."
J: Mia doesn't mention the Black Dragon Cave being in the Frontier, only that you can't get there except by flying. | Mia: "Also, I heard from my mother that you can't get to the Frontier, where the Vile Tribe is, except by flying."

2) Tamur
E: Nash uses the past-tense when he says the Black Dragon couldn't stop Ghaleon. | Nash: "All of our efforts are useless. ... What good can we do? Not even the Black Dragon had the power to stop this..."
J: Nash doesn't use past-tense when referring to the Black Dragon. | Nash: "There's no reason to do any of this. Whatever happens, even the Black Dragon..." ... "If the dragons can't stand up to him, then what are we doing standing up to him..."

2) Pao
E: Villager mentions a legend of a boy seeking to become Dragonmaster. | "There is a legend of a boy who comes here seeking out the Black Dragon... seeking to become the Dragonmaster. I hope the legend is true... and I pray you are that boy."
J: Villager mentions a prophecy about someone entering the Black Dragon Fortress, and becoming a new Dragonmaster. | "'When a person/people combining three great powers will enter the Black Dragon Fortress, a new warrior of the dragons will be born.' That is a story passed down from long ago for the Prarie Tribe. Now, that has become reality."

2) Pao
E: Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. | "Dragonmaster Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. I'll always remember his handsome face..."
J: Dyne used to call upon the Black Dragon, implicitly to assist the Prarie Tribe during the nomadic season. | "When we were in the nomadic season, Dyne would call upon the Black Dragon."

2) Pao
E: Returned singer describes Ghaleon and the Grindery... and fairies in his garden, and ABBA. | "The Magic Emperor kept me and the other singers inside the Grindery! He said he would use its power to enslave the entire world... but he's just talking crazy, isn't he? ... The only time I saw the Emperor smile is when he talked about how he would rule the world... oh, yes! And once when he was serenaded with an ABBA tune by the fairies in his garden..."
J: Returned singer only describes Ghaleon and the Grindery. No mention of fairies. | "The kidnapped singers were all kept inside the Magic Emperor's mechanical castle. The Magic Emperor said that he was going to face off against the entire world [sekai o aite ni shite tatakau] with the mechanical castle."

2) Pao
E: Villager implies that Laike has been coming to Pao regularly. | "Hey, guys. Tempest is chatting with an old friend of his... I think he said his name was Laike. He's been coming to Pao since I was a young one."
J: Villager only says that Laike came to Pao a long while ago. | "Tempest is inside meeting with a swordsman named Laike... Didn't he come to Pao a long while ago...?"

2) Meribia
E: Person says the 'samurai dragon' will visit this city. | "You are the Dragonmaster! The Wind Spirit told me the samurai dragon will visit this city soon."
J: Person says that the 'warrior of the Dragons' will visit this city. The word is 'ryuu no kenshi', which was translated as 'samurai dragon' in English version. | "Oh, you're the Dragonmaster! I learned from the Wind Spirit that soon the warrior of the Dragons would appear in this town."

2) Myght's Tower
E: The party comes up with the idea to go back to Shira for the old balloon engine to use after Myght's is destroyed.
J: Kyle comes up with the idea to go back to Shira when he connects the word 'eccentric' [henjin] with 'engine' [enjin], which rhyme with each other. | Kyle: "That's it! Eccentric [henjin]! Er, I mean, engine [enjin]! Where that air balloon fell!"

2) Talon Mine
E: Alex says they must rescue the miner, even if what they're doing is wrong. | Alex: "We must try to help them, even if what they're doing is wrong..."
J: Alex says they must rescue the miner, because they've done nothing wrong. | Alex: "We're going to help them. Those people are being forced to work. They've done nothing wrong."

2) Vane
E: Lemia says she's lost respect for Nash. | Lemia: "And I don't blame Nash, either. Any respect I once held for him has been lost..."
J: Lemia doesn't say she's lost respect for Nash. | Lemia: "'Power is the source of everything'... That is what that person... what Ghaleon used to say. Nash was taken by that sort of violent philosophy..."

2) Damon's Spire
E: Damon says he generally doesn't attempt to influence history when he gives you the Hell Ring. | Damon: "I record history. I do not attempt to influence it. But this case is special. If I refrain from assisting you, there may not be a future to record."
J: Damon doesn't say anything about not influencing history when he gives you the Hell Ring. | Damon: "There is only one thing I can do to comfort you. I hope this will be useful..."

2) Grindery
E: Many of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon. | "Ghaleon treats all the pixies here like prizes in his personal trophy case."
J: None of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon; all are positive about him. | "This castle is full of Althena's power. That's why we are at peace here."

2) Grindery
E: Nall prematurely says that Alex can break the spell on Luna's memory when you first see her at the top of the Grindery. | Nall: "I know you'll find a way to break the spell and get her to remember who you are!"
J: Nall only says that Alex must save Luna when you reach the top of the Grindery. | Nall: "Saving Luna is your goal, Alex! We'll be waiting right here."

2) Meribia
E: Lemia says that Dyne never told her about his last adventure. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess came to us in mortal form... But more than that, I know not. Dyne would never tell me what happened on his last adventure, no matter how often I asked. Now the power of the Goddess has been revived by Ghaleon..."
J: Lemia says that she was never told about Dyne's last adventure, but never stated by whom. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess Althena was reborn as a human... I always wondered just what happened on Dyne's last adventure... but I was never told anything... However, the one thing that is certain is that the Goddess Althena's power has been reawakened and is under absolute control of the Magic Emperor."

2) Althena's Fortress
E: A recording says that Althena is all that connects the Blue Star and Lunar. | "Distant Memories 3. All that connects our world to the Blue Star is Althena... Her Tower journeyed from the Blue Star carrying the dreams and desires of her children."
J: A recording says that Althena's Fortress is the only memory that connects the Blue Star and Lunar. | "Distant Memories 3. There is only one memory that ties the Blue Star to this world... That is the Fortress of Althena. Humanity's dreams, and its thoughts, were placed on it, and it came here from the Blue Star..."

2) Althena's Fortress
E: A message tells you the color-order for passage within Althena's Tower. | "Blue Dragon Helmet. Black Dragon Armor. Red Dragon Shield. White Dragon Wings. Remember the foregoing, for they shall lead you to the core of Althena's Tower..."
J: A message only tells you the order of armor, to hint at the color-order for passage within Althena's Tower. | "First is the helmet, next is the armor, then the shield, and last the wings. Remembering these will be the key to guide you into the core of the city."

2) Althena's Fortress
E: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is white-red-blue-black. | "Smashing through the white ice... Sprinting through the red flames... Swimming through the blue water... Sojourning the black earth... This is the road that awaits the brave adventurer who wishes to behold the Goddess Althena..."
J: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is red-black-white-blue. | "Pass through the red flame, traverse the black earth, smash the white ice, swim the blue waters. This is the road that should be taken by the person who will proceed to the Goddess Althena."

2) Althena's Fortress
E: When the Fortress is crashing into the lake, the sad piano theme from TSS is played.
J: The sad piano theme from TSS is not played when the Fortress is crashing into the lake.

2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword and the White Dragon Wings in his inventory, but none of the Dragon Armor.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword in his inventory, but not the White Dragon Wings nor the Dragon Armor.

2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have 0MP and cannot cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have the same amount of MP as they did before, and can still cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs.

2) Meribia
E: After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of an 'adventure business'. | Kyle: "I'm going to start an adventure business! Think about it, man... What wealthy person with too much free time wouldn't want me to show them the world?"
J: After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of a 'protection business'. | Kyle: "Now that I have Mel's approval, it'll be hard to continue life as a bandit. Maybe I'll do something right and start a protection business for crossing the mountains... I could go far as the Bandit of Justice."

2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't mention that Althena isn't around any more, but they do mention that there isn't a Dragonmaster and they're not fighting the Vile Tribe any longer. | Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster anymore, kid... and we're not fighting the Vile Tribe." Alex: "That's right. From this day onward, we're going to live together in peace..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't seem to mind mentioning that Althena isn't around any more. | Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster nor Althena anymore. But, this is a good thing, right?" Alex: "Right. From now on, the world is what each of us makes of it."

2) Meribia
E: Mel summoned Myght and Shira to build a flying battleship. | "Master Mel has summoned Mr. Myght. and Mr. Shira to the mansion... He wants to construct a huge flying battleship. I think he was inspired by watching Vane in combat!"
J: Mel summoned Myght and Shira to build a battleship--no mention of it being a flying battleship. | "Mel has summoned Myght and Shira here, apparently to build a giant battleship. Seems inspired by the battle between Vane and the Grindery. But, I wonder if we'll ever have the occasion to use it."

3) White Dragon Cave
E: Quark says the last one to pass his trial was Dyne. | Quark: "The last to succeed was a headstrong youth named Dyne."
J: Quark (Fidy) doesn't mention Dyne passing the trial.

3) White Dragon Cave
E: Quark mentions Alex's green eyes. | Quark: "The time is upon us. And more importantly, Alex, you have the green eyes. When last I gazed upon eyes like yours, it was the shining face of Dyne I beheld..."
J: Quark says nothing about Alex having green eyes.

3) Weird Woods
E: Laike notices Alex's green eyes. | Laike: "He has the green eyes... I wonder if..."
J: Laike doesn't mention Alex's green eyes. | Laike: "I see... an adventure..."

3) Vane
E: Book theorizes that Althena has entered into a deep sleep. | 'A small number of magicians believe that Althena has entered into a sleep of sorts... but are unsure as to when, or if, she will reawaken.'
J: Book theorizes that 'a great power' has entered into a deep sleep, but doesn't specify that power as Althena. | 'A great power has entered into a sleep, to some day be resurrected again. But, no one knows when that is.'

3) Vane
E: Book indicates only that Althena is the one who created Lunar. | 'It is the Goddess who created this world in which we live...'
J: Book indicates that Althena rules Lunar and is repeatedly reborn within it. | 'The Goddess Althena has ruled over this world while being reborn in it many times. Through her rebirths, Althena is immortal, and forever guides us all.'

3) Nanza Barrier
E: Jessica says she just had a fight with her 'former boyfriend'.
J: Jessica says she just had a fight with a 'stupid boy'. | Jessica: "I just had a fight with a stupid boy and I'm still irritated. I need to let off some steam."

3) Vane
E: Guild forbid the use of memory-blocking magic. | Mia: "The mask she's wearing is a magical device... it's used to block memories! The Guild forbid their use many years ago... who would do something so cruel?"
J: Blocking memories is cruel, but no mention of it being explicitly forbidden by the Guild. | Mia: "That mask! It's used to block memories! Who would do something so cruel?"

3) Vane
E: Mia mentions growing up around Ghaleon. | Mia: "I grew up around Ghaleon... he use to read me bedtime stories!"
J: Mia doesn't mention growing up around Ghaleon, but does express shock as to what he's become.

3) Damon's Spire
E: Damon gives cryptic message when you enter. | Damon (image): "Those who seek out knowledge must have special knowledge first."
J: Damon specifically asks for the password when you enter. | Damon (image): "Who are you all? If you have come to meet with Damon, then you know the password, of course?"

3) Damon's Spire
E: The ark that brought people to Lunar was a giant fortress. | "The craft that brought Althena' children from the Blue Star to the new world was an immense fortress."
J: The ark that brought people to Lunar was like a city. | "The ship that brought people to this world from the Blue Star was like a giant city."

3) Red Dragon Cave
E: The Dragons' power is only slightly less powerful than Althena's. | Nash: "It's the power of the Red Dragon, of course... Althena's guardians are only slightly less powerful than the Goddess herself."
J: The Dragons' power is keeping the Red Dragon Cave cool, but no mention of the Dragons' power being nearly that of Althena. | Nash: "It's because of the power of the Red Dragon. With that, anything can be done."

3) Lyton
E: Elder says the village has lived in peace for hundreds of years. | Elder: "This village has lived in peace since it was built hundreds of years ago... We know nothing of combat."
J: Elder doesn't mention when the village was built, or the villagers' pacifism. | Elder: "Alex! The name of the green-eyed boy! Our song is the sound of wind, wind that crosses the valley, that is Lyton's song of the land. The wind is strange. We want to fix it, but because of the dangerous monsters, we can't. The monsters are in the cave, and we people of Lyton cannot go."

3) Lyton
E: When Alex plays his ocarina at the lake, and Luna sings in the Grindery far away, Phacia says the song should warm their hearts. | Phacia: "Pity them, Royce? You should be in awe of them. ... If this song doesn't warm your heart, Royce, it's because yours is already dead."
J: When Alex plays his ocarina at the lake, and Luna sings in the Grindery far away, Phacia mentions that it has the warmth of humanity. | Phacia: "Really... This song has tremendous power, and the warmth of humanity."

3) Blue Dragon Cave
E: Blue Dragon mentions Ghaleon's jealousy of Dyne and Althena. | Blue Dragon: "I was careless... ... Ghaleon... swore allegiance to Althena... along with Dyne. But now... that allegiance has been... forsaken... and I think I understand... why. ... Ghaleon was... jealous of Dyne and Althena... all this time... how... pathetic. ... She [the Goddess]... fifteen years ago... her power was lo..."
J: Blue Dragon doesn't mention Ghaleon's jealousy of Dyne/Althena. | Blue Dragon: "It couldn't be... Ghaleon... He swore allegiance to Althena, along with Dyne. But... Althena... Ghaleon... You can attain the dream that Dyne and Ghaleon wanted... ALex... are you listening...? ... Alex, please... Become Dragonmaster, and protect Althena. She is the one who 15 years ago... with that power..."

3) Tamur
E: Tempest's necklace is an heirloom. | Tempest: "This amulet was bestowed upon me by the elders of our tribe. It is a symbol of bravery beyond what is normal."
J: Tempest's necklace is not specifically mentioned as an heirloom. | Tempest: "Alex, this is a sign of bravery for the Prarie Tribe. It is the Dragon Necklace."

3) Forest of Illusion
E: Jessica asks Kyle if they should patch things up. | Jessica: "Kyle... the Blue Star looks beautiful tonight, doesn't it? I've been thinking, Kyle, about you and us... And what I think is that we should give it ano... ... Just my luck you'd drop off to sleep before I get the words right in my head..."
J: Jessica doesn't say anything to Kyle about patching things up. | Jessica: "The Blue Star looks really beautiful tonight, doesn't it Kyle? ...Kyle?" ... "Hrmph, you're killing the mood! Well, I may as well sleep."

3) Pao
E: Jessica describes the evil song as one she's heard at Althena's Shrine. | Jessica: "And that song... I know I've... heard it at... Althena's Shrine... but who is... using it... for evil?"
J: Jessica describes the evil song as Althena's song. | Jessica: "This is... just like... Althena's song... but that... shouldn't be..."

3) Saith
E: Person says that Dyne has come back to save Mel. | "Dragonmaster Dyne! You've come back from the grave to save Hell Mel!"
J: Person says that a Dragonmaster can save Mel, not that Dyne has come back. | "With a Dragonmaster, Mel can be saved!"

3) Hag's House
E: Old hag implies that she's old but doesn't give an age. | "In all my years, I've never seen a Dragonmaster as young as you!"
J: Old hag says that she's 480 years old. | "Oh? What's that then? What!? A Dragomaster!? Hee hee hee... I may be old, but I'm no fool! I'll be 480 years old this year. And in all that time, I've never seen a Dragonmaster as young as you!"

3) Vane
E: Villager says the Magic Emperor has slain all the Dragons. | "The Magic Emperor has slain all the Dragons. Can we defeat him without their help? A Dragonmaster without his Dragons seems to be like a magic spell with no effect..."
J: Villager says the Magic Emperor has defeated all the Dragons. This can mean either slain or simply defeated. | "All the Dragons have been defeated by the Magic Emperor... After that the war with the Vile Tribe has basically begun. Do you think we can win...?"

3) Iluk
E: Shira says that Myght is his hero. He doesn't say at this point that Myght was his teacher (one of Myght's apprentices tells you that). | Shira: "You met with Myght? He's my hero! I've idolized that man since the first time I heard of his achievements..."
J: Shira says that Myght was his teacher. | Shira: "Eh? You met Myght? You know, Myght was my teacher. My goal is to try and make an invention that surpasses even Myght's!"

3) Myght's Tower
E: Myght quotes WD when the airship is finished. | Myght: "Delays are temporary, but mediocrity is forever! Nyaah!"
J: Myght only says the airship is finished. | Myght: "All right. It's done."

3) Myght's Tower
E: Laike says that Alex must undo what he has done. | Laike: "I'm sorry that you must undo what I have done... good luck and Godspeed, friend."
J: Laike says that only Alex can do what must be done--i.e., stopping Ghaleon. | Laike: "(Alex, only you can do this...)"

3) Talon Mine
E: Kyle makes crude remark when lights go out. | Kyle: "Alex! Alex, I'm blind!! I can't believe this... I always thought that saying was just a myth!"
J: Kyle doesn't make crude remark when lights go out. | Kyle: "Huh, Alex, where are you? Watch out, this is no ordinary blackout!"

3) Cadin
E: Phacia expresses her belief that they can beg for forgiveness, and that Xenobia's way is wrong. | Phacia: "Instead of stealing Althena's power, I believe we can beg forgiveness... After all, we were the ones that transgressed the bounds of good. I believe that in her love and wisdom, she would welcome us back into her light. For you see, I have watched the progress and discovery you have made on your journey. And I have realized that what my sisters are doing is wrong..."
J: Phacia doesn't mention begging for forgiveness, but does say that Xenobia's way is wrong. | Phacia: "...we Vile Tribe need Althena's power to live. That is why we will do anything. My elder sister, Xenobia, says that. ...but, I don't believe that... ... The Goddess Althena's power... there may be another way we should obtain it, besides through confrontation. While watching your travels, I have come to believe that..."

3) Ruid
E: Taben addresses the group as 'humans'. | Taben: "Well, well, well... To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, humans?"
J: Taben only welcomes the group to the lab; doesn't address them as 'humans'. | Taben: "Welcome! To my, Taben's, Magic Laboratory!"

3) Ruid
E: Nash implies that everyone's going to die later. | Nash: "I shan't kill you... that comes later... and not at my hand..."
J: Nash doesn't imply that everyone's going to die later. | Nash: "...It's ok, I won't kill you. But until it's all over, I'll just put you to sleep."

3) Vane
E: Classes have been suspended for the first time in Vane's history. | "I've decided to call a halt to all classes at the Magic Guild until Ghaleon has been defeated. This is the first time in the history of Vane that such a drastic measure was deemed necessary..."
J: Classes have been suspended for the first time in Vane's 1000-year history. | "Until Ghaleon is defeated, classes at the Magic School have been temporarily suspended... In the 1000 years that Vane has been here, this is the first time that has happened."

3) Meribia
E: One of the guards at the mansion mentions a giant cannon in the basement. | "Uh, Jessica, what about the giant cannon in the basement?" Jessica: "Shhhh!!"
J: One of the guards suggests making the mansion into something that can transform into a fighting machine. | "By any chance does this mansion have any mechanism where it can turn into something and fight?" Jessica: "That joke's in bad taste! Isn't it, Mia?" Mia: "Really? I think that would be cool..." Jessica: "...sometimes, Mia, I don't understand your tastes..."

3) Iluk
E: Shira and Myght were summoned to Meribia to build an aerial battleship. | Shira: "I've been told of plans to build a huge aerial battleship in Meribia... and they want Myght and I to design its engines! I just hope that I'm up to the challenge!"
J: Shira was summoned to Meribia to help build a battleship--no mention of it being aerial. | Shira: "There appear to be plans to build a giant battleship in Meribia. And I'm to offer my assistance... I'm really happy about this."

3) Grindery
E: The age of the three sisters relative to one another is never explicity indicated. | Xenobia: "Shame on you, sister! I can't believe you'd sink so low as to betray your master AND your tribe!" Royce: "But then, you never WERE able to keep a secret..."
J: Xenobia is the eldest, Phacia is the middle child, and Royce is the youngest sister, based on how they refer to one another. | Royce: "Phacia, older sister, it's just like you to talk too much."

3) Meribia
E: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica by recalling an event that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "When Jess and me were kids, another boy hit her and made her cry. I beat the tar out of that punk... and I promised Jess I'd do the same to anyone who hurt her. I'll never forget making that promise to you, Jess. Never."
J: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica, but no mention of anything that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "I won't forgive anyone who makes Jessica cry. When we were kids, I made that promise to Jessica, and I still haven't forgotten..."

3) Meribia
E: Laike says the White Dragon will take them back to Burg. | Laike: "And, the White Dragon is going to take us there."
J: Laike only says that they're returning to where it all began when they go back to Burg. | Laike: "Where you took the first steps of your adventure... White Dragon Wings!"

3) Burg
E: Laike only says that 'something went wrong' at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "Something went wrong when the Goddess Althena began the transformation. She was in grave danger... and I had to use every bit of my power to help her complete the change. Dyne 'died' on that day... and was reborn as Laike. I have never regretted what I did, Alex. Not until Ghaleon became the Magic Emperor..."
J: Laike says that Althena's power began to run wiled at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "At that time, when she was reborn as a human, quite abnormally, Althena's power began to run wild... In order to control her rebirth, I had to use every last bit of my magic power... Dyne, as a Dragonmaster, died at that time... I've had no regrets about that to this day, but Ghaleon..."

3) Burg
E: Laike supposes Ghaleon meant to fill the void left by Althena, when the party leaves for the Fortress. | Laike: "Ghaleon never understood why Althena gave up her power. He never believed that humans could lead themselves... And I suspect he always planned to fill the void created when Althena became human."
J: Laike doesn't make any suppositions on Ghaleon's intention when the party leaves for the Fortress. | Laike: "Ghaleon... with the power of humanity... That's something you [Ghaleon] wanted to understand, but... ... Alex, take care of Althena..."

3) Althena's Fortress
E: Nall says Alex can revive Luna's memories somehow, after Ghaleon's defeat. | Nall: "I know you can awaken her memories somehow... I know you can revive her heart!"
J: Nall doesn't mention reviving Luna's memories, after Ghaleon's defeat. | Nall: "Luna is waiting for you, Alex. And, Luna still loves you, Alex! That's right, isn't it Alex? So, you'll be okay. I know that you and Luna won't lose this. Go quickly, Alex, and save Luna!"

3) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, when Jessica is taking Kyle to see Mel, Kyle is worried about Mel's take on their relationship. | Kyle: "How do you think he's gonna take the news that we're back together again?"
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, when Jessica is taking Kyle to see Mel, Kyle only comes up with an excuse to try and avoid it. | Kyle: "That's not it! I'm just... ... ...isn't this something just between father and child? I don't want to come between you two."

3) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia says that it's her leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild. | Lemia: "Mia, it's obvious that my reign at the Magic Guild is over. It was my leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild.. and it was your actions that saved it, and the world. Which person do you think has the trust and support of the people of Vane? I am confident in you, Mia... and after all you have done, you should be confident as well. Nash... I expect you to support Mia and obey her commands. What she does NOT need at this crucial time in the history of the Guild is to be doubted..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia only says that the Guild needs new leadership--nothing about corruption. | Lemia: "Mia, to manage the Magic Guild henceforth, new power is necessary. I'm sure you can do this, that is why I believe in you. Nash, please treat Mia well."

3) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash says that Mia's asked him to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild. | Nash: "Mia has asked me to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild! Since I'm one of the Five Heroes, I'm certain to be popular with the female students..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash only supposes that Mia will ask him to be one of the teachers; she hasn't already asked him. | Nash: "For now, it might be good for me to become one of the teachers at the Magic Guild with Mia. Because I was one of the heroes who once saved the world, I should be popular with the female students. My box will be full of love-letters, saying 'Oh, Mr. Nash~ <3'. And I'll have a mountain of presents, so much that Mia will get angry... Hm, it'll be troubling..."

4) Weird Woods
E: Laike introduces himself just as Laike.
J: Laike introduces himself as Laike Bogard.

4) Saith
E: Gambler's name is Brett.
J: Gambler's name is Crysa (kuraisa).

4) Meribia
E: Mel's nickname is "Hell Mel".
J: Mel's nickname is "Bloody Mel" (chimamire Mel).

4) Vane
E: Book mentions several Dragonmasters: Leon (Zeon in Sega CD version), Gaull (Loka in Sega CD version), Alicia and Laticia, and Natto. | 'Name any Dragonmaster and you can hear a hundred different tales of their incredible adventures. Leon, the Mighty Gale, who fought his foes with the blinding force of a hurricane... Gaull, the Iron Hand, who could fell the largest man with a single swing of his granite fists... Alicia and Laticia, twin sisters who proved that two is better than one... Natto, the Singing Swordsman, who often burst into song while decimating his enemies...'
J: Book mentions several Dragonmasters: Zeon, Loka, Alicia and Lina (Asty and Liza in Sega CD version), and Southern Natto | 'Cyclone Zeon [zeon], Iron Fist Loka [roka], the Gold and Silver Twins: Alicia [arishia] and Lina [rixina], the Singing Swordsman Southern Natto [sazaan'natto], and so on and so on... The tales of the Dragonmasters are many and still being told...'

4) Lann Island
E: False Dragonmaster calls himself Zoc. | "What business do you have bothering me, the great Dragonmaster Zoc?!"
J: False Dragonmaster never gives his name. | "You must not know that this is where the Dragonmaster, the Guardian of the Goddess Althena, resides."

4) Myght's Tower
E: Myght introduces himself as just Myght. Flatulence and buzzing flies sound effects added. | Myght: "Didn't you read the sign warning about the cranky, stinky, rude genius? Well that's me! I hate noise, interruptions, and people! You're trespassing! Go away!"
J: Myght introduces himself as Myght Farmine. No background sound effects. | Myght: "Who are you guys? This is Myght Farmine, the best inventor of the world. I don't like people, so why are you here? ..."

4) Tamur
E: The two people from the Prarie Tribe are named Tempest and Fresca.
J: The two people from the Prarie Tribe are named Temzin (Temujin) and Pilya.

4) Tamur
E: The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled the 'Dragon Necklace'.
J: The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled 'Tempest's Necklace', but called Dragon Necklace by Tempest.

4) Lann
E: The mayor gives you 'Ghaleon's Tear' after the fall of Vane.
J: The mayor gives you 'Devil's Tear' after the fall of Vane.

4) Meribia
E: No mention of Nash's last name in the English version.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, one kid mentions Nash's full name: Nash Lumach. | "I am the second greatest magician in the Magic Guild, Nash Lumach! Eh? Who is the first? That... that's... that's none of your business!"

5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can't be given to anyone.
J: Alex's Ocarina can be given to Nall (but no one else).

5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can be used as music player.
J: Alex's Ocarina can't be used as music player. (May be Saturn-PSX difference)

5) General
E: Only instrumental songs play for all Bromides.
J: Music and vocals play for: Mia's Bromide 1-3 (Fairy Rain), Jessica's Bromide 1-3 (Jessica's song), Luna's Bromide (Wind's Nocturne)

5) General
E: Three more bromides in PSX version: Mia's Bromide 4 (out of shower), Jessica's Bromide 4 (sunbathing), Luna's Bromide 2 (basket of apples)
J: Three less bromides in Saturn version (total of 10, instead of 13)

5) Althena's Shrine
E: You get Phacia's Bromide from the head priestess after Xenobia and her sisters reveal themselves.
J: You don't get Phacia's Bromide from the head priestess at any point (possibly Saturn-PSX difference).

5) Burg
E: You get Luna's Bromide in the basement of Alex's house after the kidnapping.
J: You don't get Luna's Bromide in Alex's house.

5) Meribia
E: You get Royce's Bromide on Black Rose Street after attack on Meribia.
J: You don't get Royce's Bromide on Black Rose Street.

5) Nanza Barrier
E: You get Jessica's Bromide from Kyle's bed after Xenobia's attack.
J: You don't get Jessica's Bromide from Kyle's bed.

5) Men's Spring
E: You only get one cinema (Kyle or Nash) per bar of soap.
J: You get both cinemas (Kyle and then Nash) in one go, instead of having to repeat the visit with another bar of soap.

5) Meribia
E: The three Vile Tribe sisters' bromides are in different locations.
J: After Lily's kidnapping, you can go to Ramus's Store and buy Xenobia's Bromide, Royce's Bromide, and Phacia's Bromide.

5) Althena's Shrine
E: You get Jessica's Bromide from a girl in the back after Alex has become Dragonmaster.
J: You get Jessica's Bromide from a girl in the back after Lily's kidnapping.

5) Meribia
E: You get the Rememberizer from Ramus after becoming Dragonmaster.
J: You don't get the Rememberizer from Ramus.

5) Althena's Shrine
E: The girl in the back gives you Jessica's Bromide after you become Dragonmaster.
J: The girl in the back doesn't give you Jessica's Bromide at this point, but earlier in the game (after Lily's kidnapping).

5) Lann
E: Guy at docks gives you Jessica's Bromide (if you've talked to him earlier in the game, after returning from Lann Isle but before defeating the false Dragonmaster).
J: Guy at docks doesn't give you Jessica's Bromide.

5) Iluk
E: You get Mia's Bromide from a guy in Iluk after Nash's betrayal.
J: You don't get Mia's Bromide from a guy in Iluk.

5) Talon Mine
E: Miner in the back of the mine gives you Xenobia's Bromide after the Grindery leaves.
J: Miner in the back of the mine doesn't give you Xenobia's Bromide.

5) Vane
E: Boy in the easternmost room of the Magic Guild gives you Mia's Bromide, before the city is evacuated.
J: Boy in the easternmost room of the Magic Guild does not give you Mia's Bromide.

5) Meribia
E: Ramus doesn't give you Jessica's Bromide 2 and Mia's Bromide 2.
J: Ramus gives you Jessica's Bromide 2 and Mia's Bromide 2 when you're in Meribia, after the Fortress has risen.

5) Althena's Fortress
E: The fortress is referred to as Althena's Fortress.
J: The fortress is referred to as the 'Magic City of Althena' [madou toshi Althena].

5) Credits
E: Outtakes are at the end of the credits.
J: No outtakes at the end of the credits.

6) Saith
E: Villager in one house is missing his dentures when he tries to talk to you.
J: Same villager is still missing his dentures when he tries to talk to you.

6) Leaving Saith
E: When talking to the man at the helm, he explains that he's 'steering' the ship; Nall asks what it has to do with cattle (i.e., the pun is on the word 'steer'). ...I was just impressed with how they managed to translate this pun.
J: When talking to the man at the helm, he explains that he's controlling the rudder ('kaji'); Nall says that he doesn't see a fire ('kaji') anywhere around (i.e., the pun is on the word 'kaji').

6) Meribia
E: Man on Black Rose Street can't find his magic wig.
J: Same man on Black Rose Street still can't find his magic wig.

6) Vane
E: Join the Mia Fan Club and get a free poster!
J: Join the Mia Fan Club and still get a free poster! | "If you join the Mia Fan Club now, then you'll get a free poster <3"

6) Iluk
E: Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. | "This week's 'Hot Girl News' says that the reclusive Mia Ausa has left Vane for the first time in her life. ... As soon as I get a solid lead as to her location, I am taking my camera and finding that mysterious vixen..."
J: Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. Only difference is that it doesn't explicitly state that this is Mia's first time out of Vane. | "According to this month's 'Beautiful Girl Info', ah! Mia of Vane has left on a journey... Ah! Hm hm hm, now is my chance! I'll get it, I'll get it... hm hm hm hm hm <3"

6) Men's Spring
E: Mosaic is over Kyle's ass, but not over Nash's.
J: Mosaic is still over Kyle's ass, and still not over Nash's.

6) Damon's Spire
E: Mia's sculpture is Gorgon Ghidra. He's so cute! | Mia: "It's Gorgon Ghidra! Isn't he just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?! I LOVE little 'Gon! ... You think I'm weird, don't you? But he's so CUTE! Look at his round body and his beady little eyes! He just makes me MELT! ... Stop it, you two! Don't fight in front of cute little 'Gon!"
J: Mia's sculpture is Gorgon Ghidra. He's so cute! | Mia: "It's a Gorgon Ghidra, Lil Gon, isn't he cute? Tee hee <3" (Nash: "That's unexpected...") Mia: "Why is it unexpected? Isn't it cute? With it's cute beady eyes... Right, Jessica?" ... "Stop it you two! Don't fight in front of Lil Gon!"

6) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus gives you Luna's Bromide, and sells you Mia's Bromide 3 and Jessica's Bromide 3.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus gives you Luna's Bromide, and sells you Mia's Bromide 3 and Jessica's Bromide 3.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Temzin »

Impressive work, Kiz! Was just strolling through, and had a quick note about one of your level 5's:

the Ocarina difference must only be a Saturn thing. The Japanese PSX SSS's Ocarina DOES work as a music player. Just thought you might like to know.

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Post by Werefrog »

Kiz, you really should think about posting these on GameFAQs when you've completed the final drafts. These will go along way towards dispelling the "Working Designs Ruined Lunar" myths that pop up from time to time when either Lunar or Working Designs is mentioned somewhere.

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Post by Kizyr »

Werefrog wrote:Kiz, you really should think about posting these on GameFAQs when you've completed the final drafts. These will go along way towards dispelling the "Working Designs Ruined Lunar" myths that pop up from time to time when either Lunar or Working Designs is mentioned somewhere.
I'm debating something like that.

The problem is, the "WD ruins translations" thing comes from people who don't know anything about the translation process, and likely aren't amenable to reason. I don't really care for dealing with those sorts of people.

Regardless, some of the things in the (6) category are supposed to address that. But, it's largely things that I've heard over the years that've been theorized to be changed items, or are similar to other items which have, or have been thought to have, been changed.
Temzin wrote:the Ocarina difference must only be a Saturn thing. The Japanese PSX SSS's Ocarina DOES work as a music player. Just thought you might like to know.
I thought so. Later I'm going to cross-reference some of these with the PSX strategy guide to mark a few of the Saturn-PSX differences. But any additional notes like this will still be appreciated, since I don't want to miss anything. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Alunissage »

I knew that someone was going to beat me to saying that, about the Ocarina. :P I had to read the list on my ride home and don't really have time to type up the notes right now, but yes, I found this out when I got the PC version. I remember that specifically because the spoiler of calling one track Magic Emperor Ghaleon is in the Japanese game as well.

The Bromides should really just be listed individually because of the additions (which are originally from the Saturn MPEG version, not just the PS one). I'll go through my various guides, including the Prima one (which was based on the import, of course) for those.

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Post by Alunissage »

Okay, I've written up my notes. Took me hours. :P I used three guides as references: the WD guide, the Prima guide (which was clearly based on the Japanese PS game), and the Japanese PS guide. I didn't bring either of my Saturn guides with me, though.

As a general note, you consistently misspell praiiiiiiiiiiirie. There's also an instance of ALex. I've noted a couple other typos.
1) Lann
E: Jessica left on her adventure a few weeks ago. | Jessica: "What I was ABOUT to say ... Is that I've never heard about this Phacia woman. ... I mean, there isn't anyone named Phacia at the Shrine! At least, not before I left on this little adventure a few weeks ago..."
J: Jessica left on her adventure a few months ago. | Jessica: "There's no head of the Shrine named Phacia at the the Shrine to Althena. At least, not before I left on this adventure some months ago."
This change makes sense; "some months" is a long time to cut class.
1) Myght's Tower
E: A sign with the password on it is blank, forcing you to guess the pattern. | "Intruders: GO AWAY! Beware of the cranky, stinky, rude genius within. If you are an invited visitor, today's password is:" Nall: "It's blank..."
J: A sign has the password on it. | "Today's password: '-planet- -star- -sun- -moon-'"
Heh, this is weird. It doesn't really seem characteristic of WD to force a player to brute-force a puzzle. I wonder if some more dialogue was meant to be added. I guess it's intended to establish Myght's character.
1) Reza
E: The balloon engine is free when you need to buy it back.
J: The balloon engine costs 30,000S when you need to buy it back.
No, you can end up paying for the engine in the US release too -- you have to talk to the guildmaster to get him to make the thief give it to you for free. The Prima guide says the same thing, so either that was added for the PlayStation and/or Saturn MPEG version, or you didn't talk to the guildmaster when you played the Saturn game. :P
1) Grindery
E: Ghaleon captured the pixies because he likes them. | "Emperor Ghaleon likes pixies, so he had the Vile Tribe capture us for his garden. It's beautiful and peaceful here, but it's still a prison."
J: The pixies lived in the Frontier. Ghaleon helped them because they were about to die out. | "We pixies who were living in the Frontier were about to die out. But, Ghaleon helped us."
I really wonder why WD bothered to make this change. It didn't matter so much in the original, but this makes their Abba serenade joke even more out of place since there's no reason for the pixies to like Ghaleon.
1) Althena's Fortress
E: A recording says that the Magic Emperor is providing leadership. | "Distant Memories 4. Althena's wish has always been for her children to work together and someday return to the Blue Star. The Magic Emperor's desire is to rule Althena's children and provide the leadership he believes they need."
J: A recording says that the Fortress can be used for good or evil, depending on intent. No mention of the Magic Emperor. | "Distant Memories 4. Humanity's correct thoughts shall guide the Fortress to the Blue Star... Even so, humanities evil thoughts shall transform the Fortress into a castle of madness. Righteous people have a strong desire, a strong wish to protect what you should protect. Those desires shall determine the truth."
humanities -> humanity's
I wonder if this was in part to set up for Zophar consuming the Fortress in EBC.
1) Althena's Fortress
E: Mia makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena. | Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made the decision to change their lives forever. It's not that Ghaleon didn't understand their decision... he didn't want to understand it. He loved Althena, I'm convinced of it... and he was jealous of the Dragonmaster. His heart was wounded, and his beliefs were shaken, when they chose to become human. He must have felt like his world was falling apart. And that must have been when he decided to take on the power of a god himself..."
J: No one makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena, only that he felt he needed to take her place. | Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made a decision. It's not that Ghaleon couldn't understand that, but that he didn't want to understand, I'm sure... The weakest part of his heart was violently shaken... But, he couldn't ever admit to that weakness. At that time, Ghaleon lost all that he believed in... That must be how he felt... That's why he tried to take the power of a god for himself..."
I'm pretty sure Mia means he loved her as a deity, not as a person -- after all, he was a priest, and his belief was shaken because she was supposed to remain a deity, clearly not "lovable" in a romantic sense. Given that, I don't see all that much difference here. I certainly wouldn't class it as a major, intentional change.
1) Althena's Fortress
E: You must use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna.
J: You do not have to use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna; in Saturn version, you can't use it at all.
This one is kind of strange, because I was sure I'd heard that it had been put in. But I don't have a clear indication that this is the case. Hm. Is the Ocarina used for anything in the Saturn version at all? Or is its only purpose to use up an inventory slot? You might want to add that you must have Alex's ocarina in his inventory to finish the E game also.
2) Burg
E: Kid refers to the monument sword as Althena's sword. | "If you remove Althena's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay? Promise?"
J: Kid refers to the monument sword as Dyne's sword. | "If you remove Dyne's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay?"
This is bizarre. It seems inconceivable that it would be common knowledge that it's Althena's Sword in the monument. But then, that was one of my least favorite changes in the remake. By the way, is it called Dyne's Monument, or Dyne's Grave?
2) Vane
E: It would take 100 years to read all the books in the library. | "Our head librarian estimated that it would take a hundred years to read every book in the Library... but I'm told that Ghaleon has read almost all of them!"
J: It would take 1000 years to read all the books in the library. | "If you read one book a day in this library, it would take 1000 years to read them all... but I heard that Ghaleon has read them all! I don't believe it!"
The E version makes more sense with Ghaleon's age in the Vheen manga. I think the contrast here is more between amazing true facts about Ghaleon and exaggerated legends about Ghaleon, though.
2) Vane
E: Alex says the song he plays came to him in a dream, when asked about it by Luna. | Alex: "Dyne?! I didn't know that! That song just came to me one night... in a dream..."
J: Alex is unsure where the song he plays came from, but doesn't mention anything about it having come to him in a dream.
The J version makes more sense to me; there's no particular reason for him to dream up the song, while if Dyne wrote it while still living in Burg then Noah would likely have learned it... on the accordion, probably.
2) Althena's Shrine
E: Phacia arrived before Jessica did. | "Phacia was our head priestess before Jessica arrived here. Who could have known Phacia's true intentions back then?"
J: Phacia arrived just when Jessica was not there--i.e., she had already left. | "When Phacia came here as head priestess, Jessica was no longer here."
This (the E version) has to be a mistake, since it's directly contradicted by Jessica's statement that there was no head named Phacia when she left.
2) Damon's Spire
E: Rules for Thieves' Guild are simple. | "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!" "Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope! [nawa isshou]"
J: Rules for Thieves' Guild are slightly more specific. | "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!" "Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope!"
This, uh, seems like a pretty minor change. In fact, I don't see the change at all...
2) Damon's Spire
E: Damon isolated himself because he was frustrated with human behaviour. | Damon: "I finally isolated myself here because I found myself so very frustrated with human behavior."
J: Damon doesn't give a specific reason for isolating himself, but says that he finds it hard to understand human behaviour. | Damon: "Yes, there are various things. In particular, the thing called humanity is very difficult. But this is something that no one can understand, is it not? The thing called humanity."
"behaviour"? Which part of Tennessee is British?
2) Red Dragon Cave
E: Red Dragon makes no mention of being immortal or seeing them again.
J: Red Dragon tells Nall that the soul is immortal, and they will meet again. | Red Dragon: "There is no need to be sad, Nall. The soul is... immortal... Eventually... in a faraway future... I will... meet you again..."
I wonder if this is supposed to be a reference to Ruby, akin to Althena's rebirths in which she retains no memory of her past.
2) Tamur
E: One of the villagers is travelling after graduating from the Magic Guild. | "Well, hi! What brings you to Tamur? I traveled here after graduating from the Magic Guild... I just needed to get away from the big floating city for a while and have fun exploring the world!"
J: The same villager is only sightseeing. | "The countryside is really great. The air is fresh, and it's quieter than anything else. On top of that, the infamous Frontier is north of here. It's a bit thrilling, tee hee."
Does Mia actually say "Vile Tribe" rather than "Prairie Tribe"?
2) Pao
E: Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. | "Dragonmaster Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. I'll always remember his handsome face..."
J: Dyne used to call upon the Black Dragon, implicitly to assist the Prarie Tribe during the nomadic season. | "When we were in the nomadic season, Dyne would call upon the Black Dragon."

2) Pao
E: Villager implies that Laike has been coming to Pao regularly. | "Hey, guys. Tempest is chatting with an old friend of his... I think he said his name was Laike. He's been coming to Pao since I was a young one."
J: Villager only says that Laike came to Pao a long while ago. | "Tempest is inside meeting with a swordsman named Laike... Didn't he come to Pao a long while ago...?"
It seems strange that someone would "always remember [Dyne's] face" but not recognize him as Laike. But maybe that's what's happening in that second J quote -- the villager may be thinking of Dyne when saying "Didn't he come to Pao a long while ago?" I think either scenario -- that Laike hasn't been back since he was a dragonmaster or that he visits regularly as part of his travels -- works. In TSS Tempest has met him before, since he says Alex is a close second to the strongest man he ever met.
2) Meribia
E: Person says the 'samurai dragon' will visit this city. | "You are the Dragonmaster! The Wind Spirit told me the samurai dragon will visit this city soon."
J: Person says that the 'warrior of the Dragons' will visit this city. The word is 'ryuu no kenshi', which was translated as 'samurai dragon' in English version. | "Oh, you're the Dragonmaster! I learned from the Wind Spirit that soon the warrior of the Dragons would appear in this town."
This sounds like a mistranslation; "warrior of the dragons" makes a lot more sense as an alternate description of a dragonmaster.
2) Myght's Tower
E: The party comes up with the idea to go back to Shira for the old balloon engine to use after Myght's is destroyed.
J: Kyle comes up with the idea to go back to Shira when he connects the word 'eccentric' [henjin] with 'engine' [enjin], which rhyme with each other. | Kyle: "That's it! Eccentric [henjin]! Er, I mean, engine [enjin]! Where that air balloon fell!"
No, Kyle comes up with the idea to get the engine from Shira in the E game too! I double-checked in the guide. But the J text finally makes sense of WHY it's Kyle; the WD guide was somewhat incredulous at his unexpected brainpower.
2) Vane
E: Lemia says she's lost respect for Nash. | Lemia: "And I don't blame Nash, either. Any respect I once held for him has been lost..."
J: Lemia doesn't say she's lost respect for Nash. | Lemia: "'Power is the source of everything'... That is what that person... what Ghaleon used to say. Nash was taken by that sort of violent philosophy..."
Huh? She doesn't blame Nash but any respect has been lost? Those two sentences don't seem to go together.
2) Grindery
E: Many of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon. | "Ghaleon treats all the pixies here like prizes in his personal trophy case."
J: None of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon; all are positive about him. | "This castle is full of Althena's power. That's why we are at peace here."
Don't you have this listed already as a (1), which I quoted above? Since you're not using screenshots, maybe you can just quote both lines of dialogue as part of the same entry. Incidentally, the WD guide says that the fairies say that "Ghaleon saved them from certain death by bringing them here" and shows a screenshot of one of them saying that Ghaleon is one of the most compassionate souls she knows. Maybe the dialogue was changed after the guide was written.
2) Meribia
E: Lemia says that Dyne never told her about his last adventure. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess came to us in mortal form... But more than that, I know not. Dyne would never tell me what happened on his last adventure, no matter how often I asked. Now the power of the Goddess has been revived by Ghaleon..."
J: Lemia says that she was never told about Dyne's last adventure, but never stated by whom. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess Althena was reborn as a human... I always wondered just what happened on Dyne's last adventure... but I was never told anything... However, the one thing that is certain is that the Goddess Althena's power has been reawakened and is under absolute control of the Magic Emperor."
I get what you're saying, but the J bit still sounds weird. She says she was never told but she doesn't say who never told her. I think the important thing here is that the E version implies that she saw Dyne after he stopped being a Dragonmaster, even "often", which further implies that she knew all along that he was Laike. That in itself is perhaps a major change. I'd consider labelling this a 1, and listing it as "E: Lemia says she talked to Dyne after his last adventure.... J: Lemia says nothing about seeing Dyne again after his last adventure."
2) Althena's Fortress
E: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is white-red-blue-black. | "Smashing through the white ice... Sprinting through the red flames... Swimming through the blue water... Sojourning the black earth... This is the road that awaits the brave adventurer who wishes to behold the Goddess Althena..."
J: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is red-black-white-blue. | "Pass through the red flame, traverse the black earth, smash the white ice, swim the blue waters. This is the road that should be taken by the person who will proceed to the Goddess Althena."
Eh?? This doesn't match the WD guide! It, the Prima guide, and the Japanese PS guide all say red, black, white, blue.
2) Althena's Fortress
E: When the Fortress is crashing into the lake, the sad piano theme from TSS is played.
J: The sad piano theme from TSS is not played when the Fortress is crashing into the lake.
This is one of three places that WD put in music from TSS. The other two are in the Trinity of Terror scene and during Alex's nightmare about Luna.
2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword and the White Dragon Wings in his inventory, but none of the Dragon Armor.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword in his inventory, but not the White Dragon Wings nor the Dragon Armor.
This just sounds odd. It's a strange thing to change, as its presumable significance (that the only remaining dragon is the White Dragon, Nall), is really subtle. Unfortunately, it'd be nontrivial to check the import PS game. I'd consider it a 3, if you're applying that category to non-text things.
2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have 0MP and cannot cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have the same amount of MP as they did before, and can still cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs.
Is there anywhere TO cast these spells? I suppose Dragon Healing could be cast outside of battle. Or do you just mean that the spells still show up in their spell list in the J version and they have no spells in the E one? I'd call this one a 3 too. Except for the Dragon spells, there's really no reason they shouldn't have their other spells; Alex had sword skills, not actual magic, and Luna's songs would be analogous to the healing spells the priests would still have.
2) Meribia
E: After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of an 'adventure business'. | Kyle: "I'm going to start an adventure business! Think about it, man... What wealthy person with too much free time wouldn't want me to show them the world?"
J: After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of a 'protection business'. | Kyle: "Now that I have Mel's approval, it'll be hard to continue life as a bandit. Maybe I'll do something right and start a protection business for crossing the mountains... I could go far as the Bandit of Justice."
I like Bandit of Justice a lot better than adventure business, and a protection business would fit a lot better with what he did in TSS. Or did he not do a protection racket in the J game(s)?
2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't mention that Althena isn't around any more, but they do mention that there isn't a Dragonmaster and they're not fighting the Vile Tribe any longer. | Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster anymore, kid... and we're not fighting the Vile Tribe." Alex: "That's right. From this day onward, we're going to live together in peace..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't seem to mind mentioning that Althena isn't around any more. | Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster nor Althena anymore. But, this is a good thing, right?" Alex: "Right. From now on, the world is what each of us makes of it."
It definitely makes sense to remove the bit about Althena. It would totally mess up EB if people knew that there was no longer a goddess.
3) Vane
E: Book theorizes that Althena has entered into a deep sleep. | 'A small number of magicians believe that Althena has entered into a sleep of sorts... but are unsure as to when, or if, she will reawaken.'
J: Book theorizes that 'a great power' has entered into a deep sleep, but doesn't specify that power as Althena. | 'A great power has entered into a sleep, to some day be resurrected again. But, no one knows when that is.'
That's interesting. If it does refer to Althena that implies that she did plan on returning to existence rather than calling it quits as Luna. Actually, that interpretation and the E text both somewhat suggest that Luna isn't really necessarily the end of the line, no matter what she says in her recording for Lucia. (I think she revived once as the person for whom Serak Palace is named, heh.) If it doesn't refer to Althena it could refer to the Blue Star itself.
3) Vane
E: Mia mentions growing up around Ghaleon. | Mia: "I grew up around Ghaleon... he use to read me bedtime stories!"
J: Mia doesn't mention growing up around Ghaleon, but does express shock as to what he's become.
Hm, any comparison to what she says about him in My Secret Garden in TSS? I think she says something similar about knowing him as a little girl, maybe picking flowers for her. Does she say this in the MCD game?
3) Damon's Spire
E: The ark that brought people to Lunar was a giant fortress. | "The craft that brought Althena' children from the Blue Star to the new world was an immense fortress."
J: The ark that brought people to Lunar was like a city. | "The ship that brought people to this world from the Blue Star was like a giant city."
Isn't part of the fortress called "Althena's Road" or Path or something? This would fit with that. There's also a certain resemblance to Neo-Vane.
3) Saith
E: Person says that Dyne has come back to save Mel. | "Dragonmaster Dyne! You've come back from the grave to save Hell Mel!"
J: Person says that a Dragonmaster can save Mel, not that Dyne has come back. | "With a Dragonmaster, Mel can be saved!"
?! When does someone in Saith address "Dragonmaster Dyne"??
3) Ruid
E: Taben addresses the group as 'humans'. | Taben: "Well, well, well... To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, humans?"
J: Taben only welcomes the group to the lab; doesn't address them as 'humans'. | Taben: "Welcome! To my, Taben's, Magic Laboratory!"
Is Taben human? If not, what?
3) Ruid
E: Nash implies that everyone's going to die later. | Nash: "I shan't kill you... that comes later... and not at my hand..."
J: Nash doesn't imply that everyone's going to die later. | Nash: "...It's ok, I won't kill you. But until it's all over, I'll just put you to sleep."
The J version makes more sense in two ways. First, Nash has a sleep spell. (Maybe he says he'll put them to sleep in the E version too, just not the part you quoted?) Second, it seems really out of character that he'd go along even indirectly with killing them, since he basically betrayed them to keep them from fighting Ghaleon and thus save them, or at least Mia.
3) Meribia
E: One of the guards at the mansion mentions a giant cannon in the basement. | "Uh, Jessica, what about the giant cannon in the basement?" Jessica: "Shhhh!!"
J: One of the guards suggests making the mansion into something that can transform into a fighting machine. | "By any chance does this mansion have any mechanism where it can turn into something and fight?" Jessica: "That joke's in bad taste! Isn't it, Mia?" Mia: "Really? I think that would be cool..." Jessica: "...sometimes, Mia, I don't understand your tastes..."
The E version suggests that something will happen that doesn't, so I don't think that was a good choice. I wonder if the J line was intended to poke fun at the mecha/giant robot anime theme, and/or a reference to the novel and drama where Jessica's yacht turns into a battleship.
3) Grindery
E: The age of the three sisters relative to one another is never explicity indicated. | Xenobia: "Shame on you, sister! I can't believe you'd sink so low as to betray your master AND your tribe!" Royce: "But then, you never WERE able to keep a secret..."
J: Xenobia is the eldest, Phacia is the middle child, and Royce is the youngest sister, based on how they refer to one another. | Royce: "Phacia, older sister, it's just like you to talk too much."
Odd, I was certain Phacia was the oldest, but I don't know why. It may be that Royce refers to her as older at some point also. I suppose it does make sense that Xenobia is oldest since she's the leader. Is there any mention of their birth order in Childhood's End?
3) Meribia
E: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica by recalling an event that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "When Jess and me were kids, another boy hit her and made her cry. I beat the tar out of that punk... and I promised Jess I'd do the same to anyone who hurt her. I'll never forget making that promise to you, Jess. Never."
J: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica, but no mention of anything that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "I won't forgive anyone who makes Jessica cry. When we were kids, I made that promise to Jessica, and I still haven't forgotten..."
Hm. A minor difference there. Jessica, being a very tough girl, probably would only cry under extreme circumstances, not for something like a boy hitting her. The phrasing of the J also allows more for Kyle himself being the one making Jessica cry, as probably happens at some point in their relationship.
3) Burg
E: Laike only says that 'something went wrong' at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "Something went wrong when the Goddess Althena began the transformation. She was in grave danger... and I had to use every bit of my power to help her complete the change. Dyne 'died' on that day... and was reborn as Laike. I have never regretted what I did, Alex. Not until Ghaleon became the Magic Emperor..."
J: Laike says that Althena's power began to run wiled at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "At that time, when she was reborn as a human, quite abnormally, Althena's power began to run wild... In order to control her rebirth, I had to use every last bit of my magic power... Dyne, as a Dragonmaster, died at that time... I've had no regrets about that to this day, but Ghaleon..."
wiled -> wild
This implies that there's a "normally" for her rebirth, that was expected. Is it absolutely spelled out that Althena intended this to be her last incarnation in the J game?
3) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia says that it's her leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild. | Lemia: "Mia, it's obvious that my reign at the Magic Guild is over. It was my leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild.. and it was your actions that saved it, and the world. Which person do you think has the trust and support of the people of Vane? I am confident in you, Mia... and after all you have done, you should be confident as well. Nash... I expect you to support Mia and obey her commands. What she does NOT need at this crucial time in the history of the Guild is to be doubted..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia only says that the Guild needs new leadership--nothing about corruption. | Lemia: "Mia, to manage the Magic Guild henceforth, new power is necessary. I'm sure you can do this, that is why I believe in you. Nash, please treat Mia well."
Given how strong a character Lemia is in the Vheen story, that seems really unlikely that she'd see her leadership as "leading to corruption", let alone that actually being the case. In TSS she had a better reason for handing over the reins, I think; didn't her magic power pretty much desert her?
3) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash says that Mia's asked him to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild. | Nash: "Mia has asked me to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild! Since I'm one of the Five Heroes, I'm certain to be popular with the female students..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash only supposes that Mia will ask him to be one of the teachers; she hasn't already asked him. | Nash: "For now, it might be good for me to become one of the teachers at the Magic Guild with Mia. Because I was one of the heroes who once saved the world, I should be popular with the female students. My box will be full of love-letters, saying 'Oh, Mr. Nash~ <3'. And I'll have a mountain of presents, so much that Mia will get angry... Hm, it'll be troubling..."
There isn't really an implication that Mia's request is necessary for him to become a teacher. I'd describe the J version something like "Nash considers becoming a teacher along with Mia, but there's no mention of her asking or not asking him to do so."
4) Vane
E: Book mentions several Dragonmasters: Leon (Zeon in Sega CD version), Gaull (Loka in Sega CD version), Alicia and Laticia, and Natto. | 'Name any Dragonmaster and you can hear a hundred different tales of their incredible adventures. Leon, the Mighty Gale, who fought his foes with the blinding force of a hurricane... Gaull, the Iron Hand, who could fell the largest man with a single swing of his granite fists... Alicia and Laticia, twin sisters who proved that two is better than one... Natto, the Singing Swordsman, who often burst into song while decimating his enemies...'
J: Book mentions several Dragonmasters: Zeon, Loka, Alicia and Lina (Asty and Liza in Sega CD version), and Southern Natto | 'Cyclone Zeon [zeon], Iron Fist Loka [roka], the Gold and Silver Twins: Alicia [arishia] and Lina [rixina], the Singing Swordsman Southern Natto [sazaan'natto], and so on and so on... The tales of the Dragonmasters are many and still being told...'
"[rixina]"? What sound is 'x' supposed to be? And ugh, Laticia/Liza/Lina will mess up my character chart. :P
4) Tamur
E: The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled the 'Dragon Necklace'.
J: The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled 'Tempest's Necklace', but called Dragon Necklace by Tempest.
Probably makes more sense for it to be called Tempest's Necklace to make it clear that it's not dragon equipment or like the dragon ring from Quark. Then again, maybe it IS like the dragon ring, with a different dragon involved. Maybe Tempest missed the hint from the Black Dragon that he should go try being a dragonmaster.
4) Lann
E: The mayor gives you 'Ghaleon's Tear' after the fall of Vane.
J: The mayor gives you 'Devil's Tear' after the fall of Vane.
cf. Lucia's Tear / Devil's Tear in EB.
4) Meribia
E: No mention of Nash's last name in the English version.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, one kid mentions Nash's full name: Nash Lumach. | "I am the second greatest magician in the Magic Guild, Nash Lumach! Eh? Who is the first? That... that's... that's none of your business!"
I didn't get the context at first... I gather these are the kids who were playing at being Dyne, Lemia, and Mel earlier in the game? And that Mia would be the greatest?
5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can't be given to anyone.
J: Alex's Ocarina can be given to Nall (but no one else).
And this, of course, is only in the WD final version, not the import PS, PC or Saturn MPEG versions or the US demo.
5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can be used as music player.
J: Alex's Ocarina can't be used as music player. (May be Saturn-PSX difference)
I really need to try to find the MPEG hardware sometime so I can check whether it's playable in that Saturn version. I'll look in the manual and see if by any chance there's a screenshot, but I doubt it.
5) General
E: Only instrumental songs play for all Bromides.
J: Music and vocals play for: Mia's Bromide 1-3 (Fairy Rain), Jessica's Bromide 1-3 (Jessica's song), Luna's Bromide (Wind's Nocturne)
I think this is mentioned explicitly somewhere, perhaps the Translation Notes in the manual. WD didn't have time to re-record them. Might want to check the Lunar PC files for the other three bromides; if they have the vocals too then don't mention numbers. I don't even remember what the Sisters' bromides play.
5) General
E: Three more bromides in PSX version: Mia's Bromide 4 (out of shower), Jessica's Bromide 4 (sunbathing), Luna's Bromide 2 (basket of apples)
J: Three less bromides in Saturn version (total of 10, instead of 13)
less -> fewer
The three were added in the Saturn MPEG version (hence the "complete" in that game's title) and are in the PC game as well as the PS one.

As I mentioned before, I advise listing these bromide by bromide rather than by location, because it's ambiguous whether a given bromide is in the J game at all the way you have them listed.
5) Men's Spring
E: You only get one cinema (Kyle or Nash) per bar of soap.
J: You get both cinemas (Kyle and then Nash) in one go, instead of having to repeat the visit with another bar of soap.
What about the women's spring?
5) Meribia
E: You get the Rememberizer from Ramus after becoming Dragonmaster.
J: You don't get the Rememberizer from Ramus.
Is it in the original Saturn game at all? And you'll want to clarify that you have to get the Rememberizer after the Black Dragon Shrine but before going to Myght's Tower, or you won't be able to get it until the "epilogue" in Meribia (for 65000 silver, not that that's difficult at that point).
5) Althena's Fortress
E: The fortress is referred to as Althena's Fortress.
J: The fortress is referred to as the 'Magic City of Althena' [madou toshi Althena].
You mentioned this already from Damon's Spire, quoted above as a 3. Probably only need to mention it once.
6) Meribia
E: Man on Black Rose Street can't find his magic wig.
J: Same man on Black Rose Street still can't find his magic wig.
This is in Lunar Legend, too.
6) Iluk
E: Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. | "This week's 'Hot Girl News' says that the reclusive Mia Ausa has left Vane for the first time in her life. ... As soon as I get a solid lead as to her location, I am taking my camera and finding that mysterious vixen..."
J: Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. Only difference is that it doesn't explicitly state that this is Mia's first time out of Vane. | "According to this month's 'Beautiful Girl Info', ah! Mia of Vane has left on a journey... Ah! Hm hm hm, now is my chance! I'll get it, I'll get it... hm hm hm hm hm <3"
Doesn't she and/or Jessica mention already being friends? Seems like at least one of them must've left their residence before, and actually I think Lemia would probably be more likely to visit Mel (bringing offspring along) than the other way around.

Other things I'm wondering about:

Is the "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" line in the game? It's paraphrased in Legend, so I thought it might be in the original. It's part of a conversation with a Meribian sometime after Kyle joins the party, where the Meribian say he remembers Mel running around with little Jess on his shoulders and Kyle says he couldn't do that now, as heavy as Jess is. She responds indignantly that her "bod" (in LL) is light as a butterfly, and Kyle replies with the above line.

Does using the dragonfly wing to warp past the no-weapons barrier in the Crystal Tower work? The Prima guide writers didn't know about it, but that's not saying much.

Here are my suggestions for the bromides. Some of what I found in the guides didn't match what you said. I'm thinking of scanning the PS guide's "secret" pages and sending them to you, if you don't have the PS guide; there's a note regarding Pao that I have no idea what it's about.

6) Luna’s Bromide 1
E: Ramus gives this to you in the Epilogue.
J: Ramus gives this to you in the Epilogue (it’s just “Luna’s Bromide” in the original Saturn release, no number).

5-6) Luna’s Bromide 2
E: Find this in Alex’s basement after Luna’s capture and before going to Meribia.
J: This bromide isn’t in the original Saturn release. In all other versions, find this bromide in Alex’s basement after Luna’s capture and before going to Meribia.
(It’s the same location in the PS Japanese guide, so I’m reasonably sure that it’s the same in every other version that has it -- the other two additional bromides didn’t change location. The PS Japanese guide says something about Mel in the description of getting this bromide, so I wonder if it’s conditioned on defeating Mel when you first meet him? Or maybe just that you have to get it before he’s turned to stone.)

6) Mia’s Bromide 1
E: Nash has this in his inventory when you first meet him.
J: Nash has this in his inventory when you first meet him.

5) Mia’s Bromide 2
E: Student in Vane (leader of Mia’s Fan Club?) gives this to you during Vane’s evacuation.
J: Ramus gives this to you after the Grindery is stopped but before you go into it.

6) Mia’s Bromide 3
E: After Ramus gives you Luna’s Bromide (1), talk to him and he’ll offer to sell you Mia’s Bromide 3 and Jess’s Bromide 3 IF you paid off his 30s debt at the beginning of the game.
J: After Ramus gives you Luna’s Bromide (1), talk to him and he’ll offer to sell you Mia’s Bromide 3 and Jess’s Bromide 3 IF you paid off his 30s debt at the beginning of the game.

5-6) Mia’s Bromide 4
E: Get this from the creepy stalker in Iluk after Nash’s betrayal and before returning to Myght’s Tower with the engine.
J: This bromide isn’t in the original Saturn release. In all other versions, get this bromide from the creepy stalker in Iluk after Nash’s betrayal and before returning to Myght’s Tower with the engine.

6[?]) Jess’s Bromide 1
[According to the WD guide, you can get this as soon as Kyle joins your party, as long as you get it before going to the Frontier. The Japanese PS guide seems to be saying the same thing, at least as far as when you can first get it is concerned. Are you sure you couldn’t get it then in the Saturn version?]

5) Jess’s Bromide 2
E: Guy at docks gives you Jessica's Bromide (if you've talked to him earlier in the game, after returning from Lann Isle but before defeating the false Dragonmaster).
J: Ramus gives this to you after the Grindery is stopped but before you go into it.

6) Jess’s Bromide 3
E: After Ramus gives you Luna’s Bromide (1), talk to him and he’ll offer to sell you Mia’s Bromide 3 and Jess’s Bromide 3 IF you paid off his 30s debt at the beginning of the game.
J: After Ramus gives you Luna’s Bromide (1), talk to him and he’ll offer to sell you Mia’s Bromide 3 and Jess’s Bromide 3 IF you paid off his 30s debt at the beginning of the game.

5-6) Jess’s Bromide 4
E: Get this from Kyle’s bed after he’s defeated the monsters Xenobia sicced on him but before talking to him.
J: This bromide isn’t in the original Saturn release. In all other versions, get this from Kyle’s bed after he’s defeated the monsters Xenobia sicced on him but before talking to him. (At least, I’m assuming that you still have to get it before talking to him, since the screenshot in the J guide doesn’t show him in the party.)

5) Royce’s Bromide
E: You get Royce's Bromide on Black Rose Street after Mel is turned to stone, but before going to Vane.
J: (according to PS guide) Ramus sells (gives?) you Royce’s, Phacia’s, and Xenobia’s Bromides after Kyle joins your party. (There’s a note about 65000s, so maybe he sells it later, after Lily’s kidnapping?)

5) Phacia’s Bromide
E: You get Phacia's Bromide from the head priestess after Xenobia and her sisters reveal themselves.
J: (according to PS guide) Ramus sells (gives?) you Royce’s, Phacia’s, and Xenobia’s Bromides after Kyle joins your party. (There’s a note about 65000s, so maybe he sells it later, after Lily’s kidnapping?)

5) Xenobia’s Bromide
E: Miner in the back of the mine gives you Xenobia's Bromide after the Grindery leaves.
J: (according to PS guide) Ramus sells (gives?) you Royce’s, Phacia’s, and Xenobia’s Bromides after Kyle joins your party. (There’s a note about 65000s, so maybe he sells it later, after Lily’s kidnapping?)

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Post by Temzin »

Some tiny things I can hopefully save Kizyr the time on:
By the way, is it called Dyne's Monument, or Dyne's Grave?
It's ダインの塚, Dyne's Mound、as in Dyne's Burial Mound, as I recall.
Isn't part of the fortress called "Althena's Road" or Path or something? This would fit with that. There's also a certain resemblance to Neo-Vane.

Since Kiz uses the American names in this (excellent) doc even for the Japanese original, this point on the giant city being the ark might have been a little confusing. The whole Althena's Fortress was called 魔道都市アルテナ , Madou Toshi Althena, as I remember, meaning "Magic City Althena." I was always puzzled as to why the city was called Althena--I like the US name change, for once.

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Post by DezoPenguin »

Alunissage wrote:
1) Althena's Fortress
E: Mia makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena. | Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made the decision to change their lives forever. It's not that Ghaleon didn't understand their decision... he didn't want to understand it. He loved Althena, I'm convinced of it... and he was jealous of the Dragonmaster. His heart was wounded, and his beliefs were shaken, when they chose to become human. He must have felt like his world was falling apart. And that must have been when he decided to take on the power of a god himself..."
J: No one makes the supposition that Ghaleon loved Althena, only that he felt he needed to take her place. | Mia: "Fifteen years ago, Althena and Dyne made a decision. It's not that Ghaleon couldn't understand that, but that he didn't want to understand, I'm sure... The weakest part of his heart was violently shaken... But, he couldn't ever admit to that weakness. At that time, Ghaleon lost all that he believed in... That must be how he felt... That's why he tried to take the power of a god for himself..."
I'm pretty sure Mia means he loved her as a deity, not as a person -- after all, he was a priest, and his belief was shaken because she was supposed to remain a deity, clearly not "lovable" in a romantic sense. Given that, I don't see all that much difference here. I certainly wouldn't class it as a major, intentional change.
I'd disagree--it definitely felt like a (1) to me--especially since Lemia (I think it was Lemia) says something similar later in the game (I specifically remember two "loved Althena--jealous of Dyne" references). Might have been Laike before Alex gets Althena's Sword?

I always hated that part. I felt it completely trivialized Ghaleon--I'm not a big fan of his SSS "Order Must Overcome Chaos At All Cost" philosophy vis a vis his earlier TSS motivations, but these references seemed to give the implication that it was all nothing but a bunch of posturing to conceal from others, perhaps even himself, that it was all really because the girl he liked in turn liked someone else and he was snarky about it, so he was going to blow up the world over it. Too grade-school for words.

I really wish it could be only a throwaway reference, but I'd like to point out that the notion of Ghaleon being a priest comes not from the games itself, but from the supporting non-game materials (please, please correct me if I'm wrong)--materials not available in America. I'd be inclined to doubt that WD would add a reference to the game that would expand on a point no one playing it would understand on that level (especially compared to the fact that the game itself contains numerous romantic relationships as central thematic and plot points: Alex-Luna, Mia-Nash, and Jess-Kyle).
3) Ruid
E: Taben addresses the group as 'humans'. | Taben: "Well, well, well... To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, humans?"
J: Taben only welcomes the group to the lab; doesn't address them as 'humans'. | Taben: "Welcome! To my, Taben's, Magic Laboratory!"
Is Taben human? If not, what?
I always assumed that Taben (SSS) was a Vile Tribesman.
3) Meribia
E: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica by recalling an event that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "When Jess and me were kids, another boy hit her and made her cry. I beat the tar out of that punk... and I promised Jess I'd do the same to anyone who hurt her. I'll never forget making that promise to you, Jess. Never."
J: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica, but no mention of anything that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "I won't forgive anyone who makes Jessica cry. When we were kids, I made that promise to Jessica, and I still haven't forgotten..."
Hm. A minor difference there. Jessica, being a very tough girl, probably would only cry under extreme circumstances, not for something like a boy hitting her. The phrasing of the J also allows more for Kyle himself being the one making Jessica cry, as probably happens at some point in their relationship.
Sounds like Stupid Anime/JRPG Stereotype #237: the tsundere type who's tough on the outside but soft-n-marshmallowy once you crack through the veneer. Though to be fair, most kids of either gender of a certain age will cry when hurt. Maybe she was like, five or something at the time?
3) Burg
E: Laike only says that 'something went wrong' at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "Something went wrong when the Goddess Althena began the transformation. She was in grave danger... and I had to use every bit of my power to help her complete the change. Dyne 'died' on that day... and was reborn as Laike. I have never regretted what I did, Alex. Not until Ghaleon became the Magic Emperor..."
J: Laike says that Althena's power began to run wiled at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "At that time, when she was reborn as a human, quite abnormally, Althena's power began to run wild... In order to control her rebirth, I had to use every last bit of my magic power... Dyne, as a Dragonmaster, died at that time... I've had no regrets about that to this day, but Ghaleon..."
wiled -> wild
This implies that there's a "normally" for her rebirth, that was expected. Is it absolutely spelled out that Althena intended this to be her last incarnation in the J game?
Good question! I'd be inclined to suspect that it was more of an "I've never become mortal permanently before, and I didn't accurately calculate what would happen" thing...but I'd like to know what the J game says, too.

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Post by Kizyr »

DezoPenguin wrote:I really wish it could be only a throwaway reference, but I'd like to point out that the notion of Ghaleon being a priest comes not from the games itself, but from the supporting non-game materials (please, please correct me if I'm wrong)--materials not available in America.
Where do you get that Ghaleon was a priest? I never got that impression anywhere.
DezoPenguin wrote:
3) Burg
E: Laike only says that 'something went wrong' at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "Something went wrong when the Goddess Althena began the transformation. She was in grave danger... and I had to use every bit of my power to help her complete the change. Dyne 'died' on that day... and was reborn as Laike. I have never regretted what I did, Alex. Not until Ghaleon became the Magic Emperor..."
J: Laike says that Althena's power began to run wiled at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "At that time, when she was reborn as a human, quite abnormally, Althena's power began to run wild... In order to control her rebirth, I had to use every last bit of my magic power... Dyne, as a Dragonmaster, died at that time... I've had no regrets about that to this day, but Ghaleon..."
wiled -> wild
This implies that there's a "normally" for her rebirth, that was expected. Is it absolutely spelled out that Althena intended this to be her last incarnation in the J game?
Good question! I'd be inclined to suspect that it was more of an "I've never become mortal permanently before, and I didn't accurately calculate what would happen" thing...but I'd like to know what the J game says, too.
The "quite abnormally" refers to her power running wild, meaning that normally the rebirth isn't as chaotic. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Kizyr »

Alunissage wrote:Okay, I've written up my notes. Took me hours. :P I used three guides as references: the WD guide, the Prima guide (which was clearly based on the Japanese PS game), and the Japanese PS guide. I didn't bring either of my Saturn guides with me, though.
Thanks! This is all going to be extremely helpful to make this as accurate as possible.
Alun wrote:As a general note, you consistently misspell praiiiiiiiiiiirie. There's also an instance of ALex. I've noted a couple other typos.
Nyahh. So I sometimes misspell PraYIYIrie. I'll fix that.

Some other typos are also caused by using voice-recognition software.
1) Myght's Tower
E: A sign with the password on it is blank, forcing you to guess the pattern. | "Intruders: GO AWAY! Beware of the cranky, stinky, rude genius within. If you are an invited visitor, today's password is:" Nall: "It's blank..."
J: A sign has the password on it. | "Today's password: '-planet- -star- -sun- -moon-'"
Heh, this is weird. It doesn't really seem characteristic of WD to force a player to brute-force a puzzle. I wonder if some more dialogue was meant to be added. I guess it's intended to establish Myght's character.
Well, with the password there, it doesn't even become a puzzle anymore. The only other option would've been to do what Lunar: Legend did and give hints for each part of the puzzle. Still odd.
1) Reza
E: The balloon engine is free when you need to buy it back.
J: The balloon engine costs 30,000S when you need to buy it back.
No, you can end up paying for the engine in the US release too -- you have to talk to the guildmaster to get him to make the thief give it to you for free. The Prima guide says the same thing, so either that was added for the PlayStation and/or Saturn MPEG version, or you didn't talk to the guildmaster when you played the Saturn game. :P
I don't believe I talked to the Guildmaster. Updated that part (well, now it's no longer a difference, so that's removed).
1) Grindery
E: Ghaleon captured the pixies because he likes them. | "Emperor Ghaleon likes pixies, so he had the Vile Tribe capture us for his garden. It's beautiful and peaceful here, but it's still a prison."
J: The pixies lived in the Frontier. Ghaleon helped them because they were about to die out. | "We pixies who were living in the Frontier were about to die out. But, Ghaleon helped us."
I really wonder why WD bothered to make this change. It didn't matter so much in the original, but this makes their Abba serenade joke even more out of place since there's no reason for the pixies to like Ghaleon.
It's really weird. The pixies being close to extinction is taken out of pretty much all the localized versions. Of course, how they're close to extinction yet still surviving 1000 years later is also odd.
1) Althena's Fortress
E: A recording says that the Magic Emperor is providing leadership. | "Distant Memories 4. Althena's wish has always been for her children to work together and someday return to the Blue Star. The Magic Emperor's desire is to rule Althena's children and provide the leadership he believes they need."
J: A recording says that the Fortress can be used for good or evil, depending on intent. No mention of the Magic Emperor. | "Distant Memories 4. Humanity's correct thoughts shall guide the Fortress to the Blue Star... Even so, humanities evil thoughts shall transform the Fortress into a castle of madness. Righteous people have a strong desire, a strong wish to protect what you should protect. Those desires shall determine the truth." humanities -> humanity's
I wonder if this was in part to set up for Zophar consuming the Fortress in EBC.
I thought it was only a reference to the Magic Emperor using it. But now that you mention it, it does seem a call-back (er... call-forth?) to the events of EB. Zophar's Keep was definitely what I'd call a "castle of madness".
I'm pretty sure Mia means he loved her as a deity, not as a person -- after all, he was a priest, and his belief was shaken because she was supposed to remain a deity, clearly not "lovable" in a romantic sense. Given that, I don't see all that much difference here. I certainly wouldn't class it as a major, intentional change.
I still don't recall anywhere it's said that Ghaleon was a Priest. But I tend to partially agree with what Dezo said. If we only go by the English script, I think it implies that Ghaleon loved Althena in the same way that Dyne did (although with a vastly different opinion and outcome), and that love caused jealousy from Ghaleon. But, I don't think that it was romantic love per se...
1) Althena's Fortress
E: You must use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna.
J: You do not have to use Alex's Ocarina at the end to rescue Luna; in Saturn version, you can't use it at all.
This one is kind of strange, because I was sure I'd heard that it had been put in. But I don't have a clear indication that this is the case. Hm. Is the Ocarina used for anything in the Saturn version at all? Or is its only purpose to use up an inventory slot? You might want to add that you must have Alex's ocarina in his inventory to finish the E game also.
The Ocarina in the Saturn version takes up one inventory slot, and that's it.
2) Burg
E: Kid refers to the monument sword as Althena's sword. | "If you remove Althena's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay? Promise?"
J: Kid refers to the monument sword as Dyne's sword. | "If you remove Dyne's Sword [from the monument], let me see it, okay?"
This is bizarre. It seems inconceivable that it would be common knowledge that it's Althena's Sword in the monument. But then, that was one of my least favorite changes in the remake. By the way, is it called Dyne's Monument, or Dyne's Grave?
I suppose the translation might be closer to Dyne's Grave, but the word used doesn't indicate that his remains are buried there. If I were to choose an English equivalent, "Dyne's Monument" would be more appropriate.

And yeah, I think that was just a gaffe in the translation of that script, perhaps translating it without knowing at what point in the game that would come.
The E version makes more sense with Ghaleon's age in the Vheen manga. I think the contrast here is more between amazing true facts about Ghaleon and exaggerated legends about Ghaleon, though.
Yeah, hence placing it in the (2) category.
2) Vane
E: Alex says the song he plays came to him in a dream, when asked about it by Luna. | Alex: "Dyne?! I didn't know that! That song just came to me one night... in a dream..."
J: Alex is unsure where the song he plays came from, but doesn't mention anything about it having come to him in a dream.
The J version makes more sense to me; there's no particular reason for him to dream up the song, while if Dyne wrote it while still living in Burg then Noah would likely have learned it... on the accordion, probably.
You know, I still recall something (either in TSS or SSS Japanese version) about Noah wanting Alex to learn either the accordion or some other non-portable instrument.
2) Althena's Shrine
E: Phacia arrived before Jessica did. | "Phacia was our head priestess before Jessica arrived here. Who could have known Phacia's true intentions back then?"
J: Phacia arrived just when Jessica was not there--i.e., she had already left. | "When Phacia came here as head priestess, Jessica was no longer here."
This (the E version) has to be a mistake, since it's directly contradicted by Jessica's statement that there was no head named Phacia when she left.
That's not quite a contradiction... Phacia used some kind of memory spell on the people in the Shrine. So she might have only been there for days, but according to everyone there, she could have been there for months. The idea of some kind of a fog in their memory is in both the English and Japanese versions if you talk to the people in the Shrine. If Jessica wasn't there when Phacia moved in, then she wouldn't've been affected by that spell.

It's still a change, but I think a minor one given that fact.
2) Damon's Spire
E: Rules for Thieves' Guild are simple. | "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!" "Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope! [nawa isshou]"
J: Rules for Thieves' Guild are slightly more specific. | "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!" "Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope!"
This, uh, seems like a pretty minor change. In fact, I don't see the change at all...
Ah yes, simple explanation. I screwed up the copy-and-paste. Here's what it's supposed to say:
2) Damon's Spire
E: Rules for Thieves' Guild are simple. | "Rule One: Always be careful. Rule Two: Don't get caught. Rule Three: See Rules One and Two."
J: Rules for Thieves' Guild are more specific. | "Secret 1: Be careful! Dark words and easy roads!" "Secret 2: A second of caution, always have a rope!"
2) Damon's Spire
E: Damon isolated himself because he was frustrated with human behaviour. | Damon: "I finally isolated myself here because I found myself so very frustrated with human behavior."
J: Damon doesn't give a specific reason for isolating himself, but says that he finds it hard to understand human behaviour. | Damon: "Yes, there are various things. In particular, the thing called humanity is very difficult. But this is something that no one can understand, is it not? The thing called humanity."
"behaviour"? Which part of Tennessee is British?
Tarnation! Old habits creepin' up on me agin'. Done fixed.

I been watchin' too much BBC, it'd seem.
2) Red Dragon Cave
E: Red Dragon makes no mention of being immortal or seeing them again.
J: Red Dragon tells Nall that the soul is immortal, and they will meet again. | Red Dragon: "There is no need to be sad, Nall. The soul is... immortal... Eventually... in a faraway future... I will... meet you again..."
I wonder if this is supposed to be a reference to Ruby, akin to Althena's rebirths in which she retains no memory of her past.
It's possible... Dragons probably reincarnate, considering they're still physical manifestations of the same magic power/forces on Lunar.
2) Tamur
E: One of the villagers is travelling after graduating from the Magic Guild. | "Well, hi! What brings you to Tamur? I traveled here after graduating from the Magic Guild... I just needed to get away from the big floating city for a while and have fun exploring the world!"
J: The same villager is only sightseeing. | "The countryside is really great. The air is fresh, and it's quieter than anything else. On top of that, the infamous Frontier is north of here. It's a bit thrilling, tee hee."
Does Mia actually say "Vile Tribe" rather than "Prairie Tribe"?
I'm not sure which part you're talking about here... You'd have to be more specific.

Oh, and you misspelled PRARIE. {^^}
2) Pao
E: Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. | "Dragonmaster Dyne used to visit Pao every so often. I'll always remember his handsome face..."
J: Dyne used to call upon the Black Dragon, implicitly to assist the Prarie Tribe during the nomadic season. | "When we were in the nomadic season, Dyne would call upon the Black Dragon."

2) Pao
E: Villager implies that Laike has been coming to Pao regularly. | "Hey, guys. Tempest is chatting with an old friend of his... I think he said his name was Laike. He's been coming to Pao since I was a young one."
J: Villager only says that Laike came to Pao a long while ago. | "Tempest is inside meeting with a swordsman named Laike... Didn't he come to Pao a long while ago...?"
It seems strange that someone would "always remember [Dyne's] face" but not recognize him as Laike. But maybe that's what's happening in that second J quote -- the villager may be thinking of Dyne when saying "Didn't he come to Pao a long while ago?" I think either scenario -- that Laike hasn't been back since he was a dragonmaster or that he visits regularly as part of his travels -- works. In TSS Tempest has met him before, since he says Alex is a close second to the strongest man he ever met.
Well, bear in mind that those quotations are from two different people (the second is from the guy outside Tempest's tent, the first, I think, from the woman making blankets).

Also in TSS, I got the impression that Tempest might have met Laike before, but it could've been just recently (considering Laike was in the very same town).
2) Meribia
E: Person says the 'samurai dragon' will visit this city. | "You are the Dragonmaster! The Wind Spirit told me the samurai dragon will visit this city soon."
J: Person says that the 'warrior of the Dragons' will visit this city. The word is 'ryuu no kenshi', which was translated as 'samurai dragon' in English version. | "Oh, you're the Dragonmaster! I learned from the Wind Spirit that soon the warrior of the Dragons would appear in this town."
This sounds like a mistranslation; "warrior of the dragons" makes a lot more sense as an alternate description of a dragonmaster.
It sounds like one of those simple errors that happens when translation is decentralized. WD's usual method captures most of those issues, but the occasional thing can slip through with a script as large as SSS's.

Incidentally, proper noun consistency is one of the things I was trying to help with on the script for Lunar: DS.
No, Kyle comes up with the idea to get the engine from Shira in the E game too! I double-checked in the guide. But the J text finally makes sense of WHY it's Kyle; the WD guide was somewhat incredulous at his unexpected brainpower.
Whoops. Fixed that. Now it reads thus:
2) Myght's Tower
E: Kyle comes up with the idea to go back to Shira for the old balloon engine to use after Myght's is destroyed. No clear indication as to why Kyle is the one to come up with the idea.
J: Kyle comes up with the idea to go back to Shira when he connects the word 'eccentric' [henjin] with 'engine' [enjin], which rhyme with each other. | Kyle: "That's it! Eccentric [henjin]! Er, I mean, engine [enjin]! Where that air balloon fell!"

And yeah, a pun like that isn't exactly something easy to translate. I'm impressed that they managed to get the "steer-steer" pun on the Hispaniola.
2) Vane
E: Lemia says she's lost respect for Nash. | Lemia: "And I don't blame Nash, either. Any respect I once held for him has been lost..."
J: Lemia doesn't say she's lost respect for Nash. | Lemia: "'Power is the source of everything'... That is what that person... what Ghaleon used to say. Nash was taken by that sort of violent philosophy..."
Huh? She doesn't blame Nash but any respect has been lost? Those two sentences don't seem to go together.
It makes sense if you remember the rest of the sentence. Lemia asks why Nash isn't there himself; someone (Kyle or Jessica) says that Nash is at the Transmission Spring, helping with the evacuation, since he's afraid to show his face to Lemia.

Main thing is, Lemia seems more forgiving in the Japanese version. I'll amend that comment so it makes more sense.
2) Grindery
E: Many of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon. | "Ghaleon treats all the pixies here like prizes in his personal trophy case."
J: None of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon; all are positive about him. | "This castle is full of Althena's power. That's why we are at peace here."
Don't you have this listed already as a (1), which I quoted above? Since you're not using screenshots, maybe you can just quote both lines of dialogue as part of the same entry. Incidentally, the WD guide says that the fairies say that "Ghaleon saved them from certain death by bringing them here" and shows a screenshot of one of them saying that Ghaleon is one of the most compassionate souls she knows. Maybe the dialogue was changed after the guide was written.
That's possible... I didn't see any English dialogue talking about the fairies near-extinction, or life on the Frontier.

I made this distinct from the earlier entry in that the entry under (1) focused on the fairies extinction, which wasn't said in the English version. The entry here is just about whether or not any of the fairies have any resentment of Ghaleon for taking them to the Secret Garden--they don't in the Japanese version, but some do in the English version.
2) Meribia
E: Lemia says that Dyne never told her about his last adventure. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess came to us in mortal form... But more than that, I know not. Dyne would never tell me what happened on his last adventure, no matter how often I asked. Now the power of the Goddess has been revived by Ghaleon..."
J: Lemia says that she was never told about Dyne's last adventure, but never stated by whom. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess Althena was reborn as a human... I always wondered just what happened on Dyne's last adventure... but I was never told anything... However, the one thing that is certain is that the Goddess Althena's power has been reawakened and is under absolute control of the Magic Emperor."
I get what you're saying, but the J bit still sounds weird. She says she was never told but she doesn't say who never told her. I think the important thing here is that the E version implies that she saw Dyne after he stopped being a Dragonmaster, even "often", which further implies that she knew all along that he was Laike. That in itself is perhaps a major change. I'd consider labelling this a 1, and listing it as "E: Lemia says she talked to Dyne after his last adventure.... J: Lemia says nothing about seeing Dyne again after his last adventure."
First, Lemia never says who never told her. That's because the subject is ambiguous in the Japanese version (which is something that's easy to do in Japanese, but difficult to do in English without using passive voice). Since these aren't translations that I'd use in an actual game, but translations only meant to convey meaning, I kept the subject ambiguous there.

I kept this as a (2) because the change isn't something intentional, but I think something that's a result of assuming what that ambiguous subject really was (in this case, assuming it was Dyne). That gives a different implication in the English version. However, since I have other, similar, issues in the (1) category, I'll probably relabel this. However, I'd still prefer to keep the descriptions of each similar to how they are, since I'd rather a reader make his or her own conclusion, given the ambiguity of the original dialogue. Here's how it'd read:
2) Meribia
E: Lemia says that Dyne never told her about his last adventure, implying that Lemia perhaps knew who Dyne was after his 'death'. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess came to us in mortal form... But more than that, I know not. Dyne would never tell me what happened on his last adventure, no matter how often I asked. Now the power of the Goddess has been revived by Ghaleon..."
J: Lemia says that she was never told about Dyne's last adventure, but never stated by whom. No implication is in the Japanese version as to if Lemia knew about Dyne/Laike after Dyne's 'death'. | Lemia: "Fifteen years ago, the Goddess Althena was reborn as a human... I always wondered just what happened on Dyne's last adventure... but I was never told anything... However, the one thing that is certain is that the Goddess Althena's power has been reawakened and is under absolute control of the Magic Emperor."
2) Althena's Fortress
E: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is white-red-blue-black. | "Smashing through the white ice... Sprinting through the red flames... Swimming through the blue water... Sojourning the black earth... This is the road that awaits the brave adventurer who wishes to behold the Goddess Althena..."
J: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is red-black-white-blue. | "Pass through the red flame, traverse the black earth, smash the white ice, swim the blue waters. This is the road that should be taken by the person who will proceed to the Goddess Althena."
Eh?? This doesn't match the WD guide! It, the Prima guide, and the Japanese PS guide all say red, black, white, blue.
Weird. I know I'm not making this one up... Were there two different patterns in different areas of the Tower?
2) Althena's Fortress
E: When the Fortress is crashing into the lake, the sad piano theme from TSS is played.
J: The sad piano theme from TSS is not played when the Fortress is crashing into the lake.
This is one of three places that WD put in music from TSS. The other two are in the Trinity of Terror scene and during Alex's nightmare about Luna.
Oh? I'll have to add this in, then. I didn't notice. I'll flag this to get back to it.
2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword and the White Dragon Wings in his inventory, but none of the Dragon Armor.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex has Althena's Sword in his inventory, but not the White Dragon Wings nor the Dragon Armor.
This just sounds odd. It's a strange thing to change, as its presumable significance (that the only remaining dragon is the White Dragon, Nall), is really subtle. Unfortunately, it'd be nontrivial to check the import PS game. I'd consider it a 3, if you're applying that category to non-text things.
Well, considering that you can't even use anything by that point in the game (not like you can get into random battles anymore), I'll probably 'downgrade' that to a (5).
2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have 0MP and cannot cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Luna have the same amount of MP as they did before, and can still cast Dragon Magic or Luna's songs.
Is there anywhere TO cast these spells? I suppose Dragon Healing could be cast outside of battle. Or do you just mean that the spells still show up in their spell list in the J version and they have no spells in the E one? I'd call this one a 3 too. Except for the Dragon spells, there's really no reason they shouldn't have their other spells; Alex had sword skills, not actual magic, and Luna's songs would be analogous to the healing spells the priests would still have.
I'm downgrading this to a (5) as well.
2) Meribia
E: After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of an 'adventure business'. | Kyle: "I'm going to start an adventure business! Think about it, man... What wealthy person with too much free time wouldn't want me to show them the world?"
J: After Kyle meets Mel, he gets the idea of a 'protection business'. | Kyle: "Now that I have Mel's approval, it'll be hard to continue life as a bandit. Maybe I'll do something right and start a protection business for crossing the mountains... I could go far as the Bandit of Justice."
I like Bandit of Justice a lot better than adventure business, and a protection business would fit a lot better with what he did in TSS. Or did he not do a protection racket in the J game(s)?
I think there was still a protection business. I mean if I didn't list it as a change, then it's more or less identical between the English and Japanese versions.
2) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't mention that Althena isn't around any more, but they do mention that there isn't a Dragonmaster and they're not fighting the Vile Tribe any longer. | Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster anymore, kid... and we're not fighting the Vile Tribe." Alex: "That's right. From this day onward, we're going to live together in peace..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Alex and Nall don't seem to mind mentioning that Althena isn't around any more. | Nall: "There isn't a Dragonmaster nor Althena anymore. But, this is a good thing, right?" Alex: "Right. From now on, the world is what each of us makes of it."
It definitely makes sense to remove the bit about Althena. It would totally mess up EB if people knew that there was no longer a goddess.
A little later on (after talking to someone in the Mansion, I think) Nall/Alex does say something about keeping that bit about Althena to themselves. A little too late there...
3) Vane
E: Book theorizes that Althena has entered into a deep sleep. | 'A small number of magicians believe that Althena has entered into a sleep of sorts... but are unsure as to when, or if, she will reawaken.'
J: Book theorizes that 'a great power' has entered into a deep sleep, but doesn't specify that power as Althena. | 'A great power has entered into a sleep, to some day be resurrected again. But, no one knows when that is.'
That's interesting. If it does refer to Althena that implies that she did plan on returning to existence rather than calling it quits as Luna. Actually, that interpretation and the E text both somewhat suggest that Luna isn't really necessarily the end of the line, no matter what she says in her recording for Lucia. (I think she revived once as the person for whom Serak Palace is named, heh.) If it doesn't refer to Althena it could refer to the Blue Star itself.
I tend to agree with the English translation; I think the 'great power' refers exclusively to Althena here.
3) Vane
E: Mia mentions growing up around Ghaleon. | Mia: "I grew up around Ghaleon... he use to read me bedtime stories!"
J: Mia doesn't mention growing up around Ghaleon, but does express shock as to what he's become.
Hm, any comparison to what she says about him in My Secret Garden in TSS? I think she says something similar about knowing him as a little girl, maybe picking flowers for her. Does she say this in the MCD game?
I think so, yeah. I remember those being some of the similarities. Overall, TSS had a really small number of 'changes' between the English and Japanese scripts.
3) Damon's Spire
E: The ark that brought people to Lunar was a giant fortress. | "The craft that brought Althena' children from the Blue Star to the new world was an immense fortress."
J: The ark that brought people to Lunar was like a city. | "The ship that brought people to this world from the Blue Star was like a giant city."
Isn't part of the fortress called "Althena's Road" or Path or something? This would fit with that. There's also a certain resemblance to Neo-Vane.
It is called Althena's Road, but I don't think it's necessarily related to calling it a fortress vs a city.

Coincidentally, part of this document was typed up while watching Stargate: Atlantis.
3) Saith
E: Person says that Dyne has come back to save Mel. | "Dragonmaster Dyne! You've come back from the grave to save Hell Mel!"
J: Person says that a Dragonmaster can save Mel, not that Dyne has come back. | "With a Dragonmaster, Mel can be saved!"
?! When does someone in Saith address "Dragonmaster Dyne"??
This guy is addressing Alex (after he's become Dragonmaster), so he's under the belief that Alex is Dyne. I've amended this part to clarify that.
3) Ruid
E: Taben addresses the group as 'humans'. | Taben: "Well, well, well... To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, humans?"
J: Taben only welcomes the group to the lab; doesn't address them as 'humans'. | Taben: "Welcome! To my, Taben's, Magic Laboratory!"
Is Taben human? If not, what?
I don't think it ever quite specified. He could've been a Vile Tribe, or he could've been a beastman.
3) Ruid
E: Nash implies that everyone's going to die later. | Nash: "I shan't kill you... that comes later... and not at my hand..."
J: Nash doesn't imply that everyone's going to die later. | Nash: "...It's ok, I won't kill you. But until it's all over, I'll just put you to sleep."
The J version makes more sense in two ways. First, Nash has a sleep spell. (Maybe he says he'll put them to sleep in the E version too, just not the part you quoted?) Second, it seems really out of character that he'd go along even indirectly with killing them, since he basically betrayed them to keep them from fighting Ghaleon and thus save them, or at least Mia.
Yeah, I preferred the J version myself.
3) Meribia
E: One of the guards at the mansion mentions a giant cannon in the basement. | "Uh, Jessica, what about the giant cannon in the basement?" Jessica: "Shhhh!!"
J: One of the guards suggests making the mansion into something that can transform into a fighting machine. | "By any chance does this mansion have any mechanism where it can turn into something and fight?" Jessica: "That joke's in bad taste! Isn't it, Mia?" Mia: "Really? I think that would be cool..." Jessica: "...sometimes, Mia, I don't understand your tastes..."
The E version suggests that something will happen that doesn't, so I don't think that was a good choice. I wonder if the J line was intended to poke fun at the mecha/giant robot anime theme, and/or a reference to the novel and drama where Jessica's yacht turns into a battleship.
I think it was more to poke fun at the mecha/giant robot theme. Lunar: Legend is really where some of the influences from the novel start to come in.
3) Grindery
E: The age of the three sisters relative to one another is never explicity indicated. | Xenobia: "Shame on you, sister! I can't believe you'd sink so low as to betray your master AND your tribe!" Royce: "But then, you never WERE able to keep a secret..."
J: Xenobia is the eldest, Phacia is the middle child, and Royce is the youngest sister, based on how they refer to one another. | Royce: "Phacia, older sister, it's just like you to talk too much."
Odd, I was certain Phacia was the oldest, but I don't know why. It may be that Royce refers to her as older at some point also. I suppose it does make sense that Xenobia is oldest since she's the leader. Is there any mention of their birth order in Childhood's End?
Not that I recall, no. Anyway, this is one of those circumstances where it's easier to convey age in Japanese than English, since English doesn't have specific words for older vs younger sister.
3) Meribia
E: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica by recalling an event that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "When Jess and me were kids, another boy hit her and made her cry. I beat the tar out of that punk... and I promised Jess I'd do the same to anyone who hurt her. I'll never forget making that promise to you, Jess. Never."
J: Kyle recalls his promise to Jessica, but no mention of anything that happened when they were kids. | Kyle: "I won't forgive anyone who makes Jessica cry. When we were kids, I made that promise to Jessica, and I still haven't forgotten..."
Hm. A minor difference there. Jessica, being a very tough girl, probably would only cry under extreme circumstances, not for something like a boy hitting her. The phrasing of the J also allows more for Kyle himself being the one making Jessica cry, as probably happens at some point in their relationship.
I'm still not sure if I prefer the ambiguity of the Japanese version, or the specificity of the English one. But I think both of them allow for Kyle's fallibility. After all, none of the characters ('cept maybe Alex and Luna) were made out to be perfect.
3) Burg
E: Laike only says that 'something went wrong' at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "Something went wrong when the Goddess Althena began the transformation. She was in grave danger... and I had to use every bit of my power to help her complete the change. Dyne 'died' on that day... and was reborn as Laike. I have never regretted what I did, Alex. Not until Ghaleon became the Magic Emperor..."
J: Laike says that Althena's power began to run wiled at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "At that time, when she was reborn as a human, quite abnormally, Althena's power began to run wild... In order to control her rebirth, I had to use every last bit of my magic power... Dyne, as a Dragonmaster, died at that time... I've had no regrets about that to this day, but Ghaleon..."
wiled -> wild
This implies that there's a "normally" for her rebirth, that was expected. Is it absolutely spelled out that Althena intended this to be her last incarnation in the J game?
I clarified this below, but I should probably do so in this point as well.
3) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia says that it's her leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild. | Lemia: "Mia, it's obvious that my reign at the Magic Guild is over. It was my leadership that led to the corruption of the Guild.. and it was your actions that saved it, and the world. Which person do you think has the trust and support of the people of Vane? I am confident in you, Mia... and after all you have done, you should be confident as well. Nash... I expect you to support Mia and obey her commands. What she does NOT need at this crucial time in the history of the Guild is to be doubted..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Lemia only says that the Guild needs new leadership--nothing about corruption. | Lemia: "Mia, to manage the Magic Guild henceforth, new power is necessary. I'm sure you can do this, that is why I believe in you. Nash, please treat Mia well."
Given how strong a character Lemia is in the Vheen story, that seems really unlikely that she'd see her leadership as "leading to corruption", let alone that actually being the case. In TSS she had a better reason for handing over the reins, I think; didn't her magic power pretty much desert her?
In TSS that was definitely the case; it's less explicit in SSS. However, Lemia also strikes me as someone who is very honest, even when it comes to needing to criticize herself (at the very least in front of her own daughter, if not in front of the other people in the Guild). I don't see the English version as being out-of-step with her character.
3) Meribia
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash says that Mia's asked him to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild. | Nash: "Mia has asked me to be one of the teachers at the Magic Guild! Since I'm one of the Five Heroes, I'm certain to be popular with the female students..."
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, Nash only supposes that Mia will ask him to be one of the teachers; she hasn't already asked him. | Nash: "For now, it might be good for me to become one of the teachers at the Magic Guild with Mia. Because I was one of the heroes who once saved the world, I should be popular with the female students. My box will be full of love-letters, saying 'Oh, Mr. Nash~ <3'. And I'll have a mountain of presents, so much that Mia will get angry... Hm, it'll be troubling..."
There isn't really an implication that Mia's request is necessary for him to become a teacher. I'd describe the J version something like "Nash considers becoming a teacher along with Mia, but there's no mention of her asking or not asking him to do so."
I'll probably change it to read something like that in the description, then.
"[rixina]"? What sound is 'x' supposed to be? And ugh, Laticia/Liza/Lina will mess up my character chart. :P
The 'x' signifies that the following character is small (auxiliary kana).

Rixina would look like: リィナ
4) Tamur
E: The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled the 'Dragon Necklace'.
J: The item that Tempest gives Alex is labeled 'Tempest's Necklace', but called Dragon Necklace by Tempest.
Probably makes more sense for it to be called Tempest's Necklace to make it clear that it's not dragon equipment or like the dragon ring from Quark. Then again, maybe it IS like the dragon ring, with a different dragon involved. Maybe Tempest missed the hint from the Black Dragon that he should go try being a dragonmaster.
That sounds like a really good "alternate universe" fanfic idea...
4) Lann
E: The mayor gives you 'Ghaleon's Tear' after the fall of Vane.
J: The mayor gives you 'Devil's Tear' after the fall of Vane.
cf. Lucia's Tear / Devil's Tear in EB.
Updated that point.
4) Meribia
E: No mention of Nash's last name in the English version.
J: After Ghaleon's defeat, one kid mentions Nash's full name: Nash Lumach. | "I am the second greatest magician in the Magic Guild, Nash Lumach! Eh? Who is the first? That... that's... that's none of your business!"
I didn't get the context at first... I gather these are the kids who were playing at being Dyne, Lemia, and Mel earlier in the game? And that Mia would be the greatest?
Yeah these are those meddling kids. Updated that point to clarify.
5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can't be given to anyone.
J: Alex's Ocarina can be given to Nall (but no one else).
And this, of course, is only in the WD final version, not the import PS, PC or Saturn MPEG versions or the US demo.
You mean that all the Japanese versions (and the US Demo) are the same, right?
5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can be used as music player.
J: Alex's Ocarina can't be used as music player. (May be Saturn-PSX difference)
I really need to try to find the MPEG hardware sometime so I can check whether it's playable in that Saturn version. I'll look in the manual and see if by any chance there's a screenshot, but I doubt it.
The fact that I don't have an MPEG-playable Saturn makes this difficult for me to check myself. If you could, that'd be appreciated.

I removed the "may be", however.
5) General
E: Three more bromides in PSX version: Mia's Bromide 4 (out of shower), Jessica's Bromide 4 (sunbathing), Luna's Bromide 2 (basket of apples)
J: Three less bromides in Saturn version (total of 10, instead of 13)
less -> fewer
The three were added in the Saturn MPEG version (hence the "complete" in that game's title) and are in the PC game as well as the PS one.

As I mentioned before, I advise listing these bromide by bromide rather than by location, because it's ambiguous whether a given bromide is in the J game at all the way you have them listed.
I'll probably do that, since all the Bromide differences are encapsulated in the (5) category anyhow.
5) Men's Spring
E: You only get one cinema (Kyle or Nash) per bar of soap.
J: You get both cinemas (Kyle and then Nash) in one go, instead of having to repeat the visit with another bar of soap.
What about the women's spring?
That was identical (you had to have two bars to see both the cinemas). I can add another point for that, but it'd be grouped under (6). How's this?:
6) Women's Spring
E: You only get one cinema (Mia or Jessica) per bar of soap.
J: You only get one cinema (Mia or Jessica) per bar of soap. Note that this is unlike the Men's Spring, where you can get both cinemas at once.
5) Meribia
E: You get the Rememberizer from Ramus after becoming Dragonmaster.
J: You don't get the Rememberizer from Ramus.
Is it in the original Saturn game at all? And you'll want to clarify that you have to get the Rememberizer after the Black Dragon Shrine but before going to Myght's Tower, or you won't be able to get it until the "epilogue" in Meribia (for 65000 silver, not that that's difficult at that point).
I can clarify that point. Anyway, yeah, Rememberizer isn't in the Saturn version at all. According to the guide, though, it's in the PSX version. So I've amended that point to:
5) Meribia
E: You get the Rememberizer from Ramus after becoming Dragonmaster (for free), or at the end of the game in Meribia (for 65000S).
J: In the Saturn version, the Rememberizer isn't in the game. In the PSX version, you get the Rememberizer from Ramus after Kyle joins your party.
5) Althena's Fortress
E: The fortress is referred to as Althena's Fortress.
J: The fortress is referred to as the 'Magic City of Althena' [madou toshi Althena].
You mentioned this already from Damon's Spire, quoted above as a 3. Probably only need to mention it once.
While true, I think I'd like to keep this point here since I'm just highlighting the difference in the name itself. Beside swhich, the book in Damon's Spire doesn't refer to it as the 'Magic City of Althena', but only a 'giant city'.
6) Iluk
E: Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. | "This week's 'Hot Girl News' says that the reclusive Mia Ausa has left Vane for the first time in her life. ... As soon as I get a solid lead as to her location, I am taking my camera and finding that mysterious vixen..."
J: Man in Iluk reads up on 'Hot Girl News' about Mia. Only difference is that it doesn't explicitly state that this is Mia's first time out of Vane. | "According to this month's 'Beautiful Girl Info', ah! Mia of Vane has left on a journey... Ah! Hm hm hm, now is my chance! I'll get it, I'll get it... hm hm hm hm hm <3"
Doesn't she and/or Jessica mention already being friends? Seems like at least one of them must've left their residence before, and actually I think Lemia would probably be more likely to visit Mel (bringing offspring along) than the other way around.
I'm pretty sure Mia's left Vane before; there's a lot that implies that fact.

I'd chalk this up to the editors of "Hot Girl News" not getting their research straight. {^^}
Other things I'm wondering about:

Is the "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" line in the game? It's paraphrased in Legend, so I thought it might be in the original. It's part of a conversation with a Meribian sometime after Kyle joins the party, where the Meribian say he remembers Mel running around with little Jess on his shoulders and Kyle says he couldn't do that now, as heavy as Jess is. She responds indignantly that her "bod" (in LL) is light as a butterfly, and Kyle replies with the above line.
I think a line that conveys that sentiment might be there, but obviously it isn't the same kind of pop-culture reference. I really didn't feel like harping on all the pop-culture NPC references in the game, so that wasn't included.
Does using the dragonfly wing to warp past the no-weapons barrier in the Crystal Tower work? The Prima guide writers didn't know about it, but that's not saying much.
I didn't even know about that trick...
Here are my suggestions for the bromides. Some of what I found in the guides didn't match what you said. I'm thinking of scanning the PS guide's "secret" pages and sending them to you, if you don't have the PS guide; there's a note regarding Pao that I have no idea what it's about.
I have the PS guidebook. What note regarding Pao are you talking about?

Anyway, I'll amend the Bromides section under a general "Miscellaneous" category to itemize them all. That'll probably be much easier. I'll put up a list of all that later. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Alunissage »

Kizyr wrote:It's really weird. The pixies being close to extinction is taken out of pretty much all the localized versions. Of course, how they're close to extinction yet still surviving 1000 years later is also odd.
Actually, it's in Legend:
http://lunar-net.com/legend/screens/9/i ... SA_135.jpg
http://lunar-net.com/legend/screens/9/i ... SA_136.jpg
Though I suppose you did say "pretty much". :P
I still don't recall anywhere it's said that Ghaleon was a Priest. But I tend to partially agree with what Dezo said. If we only go by the English script, I think it implies that Ghaleon loved Althena in the same way that Dyne did (although with a vastly different opinion and outcome), and that love caused jealousy from Ghaleon. But, I don't think that it was romantic love per se...
You might have to take my word for this one, that WD knew about it -- Kubooka discussed it explicitly in the interview from which the interview in the manual is excerpted. Note that the clothing (and pendant, though it's hard to see in the scene) he wears in the flashback of Althena's transformation is very similar to the robes and pendants worn by Jessica and Phacia (as head priestess), and the armbands are also worn by pink-haired Althena in Genesis. He's tearing off the pendant on the last page of the Vheen manga. You might want to check the description of his outfit on pages 31 and 73 of the SSS artbook, in case it mentions something of the sort. Of course, those last two references are for your general information, not things that would have been accessible to the US audience, and the costume point is subtle. But I'm sure that WD was aware of that intent.
I suppose the translation might be closer to Dyne's Grave, but the word used doesn't indicate that his remains are buried there. If I were to choose an English equivalent, "Dyne's Monument" would be more appropriate.
I wondered because I'm pretty sure it's called Dyne's Grave in Legend. Sounds like that's an unsurprising translation.
You know, I still recall something (either in TSS or SSS Japanese version) about Noah wanting Alex to learn either the accordion or some other non-portable instrument.
Yeah, it's in TSS, one of the first lines of dialogue you can encounter in the game:



It's possible... Dragons probably reincarnate, considering they're still physical manifestations of the same magic power/forces on Lunar.
But cf. Quark and Nall. ;)
Does Mia actually say "Vile Tribe" rather than "Prairie Tribe"?
I'm not sure which part you're talking about here... You'd have to be more specific.
Um, oops, I typed that comment after the wrong excerpt. It was supposed to be in response to:

2) Tamur
E: Mia says the Black Dragon Cave is said to be in the Frontier. | Mia: "My mother once said that the lair of the Black Dragon was located on the Frontier... and that it was guarded jealously by the Vile Tribe. ... She also said that the only way to get there was by flying..."
J: Mia doesn't mention the Black Dragon Cave being in the Frontier, only that you can't get there except by flying. | Mia: "Also, I heard from my mother that you can't get to the Frontier, where the Vile Tribe is, except by flying."

I'm still a bit puzzled here, because Vile Tribe would be appropriate in the J version, but it's definitely the Praiiiiiiirie Tribe who guards the Black Dragon Cave.
Also in TSS, I got the impression that Tempest might have met Laike before, but it could've been just recently (considering Laike was in the very same town).
That would make sense, since Tempest seems to be fighting everyone he can find to determine the strongest... though one then wonders why he didn't call on Laike for help; it doesn't seem likely that Laike would turn him down, does it? But I dunno, the text doesn't necessarily suggest it was recent:







(note to self: there's a lot of funny dialogue about selling items you're not supposed to; should go through all the towns and note what items evoke what response.)
2) Grindery
E: Many of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon. | "Ghaleon treats all the pixies here like prizes in his personal trophy case."
J: None of the pixies are resentful of Ghaleon; all are positive about him. | "This castle is full of Althena's power. That's why we are at peace here."
Don't you have this listed already as a (1), which I quoted above? Since you're not using screenshots, maybe you can just quote both lines of dialogue as part of the same entry. Incidentally, the WD guide says that the fairies say that "Ghaleon saved them from certain death by bringing them here" and shows a screenshot of one of them saying that Ghaleon is one of the most compassionate souls she knows. Maybe the dialogue was changed after the guide was written.
That's possible... I didn't see any English dialogue talking about the fairies near-extinction, or life on the Frontier.

I made this distinct from the earlier entry in that the entry under (1) focused on the fairies extinction, which wasn't said in the English version. The entry here is just about whether or not any of the fairies have any resentment of Ghaleon for taking them to the Secret Garden--they don't in the Japanese version, but some do in the English version.
Actually, I think Ghaleon's character difference -- that he is compassionate to them and wants to keep them safe, rather than imprisoning them against their will -- is more significant than the fairies' danger of extinction. Given how much Ghaleon's character changed between TSS and SSS, this is a very important point. The WD guide even comments on it: "Speak to the fairies and they inform you that Ghaleon saved them from certain death by bringing them here. How can such an evil man have done such a good thing? Because he's a rather complex dude." But this aspect of Ghaleon's character is only there if the fairies are close to extinction, so I'd still call these a single change -- Ghaleon's character -- accomplished via the fairies' situation. It fits in more with his SSS character of taking charge of people for their own good than with his TSS character of revenge.
2) Althena's Fortress
E: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is white-red-blue-black. | "Smashing through the white ice... Sprinting through the red flames... Swimming through the blue water... Sojourning the black earth... This is the road that awaits the brave adventurer who wishes to behold the Goddess Althena..."
J: Color-order deeper within Althena's Tower is red-black-white-blue. | "Pass through the red flame, traverse the black earth, smash the white ice, swim the blue waters. This is the road that should be taken by the person who will proceed to the Goddess Althena."
Eh?? This doesn't match the WD guide! It, the Prima guide, and the Japanese PS guide all say red, black, white, blue.
Weird. I know I'm not making this one up... Were there two different patterns in different areas of the Tower?
Well, there were a total of three, I think -- one coded by the order in which you saw the dragons, one clued by the names of the items (starting with [Blue Dragon] Helmet), and then this one. Again, it's possible that it was changed after the guide went to press, though that'd be a pretty big thing to change in a guide. Anyone have a save around there that could check?
3) Ruid
E: Taben addresses the group as 'humans'. | Taben: "Well, well, well... To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, humans?"
J: Taben only welcomes the group to the lab; doesn't address them as 'humans'. | Taben: "Welcome! To my, Taben's, Magic Laboratory!"
Is Taben human? If not, what?
I don't think it ever quite specified. He could've been a Vile Tribe, or he could've been a beastman.
He definitely looks human in the I+II artbook (Myght, though, looks half-beastman, with ears a bit like Mel's which are placed like Jessica's). Of course, in TSS, he would have to be human since Xenobia was the only member of the Vile Tribe who looked human; he was also known of outside of the Frontier, which wouldn't be the case if he were Vile. Taben looks the same in the SSS artbook, so I'm inclined to think that he's human and WD just goofed (or figured it wasn't out of character since every other person besides the kidnapped girls that had been in the area were Vile).
3) Burg
E: Laike only says that 'something went wrong' at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "Something went wrong when the Goddess Althena began the transformation. She was in grave danger... and I had to use every bit of my power to help her complete the change. Dyne 'died' on that day... and was reborn as Laike. I have never regretted what I did, Alex. Not until Ghaleon became the Magic Emperor..."
J: Laike says that Althena's power began to run wiled at Althena's last rebirth. | Laike: "At that time, when she was reborn as a human, quite abnormally, Althena's power began to run wild... In order to control her rebirth, I had to use every last bit of my magic power... Dyne, as a Dragonmaster, died at that time... I've had no regrets about that to this day, but Ghaleon..."
wiled -> wild
This implies that there's a "normally" for her rebirth, that was expected. Is it absolutely spelled out that Althena intended this to be her last incarnation in the J game?
I clarified this below, but I should probably do so in this point as well.
I just looked at the J movie, and of course the visuals are the same as for the E one. And it doesn't look at all like something is going wrong -- they look at each other, then he starts to walk forward and his armor sparkles away, then she becomes a baby. I wonder if that dialogue was rewritten after the animation was underway.
"[rixina]"? What sound is 'x' supposed to be? And ugh, Laticia/Liza/Lina will mess up my character chart. :P
The 'x' signifies that the following character is small (auxiliary kana).

Rixina would look like: リィナ
Why? How is this different from リーナ?

And it wasn't until I typed that that I realized the latter is rather similar to Luna. Though considering the Lucia bit in Genesis, that's probably purely coincidental.
5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can't be given to anyone.
J: Alex's Ocarina can be given to Nall (but no one else).
And this, of course, is only in the WD final version, not the import PS, PC or Saturn MPEG versions or the US demo.
You mean that all the Japanese versions (and the US Demo) are the same, right?
And the Korean PC version, which is why I just said "import". I think I even checked that one.

I wonder if there's any way we can get a Korean differences list. Besides the names Shiva Indis provided, the only thing I know is that they used the WD vocal songs.
5) General
E: Alex's Ocarina can be used as music player.
J: Alex's Ocarina can't be used as music player. (May be Saturn-PSX difference)
I really need to try to find the MPEG hardware sometime so I can check whether it's playable in that Saturn version. I'll look in the manual and see if by any chance there's a screenshot, but I doubt it.
The fact that I don't have an MPEG-playable Saturn makes this difficult for me to check myself. If you could, that'd be appreciated.
I looked in the manual, but saw no reference to it. :| I don't have the hardware either, unless it's hiding in my Asian Saturn. It's possible a Japanese Lunar site would say something.
Is the "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" line in the game? It's paraphrased in Legend, so I thought it might be in the original. It's part of a conversation with a Meribian sometime after Kyle joins the party, where the Meribian say he remembers Mel running around with little Jess on his shoulders and Kyle says he couldn't do that now, as heavy as Jess is. She responds indignantly that her "bod" (in LL) is light as a butterfly, and Kyle replies with the above line.
I think a line that conveys that sentiment might be there, but obviously it isn't the same kind of pop-culture reference. I really didn't feel like harping on all the pop-culture NPC references in the game, so that wasn't included.
The reason it struck me is that it was in Legend too, but not an exact quote. It seemed like if it had been intended in Legend to be a pop ref it would have been exact... but since it wasn't, that implied that it was more or less literal and thus that the phrase was in the J version. Which made me wonder if the actual pop ref could have been in the J version.
Does using the dragonfly wing to warp past the no-weapons barrier in the Crystal Tower work? The Prima guide writers didn't know about it, but that's not saying much.
I didn't even know about that trick...
I only know about it because it's in the WD guide. It wouldn't be uncharacteristic of WD to put it in, and I'm not seeing a reference to using it in the PS guide (p. 55).
I have the PS guidebook. What note regarding Pao are you talking about?
p. 129, #8; the bar on p. 128 indicates that it goes with p. 102, which is about Pao. But in retrospect I think it's actually saying when to go back to the mayor of Lann to get the item from him. But you should look through that whole "secret file" section, in case there are other conditions for things we don't know about.

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Post by Kizyr »

You might have to take my word for this one, that WD knew about it -- Kubooka discussed it explicitly in the interview from which the interview in the manual is excerpted. Note that the clothing (and pendant, though it's hard to see in the scene) he wears in the flashback of Althena's transformation is very similar to the robes and pendants worn by Jessica and Phacia (as head priestess), and the armbands are also worn by pink-haired Althena in Genesis. He's tearing off the pendant on the last page of the Vheen manga. You might want to check the description of his outfit on pages 31 and 73 of the SSS artbook, in case it mentions something of the sort. Of course, those last two references are for your general information, not things that would have been accessible to the US audience, and the costume point is subtle. But I'm sure that WD was aware of that intent.
That's more than enough references for me. I'm going to check those SSS artbook pages though and see if they have anything interesting or perhaps more concrete.
Yeah, it's in TSS, one of the first lines of dialogue you can encounter in the game:
I remember it in TSS; I was referring to the Japanese versions. I might try and go back to check this specifically.
It's possible... Dragons probably reincarnate, considering they're still physical manifestations of the same magic power/forces on Lunar.
But cf. Quark and Nall. ;)
True. Nall says something to this fact in the EB Novels, I believe, that the only major distinction between their (re)birth and, say, Althena's, is that there can be more than one at one time.

It might have been in another source, though. It'll be a while before I get back to all my notes for the EB novels, unfortunately.
Um, oops, I typed that comment after the wrong excerpt. It was supposed to be in response to:

2) Tamur
E: Mia says the Black Dragon Cave is said to be in the Frontier. | Mia: "My mother once said that the lair of the Black Dragon was located on the Frontier... and that it was guarded jealously by the Vile Tribe. ... She also said that the only way to get there was by flying..."
J: Mia doesn't mention the Black Dragon Cave being in the Frontier, only that you can't get there except by flying. | Mia: "Also, I heard from my mother that you can't get to the Frontier, where the Vile Tribe is, except by flying."

I'm still a bit puzzled here, because Vile Tribe would be appropriate in the J version, but it's definitely the Praiiiiiiirie Tribe who guards the Black Dragon Cave.
True, but it was definitely the Vile Tribe that Mia mentioned. That's why I found that line so significant to quote. Those two lines are after speaking to the same person (so at the same point in the game dialogue), and so I flagged this to check if Mia mentioned the Prarie Tribe or omitted reference to the Black Dragon Cave in the Japanese version.

Basic story here is that a bit of the TSS geography sneaked into the SSS English translation, so Mia referred to the Black Dragon Cave's TSS location instead.
That would make sense, since Tempest seems to be fighting everyone he can find to determine the strongest... though one then wonders why he didn't call on Laike for help; it doesn't seem likely that Laike would turn him down, does it? But I dunno, the text doesn't necessarily suggest it was recent:
The text is ambiguous; it could be recent or a while back. But it sounds like it's recent to me, since you find Laike in the very same town.

Laike would be the sort to turn them down, though, if he knows that Alex will take up the task. Besides which, Alex needed to help them so he could gain a few valuable allies in the fight against Ghaleon.
(note to self: there's a lot of funny dialogue about selling items you're not supposed to; should go through all the towns and note what items evoke what response.)
Ambiguous subject!
Actually, I think Ghaleon's character difference -- that he is compassionate to them and wants to keep them safe, rather than imprisoning them against their will -- is more significant than the fairies' danger of extinction. Given how much Ghaleon's character changed between TSS and SSS, this is a very important point. The WD guide even comments on it: "Speak to the fairies and they inform you that Ghaleon saved them from certain death by bringing them here. How can such an evil man have done such a good thing? Because he's a rather complex dude." But this aspect of Ghaleon's character is only there if the fairies are close to extinction, so I'd still call these a single change -- Ghaleon's character -- accomplished via the fairies' situation. It fits in more with his SSS character of taking charge of people for their own good than with his TSS character of revenge.
It might be a single overall change, but there are two significant enough aspects to it that I'm leaving it as two separate points. Besides which, I generally don't like combining different areas of dialogue unless there's an overwhelmingly compelling reason to do so.
Well, there were a total of three, I think -- one coded by the order in which you saw the dragons, one clued by the names of the items (starting with [Blue Dragon] Helmet), and then this one. Again, it's possible that it was changed after the guide went to press, though that'd be a pretty big thing to change in a guide. Anyone have a save around there that could check?
I remember the first two; that's why I'm sure this dialogue is from the same place based on the description...
He definitely looks human in the I+II artbook (Myght, though, looks half-beastman, with ears a bit like Mel's which are placed like Jessica's). Of course, in TSS, he would have to be human since Xenobia was the only member of the Vile Tribe who looked human; he was also known of outside of the Frontier, which wouldn't be the case if he were Vile. Taben looks the same in the SSS artbook, so I'm inclined to think that he's human and WD just goofed (or figured it wasn't out of character since every other person besides the kidnapped girls that had been in the area were Vile).
It's not terribly out of character, I don't think. But yeah, given that, Taben is most probably very human.
The 'x' signifies that the following character is small (auxiliary kana).

Rixina would look like: リィナ
Why? How is this different from リーナ?

And it wasn't until I typed that that I realized the latter is rather similar to Luna. Though considering the Lucia bit in Genesis, that's probably purely coincidental.
...I really don't want to get into a Japanese language discussion right now. It's just different. The I isn't elongated the same way.

Auxiliary/'little' kana isn't something that's generally taught in classes, also, since it's something that's used for transliteration of specific words, titles, etc., and not in everyday or formal use.
The reason it struck me is that it was in Legend too, but not an exact quote. It seemed like if it had been intended in Legend to be a pop ref it would have been exact... but since it wasn't, that implied that it was more or less literal and thus that the phrase was in the J version. Which made me wonder if the actual pop ref could have been in the J version.
It's more probable someone remembered the line from WD's translation. It seems weird to use a reference to a (literal) bee there.
I have the PS guidebook. What note regarding Pao are you talking about?
p. 129, #8; the bar on p. 128 indicates that it goes with p. 102, which is about Pao. But in retrospect I think it's actually saying when to go back to the mayor of Lann to get the item from him. But you should look through that whole "secret file" section, in case there are other conditions for things we don't know about.
I'll need to check this when I get home. But the bar on the side of that section only indicates at which point in the game you're supposed to do certain actions, and doesn't indicate the location of things to do.

I did browse through the 'secret file' section when I was looking for this note, incidentally. That's how I found the reference to the Rememberizer {^^}. KF
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Post by Kizyr »

Ok, I have the list of bromide locations I'll include. But first:
5) Phacia’s Bromide
E: You get Phacia's Bromide from the head priestess after Xenobia and her sisters reveal themselves.
J: (according to PS guide) Ramus sells (gives?) you Royce’s, Phacia’s, and Xenobia’s Bromides after Kyle joins your party. (There’s a note about 65000s, so maybe he sells it later, after Lily’s kidnapping?)
I didn't see any note about 65000S in the guide. What are you talking about?

Anyway, here's the list:

5) Bromides
Differences in bromide locations occur between the Saturn and PSX versions, and the Japanese and English versions. This is a consolidated list of all the bromide locations.

- Luna's Bromide 1
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus gives you this.
JS: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus gives you this.
JP: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus gives you this.

- Luna's Bromide 2
E: After Luna's capture by Ghaleon, find this in Alex's basement in Burg.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: After Luna's capture by Ghaleon, find this in Alex's basement in Burg.

- Mia's Bromide 1
E: In Nash's inventory when he first joins the party.
JS: In Nash's inventory when he first joins the party.
JP: In Nash's inventory when he first joins the party.

- Mia's Bromide 2
E: When Vane is being evacuated, student in Magic Guild's eastern classroom gives you this.
JS: After Althena's Fortress has risen, Ramus gives you this when you visit his store in Meribia.
JP: After Althena's Fortress has risen, Ramus gives you this when you visit his store in Meribia.

- Mia's Bromide 3
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus sells you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).
JS: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus sells you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).
JP: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus sells you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).

- Mia's Bromide 4
E: After Nash's betrayal, get this from the man in the lower-left house in Iluk.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: After Nash's betrayal, get this from the man in the lower-left house in Iluk.

- Jessica's Bromide 1
E: After Alex becomes Dragonmaster, the girl in the back of the main Shrine to Althena gives this to you.
JS: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), the girl in the back of the main Shrine to Althena gives this to you.
JP: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), the girl in the back of the main Shrine to Althena gives this to you.

- Jessica's Bromide 2
E: After Alex becomes Dragonmaster, the guy at the docks in Lann gives you this (if you've talked to him earlier in the game, after returning from Lann Isle but before defeating the false Dragonmaster).
JS: After Althena's Fortress has risen, Ramus gives you this when you visit his store in Meribia.
JP: After Althena's Fortress has risen, Ramus gives you this when you visit his store in Meribia.

- Jessica's Bromide 3
E: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus sells you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).
JS: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus sells you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).
JP: After Ghaleon's defeat, Ramus sells you this (if you've paid his 30S debt at the beginning of the game).

- Jessica's Bromide 4
E: After Kyle defeats the monsters in Nanza, but before he joins the party, you find this in Kyle's bed in underground Nanza.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: After Kyle defeats the monsters in Nanza, but before he joins the party, you find this in Kyle's bed in underground Nanza.

- Royce's Bromide
E: After the Vile Tribe attacks Meribia, but before going to Vane, you get this from someone on Black Rose Street in Meribia.
JS: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), Ramus will sell you this if you visit his store in Meribia.
JP: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), Ramus will sell you this if you visit his store in Meribia, along with the Rememberizer.

- Phacia's Bromide
E: After Xenobia and her sisters reveal themselves in Vane, you can get this from the head priestess in the Shrine to Althena.
JS: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), Ramus will sell you this if you visit his store in Meribia.
JP: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), Ramus will sell you this if you visit his store in Meribia, along with the Rememberizer.

- Xenobia's Bromide
E: After the Grindery leaves the Frontier, a miner in the back of Talon Mine (in the mines themselves) gives you this.
JS: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), Ramus will sell you this if you visit his store in Meribia.
JP: After Lily's kidnapping (or after Kyle joins the party), Ramus will sell you this if you visit his store in Meribia, along with the Rememberizer.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by scaryice »

Is there a page for the differences between TSS and SSSC? If not, then that should be your next project.

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Post by Kizyr »

scaryice wrote:Is there a page for the differences between TSS and SSSC? If not, then that should be your next project.
I have plans for that in the future. But I think there's more need for a Magical School Lunar walkthrough at the moment (which is what I'm trying to work on right now). So it'll have to wait. KF
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Re: Time for another list of differences!

Post by Alunissage »

I just got the video card to play the MPEG version. Since I was going to set up the Saturn to play Magic School, I decided to make sure the card worked by putting in SSSC. So far I'm only in the White Dragon Cave, and probably won't play much more right now, but I can confirm that you CAN use the Ocarina as a music player in this version, unlike the original Saturn release. I'll have to look through the list for other things to check.

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Re: Time for another list of differences!

Post by Kizyr »

Sounds great! Please keep me in the loop with whatever else you find. KF
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Re: Time for another list of differences!

Post by Alunissage »

It does in fact sound great. Wow, I'd forgotten how much clearer and more detailed the music seems on the Saturn.

By any chance do you have a form of your list that's in roughly the order you encounter the items in the game? Of course, I can't check text (nor do I expect any text differences anyway), but I don't want to miss opportunities to check other stuff.

It occurred to me that it'd be good to get screenshots of the Ocarina music player track names so we can see how they compare (like "Go, and go!" becoming "Go Go Go" or something like that) but of course that doesn't require the MPEG version since it's also in the PS one and presumably the PC version.

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