Item list?

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Item list?

Post by brit »

Does anyone happen to have a list of what items can be dropped from monsters in each region/dungeon?

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Re: Item list?

Post by Alunissage »

I have a list of sundries and a region where each may be found (though I can't guarantee the list is complete, and I'm missing an English name for it), and a monster list with what they drop. I'm not sure what organization you're looking for so I'll paste the first list below. For some reason I only have one location for each item rather than every location (since multiple enemies or multiple versions of enemies drop the same things and occur in different places), so while this will tell you a place to look, it might not be the best place.

Also, this was put together from my JP-version save, my EU-version save, and my JP guide, and may have also been seeded by someone else's list at some point since I found some errors in my monster drop list when I reviewed and updated it just now before posting.

Code: Select all

?	よごれたつえ	Tower of Kirlis (Druid)
Acorn	どんべり	Thieves' Woods A+B
Adamantine	アダマンタイト	Red Dragon Cave
Amazing Frying Pan	すごいフライパン	Roland Forest
Apple	りんご	White Dragon Cave
Banana	バナナ	Barrel Desert
Bandage	ほうたい	Black Dragon Cave
Beast's Horn	けもののツメ	Delrich Temple after Sasquatch battle
Beast's Wings	けもののハネ	Black Dragon Cave
Beautiful Hair	うつくしいかみのけ	Black Dragon Cave
Bird Feather	とりのハネ	Thieves' Woods A+B
Bone Sword	ほねの剣	Delrich Temple
Bottle Ship	ボトルシップ	Blue Dragon Cave
Bouquet of Roses	バラのはなたば	Black Dragon Cave
Caltrop	まきびし	Cathedral of Althena
Candle	ロウソク	Negri Ocean Lab
Chocolate	チョコレート	Thieves' Woods A+B
Clay	ねんど	Thieves' Woods A+B
Clock Parts	とけいのふひん	Vile Castle
Copper	どう	Cathedral of Althena
Coral	サンゴ	Blue Dragon Cave
Cow Bone	うしのほね	Roland Forest
Crystal	すいしょう	Cathedral of Althena
Dandelion	たんぽぽ	White Dragon Cave
Devil's Fang	アクマのキバ	Tower of Kirlis
Devil's Horn	アクマのツノ	Barrel Desert
Devil's Tear	デビルズティア	Tower of Kirlis
Down	わたげ	Barrel Desert
Dried Grass	かれくさ	Thieves' Woods A+B
Eagle's Beak	ワシのくちばし	Barrel Desert
Earth Heart	だいちの心	White Dragon Cave
Engine	エンジン	Sungrid Bridge
Ether	エーテル	Roland Forest
Expensive Plate	こうきゅうなさら	Delrich Temple
Fine Vase	りっぱなつぼ	Guystole Mine
Fire Heart	ほのおの心	Black Dragon Cave
Fish Feet	さかなのあし	Meryod Cave
Flower Pot	フラワーポット	Thieves' Woods A+B
Folk Costume	みんぞくいしょう	Sungrid Bridge
Fossil	かいのかせき	White Dragon Cave
Fur Skin	けがわ	Red Dragon Cave
Galvoln	ガルヴォルン	Tower of Kirlis
Glow Liquid	ほんのりひかるえきたい	Moto Rainforest
Gold Nugget	きんかい	Blue Dragon Cave
Hand Mirror	てかがみ	Cathedral of Althena
Hard Bone	かたいほね	Delrich Temple
Hihilkane	ヒヒイロカネ	Black Dragon Cave
Honey	はちみつ	Roland Forest
Hugging Pillow	だきまくら	Delrich Temple
Ice Mongrel's Tail	チロのしっぽ	Thieves' Woods A+B
Iridescent Rock	たまむしいろのいわ	Meryod Cave
Iron	てつ	Vile Castle
Lead	なまり	Delrich Temple
Light Feather	かるいハネ	Thieves' Woods A+B
Lion's Head	ししのくび	Neza Valley
Magic Hat	マジックハット	Cathedral of Althena
Magnet	じしゃく	Thieves' Woods A+B
Memaid's Scale	にんぎょのうろこ	Meryod Cave
Meteorite Chunk	いんせきのかけら	Blue Dragon Cave
Mithril	ミスリル	Red Dragon Cave
Morning Dew	あさつゆ?	White Dragon Cave
Mushroom Spore	キノコのほうし	Thieves' Woods A+B
Odd Mushroom	きみょうないろのキノコ	Delrich Temple
Old Book	ふるびた本	Sandra Desert
Parchment	ようひし	Guystole Mine
Perfume	こうすい?	White Dragon Cave
Plastic Case	パラスチックケース	Negri Ocean Lab
Poisoner	どくばり	Roland Forest
Powder Keg	かやくっぼ	Delrich Temple
Pretty Flower	かわいいはな	Barrel Desert
Pretty Stone	きれいないしころ	Black Dragon Cave
Rainbow Leaf	なないろリーブ	Black Dragon Cave
Regular Vase	ふつうのつぼ	Guystole Mine
Replica Sword	レプリカのつるぎ	Vile Castle
Rope	ロープ	Cathedral of Althena
Rusty Helmet	さびたメット	Delrich Temple
Rusty Kettle	はこぼれカマ	Delrich Temple
Salt	しお	Sandra Desert
Scale	りんふん	Thieves' Woods A+B
Screw	ねじ	Guystole Mine
Shell	かいがら	White Dragon Cave
Shimmery Moss	ひかりゴケ	White Dragon Cave
Shiro's Tail	シロのシッポ	Neza Valley
Silver	ぎん	Guystole Mine
Snail's Shell	かたつむりのから	Meryod Cave
Spark	ひだね	Guystole Mine
Spongy Fluid	ぷよぷよえき	Delrich Temple after NW Sasquatch battle
Spoon	スプーン	Guystole Mine
Stardust	ほしくずのひかり	White Dragon Cave
Steel	こうてつ	Tower of Kirlis
Stuffed Animal	ぬいぐるみ	Blue Dragon Cave
Sun Rays	たいようのほうじゅ	Neza Valley
Throat Drops	のどあめ	Barrel Desert
Tidal Heart	すいりゅうの心	Moto Rainforest
Tough Dorsal Fin	かたいせびれ	White Dragon Cave
Whiskers	なにかのヒゲ	Thieves' Woods A+B
Wine	ワイン	Neza Valley
Wood	もくざい 	Sungrid Bridge
Wooden Box	きのはこ	Delrich Temple
Wooden Doll	きぼりのにんぎょう	Moto Rainforest

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Re: Item list?

Post by brit »

That totally works for me. I was just curious because I started the game up again and am working on a lot of Gad Express deliveries. However some of the items I just can't remember where to go since it's been so long since the last time I played the game.

Thanks for the help! ^_^

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Re: Item list?

Post by Alunissage »

No problem! Thanks for giving me a reason to look back through my work and realize that I ought to finish this game.

...and again I feel wistful looking at the names and descriptions of the jobs and how they could've been made into a genuinely interesting part of the game. Someone worked to make those lists and then they just became interchangeable with different people and no effect outside of getting money. There's so much that could have been done just with that.

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Re: Item list?

Post by Kizyr »

Hm... I look at the drop list and it looks to me like they were initially tasked with something major, then forgotten about, and finally whoever was tasked with it just gave up and started putting random objects in.

...but maybe that's just my immense dislike of fetch quests coming through, preventing me from seeing any silver lining. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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