MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014 / Jan. 23-26 2015

For people with stuff to show off. Artwork, music you've composed, websites you've designed, etc. Put it here.
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MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014 / Jan. 23-26 2015

Post by WhiteKnightLeo »

Anyone going to this year's MAGfest? If so, lets meet up sometime this week!


Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2013

Post by TempestOne »

Oh, my God. I've always wanted to go to conventions. Around here, they're mostly for PC gaming, cars in general... I'd love to see cosplaying up close and personal. 8-)

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by Alunissage »

Edited to correct the year. ^_^

Spouse and I have talked about going, mainly to meet up with other LNetters, but it won't be happening this time. Maybe next year! Er, next next year.

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by WhiteKnightLeo »

I did notice I put the wrong year, right as soon as I submitted it, kudos!

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by Kizyr »

Jenner and I will be going -- most of the time we're hanging out with some of the OCReMix folks, but there's plenty there so it's always real fluid. (This is actually the first year we're getting a hotel; since we live close we've in the past just driven in.)

...I probably should've posted this earlier. MAGFest is my favorite convention and the only one I make sure to go to every year. KF
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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by Sonic# »

In the next couple of years, I will go. I couldn't this time due to logistics. (The potential of going to a professional convention in Chicago.) Have fun!

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by Alunissage »

Sonic#, let's try to sync it up so that we go to the same one. It'd be nice to see you again along with Kiz and Jenner!

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by Werefrog »

I might be interested it in the future. I'll have a better idea of how feasible it is for me to attend this around August next year.


Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by TempestOne »

I've never been to a convention but I wouldn't feel right going without a cool cosplay outfit. I mean a really good one.

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by LuNaRtIc »

Someday I'll attend too! ;A; Let us know how it goes this year you guys, have fun!
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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by brit »

I'm going to pass on it, just because I've never heard of MAGfest before.
I normally try to attend Otakon down there though, if I'm good on money at the moment. ^^''

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by WhiteKnightLeo »

Sorry I just got this but if you are around tomorrow let me know. I know there are a few things that are left like the charity or the closing ceremonies which I will be at. Also, did you see the Luna? I managed to snag a picture with her before I left so I could post it here when all was said and done.

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by Kizyr »

WhiteKnightLeo wrote:Kizyr,
Sorry I just got this but if you are around tomorrow let me know. I know there are a few things that are left like the charity or the closing ceremonies which I will be at. Also, did you see the Luna? I managed to snag a picture with her before I left so I could post it here when all was said and done.
Sorry... Sunday I was busy with checkout, and both Jenner and I got sick the last day of MAG (Jenner more than me -- she actually came down with the flu, whereas I just had a milder viral infection), so we left sooner than normal.

I did see the Luna cosplayer! I didn't get a photo, but a couple of my friends in the merchants area (Technoangel studios) did manage to snap a picture of her for me.

Next year, we should try to organize something in advance. I definitely wouldn't mind if more LunarNET folks would be able to join in. (Though just a forewarning that I may need to split my time between that and OCR-related things if that does happen.) KF
~Kizyr (they|them)


Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by TempestOne »

I've always been semi-interested in conventions. Just the ones around here seem so PC-ish it kind of made me feel like it's only to get free shwag more than anything else.

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by WhiteKnightLeo »

The next MAG is actually next weekend (Jan 23-26, 2015). I will be around the whole weekend. Mostly helping run some parts of it. Interestingly enough I am good friends with the guy who started it all and we have been using our time to catch up on what to do. I went to the 8.5 they had over the summer and I ended up partying with Duke Nukem (John St. John) for a while. You can definitely meet a ton of people at these conventions, and they're all usually so nice. Hope so see some people there this time around!

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Re: MAGfest 12 - Jan. 2-5 2014

Post by Kizyr »

Jenner and me were also at MAG 8.5 last year!

We'll be there this weekend, of course. We're in the OverClocked Remix block, so we'll probably be going between that, the game room, concerts, and... whatever else is happening. There's always about 3-4 things simultaneously going on that I want to check out, so I'm sure we won't be lacking for anything. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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