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Post by Kaiya-Sky »

I just woke up from a bad dream a little while ago, and im going to share it with you since its late and im still to scared to go back to bed at the moment.
well first thing, Jensen is my some what expensive doll, whose 60cm big and joints move. I dont know how many of you have herd of ball jointed dolls but thats what he is

Ok so It starts out with, I have Jensen on my bookcase/ shelf and he starts moving around on his own, and at first its just really little and i dont notice but it gets to the point where hes on my tv standing. So i go and tell my Nana and im all freak out and shes its probably nothing so i call my dad upstairs (he lives in a diffrent building on our yard) and hes telling me its probably nothing. and Jensen has moved around few times since then, so i get him and i tell my dad to put Jensen some where in my room and no one will enter and then my dad will see that hes moving around on his own, and so he does but right after he leaves, so i try calling him and the first few times i press dial by accident and theres no ring but theres this weird guys voice on the other end and im like crying and i say "dad?" and he says no and hangs up and i call this guy a few times by accident but always hanging up right away and then i finally get it right, cause on our phones we have intercome where we press one buttom to open up the intercome then this other button to call it ans its just a call between the phones but everytime i tryed calling it it would say "the number could not be completed as dialed" in this really creepy male voice diffrent from the other voice, but im not dialing a number so im crying and trying over and over with the same message, and everyhting starts to wake up with it still repeating and i woke up to the repeat of "the number cannot be competed as dialed"

Now it dosent sound that scary really, but for me it is. I dream almost everynight and usually 2 -4 dreams and i havnet had a bad dream in years. My last one was actually kind of cool it was doctor who-ish with being stuck in a school where theres these cool looking aliens killing everyone. This dream, it probably scares me the most because its not that crazy, i would rather a monster chasing me.
So hear i am sitting at my computer at 1:46 am, which is not really that odd since im usally up now, but i went to bed at 9pm and have only gotten 3 hours of sleep for the past two nights, my lips are the pretty red colour they get when i cry and im scared of my doll, which is never leaving my dresser draw now.

So for this thread not being completly useless, anyone remeber any bad dreams that made them not want to go back to bed right away?

This is probably full of spelling errors and stuff, im sorry, my eyes are still a little blurry creating this dream inside of a dream effect and im to tired to spellcheck

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Re: nightmare

Post by Ardent Fox »

Well if I were Freud, I would tell you that you hate your mother. But I'm not Freud.

As for any frightening dreams, I can't really remember any. Most of my dreams are like a Dali painting anyway. They don't make much sense and by the time I'm coherent enough to remember them, I only remember fleeting details.

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Re: nightmare

Post by ShindoW »


I had a few nightmares a few nights ago-- lost alot of sleep too from waking up at 4 AM. >< One is about a friend of mine who has been nearly harassing me to help him with his book. It sounds mean, but he is mentally handicaped and I don't mind helping him since we've been friends since first grade and all, but he's kinda stuck in the past and doesn't understand when I tell him "I am busy with college for 2 more weeks". He also seems to have some hidden hope that I will break up with my girlfriend of 5 1/2 years and suddenly give him a family. No. Just... no. I am not having babies. I am making my own family with my gf, dude. Nonetheless, my nightmare involved him chasing me around an old mansion. At one point I hit him with a chair and he had a heart attack and I woke up screaming. I know have this wierd fear in the back of mind screaming "he might rape you". I think I'll listen to that... he really needs to be on medication but his hippie father refuses. =/

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Re: nightmare

Post by Aaron »

I would say you have abandonment issues. In both cases you have authority figures you love and trust but they seem to push you aside and disregard your concerns as childish. I wonder if my analysis is correct. Also try to go to sleep at regular time. You'll feel better on a regular sleeping schedule.

I don't dream often but when I do it's usually in the 1st perspective. My worst dream is when I am in front of a judge being charged for a crime that doesn't exist. None of my family is there. Usually I find out that my wife is no longer on the planet and I have been left behind.

I also sometimes dream about my teeth falling out.

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Re: nightmare

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

I sort of have abandonment issues, its not that serious, with the Freud thing, i don't hate my mother, but we do have issues if i have to be around her for more then a couple of weeks.
I really do need to be on a proper sleeping squdul mine is all messed up. and always changing, i have no life right now so it doesn't matter when i wake up, i have woken up and gone to sleep at every hour of the day at one time or another, but i have to be up at 6am tomorrow so this bad dream really messed me up.

ShindoW your bad dream sounds sort of sad, I hope your friend can get the medication he needs one day

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Re: nightmare

Post by Jenner »

Aaron wrote:I would say you have abandonment issues. In both cases you have authority figures you love and trust but they seem to push you aside and disregard your concerns as childish. I wonder if my analysis is correct.
Ardent Fox wrote:Well if I were Freud, I would tell you that you hate your mother. But I'm not Freud.
Freud says all dream analysts want to have sex with their mothers.
If I was your wife I'd leave the planet. ;)
Kaiya-Sky wrote:Ok so It starts out with, I have Jensen on my bookcase/ shelf and he starts moving around on his own, and at first its just really little and i dont notice but it gets to the point where hes on my tv standing...and Jensen has moved around few times since scared of my doll, which is never leaving my dresser draw now.
And there's a creepy doll. That always follows you. It's got a ruined eye. That's always open. And there's a creepy doll That always follows you It's got a pretty mouth To swallow you whole
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Re: nightmare

Post by Aaron »

Jenner wrote:If I was your wife I'd leave the planet. ;)
I dunno, people who meet me in person usually like me. I left out a big part of that dream though. Its actually has more to do with religion. I am afraid that I'll be left behind in what Christians call "the Rapture".

So maybe that will put it more in perspective for you. The whole court drama thing, being charged for being a Christian. And being left behind...

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Re: nightmare

Post by Jenner »

Aaron wrote:
Jenner wrote:If I was your wife I'd leave the planet. ;)
I dunno, people who meet me in person usually like me. I left out a big part of that dream though. Its actually has more to do with religion. I am afraid that I'll be left behind in what Christians call "the Rapture".

So maybe that will put it more in perspective for you. The whole court drama thing, being charged for being a Christian. And being left behind...
I'm sure the people you meet in person prolly have a lot of similarities with you. People tend to congregate with their like-groups. For example, I'm intrinsically drawn to gamers and weary cynics. So most of the people I bother to associate find me pretty awesome. But if I was to go hanging out with a group of uptight librarians they would not like me :P

Regardless, I don't try to analyze dreams that aren't mine, but I do like to talk to people about their dreams and hear what THEY think about them. I believe the message the DREAMER gets out of the dream is important not the message the analyst projects upon the dreamer. So I dunno what to think about your dreams. I mean if you're saying your having fear dreams that being a Christian (or not a Christian?) is a crime and that you get left back during this hypothetical Rapture that's something you're going to have to investigate for yourself. However, sometimes dreams are just dreams. But, it is widely understood among psychologists that having all your teeth fall out is actually a pretty common dream that is just a stress/anxiety dream. I can understand the mentality behind that dream, comparative to the former dream. I fail see how it is incredibly hard to be white, male, and Christian in America.

I think the most terrifying nightmare I ever had was after staying up late to watch The Mist, MST3king it with a friend. I didn't find the movie incredibly scary, just tooth grindingly frustrating (I am too genre savvy.) But when I went to bed I dreamt that me and everyone I knew (even in passing and just acquaintances) were in a ventilated warehouse with me. And some horrible red-orange mist got into the warehouse and instantly killed Meg. (I immediately realized what it was when Meg instantly dropped. A Deathmist that only killed the people I loved.) It proceeded to go down the line, killing everyone in order of my level of affection towards them. People I had no care for were completely unphased by this Deathmist. I remember rushing to Kizyr and having him die in my arms, terrified, right as I got to him. The panic, and anguish, as I drug his body over to Meg's and sobbed and sobbed. In the end I went to save my mother, grabbing her and pulling her into a back room, sealing up the duckt, shaking with emotion, choking on hysterics. The Deathmist got into that room anyway... but didn't kill her.

...meh. It, was a really horrible dream. I woke up crying.
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Re: nightmare

Post by ShindoW »

Freud was sexist as well... :p

I had a dream my cat was dying in my arms. He's kinda old and has to take medicine for a thyroid problem. I spent most of the night hugging on him (nothing better to do while my gf read Women's World lol) so I guess that triggered it. When she was still having a job, my gf told them in advance she'd need like 2 weeks off just to comfort me when this cat dies. I love him so much, he's so cute and orange and fat and smart XD XD Yeah, I'll stop now.

Nonetheless, I was over at the Haibane Renmei message board and someone was kind enough to solve one thing in my dreams that had been bothering me. I am wierd and dream about toilets sometimes... apparently because my body is trying to tell me to wake up and go pee lol I can't wait to have a bathroom attatched to my room. -.-;

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Re: nightmare

Post by phyco126 »

I can't say I remember having a dream so bad I refused to go back to bed. I've had them bad enough to were my heart would be beating very fast and my body would shake, but I could still go back to bed (though I usually wait a few minutes to get my body to calm down).

I have bad dreams on a near nightly basis. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I'll have good dreams or neutral dreams for a whole week, but thats fairly rare. Your nightmare is fairly interesting, my abandonment dreams usually involve 911, the police, or the fire department. For instance, someone is after me and I try to dial 911... such a simple number but instead I end up dialing the wrong number every time (which, ironically, did happen to me a month ago when I was trying to report a drunk driver. Stupid thumbs!)

One time I cried in my sleep, and that was only a couple of years ago. I was some important person in the navy, very high up, and we docked at some military-scientific coral reef. The base was actually underwater, like a skyscraper. During my visit, something happened and the structure suffered catastrophic collapse, causing the ocean to flood the base. Everyone evacuated but in the panic it became every man for themselves. As a result, two little kids, ages between 6 and 8 and one male and one female, were left behind on the lower level. Everyone was ignoring the kids and pushing the kids out of the way.

I stepped in and rescued the kids, but by then the water was rising very quickly. The only way out was the emergency ladders to the top of the structure (of which I was probably a good 10 - 15 stories below sea level). So I grabbed the kids and we climbed, and climbed, the water was rising faster than the kids could climb, but I kept going with them. Finally, the water overtook us, and the little girl drowned. The little boy and I made it to the next level just above the water, and the water wasn't filling that level quite as fast. I now had a decision, continue on and save the boy and myself, or go back and attempt to rescue and resuscitate the girl. It was a hard choice, but ultimately I went back for the girl. I swam, got her, went back to the entrance of the other floor, and pulled her out of the water. Of course, by then technically the she was still in the water, it was now 2 inches high in the floor and quickly rising. The boy was crying, but I ignored him as I conducted CPR on the little girl. Finally, she awoke, coughed water out. By then, the water was approaching 6 inches, but now it was starting to rise really fast as the pressure changed on that floor. So I grabbed the little girl and the boy and dashed for the next ladder. By then the water was now up to my chest and the kids were having trouble staying afloat because they were so tired. We made our way up the ladder, but in no time the water overcame us once again. This time, both the girl and the boy drowned. I couldn't save them either, as I was almost out of air too.

Without the kids, I was able to press on and I could get out of the water and stay ahead of it. When I made it to the surface, I was devastated and saddened. Due to my rank, dozens of sailors and staff from the station came to my aid, but I refused help and yelled at them instead and threatening to court martial everyone who pushed the kids out of the way. Then I hated myself, because I could have saved the boy, but instead had to try to save the girl too, and as a result I ended up killing both. At that point I woke up, my pillow was soaked with tears, my eyes had crusties and dried tears all around, and I had this intense mellowness. I just didn't want to do anything that day, I was seriously that depressed because of the dream.

Dreams do affect my mood and energy for the day, as noted above. A horrible bad dream that shakes me to my core will cause me to be withdrawn and energy-less. A good dream that moves my soul will make me happy and relaxed. A neutral dream (neither good nor bad) may at times leave me irritable since it didn't really happen (these dreams are the adventure dreams where I can do what I want, when I want, how I want, and those who interfere are defeated). Then there is the occasional love dreams. Those can leave me in any mood, depending on how the dream came out.

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Re: nightmare

Post by Arlia »

Sometimes if I have a nightmare, I try and make it into a really cool story. Like to tell at a campfire or something like that. I think dreams are pretty neat, but they do suck when you first wake up after a nightmare. I've also noticed that the feeling usually wears off after a while, so just hang in there. I've had some pretty bad ones, but they still fascinate me.

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Re: nightmare

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

that sounds like a really horrible dream phyco, that dream would have really freaked me out, especially with my fear of drowning. I wonder why you have so many bad dreams

I told my dad my dream and he said it would make a good chucky like movie

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Re: nightmare

Post by Monde Luna »

Jenner wrote: But, it is widely understood among psychologists that having all your teeth fall out is actually a pretty common dream that is just a stress/anxiety dream. I can understand the mentality behind that dream, comparative to the former dream.

I have had that dream so many times, it's very frustrating. Even though its probably stress related I always have to brush my teeth after.

Nightmares suck.... I am also a heavy dreamer, I dream most of the time. Anyway, I used to have this reoccurring nightmare when I was a child about my whole family being kidnapped and turned into pies. I would always have to break into the kidnapper’s factory and steal my family back. It was terrifying. Once we got back home I had to shower them w/ the hose so they could become humans again. It didn't always work... Anyway sorry for your nightmare Kaiya-Sky!

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Re: nightmare

Post by phyco126 »

Yeah, teeth falling out is super common. I have that kind of dream two to four times a month, and many others that I have talked to also have those kinds of dreams.

My dreams vary, from the grotesque, to the beautiful. Why, just last night I had a dream where I rescued a girl I have a crush on. It was kinda silly, she was just walking barefoot through a park and got several small picture hanging nails in her foot, but they went all the way through. Since both her feet had them, she couldn't walk. I found her, knelled down and looked at her feet while soothing her, then carried her to the hospital. I had manly arms. It was great, from a certain aspect.

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Re: nightmare

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

I just had another bad dream.
I was at home, and dad brough home this dog and he told me to bring it inside or bears will get it, and i was asking if there was bears around and he said yes about 53. Then i asked again how many are around here and he said 10 and told me to come with him to see them and i said no, since im scared of bears, and he was walking to them. So he left and i was trying to get the cats in from the cage through the cat door, so i wouldn't have to go outside. All 3 of them where sitting one corner and a bear with long fur (almost like hair) came walking up and getting closer and closer to them, and my cats didn't move, so i got my Nana to help me yell at the bear to scare it away and at first it did nothing but it soon ran away, and i got my cats inside and made it so they couldent get out in to the cage. Then it was morning of the next day, and these 2 old people come over and it looks like they dont want to come in, and they where about to tell us something then I woke up and my heart was racing. So i think the bears ate my dad.
Then i went out to the living room to tell my dad to carry bear spray. But hes not there and my Papa and Dad's friend is sitting on the couch, and he never ever sits there, and he was playing with 2 of my cats and he dosent like animals, he wont eat or have coffee at our house because of the fur, so first thought Bears ate dad.

Edit - My Dad came home a little while ago and i told him about my dream and he said that the other night he had a dream that there was 6 bears outside, one sort of looked like poodle, with long hair, kind of like how the bear looked like in my dream, and one was trying to get in the house throught this window i usually keep open for the cats that im not locking, and i think he said he was out side banging on the door saying let me in.

My Dad and I pretty much had the same dream thats strange

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