Final Fantasy VI - iOS

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Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by jay_are »

YESSSSSSSSS FINALLY the BEST Final Fantasy to ever have graced humanity... errr... ok. Sorry.
"Best" is just a matter of taste for everyone with anything, right?
But I do think that many of us LOVE Final Fantasy VI :P amirite?
I'm really excited for this release! ....
Howeeeeever... there's controversy with the graphics. ... 1476354093 ... reenshots/

I want to hear your opinion guys! Here's my opinion:

Are the new visuals bad? Nope, they are great! Are they what I personally expected? Not at ALL. The original came out around 1993. Remember those RPGs that came later for the PS1, that looked way better than SNES RPGs? Remember wishing:
"Damn, if this other game looks so great, just what would FFVI look like if it was remade today?"
In fact, didn't Chrono Trigger already look a lot better, and still on the same console as FFVI? We expected that by now, they would have improved tons from there. But hey, they still look really good, honestly. Even with flaws (like the helmets that dont look shiny, or the hair that almost looks plain) once it comes out, everyone's gonna love this game, myself included. And who is to say that they won't remake it again? They remade After Years in 3D... and it is a lot less likely, but maybe this isn't the deffinite remake of FFVI. Just the phone version. In fact, 3DS owners that dont use phones are gonna wish this very same game was on 3DS instead. BTW, where's our 3D FFV?


Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by TempestOne »

"I think they look fine," is in the category I'm in. I think the pics just look off because you can view them online via internet vs. seeing them in magazines. It's just most likely a texture thing, I wouldn't know for sure offhand how to state it more right but it looks different or more proper when it's printed on paper. I know one of the key differences I've noticed about graphics in general over the years is they become lighter or brighter over the course of this life's time. Some videogames of the past are almost, almost unplayable because they're too dark and you can't, won't be able to tell the difference between a slightly different shade of door against a wall. I think I can kind of tell or see what certain people are saying about the "graphical enhancements." They want it to be more sharp, like as if you wanted it to be seen on your T.V. but it's hard to convey that thought + message when you're looking at an image on the internet. It's become easier or it'd make more sense if it were a videogame magazine reviewer saying something like that but that very image could look like an astoundingly, contrasting variant to other people behind their computer screens. I think the same type of people who don't like phone games are the ones who still don't like PC games. LOL They're kind of in that same field of "Ohh, that's so different. I like my console games. *hugs them*" Which is fine, I don't mind because people just have their likes, dislikes and favorites. The people who really, truly loved the original have probably killed the game by now already and don't or haven't even fathomed the fact of re-releases... and not because they hold true to the original but they've just kept their system clean and they can replay it on their own whenever they want to.

When it comes to sprite-based graphics enhancement, what exactly are players looking for, anyway? If they're so the best, then shouldn't there be no need for any upgrades because it is just that certain set of sprites, in that particular videogame on that specific platform...? That looks like exactly how Terra and her guardian soldiers should look like, to me at least, in this day and age. On a cell phone game at that! The most advanced piece of hardware advancement at least for videogames because it's the newest form of technology. It took us this long to finally get them and people are complaining. Kind of weird! When it comes to just upgrading or updating graphics, I'd go for the type of cel shading because it had the most wow factor when it was first introduced. I still attribute that weirdness to Jet Grind Radio. You can obviously just make your hardware generate visually darker, it'd probably suit that set groups' standards the best.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by jay_are »

TempestOne wrote:"I think they look fine," is in the category I'm in
Lol yeah.
TempestOne wrote:I think the pics just look off because you can view them online via internet vs. seeing them in magazines.
Whoooa... I can't help it, but you've got quite some ideas there, TempestOne :P
Half of me agrees, the other half disagrees... it's kinda complicated, the whole thing you mention about darker graphics of the past, or magazine screenshots... BUT:
1. Yes there are old games that get remade, and even make the graphics brighter with stronger colors, FFVI being one.
On SNES it was a bit darker than on GBA. But was this good? Nop. They only made it brighter cause the GBA's screen (model 1) was not backlit, so it needed that brightness boost. Then, on a model 2, or DS, it looked washed-out. That's just 1 example though... Another thing is, today we have enough dark shooter FPS games and "horror" resident evil and silent hill-like games, and some people actually get tired of this and request brighter games. You wouldn't believe me on this unless you see the petitions x)
But in general, there were as many bright games back then as there are now. Dont you remember all those platformers and fighting games? Also there are actually a lot more dark games now... It's kind of irrelevant... I mean, I went to a GameStop one day, and the library of PS3 they had there made it seem as if the PS3 had ONLY dark themed games, no older console, I think, had as many dark games.

2. As for the magazines... man, what can I tell you. In magazines, some magazines give contrast to pictures!
Besides, the colors printed on paper are almost never as accurate as on a screen. It might actually fool people. So, it's BETTER to have screenshots online. Do you know why? Download the iphone screenshots to your iphone, and view it. You see 100% how the game will look. No foolery or trickery!

3. Sprites: they are lame-ish. And it hurts me to say it. They may be HD, but they look as if they were made by someone who just recently learned to do graphics. The old pixel-art, as pixely as it may have been, each dot was placed carefully and professionally, with colors also very well picked. Nostalgia goggles are 1 thing, but let's take a look at FF5 sprites without the goggles on.

SNES Concept:
SNES Sprite:
iOS Sprite:

Why is his chest sticking out SO much? It looks way too silly.
Why can his hand touch his boots?
Why are his arms so skinny?
Why are the colors so plain? The shading is there, but it's vague and redundant when compared with the older sprite.
It was supposed to look better than the PSP Final Fantasies...

Edit: So to answer your question about "what players are looking for anyway", they are looking for something not less good looking than the PSP games. Or at least some sprites similar to these:
Notice how they are bigger, more detailed, yet used basically the same style? There were a few games like this that had a better style idea.

The only thing that can make up for it are the backgrounds and the good quality sound!
Last edited by jay_are on Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by Alunissage »

Showed the Kotaku screenshots (old and new) to spouse, who is far more familiar with the game than I am. His comment: "They look the same to me." By which he doesn't mean a literal no difference, but that there were no significant differences. Kind of how I feel about most graphical upgrades Lunar 1 has gotten over the years.


Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by TempestOne »

jay_are, "I think they look fine," because it's just cool having cell phones games over here finally and the people on iOs get a "Final Fantasy" remake at that! They should feel lucky, to be honest. I've been looking forward to getting mobile phone games since I was really young and we get a really "big" name, almost "brand name" RPG. I just feel when people think of an older game being brought onto a newer piece of technology, they expect a port or basically the same exact game with faster loading times and more memory capacity but I see this as a good thing, especially if we all just want a lot of new games, whether or not they're remixes, just for the culture variety.

Well, just so I come across more distinct or succinct, when I said "darker" I literally meant darker as in the entire game is darker as in there was just a plain and simple color palette to choose from and that's just the product you get in the end. I can see when you say that a literal darker game can have the end result of having a figurative darker game in terms of storyline or theme. Which is actually pretty funny. LOL

On your point number one, first point, I remember the SNES graphics' days, too. I never really had a problem with it, like I think you said, because it was the or one of the brand new current systems. And everything else that was a component to the television screens of that day just were made for each other, almost. I was first introduced to Final Fantasy with the very first one, a long, long time ago and I always thought it looked boring even back then... but I was young and I had no idea about it. It wasn't until the newer ones circa Mystic Quest where I actually sat down to play them, once I had other games finished, and still I thought everything was funny-looking with people "looking squished down." Once I got into it, I liked it, of course. I didn't, and I didn't even know Final Fantasy III/VI was on the Game Boy Advance. I did buy a game called Final Fantasy Adventure III or something to that effect, thinking it was the same game but different + with extras but it was a whole, entirely different thing... I finished it, though... I love having everything be the adventure it's meant to be in realistic terms (i.e. I totally don't mess with settings, etc.) but with lighting or brightness, I just have to tweak them sometimes because I'm not gonna go blind for the sake of a videogame, do you know what I mean? If I'm bothered, I'll just up the sharpness or whatever and not strain my eyes so I can play more in the long run instead of having a really, really good time for a shorter amount of time, in comparison to time & existence in general. I know that came off weird-sounding.

Well I dunno on point two, I like magazine scans so I guess I'll have to just stick to what I said earlier about it because back when I first got into games, the internet wasn't around at least to the public, and magazines on videogames were the only way to really get in touch with news on a somewhat low-key hobby. I still remember vividly seeing the back of Edgar when he's walking in a castle in the back of my mind in a screenshot and it leading me to want to learn more about the game because the graphics looked updated or "better" with more detail attached to each sprite because of his cape. Yeah, they did look darker in magazines and so I wasn't surprised when they'd be brighter on T.V. screen. I think that makes sense. Oh, I like the internet because you get to watch trailers obviously, but when we're talking about sprites, I think most people forget that they're not meant to make much movement and it's the fluidity in two or three stills that was awe-inspiring. No one liked the RPG genre because they looked cheaply-made but it made up for it with content.

I think, on point three, that it hurts everyone to say it but we're kind of moving on from that type of straight up graphical style. Those days of RPG gaming have come and gone and that's why I kind of feel lucky to have just caught it so I'm just fine with my place right now. They're there. The games aren't going to go away, you just have to find them. And if that's not up you're alley, then hey, it's on mobile now. I think most people, again forget, or choose to not believe that these are just videogames. Probably the cheapest, least-expensive hobby ever and that's why I'm into it. It's never gonna be in the same field as a movie, though it might lead to a movie someday, do you know what I mean? The people in the industry can try to hype it up so much and they can go ahead and try, we get better games because of it, but I'm happy staying a fan, too. It weirds me out when I see Aisha Tyler freaking out over a game, it's like okay, I thought you're a movie star? Or, Mandy Moore and Beyoncé playing lead parts in a Kingdom Hearts videogame. I can sort of see now and why certain fanatics feel a company's selling out just to make money or "stay in business." Anyone can relate to actors and actresses because they're obviously household names. That actually wasn't even a complaint. I almost don't want to associate with people who suddenly want to be your friend because they just found out how cool these seemingly cheap-'ol-antique-thingamabob really is. But, that's besides the point, it's more of a gripe.

To answer your question, I like the iOs sprite the best, really. And I stared at them carefully to form a thought-provoking internal thought, haha. It's just a mixture of the two because you're never gonna please everyone and it's the easiest, fastest solution instead of going back-and-forth as to which group to please: the more traditional crowd or modern mass. As long as the hull of the story's still there, I am not really caring all too much because isn't this the kind of stuff that's generally frowned upon, like, basing everything and everything off of aesthetics? Why should anyone be reprimanded for just liking something because they like it, especially if it's just a look to a videogame. It's fun all-around!

Basically, I'm in the same boat as everyone else, I grew to love those type of sprite-based graphics. But, the key word(s) or phrase here is "grew to love" because, like I said, I never liked those sprites at first, but I grew to love them as I got more involved in the story and I did look forward to seeing the same style over the course of just new games within the series. I'm just more open to new things and suggestions, so I'm not going to bang a book on a table because I didn't get jagged graphics, again. Isn't that what the creators all wanted to fix in the first place? We all looked passed it so much so that it's jarring to them smoothed out.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by jay_are »

TempestOne wrote:jay_are, "I think they look fine," because...
Well it's not horrible! Just not awesome, like it should have been.
How would you feel if PS1 Lunar had it's sprites replaced with plain ones for iOS?
TempestOne wrote:when I said "darker" I literally meant darker as in the entire game is darker as in there was just a plain and simple color palette
Oh wait, did you read the bit about FFVI SNES to GBA? Some games had a dark color pallete on SNES, and got brighter in remakes.
Is that not what you meant?
TempestOne wrote:I did buy a game called Final Fantasy Adventure III or something to that effect
LOL!! Man... sometimes you sound like you think you dreamt things xD there is FF Adventure and FF Legend 1,2,3.
TempestOne wrote:but with lighting or brightness, I just have to tweak them sometimes because I'm not gonna go blind for the sake of a videogame
Totally. I don't know how difficult it is to program settings to a videogame (like disable or enable Mario's voice, or adjusting color saturation or hue, or BGM SE Volume bars) but man do I appreciate it when these things are present!!!
TempestOne wrote: I think most people, again forget, or choose to not believe that these are just videogames.
B-b-but!! ... Ok, you're right. And that's why I enjoy games even with their flaws.
But dude, I've seen some REALLY AMAZING THINGS being done in games! Final Fantasy VI deserves to receive all the manpower and dedication a company can give it. The days of RPG's are gone is irrelevant. They are making Final Fantasy X and X-2 in HD.
As if those games needed a make-over, they will look even better now... *sigh*

Hey I'll stop here. =) I have more to say but the screen is already full. Long posts are intimidating.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by brightshield »

The sprites will definitely be off putting to purists, but it's not a big deal either way. Personally, I prefer the older style.

I just hate the cell phone gaming trend of late. There are two great handheld systems to release this game on. The Vita or 3DS would have benefitted greatly with the addition of this game. I'm against the concept in general. Still, it may be too tempting to pass up FFVI. Such an awesome game.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by jay_are »

brightshield wrote: There are two great handheld systems to release this game on.
I know right? OMG, you can't emphasize enough on this.
What I expected: FFVI The Complete Collection with a box set and a set of mini figures of all of Edgar's Machineguns. Or something.
And why handheld anyway? Why not a full PS4 game with everything technology has achieved?

I have a theory...
I don't know much about businesses, but I THINK they just want to please every console/handheld by making some games for each of them. The Vita IS getting FF10 10-2. And the 3DS is getting Dragon Quest games and some other RPGs.
iPhone is ALSO getting 9 Dragon Quest games, of which 1 already came out in Japan... and while I think it's planned for USA, there was already a Wii collection of DQ in Japan I would have preferred instead.


Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by TempestOne »

So, I've kind of had a change of heart from last night up to literally right now. I used to not post all that much to basically not at all because of my age, really. I didn't think I'd be taken seriously online if I had been really, truly honest so I didn't bother to post my opinions and I'd just spend all my time playing the actual games.

Now, I'm kind of just, like, "Oh, I don't care anymore" or "What do I have to lose by fantasizing about what and which games I want to see come over here?" I think you all two's enthusiasm really brought me back into the fold of just being a wholehearted gamer. I dunno what happened to me or where I lost my way but I had some self-reflective moments to myself last night about my pathway amongst gamer-dom up till now and I feel fine with myself. It's kinda cool musing to a text box sometimes and being all "Whoa, someone blipped a light. *blink*"

I still think mobile games are cool. LOL I've always been picky and choosy about my games and I dunno if I made it clear but, I support Final Fantasy VI being on iOS but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll buy it. I think there's a difference between being agreeable and straight up being a consumer towards a certain, specific product. I feel I have the definitive version already, I've played the original... and that's already fine with me. If I get bored and it's there one day, yeah I'll purchase it, if I feel like it. It's just cool to have in or on the market - somewhere - is all. 8-)

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by jay_are »

TempestOne wrote:I used to not post all that much to basically not at all because of my age
How old are you?
TempestOne wrote: I didn't think I'd be taken seriously online if I had been really, truly honest...
Not many people take others seriously =P
I find myself having strong opinions about things I think are critically important, yet the majority of people dont even care or notice those same things.
TempestOne wrote:I still think mobile games are cool
Me too though, there's just wasted potential. A phone is a powerful computer! It was forgivable in 1990 to not push a game console to the limit, yet they tried and it was amazing. It's been 23 years and they're getting tired of doing that.
A lot of gamers don't even consider Phone games as real games. And while I am the opposite, I can't help but see why they don't. These "apps" have a lot of problems... starting with bad touch controls, which shouldnt have even been invented.
TempestOne wrote:I think there's a difference between being agreeable and straight up being a consumer towards a certain, specific product.
See, I'm the consumer here! I will buy this game on day 1. And it will be rather expensive too.
Some people think that $5 for a game like this is a ton of money, and I will probably pay $15-$20 for it. So I'm concerned to say the least!


Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by TempestOne »

I'm old enough now. LOL

I basically didn't post in "serious" discussion because I got the internet when I was, like, under thirteen years of age. I always thought even my peers at the time looked really dumb online and I was too busy playing the games, anyway. I remember posting about random stuff no one caught onto, though. I get what you mean and I think those types of people aren't even sure themselves what's supposed to be "important" when it comes to videogame culture, really.

I get what you mean, totally, it's just that I think you get what you mean, too... do you know what I mean? Kind of like and I don't mean to be a killjoy about it but everything could be put on hold for world peace but just within the videogaming spectrum, I think and feel mobile games is a new addition and it's getting mixed reviews and reactions. I like it for it may lead to cool gaidens if it takes off - components to their console counterparts, of sorts. I like touch controls because it's a funny invention. You can type with your nose and stuff like that. It's probably seen as too proper like it's for businesspeople.

Cool - buy it! I might get it one day but I'm still working on console gaming. I use my phone mainly as a phone, like, as in making phone calls. Texting's weird to me still like you can just e-mail people... 8-)

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by Werefrog »

It looks fine to me. It seems a little bright to me, but I'll take that over the super dark style that most RPGs now have.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by Shiva Indis »

Wow, this completely escaped my notice until now.

I don't have any issues with the style... But it looks upsampled, or built up from upsampled images. That's kind of chinzy.


Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by TempestOne »

Thank God I'm not the only one to notice or realize that the look to games get brighter and brighter. I think it's slowly killing my eyes if not for just drinking a lot, a lot of water or summat.

This little tease of Final Fantasy III/VI on iOS mobile phone is almost making me want to jump on in and take a looksee. But, I've been struggling with holding back on buying new games recently, hehe, so I'm just being a staunch gamer at this point in time. I think it'd be cool if one day I'm all, like, "Oh, I've finished all my games - I'm playing them on mobile now." I think there's always that random danger of "running out of games to play" in the world so this is still a cool endeavor to me.

If anyone's ever played the SNES -> PSX versions, they're basically the same. I remember people grinding their gears and grinding each others' gears over "load times" and I was, like, "What?" I don't even notice them. Maybe I just had a cleaned-off entertainment console where the wires connect just fine 'cause I never got bothered by them nor when someone else online or something whatever pointed it out. I played my Super Nintendo version to DEATH, though, that's for sure. I'd creepily just halt right before facing the boss battle at the end and start a new game with a "Not yet..." type of mentality. I almost wanted to make sure they died for real in the game. I kind of wanted to make him suffer and wait a littlest bit because I actually kind of liked him. *peace sign* I thought he shared one of the most humanistic of qualities in "wanting to have fun all the time." Uh, anyway - the PSX version had some really cool features like statistic points at the very end like who you or which character did you use the most. It's cool. 8-)

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by jay_are »

TempestOne wrote:I think there's always that random danger of "running out of games to play"
There are always games coming out.
Unless you can spend a few hours to gaming every single day of the week for years.
TempestOne wrote: I remember people grinding their gears and grinding each others' gears over "load times" and I was, like, "What?" I don't even notice them
After each battle, you have to wait a few seconds for the battles to start/load battle and fade away/load the map you were in. (about 6 seconds each, from the top of my head) Maaaaybe opening the menu had loading time too, but maybe not. Chrono Trigger on PS1 however had like 8 seconds to open the menu!!!!
SNES= instant
PS1 = 8 seconds

And yes these things hurt my experience a bit. It gets tiring.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by Sonic# »

It wasn't the connections within the system, but the disc read speed. It's universal with these games on PS1. It was noticeable with Final Fantasy Anthology, and atrocious with Final Fantasy Chronicles. I didn't mind it much since it was the only cheap, legal way for me to play those games at the time. On a slight tangent, several games of the era did that. Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast would hesitate before each battle, as the Dreamcast would make a whirring sound while the disc spun up.

I agree with Shiva on the "chinzy" assessment.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by Alunissage »

As I recall, of the two games in Final Fantasy Chronicles, it was only Chrono Trigger that had the load-time issue. FFIV was fine. However, I should note that I didn't play it myself, so I'm going off a vague memory of a lack of complaints about it.

And I think you both mean "chintzy." ^_^


Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by TempestOne »

jay_are, it's happened to me way back on Super Nintendo - I'd stall or chill in front of all the games and there'd be literally nothing new on the table, for my palette, to my liking. I'd even gone to Blockbuster and all the one local game shop store that'd let you rent games out. You know, I just knew what I liked and I never thought to "just get another system" not out of loyalty but because I just didn't want to or I never thought about doing so. I'd meander up and down the aisles off of the videogames section too so it's not like I was strictly only or just videogames. I always considered games as toys as well so I don't even know or where who fathomed up the idea that videogames are "such a hard hobby to come by." It was more low-key than anything and I'm not gonna pick up every title 'cause I'd have to play them myself.

I always got all my (expletive) done and I still had time to game so yes, I pretty much do or did have a few hours to spare just to beat a level or stage, and I never, ever felt bad about it.

I don't even care about load times if I'm being completely honest 'cause they don't even count it towards your game playing time, even. I really don't notice them myself, personally speaking, I really don't. Maybe I've grown to like them and they've now become my treasured friends. I like how some certain games embrace them and glamorize the screens on the sides.

I've experienced true "load times" where you had to wait a year for an $89.99 videogame so these random things that are just there or not there is so whatever to me. Like, is a load time where there's space being taken up in your life or a lack thereof? I'd gladly pay $39.99 for two Final Fantasy games - Final Fantasy V, which we never got, and Final Fantasy III/VI "plus load times." Coming from a really big-time fan, too, if anyone can tell.

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Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by Werefrog »

Sonic# wrote:It wasn't the connections within the system, but the disc read speed. It's universal with these games on PS1. It was noticeable with Final Fantasy Anthology, and atrocious with Final Fantasy Chronicles.
It really sucked in FF6 too.


Re: Final Fantasy VI - iOS

Post by TempestOne »

^ That could be why I have save files on the PSX era with an atrocious amount of hours clocked in. I always feel so embarrassed with myself when I say it took me, like, honestly over thirty hours sometimes to finish a videogame.

Then, I have a long, internal struggle of a monologue in my own head about how bad of a gamer I am. :|

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