You lucky iPhone 4s (or newer) owners!

For discussion of the iOS platform version of Lunar.
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You lucky iPhone 4s (or newer) owners!

Post by jay_are »

So iPhones, starting on 4s, apparently have the ability to Airplay games to TVs and computers!
All you have to do is download a program on your computer, and if the computer and iphone are connected to the same wi-fi, enabling airplay on the iphone will automatically mirror it's screen on the computer.
Or any compatible TV (apple TVs? i dunno)


This is not my picture, I found it online. I think every game would work!
So I searched Lunar Silver Star and Airplay just to see. How come no one told me?? :evil:
I've seen videos of games specifically designed to show you the game's image on the TV while showing controls on the iphone.
So, this is Lunar's first official appearance on HD TVs.

Too bad Lunar 2 can't be brought to iOS.


*Eternal crying*

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Re: You lucky iPhone 4s (or newer) owners!

Post by brit »

This is pretty cool, but I only have the ipad 2 when it comes to playing SSST.
Then again I'm not sure if I had a newer one and TV that could I would even do this though. I mean I can always just pop in the actual disc.

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